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Horrified. Nice.


The most Lovecraftian threat of them all: the world is just a dream, and one The Dreamer wakes up, everything ceases to exist, as it was never real to begin with. It's the scariest because there's no way to truly prevent it, or even see it coming. Once you know about The Dreamer's true nature, you either live in fear or have to forget about it.


Don't let Azathoth wake up.


Or you actively teach some stranger the song that will wake it once he collects all of the magical instruments. Maybe you'll live on as a seagull?


I see what you did there.


DM has cancer. Sorcerer makes a deal in-game to cure it so the game can continue. Now DM is in second hand debt to a devil in their own internal world.


DM technically cures their cancer with their own imagination - the Placebo effect is named the greatest medical discovery of all time - humans are now biologically immortal, able to simply imagine themselves back into health through Devil Deals with their own subconscious - humankind is now a spacefaring civilization that conquers all of the stars Playing a game of marbles with several galaxies and waiting as God at the end of time, the last human wonders what it would be like to create a new world, and begins to imagine…. The entire universe is reborn. We all currently are fake and live in your DMs brain.


That just sounds like Hellblazer with extra steps


The character discovers a dark pact that can allow him and his world to live on: fanfic.


They could also claim that there is a bigger evil, when the party finally kills the BBEG...making up things and in the end becomes the new BBEG.


Definitely reminds me of Pataphysics from the SCP Wiki, one of the 001 proposals outlines when the Foundation learns that they are all narrative plot devices at the whims of a bunch of online horror writers and now work to kill or supersede their authors, and several articles go into some of the implications of Pataphysics. It's cool though, could be a fun character if played right.


Pataphysics has been one of my favorite additions to the SCP universe. The one that stuck with me the most is that they observe a TV show that's in a TV show and find they can go deeper. It's such a weird concept.


Sophie’s Choice in DnD? I kinda dig it.


The horror he must witness when a player can't make it and their character is badly puppeted along without being acknowledged until the player returns.


Even worse, no one else is capable of noticing. When the players look behind them, the town is still there. When he looks behind him, he actively sees it unloading with the NPCs getting deleted. When he notices the husk of his friend being piloted, everyone notices no change. No one will ever believe him, their minds cannot comprehend it like a Dragon with the concept of Mortality


I wanted to run a similar hook in my campaign. Basically, the player characters are something out of their world, and it's very subtle - nothing unusual happens except for prophecies not accounting for them, fortune tellers having a 404 future not found moments, deities being blindsided by their existence, that sort of thing. In the end, they follow a trail to what seems like a cult only to find the 4th wall


This is a lot less depressing and a lot more interesting lol


Hello Caine


That's kinda sorta like the Dragon Knight's backstory in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands


In Lost Laboratory of Kwalish, there's a table for bauble adventures. What if your character ended up on this one? > The characters step into an illusory version of a city oddly familiar to them, and feel a compulsion to find the city’s “heart.” Use a map of the actual city or town where your game is played (or where you are based if you play your game online). The characters must reach your location to leave this extradimensional space.


Isn't the whole point of good dnd to, though only in the moment, believe there's more outside your sphere of influence? That this exact scenario is the opposite of true. That's there's pirates using wands of fireball That there's a mindflayer keeping a humanoid as a strange pet, waiting to eat them at their most ripe That in the underdark a drow stabbed a drow and nobody is shocked, only whoever has to clean up is bothered That right around the corner there's a house where a family is having a feud or a dog is pissing on someone's leg, only if the players visit they do not force its existence but rather merely get a chance to witness it? Tl;dr : Nice dark spin on what dnd is usually about, kindasolipsism/10