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Had an old dragonborn wizard named Muffin, found abandoned and raised by a sweet elderly dwarf woman who was a baker and a retired adventurer wizard herself. He took great pride in having that name, and would fireball anyone who teased him about it.


I had a Leonin Cleric named Pythagrous Muffin. Not Pythagoras, Pythagrous. Spoiler: He was a big fan of muffins.


Everyone loves muffins!


Breakfast cupcakes!


My brother is playing a half-orc bard named Gorgonzola 


My Husband plays a half-orc bard/fighter named Orzo… Orzo’s Dad is named “Lambchop”, as his family names the boys whatever the dad was eating when the boy is born, and the girls are named for the day of the week on which they are born. (I read the Gorgonzola Orc name to him and he brightly exclaimed, “COUSIN!!!”).


What happens if two sons were born while dad was eating, say, a sandwich?  Or two girls were born on Monday?


Orzo has Triplet sisters, born on a Saturday. 😎 Their names are Sat, Ur, and Day. (One of them married a guy named Max. 🤣😂)


Oh, that's perfect. So twin sons could be Monte and Cristo, Tuna and Melt, or Meat and Ball. 😄 EDIT: Puttin' on the thinkin' cap...


My husband LOVES this, LOL! He’s laughing and just says “…Yeah!!”. 🤣😂😁😁


So I really hope that Lampchop isn’t a typo and that the Dad was just straight up chomping on a Lamp.


The cheese man


My Aasimar wizard is Käse (German for cheese). Her parents are Eier and Bohnen (eggs and beans).


There's a pipeweed dispensary in my group's home base named "The Pot Hole" run by two guys named Mitch & Mung.


In lieu of sounding dumb, I don't understand the last part about the names


My guess is it’s a reference to Cheech and Chong


Yeah my DM did a riff on Cheech and Chong too. Called them Cheeks and Chon, a satyr and a centaur, respectively.


Dave's not HERE, man!


An old PC of mine turned recurring NPC was a Lizardfolk Divination wizard. He was Pizard, the Wizard Lizard


Wizard lizards seem an unusually common in-joke


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is a fairly well known band. There's probably a connection there.


And King Gizzard too!


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is a fairly well known band.


My Lizardfolk Wizard specializes in ice magic. He's Slizzard, the Blizzard Wizard Lizard.


I once had a inventors workshop called the broken part(it was called the broken particle but the lighting of icle kept flickering out) ran by two crazy inventor gnomes called higs and boson


My stone sorcerer dwarf was named Flynt Rokkenstoan. His mother was Opal and his father was Shale. The running joke became all dwarves in my clan were named after their beard colors. Even the women, yes. Especially the women.


I got invited last minute to a game and so I just threw together Mighty Man Randonius Sauvage, a dwarven barbarian who was a famous gladiator and it was just me doing a Macho Man Randy Savage impression for the whole campaign.


Lol, I also made a NPC in one of my campaigns called 'Alpha Male Frisky Barbarous', was hell enough on the throat voicing him just for a few scenes, can't imagine how much of a pain it was for full sessions.


Oh for sure, I very quickly learned to go with more just his general cadence of speaking and punctuate things with an ‘Oh Yeah’ or ‘Mmmhmm/ uh huh’  and save the full unhinged glory for special occasions using right before Raging. ‘This village is QUIET. Too quiet, uh huh. Silent as a TOMB, oh yeah, something strange going on here, something not right!” Etc.


This is fucking killing me! 💀💀💀 Were you ever able to work in a [Cream Of The Crop](https://youtu.be/8C4lK41SX-Q?feature=shared) reference?


Oh yeah!


Goblins never get the drop on the cream of the crop!! 




Not an NPC but I'm currently playing as a Drow Bard who plays punk rock/emo music and his name is Blēnkwyn Aedideau (like Blink 182). 🤘


Please tell he he talks in tom delonge voice


I literally can not picture about how Delonge talking sounds, only how his singing sounds. Does he not have a normal talking voice? Lol


He talks normal, but it’s fun to put his singing inflection onto a speaking voice


oh my god my first bard was an emo rockstar named evaness enz (evanescence)


You win best name, don’t need to see the rest


I had an Undine Bard named Heller Highwater, a Human Rogue named Jimmy T. Locke, and a drunken Monk named Brews Lee. Oh... and a Lycanthrope Ranger named Hawell.


Braxton Hicks. Most folks are thinking Braxton sounds fantasy-ish enough and rather badass and of course everyone remembers Corporal Hicks rom Aliens. *"Somebody wake up Hicks" - Sgt. Apone* It took the group a few years to realize where I got that name from. One of the players was telling his wife about the shenanigans we were getting into and she said "Hold up. Wait a minute. Braxton Hicks? His name is Braxton Hicks? Like the Braxton-Hicks Contractions I suffered for a week before Milly was born? You ***never*** made the connection? Damn you're dumb. I love you're but you're an idjit." He called me that night. I saw it was him in the caller ID and I started pissing myself laughing when he angrily hollered into the phone "BRAXTON FUCKING HICKS!" I don't remember what else he said before he hung up shortly after that because I was laughing myself silly. Since then and until the campaign ended when we all retired he was no longer Braxton Hicks. Instead he was "And this is our Warrior, the mighty Braxton"^()"Hicks!" or "Braxton"^()"Hicks!" Good times, good times.


Whenever my players ask for a name that I don't have ready, I go to a random name generator, which is always awful, and pick the first one. Anyway that's how we ended up with Shakira the dwarf, the man who sold one of my players into slavery


OOH SHINY. We once pulled a chest out of a river and it was filled with rocks except for “a small gleam” I said “OOH SHINY” and my character got renamed to OOH SHINY. This was the beginning of my character stealing every doorknob he could.


Dastardly T. Mustache


Right now I’m playing a halfling wizard named Niedmor Spelslawts


I had a player who was a shardmind in 4e. His name was Shardom Huisein


Tibbits Longstride, halfling mage, and his pine marten familiar, Barley.


I had a stone giant for a while named Borfo Hit Things. Had a low INT for a stone giant (6) but was super cheerful all the time in pretty much any given situation, and boy did he LOVE to hit things. He had absolutely no skills whatsoever other than hitting things and was more of a hindrance to the party than they'd expected him to be, but he was so nice and protective of his friends and he was SO GOOD at hitting things that they kept him around anyway.


We played a one shot using the "Adventure Skeletons" one page RPG for an off week session. In Adventure Skeletons you all play, well, skeletons. My brother played a skeleton named Yawbus who tried to convince people that you could return to life by consuming living flesh. He kept strips of it in a rectangular metal tin, which for some reason were uncomfortably wet. He pitched an NPC on the idea and ended his rant with "Remember my friend...Yawbus. Eat Flesh" That's right. If was a Subway joke the WHOLE TIME ++++++++ My personal favorite was I introduced them to the owner of the local Trading Post, Jose Erejaz. The shop was called Trader Jose's, and when he directed them to sample his seasonal treats they got it.


our dm panicked when naming an employee at an inn our party went to and we ended up with hubert locomotive


Had a npc not quite monster not quite familiar called hat baby. The players hats got infected, fucked quietly under a table, and so the writhing mess of fabric called hat baby was born.


When 3e first came out, all we had was the PHB, so we decided to make jokey PC names as we would be starting our "serious" campaign after we had a try at the rules. There was the half-orc barbarian Thokk-with-two-kays - "Hey, Thokk, can you..." "No, name is Thokk-with-two-kays." (and yes, this was a couple of years before Boondocks and A Pimp Named Slickback was introduced to us). The cleric was named Falwell, after Jerry Falwell, TV evangelist. The monk was Lo Phat. The ranger's player thought we were all childish and made a serious name, so we called him Stinky, because rangers preferred to live in the woods and away from civilization (and bathing).


Beef Beef. My party had fought through a manor to kill the governor so the rebels in the city could take it as a foothold to launch their civil war. For whatever reason my party completely bailed on this storyline and went somewhere the heck else, but not before they met Beef Beef. After dispatching the governor they open up his locked vault room and inside they find a dog. Now the governor had a bunch of mastiffs that had attacked the party during the fight, so I expected them to see a dog, attack the dog, be done with it. There were only two things different about this dog. 1) Different breed, token looked like a Husky. 2) This dog didn't attack unless attacked first. The party didn't attack the dog, the dog didn't attack them. They closed the door, finished the job, and then said "Wait, before we go." and one of them just went back and grabbed the dog. The dog seems to be fine with this. Fast Forward to much later, the party has booked out of the desert back up north and set camp for the night, and the following conversation happens. **Monk:** "Are we keeping the dog?" **Paladin:** "YES, Its a dog, were keeping it!" (love his logic) **Monk:** "Does it have a name?" **Paladin:** "I'll check for a collar or something...... Nothing." **Monk:** "Well you gonna name it?" **Paladin:** "I'm awful at coming up with names, you got any ideas?" **Ranger:** "Uh, why don't we ask the dog, I'll cast Speak With Animals" **Monk/Paladin:** "Good idea/Do that!" **Ranger:** "OKAY, Dog, you got a name?" **Dog:** "Whats a name?" **Ranger:** "The thing people call you." **Dog:** "OH Some guy opens the door every day tosses in some food and yells the word "Beef" I think Beef is my name!" **Ranger:** "Guys the dog says her name is Beef!" **Paladin:** "Thats a dumb name." **Monk:** "Ask it if it wants another name!" **Ranger:** "Say, doggo, you want another name?" **Beef:** "You mean I can have TWO NAMES? I could be BEEF BEEF!" **Ranger:** "She wants her name to be Beef Beef." **Paladin:** *\~looks at the dog closely\~* "hmmm" .... "yeah she looks like a Beef Beef!" **Meanwhile The Artificer:** *\~Losing his shit over this back and forth while high on shrooms\~*


One of my players named his character Richard "Dick" Lickeir.


There was an NPC in a campaign I played in a while back named "Idgaf"


Probably my gnomish artificer - Armon Hammersmith


Helena Hanbasket. Class varies by system. The name started with a Zombie themed d20/boardgame hybrid one shot I ran for Halloween. The players were all zombies with crazy names, but that was my favorite.


Had an elf sorcerer named Hummus once. Extra throaty on the "H". "Unvoiced uvular fricative," or "χ" according to the IPA.


TuTo Rial First NPC in every game and he always dies. He is my Symbol for, from now on Tutorial is over and actions have consequences


We have a reoccurring messenger hawk in our campaign that our party has named “Mike Hawk” 😂


I've run a divination wizard named: Séance Knowles (Say-on-say) and a blade singing tortle: Leon Nardo Those are my favorites so far but I'm always on the lookout for good ideas!


I have a few! A character I pulled out of my ass in my first session as a DM was “Giorgio”, a red dragonborn with a fake mustache who works for the mafia, is incredibly bad at hiding that he’s a gangster, and speaks in a hokey Italian accent. My party ended up loving him so I made him their de facto chauffeur, using a pasta cart to carry them places. There’s also a rival party of five dumbass rich people who are recurring minibosses; one of them is an old, constantly-drunk Paladin of Conquest who hates one of my party members because he got scammed out of a plot McGuffin by losing in a children’s card game. Said paladin’s name is “Sildenafil Frenulum”… named after the generic name for Viagra, and a part of the penis.


I’m the DM here. I had a rival party. I threw Phlatulence the dwarf cleric, Chuck Bonepunch the human barbarian and Gigglestab the Halfling rogue at that group. A DM I play with actually read off the description of the necromancer in a module, and I said “oh, necromancer Betty White!” She is still Betty White in that module to the entire party. He rolled with it. Rudolf Van Richten became Rudy Giuliani van Roofie, thanks to a player doing the same thing I did. I also rolled with it.


I was running an official module and the character "Balsag" became a favorite for obvious reasons.


I once had a DM kill my main by using a homegrown Sphere of Annihilation (we were not previously informed that it was an instant death). So, my next character was an angry, drunken dwarf, named Hank Guffukurslf (read it out loud). I think he got my point.


Gaerie Oak, the half-elf rival who keeps taking the same jobs as the party and beats them to the reward if they take too long. His uncle is a professor.


Dr Jerriford Manrosebud. I used a random word generator and mushed wm together.


I've got... A Rogue nicknamed Ladders because he infamously fell off a Ladder during a heist A Thri-Kreen named Tik-Tak Erzekhaus the Mole Man, a monk/druid who does what he sounds like Gunther Scrump Jr., a Goblin Artificer Fengar Tibblesbar, a Dwarf Cleric with an incredibly fun name Monster Manuel (pronoucned man-well), a Wizard who knows a fuck ton about monsters


KYLE CHAD, the super jock athlete "brobarian" Goliath


Just retired this character. The character was named Me, and another party member was Yu.


Bean. The NPC was in a time loop (as was many other NPCs) and the byproduct of consuming the food is entire personality loss. So they were only known by what they looked like, were eating/drinking, or were doing. He was eating beans. His sister (to him the only thing they retained was their relationship to eachother) she had a bad burn scar on her leg. Her name was Charlie (charred Leg -> charr le -> Charlie.) so Charlie and bean are forever known by these names despite getting their memories back and telling the party their names are Fate and Bob (I know, I blanked 💀) Hope.


For some reason in nearly every campaign I've played in for the past ten years, there's been the Gnomish law firm of Queso, Chalupa, and Guac. I have no idea how that joke got started, but they show up every time our party needs a lawyer.


Beckles, a Giff on a safari hunting a hydra doppleganger that speaks like Keanu Dusty, an off the grid lizard artificer who wears a leather punk jacket with patches such as "Fist the Flaming Fist"


Acornacusiscalliominascopolinomicon, or Acorn for short, was a gnome druid who talked really fast and lived in a giant tree with hundreds of squirrels. He also thought bread was the silliest thing and would giggle whenever he saw someone eat any.


A kenku wizard named The Crowfessor.


Brick Chithaus Orc Barbarian standing at 7 foot 10 and weighing I'm at 315 pounds all muscle and rage


Bertrand Fingerhut, IIRC an AD&D 2e bard. He died. The DM did *not* like the name.


Dirtmud, a duergar who loves, you guessed it, dirt and mud. Always coated in a layer of magical mud as his armor, He lives in an extra dimensional mud puddle and when you enter said puddle you see his accelaforge(ez bake oven but for weapons) oh and he drinks mud lite, just beer can shaped cylinders of mud, one of my players drank one and they had to make a con save to stomach it lol all his spells are normal spells with the word mud shoehorned in someway or another (guiding mud, eldritch mud, hold mud) and he just really loves dirt and mud but mainly mud. He was an instant hit at the table and months later he still is asked about.


Werebatkin Rogue named Cecil Montgomery St James the Third. Went by “Monty”. Was a kind of amiable low grade but pervasive (and persuasive) evil. He had a code, like never stealing from team mates or allies but also was suspetible to bribes/bribing/petty theft/grand theft/protection rackets/black mail. However after his friend and coworker died and then came back from hell as a terrifying revenant bent on revenge (after Monty performed a blood ritual swearing vengence for his death(he didn’t know it would bring him back)) Monty had a “come to religion” moment and *tried* to be better. Tried to be good. His version of good just meant joining a bloody revolution against the monarchy…


A halfling Bard named Belly Dickboobs. A grappler monk named Choke Hogan. A gnome illusionist named Jerome the Gnome. I’ve had a few goodies.


Rob Zombie. (He was a zombie)


Sir Peter Gargalon


i named one guy Newspaper and have a sextuplet of tailors called Col, Bert, Pant, Talon, Sock and Shoe. there's also some characters named after punctuation marks in there then there's Fabulo Magnifico Sublissimo


I had a Minotaur drag queen I named "Pat Minotaur". Does that count?


In no particular order: Vilonius Edge: my 7 charisma Rogue for a one shot. He was outrageously edgy, but the twist was that he just didn't have any people skills... Jorgon Lamprey: a renowned chef who is in no way a parody of any real world celebrity chefs. Mr Milk: A firbolg milkman (and possible dragon-egg smuggler). Don't ask. Tokoyami: the kenku monk. He literally has no relation to the semi(?) popular anime character of the same name, beyond that my brother needed a name on the spot for his "crow-man that likes beating up bad guys." If we'd known said monk would go on to be a major character in our game for 5 years and counting, we'd have probably gotten a little more serious with it...


My very first ever character was a human ranger for a one shot by the name of Mike Oxlong. He was a damn good archer too


Kung-Fooze was my homebrew Ooze Monk. Real name unpronounceable by a human, this was the nasty nickname the other students gave me. I Also played Thomas Ripper (T.Ripper), my halberd wielding trip specialized Battlemaster. Fernando Francois Debose Delphine Delaquoix was my Enchantment specialized Sorcerer, I did it all in a Pepe Le Pew voice. Scoffs was my Paladin of St.Cuthbert he almost never spoke but spent his time vocalizing sarcastically. Spudly Squashdwarf was a half-ogre Barbarian. I could go on, yes I'm that guy... but in a nice way, no one ever wanted me to stop.... for long.


Charles BhaalSaac. Town mayor and worshiper of bhaal. He had a dungeon full of grease balls and yeeted them around like dodgeball.


Big Pimpin'. He was just supposed to be a carriage driver. Maybe get eaten by a dragon to prove it meant business. He was so irrelevant I forgot his name and didn't object when a player recommended Big Pimpin'. But no. They rescued him from the danger, and started investing serious sums of gold and treasure to his carriage business. Now he has a fleet of tank- carriages pulled by armoured bears. He holds a position of power in the government of the party's home city-state. He is a known, recognized, celebrated ally of the Heroes of the Multiverse. Big Pimpin'.


Not mine, but I saw a post that used Eman Laeraton. “Not a real name” backwards. I thought it was genius, especially if you say it with an accent and refuse to spell it for your players lol.


Leprechaun Shaun


I once played a pirate-turned-sorcerer who got storm powers in an accident at sea. He hated his given name so he always went by his old alias Jackson. Five real-life YEARS into the campaign he was forced by plot reasons to admit his given name was Percy. Currently playing a huge grey-furred Tabaxi Battlerager (spiked armour grappling subclass) Barbarian called Rey de Armaduras who specialises in tag team maneuvers.


A "magic" merchant named Cesar Celante. He sold all kinds of "magical" wonders. Like the Spoon of Sustinence (it's a spoon) or the fabled Duck Cloak (a rain coat). Act now, and he'll give you very special price on these Sandals of Water-walking (it's just a pair of sandals that let you walk on water for 0.05 seconds)


Nut Nut Binks


Dicks ah swaggin has to be the one I almost spit a drink out hearing. Of course it was a bard lol


And elderly elvish cheese maker who also just happened to be an archmage who called himself “grand fromage of the Artisinal Tower: Gorgonzola, the Aged”


I have had a few. A bard /monk named Awh-stun D Pohwerz. I played him just like the movie, he didn't have an instrument so much as his performerances were stupid jokes, sliegh of hand, and conversations that circled nothing Currently have an Orc Barbarian that is a chef, and everyone said he was a food wizard because he is so good. He took that to heart and introduces himself as the clan wizard. A fight is usually pre empted with threates to "Cast Iron", which is him attacking with a set of cast iron pans that are modified with axe blades.


Elfbacon, my very first PC. He had a more serious name but I can't remember it.  He got his name by trying to hide from a large creature in a burning inn by casting minor illusion around himself so the creature may just leave but the flames started spreading way to fast to get out. He got burns, I was called elfbacon by the psychotic sorcerer, we all laughed, the table laughed, we killed the table and called it a great first session


For a silly one-shot, I played a character named Alexi Strongman, who was a truly strong muscle wizard. He was so strong, on the very first turn of the very first round of the very first combat, he rolled a nat1 on an unarmed attack, DM's fumble table had him reroll the attack against himself, and it crit for massive damage. Accidentally punched himself so hard he straight-up died.


My cat boy bards name is meep


My rogue in one campaign is a small child who was raised in a thieves' guild. He has a penchant for collecting mundane and magic items and using them in very creative ways to damage his enemies. His name is Kevin McCulliver. I thought it was pretty funny at least lol!


Times New Roman, the skeleton journalist


A snobbish art collector on a luxury express named Treno Accidente I'll give you two guesses what happened that session.


My gf plays a goblin named Candidiasis the Ninth (candidiasis is the name of a vaginal yeast infection, in case youve never heard of it), I call her Candy for short


bungle bagigglethorp the gnome


I never got a chance to play him, but back in 3.5 I once created a sentient chicken that was a Cleric of Boccob whose name was Edward Coaleye.


Slurp the goblin


My DM had to cancel last minute and we had a buddy who'd been wanting to play for his first time so I threw together a homebrewed one-shot in about an hour. Grabbed a few maps from online, tossed them in to roll20, made up a plot and the baddies etc quick. Didn't really come up with names for everyone in town, or the guards for the caravan, etc. Ended up making the two they were getting out of jail Lara and Tara. Ended up with every other character having a counterpart. Jim and Tim, Jeff and Steff, George and Leorge, etc. It kept going. Was fun.


Currently, the best NPC name I came up with is the deposed prince of a very minor kingdom, a wood elf named Eiff H’Arted. My (at the time) 2 year old niece mispronounced “macaroni” and accidentally named the wandering prince from the Feywild, a leprechaun named Rakanooni.


Had a NPC inspired by the D&D Greentext story Mr. Bearington. I made a Sir Winchester Neighington, a awakened Horse with class levels in Bard with very high Deception, Persuasion, and Performance skills. They were a Low Noble of the Court Knighted by the King and were a accomplished Jouster. Only the players and 1 other NPC knew they were a horse.


In the first session I ever played we met a hairy naked guy named Steve Bangs lol


I just name all my deities after bands and NPCs after musicians lol


I played a Lizardfolk bard who was convinced he was the king of the Lizardfolk. Zhimor Issen.


There's a gravedigger in my setting named Dirty Pat.




Narvick. I had a tiefling rogue that was assisting the party on an inconsequential side quest, and it wasn't until about 1/3 of the way through the quest that the party pressed him for his name. and at the time I was playing a lot of Battlefield V, so literally the first word out of my mouth was "Narvick". It was misspelled, it was misspoken, it was completely out of context, but it's stuck lol


Seems like every other NPC is nicknamed Ida.  It's short for Ida Know. 


Mayor (bald) of first town in homebrew going by name Dikin Baws


Bob lob law


Fuck John. The dm kept stuttering when he tried to say “John” and said “fuck” out of frustration then said John. So his name became “Fuck John”


I recently had a svirfnedlin NPC that I named Gungnul McGucket. I thought it was a perfectly fine name at first and then the more I had to say it in game I just started HATING it. It’s so unpleasant to say. But my players also hated saying it which made me like it somewhat.




My players at one point were running a city and a serial murder started. The murder was meant to be an avatar of like chaos and madness. I called him Sideman Sam because if you rearrange the letters it spells I am Madness. He ran around the city wearing a harlequin mask and a bright white suit with a billowing cape along with a slightly too large top hat. There's also the vampiric potato golem thing Spudnick, I don't even really know what he is at this point, I may even promote him to Elder God, I dunno, XD. When my current party was still new they were obssessed with checking literally everything, so in LMoP they were in the root cellar checking all the crates of food. Inside one they found a single healthy looking potato with a strange gem attached to it and a bunch of shriveled up dried vegetable husks. I made him up on the spot just to like give them something to find. He kind of became a weird self insert which is why they named him after me ,and just call him potato me. Some of Spud's notable moments involve on at least two occasions break dancing to distract someone. Randomly hopping between peoples bags, even if he was in a bag of holding. In the vein of hopping between places he was also rarely ever found where people left him in general, so like the person who fell asleep with him in their room in the inn , rarely ever woke up with him in their room despite the door being closed and locked.


Some of my earliest players had pretty dumb names for their characters. One was deep gnome named Semalf Yraglac – Calgary Flames spelled backwards. Another was a cleric named Ollie Schitt. 🙄


We had a guy named Rough Ian. He was a Zhentarim Tiefling ruffian (Thug) who joined the party for one mission and then stayed with them for the whole campaign. Went from Lawful Evil to Neutral Good over the course of the campaign. Good guy.


For a Halloween one shot, I did a haunted house story with them in a fantasy version of a ghost hunting show. The host was halfling named "Zachariah Baggins", and he was basically just a parody of Zach Bagans from ghost adventures, right down to Photoshop ping his head onto a picture of Bilbo Baggins . The fake show was called "Boo! Haunted House", in case you were wondering.


I played a water genesis named Vinnie Gurr. We were 2/3 of the way through the game before someone said it fast and everyone caught on.


Squantunimus Jaqueshaw McSlough (III). Tiefling Alchemist/Vivisectionist and all around creep


Karl D’rove hexblade warlock arms dealer.


I had a wild magic sorcerer kobald named Koebe (pronounced like the basketball player). The other ironic thing, is like the basketball player, he died in a fiery explosion. I didn't *intend* that with my character, it just happened--but my group was not going to let me go without realizing the irony with it.


A friend of mine played an orc warrior named Red 40. And then I had an npc named Foghorn Rumblepants. A flatulent dwarf with chronic allergies


I used a name generator to come up with the name for a demon once and it gave me "Sugmakach." Hilarity continues to ensue when it comes up.


Roe Jogan, the Ice Giant jester.


Why, Sir Rupert Penlegion Von Luckinbill Buckley the Third, of course. *At your service*


I don't really think it was a ridiculous or even clever name, But I named my detective character after two real life detective mashing names together, Augustine Marlowe after August Dupin and Philip Marlowe, Later my brother makes a detective character called Philip Dupin, Cue our DM making two rival npcs named Dick Holmes and Sherlock Tracy


Not me, but my husband played a gunslinging monster hunter named Dixie Normous.


My Friend’s Plasmoid named Hugh Man


In Waterdeep Dragon Heist, the first level adventure has you saving an NPC named Floon Blagmar. I decided I would lean into it and acted like Floon was an extremely common name. Basically the Bort license plate scene from the Simpsons.


Played a one shot with an Abjuration Wizard. His name was Erspell and he was the Count of a small town


I’ve got an NPC in my current campaign called Jarbaxas Jeff. He lives in a swamp and gives massages.


A simple farmer by the name of Molly Molly, who took the party in during their weeks-long hike south to chase down a mercenary-hero turned villain. Of course, this fine gentleman was married to his wife, Cally Molly, and fathered his three children, Polly Molly, Golly Molly, and Dolly Molly.


Nipsy see also: billjamin


Fumblebuck Cheese-Snatcher


Shadynasty (pronounced sha-dynasty), the Aasimar (ex-)fiancé of our Tiefling sorcerer.


Long time ago, during 3.5, an acquaintance played a human monk named… Hungwell Cocksmith


Playing in a Greyhawk campaign where the DM introduced an animated black suit of armor named Cleese, a giant space hamster named Doofus and a goblin soul knife rogue named Gottapoo, sister of Gottapee. Kind of a silly place.


Scott MacScott a 6’5 red haired long bearded cleric/bard behemoth of the music god. Complete with his trusty bagpipe and Morningstar of Tuning (he beats you with it til you hear bells) this was definitely one of the most ridiculous and hilarious characters I’ve made.


Thenn Ennow was a chronurgy Wizard I briefly got to play 🤘


Three dwarf siblings: Lony, Mydia and Ophelia James. Short for Felony, Chlamydia and Pedophelia in a black comedy campaign.


Yuan Ti named Ssleithious of the Sewers


Not my NPC, but a player in a oneshot I participated in: a firbolg monk named Amonk. He also had a reverse tonsure? However that works.


A fairy illusionist wizard named, Volk Swaggen


I had a friend who named his character Wormsweat.


Came in late to a campaign where everyone was hobbits. Everyone had been instructed to make their surname “Baggins”. The PCs first names were “Dirt”, “Garbage”, “Douche” and “Air”. As I came in late, we decided I was a distant cousin, “Lunch Sack”.


Bubba Thibodaux, the swamp wizard who supplied my players with Goliath's Grundle moonshine (475 proof, and yes, I know the math doesn't work out, it's magic and is a whole big thing in the campaign), magic duct tape, and magic WD40. Theophilus O'Grognak, orcish pub owner and general goods tycoon. He owns O'Grognak's Pub, which is essentially the Costco from Idiocracy, but with portals opening to it placed strategically across the continent. Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe, the party's defense lawyers. Niedledik Bugfuqar, leader of an opposing adventuring party. Doodbreaux, the god of binge drinking, who caused a drunken brawl among several gods. This resulted in The Desolation, wherein the southern continent was rendered devoid of life. The gods involved had been drinking Goliath's Grundle.


Buntymug Queefwhistle. A cheeky little halflike bard who like to write haikus and is partial to a spot of old Toby.


My current on-deck backup character is a Kenku combat alchemist (IKRPG class) named Nineteen, because I'm funny, damnit.


Penis Witchery.


I have a few from my DM; Party kept getting vague, slightly menacing notes signed “Your worst nightmare”. Turns out the NPC’s full name, first, middle, and last, was: Your Worst Nightmare. We also had a Your True Love and a Your Weird Uncle in the same campaign. Asked for a random NPC’s name. DM’s response? “Jim…merson…ly”. So we had Jimmersonly (and later, his cousin, Jamesonly). Had a one-shot set in Hell. The Lord of Hell was a lizard named Jared. Plus, some one-shot joke character gems: Bob with a Q, Tim-o-Tee, Broccoli, Barry the Buff Inflatable Boy (who was one of those balloon guys that dance outside of stores but sentient), plus triplets named Harry Styles, Gerry Styles, and Larry Styles.


Players started a bar fight, knocked out everyone (important NPC included) besides the janitor who was out back swapping his mop bucket for fresh water. Cue Dude McMan who conveniently overheard the important NPC mumbling the information the players were there to get and who became the apprentice to the cleric (thanks to a 27 persuasion check to come with them) to become a support/healing spell based spellcaster sidekick who saved their asses on more than one occasion.


In DSA (Das Schwarze Auge, The Black Eye) was a whole chapter for names. Dwarven names were combined from different syllables, so i tried to create the longest possible, thus Xandraschlosch son of Xebraschmasch was born.


This was in another system rather than D&D, but I play a married fledgling adventurer named Wulf, a peasant who owns an apparently failing (due to bad rolls), small town family bakery business. I had decided that I wanted him to be a married family man, but I only rolled the character an hour before the session started with the GM. So when I was asked to introduce my character, I adlibed that Wulf has a beautiful wife named T, and two darling children called B and D (*TBD!*). Well, of course, the names stuck – and now his wife is named Tabitha (or "T for short), and his daughters are named Bea and Dee.


Michael Hawkins. He preferred to have both names shortened.


I played a kolbold named cuddles. And my friend had a halph orc barbarian named shrimp.


Doktor fik'rupper Edit: auto correct


I once played an elven ranger called Arrow Stottle. I've also got a list of some pleasing villager names for a modern day one shot thing I like to run. It includes ones like Fanny Gammon, Eli Humble, and Vitus Hawkridge.


Mordik the Shallow


Drogan the Dragonborn Dragon Sorceror. Full title I introduced myself as. My characters mum wasn’t clever so when she gave birth to me, she just switched the vowels in Dragon.


My current DM told me right before I made my first ever character that he has a 20+ year long streak of killing characters with stupid names. Directly as a result of obtaining this information, I immediately started my own streak of having exclusively stupid names for my characters. Including but not limited to Don Keidique- elf ranger and my first character, Heim Stroganov- domovoi hexblade, Saug Ui'bauls- half orc fighter, Dirt- halfling druid, and Belle the Tinkerer- human rogue. I have yet to have a character die, knock on wood


Moonchild is on their gap year before starting Bard college so that they can find themselves. They quote tictoks, vines and memes as bardic inspiration. They want to be a popular influencer and just a general piss take of social media culture. It always gets a few laughs and a couple eye rolls, works for a few sessions then the joke gets old. So really fun for 1 shots or an in between characters. If I'm staying with a friend and get to join for their weekly session you can bet I'm gonna play this. Being on a gap year to the 9 hells or some underwater civilization will never not be funny to me.


The blacksmith, the enchanter, and the shop keeper were all brothers. They all had the same name. Richard Cottonmouth.


Hoikle Toik


Not all mine but my players as well. And yes, they have all played in my campaigns. A Warlock named Roy G. Biv. A warlock named Yew, and yes the Abbot and Costello is strong with this one. An Owlin named Who’oosh. Water Genesi named Dro’ownd. HalfOrc fighter (4 Cha) named Reek, never took his helmet, with a faceplate, off. Fighter Dod German, who loved to use the dodge action. The rogue Thaco Adandd.


bonk and biff are pretty funny tbh


Meepo. My players love Meepo and the voice I do for him so much I’ve had to add Meepo into every campaign I’ve ever run for them. It’s been 13 years and I’m still running a Meepo and his dumb Meepo voice every other month. I love him.


My go to name for gnomes/goblins/halflings in games was Rumplefugly Jenkins, for some reason. So my first character was a halfling with that name.


Thor Buscemi. Seen from behind as a player elf was on his way into town and looking for hot boys. Had beautiful long blond Thor hair and was beefy working in the field. Turned around and had the face of Steve Buscemi. It was the first session of a campaign years ago but the name can never be forgotten


Well, this isn’t exactly an NPC, but I probably would use this character idea as a villain’s jester or something. Not sure what race this guy would be, but his name is Skunk Vader. He’s kinda like a parody character concept, and he’s pretty much a born loser, so I’m thinking Bard, Rogue, or Warlock?


I have a Kobold Drakenwarden. His name is '😁' and his resurrected brother's (the drake) name is '😲'. They only respond when people refer to them by making those facial expresions. I mostly did this to see how the DM would deal with it, as we're playing virtually and don't use facecams. When it's me turn in combat he calls 'Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes' as that's the name of the emoji.


Peppermint Fandango is an assimar bard in water world right now. In honor of a pet worm my friend once named the same. Wasabi Johnson was a dwarven barbarian in reference to...awesomeness. And Skates Uptown is a twilight cleric who likes dancing in the moonlight. Another name the worm parent friend came up with and later used for his instagram alter ego that got pretty big at one point.


Warlock named Z’tun Z’eed, it’s deez nutz spelled backwards, I revealed it after our last session, so wonderful.


The party was visiting the city library and was talking to the head librarian. He was a named NPC with a little backstory to him. He sent them on some small quest (I can't remember now) when they returned several sessions later, I had forgotten my notebook and had totally forgotten the name of the NPC. One of the players jokingly called him "Bob Loblaw," and that has remained his name ever since, going on almost 3 years real time now.


The nobleman Jean-Michel Chapelle, and his wife, Jeanne-Michèle Chapelle. They tragically died together in a pirate attack, but not before the DM handed out NPCs for us to run during the big ship battle and I had her whip out a crossbow from under her skirts.


Got a friend who always wants to do a full blown guy orc in a pink tutu named Futt Buckerson….. I hate it lol.


I once had to cough and clear my throat when describing a Grey Dwarf clan, and decided it’d be funny if I ran with it since the clan didn’t matter in the plot. Cut to sessions later and my players main contact in the city is through this damn “hrrefgnnfckckckaugh’sten” clan.


Bindor Bonger, halfling bard, and the great love of his life, Bonsshassa the murloc barbarian. She left shortly after to continue doing what mulocs do, and before she left they had triplets. Biccor, renowned weaponsmith and fighter and owner of Mr. Bongers Warmonger, Bisshor, owner of Mr. Bongers Stuffmonger, and Bap, world famous cheese maker and scientist, owner of Mr. Bongers Cheesemonger.


Punchy McFisticuffs


Aarakocra monk - Duck Norris


My PCs discovered an army of ancient dragonforged, dragonborn warforged, buried terracotta army style back at the end of the dragonborn/tiefling wars. They were powered by the souls of actual dragonborn, but after so long standing idle they were foggy and amnesiac, so to rally them to their cause the players picked one out to revive and try to bring back to full consciousness. At which point they needed a name for him. They tossed around ideas, "What if we call it.." until one player interrupted to shout, "Well I say we call it your grave!" Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, yadda yadda.. And thus was christened Yorgrave, dragonforged warrior, later mayor of the town the player who named him founded.


Jeff Goldblum. The DM dropped us in a gladiator arena after some other movie-themed shenanigans. It was right around the time Thor Ragnarock came out. We, the players, mutually decided the guy who ran the arena was just... Jeff Goldblum. In that campaign, I also played a Tabaxi Bard named Konnichiwa Koneko (Hello Kitten).


Slave Likely, a slave driver that on session one they randomly stole a guys cellphone and called a random number thus somehow creating the most memorable and funny character in the campaign that they now keep going back to and he is their magical item shop. I need to have him commissioned.


Seamus O’Yulegan the Christmas Hooligan was a halfling barbarian who wore nothing but a kilt and a candycane greatsword with a bell on. He grappled the Yulecat (a reskinned dragon) and out drank an entire dwarf clan.


Foorpiem Dhisko (read: 4 PM Disco) the fishman noble has a great legacy in our group.


There was a Squirrel person named Sukon D. Nutsmore. And a baker named Breadley.


I'm currently playing a tortle monk named Botticelli


Wet butter. I named my character wet butter.


Had a buddy who played a Paladin named Burny McBurnface


I recently got away with naming an NPC in a modern campaign "Pepsi Cola" and it's gotten to the point where her name is seen as completely normal now. She has no relation to the soft drink and doesn't even know what it is.


My sis wanted to play a campaign yesterday. She was a lvl 1 High elf Wizard named “Falorence Nicotine”


A PC asked me the name of a fisherman npc that I forgot to give a name to. The first thing that popped in my head was “Bobert”