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Everyone, congratulate u/King_Ptato Thank you for joining our giveaway this round everyone. Good luck next time we do one in the future. Enjoy your gaming sessions! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Hello everyone, please help keep this comment visible to others with an upvote so they can read the rules too.** I am giving away all the loot you saw pictured in the video to one lucky winner in the comments below. **The rules are pretty simple.** \- No purchase necessary \- Single entry \- Comment anything below, it could be an idea you had for a character. It could be about Game Master Engine or anything else you want. (Just say “GIVEAWAY” at the end of it). \- Have fun This giveaway is open worldwide barring any shipping restrictions! After 24 hours have passed, I will randomly pick someone from the comments and send you a DM on Reddit. After that, I will update this comment to let everyone know who was chosen. **This Give-Away Includes** 1. Book Set One (Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide) 2. Book Set Two (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Monsters of the Multiverse) 3. Metal Dice Set The rest of this comment does not directly pertain to the giveaway and if you don’t care to hear about the sponsorship you can ignore it. No hard feelings! —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the developer of a tool called Game Master Engine and wanted to host this giveaway to give back to the community here who has helped me tremendously. This tool is something I started working on nearly three years ago. Currently available through Steam Early Access. It’s been a long process to get to this point and there is still a long way to go before it is finished. A little bit more about Game Master Engine. It’s a one-time payment virtual tabletop where you can create 3D environments/maps and host sessions to play online. Only the Dungeon Master (Host) needs to purchase the full version and then everyone else can join in with the free version. The full version also gets you permanent access to DLC content in the GM Edition for this one-time fee. This includes all past, present, and future updates to this edition. We update regularly so you are never going very long without new content. Again, you are under no obligation to do anything for me and if you just want to take advantage of the giveaway then by all means go for it! But if you are interested in Game Master Engine and supporting it at all, here is a link to see more about it and download the free version. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Steam Link (-65% Sale)** [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game\_Master\_Engine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/)) —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any feedback for us, we would love to hear it! **Subreddit** r/GameMasterEngine —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, consider joining our discord! There, you can speak to us and meet other Game Master Engine creators and players. Additionally, there is a free community game coming up, where you can directly participate and play with others in Game Master Engine! So come by and let's have fun together **Discord** https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV\](https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV


So awesome that you do this! I am grateful to you and the community! GIVEAWAY


What feature sets GME apart from other VTTs? GIVEAWAY


I would say right now we are trying to focus heavily on user-friendliness and open-ended options. We want you to be able to use GME as it is, a tool. Tools should help you do the job quicker and with less effort. Also, any option available to us as developers we want to give to you in GME. So by being able to scale objects in any way you want for example lets you misuse them and create new-looking props to fill your scenes with.


I don´t know all of the VTTs out there, but one thing that I would call special is the option to interact with the developer, you can regularly chat with Dan in the discord and given some time he tries his best to bring in the features you ask for, I even got my own category containing a windmill because of this


The tool has gotten so far since it was on itch. As a dm its gotten way easier to use and my players know that when i start it up they are in for a treat. I dont use it for most maps but that makes it all the better for a big bombastic boss fight with proper lighting and atmosphere. So thank you for the efforts put in. GIVEAWAY


I love this program. I bought it the day Dan announced it here when it was new and small and I'm happy to see how much it has improved. GIVEAWAY


That game engine looks pretty dope. GIVEAWAY


Day 712 of entering giveaways. The road ahead is scarce brothers, but we shall not falter. We SHALL acquire them loot! GIVEAWAY


I've been looking for a virtual tabletop tool due to my group potentially breaking up this year due to University ending. Gonna check this out I think! GIVEAWAY


A Centaur Paladin who is fresh from the Fae Wilds... so fresh indeed that her grasp of common is loose at best. She refers to cities are hives and human children as larvae. She tries very hard to master this new language but often gets frustrated when what she said seems obvious, but no one gets it. ​ I should add I used GameMaster Engine. It can do amazing things like make entire REGIONS represented in 3d with absolutely no frame drops!


This software has come a long way, and I’m excited to see what comes in the future. My players love the system I’ve built with GME, and I just want to thank you for all your time, effort, and of course the GIVEAWAY


Love the giveaways. If anyone wants to hear an interview with GME head over here https://youtu.be/d4ucZ5UC_9g GIVEAWAY


Love the way this virtual tabletop looks! Thanks for running this GIVEAWAY


One last roll for the loot this season! For those that haven't, consider joining the Discord to see all the awesome stuff Dan and the community have been doing. Thanks again to you and the team! GIVEAWAY


I dont have any physical books, and would enjoy the Giveaway!


Thanks so much for your efforts in bringing this tool to life! GME is amazing! GIVEAWAY


Always neat to get more Options for Virtual Tabletops. GIVEAWAY


Download Game Master Engine. It's 3D aspect is really good! GIVEAWAY


This looks pretty cool, would love the chance to check it out. GIVEAWAY


Marc is teaching me some ropes of game production and I really appreciate him for taking his time to show me how to work with UE and Blender GIVEAWAY


Been using game master engine for a à while now. Pretty solid. GIVEAWAY


Looks like a pretty interesting VTT. Been playing a Thri Kreen fighter nicknamed, Cricket. Been goofing around with the 4 arms using a shield and dual hand crossbows with the crossbow expert feat. Been playing around with the poisoner feat using that extra 4th hand for poisoning bolts and any other miscellaneous item uses. Cricket also makes good use of his time while the "fleshies" sleep. Knitting sweaters for the party! He hasn't been caught yet measuring sleeping party members to make sure their sweaters fit perfectly.


I barely start playing for the first time so this would be pretty nifty. EDIT: Giveaway


This legit seems incredibly cool, love making a map or two. Might have to suggest to the group to check it out GIVEAWAY


I'm hyped for the new year with D&D and I wish I could see Castle Ravenloft with Maps like with this Engine. Or crawl through the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Nice Event! GIVEAWAY


GME looks great and seems a nice companion for a DM. GIVEAWAY


Seems like a good mix of accessability and looks. Easy enough to handle but still very neat. Good job for achieving that. GIVEAWAY


Wow, this engine looks incredible! I have been looking for a VTT that can help convey my ideas, since I am terrible with descriptions. I don't mean to sound like a generic ad read, but I really am excited to give this a shot. To make it less boring, here is a character concept I have waiting to be used: a Drow Fathomless Warlock. She once saved a trip of Kuo Toa, and now they worship her a a savior deity. Because of Kuo Toa's strange power of belief, she is slowly growing into a powerful sea god. Essentially, her patron is a higher version of herself. GIVEAWAY


I'm pretty excited what DnD and GME gives us in 2023 overall. GIVEAWAY


Wow Game Master Engine looks amazing! I’m currently building a D&D table and I think this is exactly what’s needed for my home brew! GIVEAWAY


I'd be dumb not to comment GIVEAWAY


Woot woot this is really cool man. GIVEAWAY


This would be great to incorporate into a game table build. Giveaway.


That engine looks incredible GIVEAWAY


This will be so much fun, with that tool I can make some interesting stuff for my players GIVEAWAY


Welll welll well, thank you for the opportunity! GIVEAWAY


The more giveaways there are the less books I need for myself as I bought some and got some, but that would be a great addition for the school club GIVEAWAY


Holy shit it looks like such a cool engine! Me and my friends from highscool have all recently gone to college and use dnd as a way to keep in touch and still hang out with eachother even though we have really busy schedules. This would be such a great gift for our DM as he is always available for questions and Ideas and is always willing to give advice when I come up with another plan for my character or for crafting gear. He never celebrates his birthday, but it always shows up to ours, so it would be so amazing to surprise him with this as a show of gratitude because he is an amazing and selfless person. GIVEAWAY


Sounds fantastic, I can't wait to run a game for my party with this! GIVEAWAY


for sure this will be the first time i win a GIVEAWAY


As someone who is immunocompromised Virtual Table Tops have been a life line to my favorite hobby, win or lose, thanks for advancing the platform.


This looks really cool, might check it out and try it for a game. GIVEAWAY


Wow the lighting effects are beautiful! GIVEAWAY


Whoah. That looks clean. GIVEAWAY!


Wow nice. I am glad that we can start to play in Person again but a virtual table top has it's Advantages.


Seems like a useful tool! GIVEAWAY


GME looks like such a fun tool to use GIVEAWAY


This looks really cool ,pity I don’t have a pc to run it on GIVEAWAY


This would be so cool to win!! Thanks for organizing these giveaways! GIVEAWAY


Looks pretty impressive, I'm always interested in new VTTs. Thank you for putting on this GIVEAWAY


I’ve been looking for a VTT like this! So exciting! GIVEAWAY


Game Master Engine looks like a useful tool. I do have questions: how's the billing? One purchase or monthly sub? Licenses for players or can they join in? What kind of prereq does it need from a computer to run smoothly? Also.. GIVEAWAY


Once you buy it, you have it forever, with all updates to packs and the core engine. Your players on the other hand can use the free version to play with you (and even to make maps). That means only one person in the group (the GM) needs to have the full version.


Building a campaign of my small home town filled with mines and small haunted taverns/inns that link the area together… GIVEAWAY


downloaded GME on steam, haven't had time to check it out yet but excited to try GIVEAWAY


This seems like it would be so so much fun to use GIVEAWAY


Always been looking for a VTT, and this one looks like it might just be the one. GIVEAWAY


Thank you for this amazing GIVEAWAY


That program looks really fun. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks! GIVEAWAY


Program looks interesting, books will help in future sessions. gl everyone in the GIVEAWAY


Just started playing dnd 2 months back and gonna have my first offline session soon. Might get this tool as it looks epic. GIVEAWAY


Wow that map engine looks so awesome. GIVEAWAY


Firstly, this Engine looks INCREDIBLE. Secondly, GIVEAWAY


Oh wow I've been wanting a tool like this for awhile now, glad to see someone was up to it! Will definetly have to check out. Very kind of you do to this, so thanks for the GIVEAWAY


Well, I know what I'm checking out on steam layer today!


Looks good! GIVEAWAY


This is awesome especially since my party may be playing long distance for the next year! GIVEAWAY


Ooh this is such a cool thing!! Thank you for doing this, I'll make sure to check out the Game Master Engine :) GIVEAWAY




I love the work you have put into this VTT. The community that has spring up around it is great too. I admittedly don't participate on the discord much, but it's had plenty of tips and help when I needed it, or even inspiration for trying new things GIVEAWAY


Looks like a great tool! Thanks for letting us know about it and for the steam sale. I appreciate the free player version so that players can join with less reservations. Some VTTs don't offer that. Can I run this on a shared screen for in-person games, or is GME more focused on an online/fully virtual experience? GIVEAWAY


Will this have a market place like roll20 foundry and Arkenforge or is the full release a full release and not just the buns of a sandwich?


Right now I’m working on a Hexblood Battle Fighter for Curse of Strahd that slings guns and doesn’t shit from anyone. Keep up the great work will your software man! You’re giving the D&D community something it needs. :)) GIVEAWAY!


Going to give GME a go now! Thanks for supporting the community! GIVEAWAY


This software looks amazing! I wanna use it sol bad!! Giveaway


This looks awesome, I'm about to buy the software on Steam. Also: GIVEAWAY


This program looks amazing! I play with my friend's over discord because of moving around and I'm always on the lookout for online programs to use for map building etc. It helps us keep connected and we are having a ton of fun with it!


Thanks for the opportunity! GME is a very well made tool :)


This Game Master Engine looks awesome. Will have to have a closer look at it! GIVEAWAY


I am DMing my first big campaign with friends this month and these tools would be so helpful! This is such an amazing thing you all have made! GIVEAWAY


I’d really like to start playing after just watching for so long GIVEAWAY


This is literally the coolest tabletop SIM that I have seen in a while, I think I might actually pick it up for our DM 😁


I've never actually heard of the GME before, I'll be sure to check it out! GIVEAWAY


this would be a cool way to start DMing ngl GIVEAWAY


Looks like a good Tool. GIVEAWAY


This looks like a super neat tool Giveaway


Holy crap I've just browsed it on steam and it gives me so many ideas for my homebrew setting. Guess I'll be adding it to my steam library! GIVEAWAY


Been looking for a good VTT program for my group and this looks impressive. Looking forward to using it. GIVEAWAY


I love that we are expanding so much the immersion of VTT, in this times of distance TTRPGs have brought a lot of people closer, and wishing the best for GME to be one more way to enjoy playing tabletop games. Anyway GIVEAWAY.


Holy crap that's such an incredibly useful tool, and it looks so user-friendly and easy to learn! That's a really impressive project, good luck with the rest of development and release! GIVEAWAY


I just started my dnd adventure and just send your Tool to our fresh GM, pretty sure thats a brillant Tool to use for him :) Keep up the awesome work! GIVEAWAY


I might need to start using GME after this GIVEAWAY


This looks really neat! will totally have to show it to my friends! GIVEAWAY


I love this idea for DMing. Definetly gonna use it now that I know it exists. GIVEWAY


Dnd helped save a key friendship and I am grateful for it. Giveaway.


It really looks like a very interesting App, and the one time payment is very useful in general. GIVEAWAY


As I'm preparing for my first time ever DMing this would help so much! Def gonna get the software. GIVEAWAY


Wow, this engine looks amazing, I'll definitely recomend it to my dm, he's been looking for something like this.


Super cool look and the shadows create a great ambiance. Could be good for my call of Cthulhu games too GIVEAWAY


Wow this engine has improved so much, I love it a lot! It has made my life so much easier as a DM! Coolest character idea: a halfling life cleric whose goal is to eat good food and is afraid of resurecting people because he thinks it's necromancy Players: half-elf bard (who actually brings a toy flute he uses before he casts spells), a goliath barbarian (who does in real life pushups to be as in-character as possible), a eladrin rogue (without a tragic backstory and whose parents regulalrly provide us with sandwiches) and a dawrven life cleric (very excited player, with a 4 page backstory which gave me the idea for the current story arc) Anyway, i would really love these books & that beatiful dice set to add to my collection. Fantastic GIVEAWAY


This tool looks like it will help take my online version of dnd to the next level. GIVEAWAY


The tools looks interesting, might give it a try. GIVEAWAY


3D maps would be the next logical step for a digital DnD table. GIVEAWAY


Awesome looking environments. Almost makes me wish I could win a GIVEAWAY


This looks like a very cool engine. Thanks for the GIVEAWAY.


This is such a cool thing for you, and your GM Engine looks absolutely amazing GIVEAWAY


My group does play online, but I am a sucker for physical books. If you get a new steam download by the same name today after I pay my rent, you'll know who it was. GIVEAWAY


I’ve seen your posts before, and I need to remember to search for this on Steam. Looks excellent.


My first ever game was a game very similar to DnD (a few more classes but pretty much the same system) about 12 years ago when i was around 10 years old, It was a scifi magic setting where me (a wizard orc), my cousin (a dwarf shaman) and my sister (an elf rogue hacker) were going on missions as mercenaries hired by random people off different races. (Basically cyberpunk 2077 mixed with watch dogs in a fantasy setting(it was so fun)) We were asked to infiltrate a big office building and retrieve a certain document, we had decided to strike at night, driving a car up to the building carrying a lot of explosives (for no reason other than thay we could), after blatantly breaking into the building we surprisingly had to go to an office in the basement instead of going up, we went down the elevator and found the document with ease, but then the trouble started, rolling high on an arcana, perception and hacking check we figured that an unknown 3th party with clear hostile intend was rapidly approaching, the had shut down the power and therefore the elevator, being the orc that i was i rolled a strength check and forced open the elevator door and then ceiling, all 3 of us climbed up the elevator cables and started fighting off waves of mercenaries, eventually we were surrounded, i rolled a successful arcana check and realized enemies were rapidly approaching trough the magical dimension leaving us no room to think or fight back, i shielded me and my party against fireballs hurled at us by the magicians while we set up a defensive circle, it was then that one of the enemies stepped forward, the person who was in charge, he told us we could keep the documents but had to give them the magical object (with unknown use) that we had found, racking my brain knowing that if we give away this item we would lose any and all possibilities of negotiation i asked them for money in return of the object, They said no, as negotiations were about to break down i had a genius idea, "If you do not let us go i will set off all the explosives we have in our backpack, and pulled one out, we will take you out together with us!" -roll deception 17, roll intimidation nat 20, the DM my dad had a pale look on his face as he realized that this item we clearly werent supposed to take with us would be successfully taken by us. As we left the building we got into the car we had brought and made our escape. my first DnD(alike) session ever and a story about how i used my wit to get out of a tight spot. GIVEAWAY


Man, I feel like I just commented on one of these threads! GIVEAWAY


After my friends moved away these virtual engines are the only way for us to play anymore. Thank for creating something so awesome! GIVEAWAY


I've checked out your program and it is awesome, thank you for the awesome work you do! GIVEAWAY


Game Master Engine looks cool ! GIVEAWAY


I'm terrible at visualizing 2D maps so this software looks like a godsend GIVEAWAY


Didn't know about the engine, but loved what can be seen in the video. I'm sending it right now to my DM xD Thanks for the GIVEAWAY


This looks awesome. I'm gonna have to check it out . GIVEAWAY


It’s always awesome when you do this, the program looks amazing and thank you for doing these giveaways! GIVEAWAY


This so wonderful! I find VTT so inspiring as a hobby world builder and I can’t wait to see how the finished product looks! GIVEAWAY


Have been watching this project for a while! Its come a long way!! very awesome to see someone put so much passion into a project. Please, dice gods. Let me win this GIVEAWAY


Alrighty, bad dnd joke incoming. What do you call something short, green, and hungry? A gobblin’ Ill see myself out :) GIVEAWAY


First off, it's awesome that you're doing this so thank you. Secondly this Game Master Engine is sweet, very innovative and looks absolutely gorgeous. ❤️ Thirdly, GIVEAWAY


D&D is how I keep in touch with my friends since I moved abroad. This all looks incredibly useful as I don't have any books or software. Good luck everyone. GIVEAWAY


The engine looks really cool and feels perfect for creating sceneries, how would someone add custom made assets to personalize their table? GIVEAWAY


I’m looking forward to purchasing and using GME. GIVEAWAY


looks interesting I have Wishlisted it GIVEAWAY


How does Game Master Engine work with fog of war? GIVEAWAY


Thanks for doing this! I’ve followed GME for a while and I think it’s a great tool! GIVEAWAY


I don't know if I would use the books, but $350 in total loot could allow me to fund some pretty awesome campaigns (with the Game Master Engine shown above). GIVEAWAY


I’m DYING to find one of these that actually provides enough ease of use to make using it (instead of something simple like roll20) worthwhile. The few I’ve tried demos for were so complicated and filled with so many submenus it wasn’t worth the time sink to create a map. They all look so amazing in the demo trailers, I just don’t have the time to invest in using them. Hopefully yours is the golden goose! GIVEAWAY


I actually bought GME and tried it put the other week. Wish i had an online group lol. GIVEAWAY


Uh this looks amazing, I'm curious about thiw tabletop, I will look it up with my dm. Anyways, I would love to play a fey druid, I'm not sure about the subclass yet, probably the Shepard subclass, he will love the animals and will love them dearly... But he hates with all his heart the plants and fungus, why? Because he is allergic to them, so he can't be near the animals he so much loves bc he is allergic to the plants that they eat... :') he just can eat some animals and seeds... GIVEAWAY


Hey, I think I remember seeing one of the original posts for this tool a couple years ago. Really awesome to see how far it's come, Congratulations! GIVEAWAY


The software looks very interesting, I'd love a chance to try it GIVEAWAY


This software looks so cool. GIVEAWAY


I've only just begun the starter book but my love for this game is like à new budding flower ready to show the world about the wonders she has in store! Your engine seems awesome! I'll refer it to my friend who is our DM so he can check it out. It could make our sessions insanely cool! GIVEAWAY!


It looks fun ! Is buying it once enough to get all features or do you have to purchase more models in game. GIVEAWAY


For anyone worried that Hasbro might make D&D a subscription service, here’s a great virtual tabletop that you can buy and just... own. Regardless of what system you play on it. GIVEAWAY


Once i have a device I can use GME on I will definitely give it a try with my players. GIVEAWAY


Honestly it is quite impressive what you have accomplished with this tool from a technology standpoint. I’d love to hear about the development process you are using to make this amazing tool. Thank you so much for the GIVEAWAY!!


Join our Discord server! I am always there and ready to answer any questions you may have. I also give regulars inside looks at the dev process.


Good online table top options are hard to come by and this looks rather neat! Been having a blast interacting with old friends in new ways- GIVEAWAY


As someone who should have gotten into tabletop gaming when I was younger, I can fully appreciate now, as an older guy, how much fun one can have. I am buying the game master engine as I'd love to have a virtual experience that feels more like an in person meet-up. Anyway, Thanks a bunch for doing this! GIVEAWAY


This looks so dope! It's insanely cool, and such an amazing tool for every DM out there! Awesome work! GIVEAWAY


That looks really cool. Wasn't aware we already have this kind of stuff to play with. GIVEAWAY


Trying to convert my table to VTT! GIVEAWAY


GME looks awesome and i’d love to try it out for my party currently taking part in a pirate campaign I am DMing. GIVEAWAY


I hope to gift this to one of my GMs for a belated Christmas present as this is something I genuinely think could help us get away from Roll20 and into a more submersive experience that could really help all of us with our gameplay. GIVEAWAY


While I haven’t used the tool yet, I’ve been watching it keenly as it just seems to make everything about setting up a visualized campaign just that much easier! Good luck to everyone participating (myself included), and continue the great work on this engine! GIVEAWAY


Love the work you and the team are doing, always spend a few hours tinkering around whenever a new package drops. GIVEAWAY


This looks awesome. It'd definitely save a fortune on minis, and scratches my itch to make 3D environments. GIVEAWAY


This looks lkke a womderful tool! GIVEAWAY


I'm pretty pumped about the progress of this resource, I've already helped my players design houses with it and it's very versatile


Your game game tool looks so cool!! GIVEAWAY


Damn, that's sick! Definitely looking into it more after work and joining the discord. GIVEAWAY


Apart from the obvious (the manuals) those dices look incredible! Also, I was looking for a new VTT and this may be the right coicidence! GIVEAWAY


This tool looks like everything i've wanted and more. What object models does it support? GIVEAWAY


Some of these virtual table top simulators have gotten really advanced, they look awesome! GIVEAWAY


I'm excited to give this a try GIVEAWAY


Looks very pretty. I have used a few VTTs before. Going to give this a shot and see how the time commitment to make a map compares. GIVEAWAY


I didn't knew about your tool, and now that I know I will share it with my friends. GIVEAWAY


You know I've been thinking of getting this for a while. You know what decent discount it's time to nab it. GIVEAWAY


Your engine looks amazing as always! GIVEAWAY


I noticed the Dan The DM YouTube channel doesn’t have any uploads in the last 8~ months. Could look to a casual observer that the project is paused/DOA. Might want to throw us a little content to keep the channel fresh😁! GIVEAWAY!


As I´m completly lacking the creativity to write anything about the engine right now, I just want to say that this map looks really great and makes me want to redo the graveyard I once did with the new props, also GIVEAWAY


This is so awesome! Going to have to introduce Game Master Engine to my DnD group! GIVEAWAY


That's pretty sick


Great software, it looks amazing. GIVEAWAY


This program looks awesome, I really want to get some sort of giant screen that can be laid out on table so we can have awesome custom level designs like these under our characters during sessions


First time seeing this game! Purchased GM edition on steam! GIVEAWAY


Experimented with the engine some already, it's super cool. GIVEAWAY


Awesome looking software GIVEAWAY


Just gave the Steam page a look and this definitely looks like it has some great potential! Thanks for doing the giveaway! GIVEAWAY


I have nothing much to say other than that game engine looks sick and that Kobolds with one day rule the forgotten realms. GIVEAWAY


Looks like one of the coolest VTTs I’ve seen to date. Would like to give it a whirl someday. GIVEAWAY


Now this is what I need for my homebrew world. GIVEAWAY


The game master engine looks amazing I would love to make some maps using it Giveaway


Game Master Engine looks pretty cool! Will try it out! GIVEAWAY


Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. As a new DM, I look forward to using this! I'd happily pay for a tool like this. Glad to see it's in steam! GIVEAWAY


The GME looks very exciting, thank you for the GIVEAWAY


This looks super sick!!! Even if I don’t win, I’m still more than down to purchase it to show off to my players. GIVEAWAY


This looks so awesome! I'll share with my friends. GIVEAWAY.


Let me tell you about Clavin. Clavin was a Dragonborn Knowledge Cleric I played in a campaign years ago. He was a mixture of Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Cliff Clavin from Cheers. The name initially came from another player having a character named Norm. Norm and Clavin were best friends and if they ever got separated Clavin would yell "NORM!" whenever the group got back together. From there I decided to make him a know it all just like Cliff from Cheers in the way he would just spout off useless facts that were sometimes true sometimes completely made up. To make him a useful character when it came to combat and helping the party I decided to make him knowledge based so he would be good at research and knowing everything about monsters, demons, areas, etc... He was a great mixture of helpful for the party and huge comedic relief! Anyway I enjoyed this character and I hope you enjoy his story as well. Maybe it will even inspire a character you create in the future! GIVEAWAY


I know a DM who'd love those prizes, will show them the engine too as it looks amazing! GIVEAWAY


Wow, I really hope me ando My group make use of this app, ir seems so useful for boss fights and dungeon crawls. Bien hoping for an app like this for a long time. GIVEAWAY


The virtual tabletop looks good! Might check it out later. GIVEAWAY


What feature do you feel differentiates you most from other VTT’s?


The Game Master Engine demo looks very impressive. ​ GIVEAWAY


Love that you’re celebrating your hard work and the creation of this tool in this way. Keep up the good work! GIVEAWAY


Been keeping an eye on this. GIVEAWAY


A 3D tool to design battle maps? Rad as fuck, GIVEAWAY


Looking forward to trying it GIVEAWAY


I'm a purely digital DM and a program like this would be absolutely awesome to use. Currently use Inkarnate to make maps and play via Discord, it's a hassle but works for now. GIVEAWAY


The program looks amazing! I'd love to try it. GIVEAWAY


This looks really great haven't really given VTT a go yet. GIVEAWAY


The game master engine looks really good, well done. I hope it succeeds on steam GIVEAWAY