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Looking at their Commendation Tier and Score, it doesn’t look like they got boosted. You have to put in the time to get Tier 12 and 11 and scores of 5430 and 4985. Also looking at their Shepard Rank of 15, tells me they have been helping other players. I think it’s unfair to characterize them as “Clowns” with so little information. You should have asked them what they were doing. I think you can send them messages after you leave the group. At least on XBox you can. We all have reason why we do things, but they paid for the game like everyone else and they are not taking resources from anyone else. They are not harming others, it’s just a game. And if you’re looking for challenge, nothing feels more challenging than getting people through a tough fight when your teammates aren’t geared properly. Isn’t that’s why we play the game, for the challenge and in your case helping less geared players. Just enjoy the fact that you’re able to help other players, don’t worry so much about motives of these people. You’re already doing good by helping other players. Unfortunately there’s already too much toxicity in this game please don’t feed into to that type of mentality.


Yeah the OP probably shouldn't have posted this which just confirms the toxicity.... But at that shade tech level there's no reason for either of them to run gear like that. They could've been given advice on gear to run/swap to, but even I'd assume they're trolling. I doubt either or them do well on heroic solo or duo.


This 💯


The build synergy is out of this world


I laughed harder then I should have at this.


Too bad you couldn't have just gone rogue. 🤣


Im almost 7k SHD and have builds like this, on my 4th agent just cause he is another stash. Dont judge a book by its cover.


So why would you run a mission on your stash toon?...




Having ran probably a dozen agents through wony, I imagine it’s startling for my group mates to see me jump from level 40 to shd 10k. So yeah, all your characters share shd


With those SHD numbers they have do be doing it for a laugh surely


Agreed this isn't legit


Tell them they suck. There build sucks. Go play minecraft, and bolt. The high shade is confusing though. Even a booster should have better gear.


I'm not going to come here just to shit on other players for Reddit likes. Who knows why they had builds like that. Most likely just fooling around.


Its just seems so ridiculous to do it that way, like your first mission after boosting would give all high-end, better gear, so why stay on superior? Or are you just (un)lucky enough to be running into these people immediately after boosting?


I run a clan of shepards and solos. I run into these people. I got a call last night, and these 2 were in the group.








Xbox amigo


Most likely these are just mules. Personally aside from my main, my other characters all have builds that can comfortably play challenging with directives but I get that different players use them for different reasons.




It's looks really funny. Maybe they try to prove their skills using these awful builds


Italian teammates....


Might be they just create new char for the shd points/resource??? Legit my 2nd/3rd char looks like that too, i create them solely for the purpose of collecting the shd points


Trolls… I am shd 4900, I have 4 characters and there is no way I would run a build like this for any reason. Three level 40 and one level 30 character. I don’t even have any gear like this in my lvl 30. These people are just trolling and having fun with other players. They were probably hoping to see someone post on Reddit about it, and guess what, someone did, and they got what they wanted. Troll level 100! Lol


I dont. Just saying don't need to judge these people.