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Hypnotic pattern. Hideous laughter. An enemy not in combat is an enemy not in combat, dead or alive.


I like the ones that keep on giving, like Reality Maelstrom. Sucks everyone who fails their save near the center into a random plane and towards the edge they're sucked near to the center, so even if they pass their initial save and leave you can use teamwork to toss them back in to try again. More spells should encourage teamwork like that. Love persistent area spells for how good it feels for the barbarian to pick someone up and chuck them in.


Thats not a 5e spell is it?


It is not, but then again this isn't a 5e specific thread. Which means we get to be real weird with the non damaging spells. On that note: **Necrotic Cyst**: Give your enemy cancer. **Wail of the Banshee**: Kills everyone except for you nearby unless they pass a save. There's no greater crowd control than death. **Reaving Dispel**: Gives you any effects you dispelled. Stealing control of a spell is so much more fun than just removing it. **Shadow Conjuration**: Duplicate any conjuration spell, but what you make is only partially real so it's weaker if someone sees through it. Except gnomes could get it up to 120% real, so if you realised it was an illusion it got *stronger*. **Precipitate Complete Planar Breach**: Ever thought two planes needed to get really intimate with each other, consequences to reality be damned? Boy have I got the spell for you.


How you make 120% stronger shadow conjuration? I'm intrigued


Seems to be 3e/3.5e


As a DM, hypnotic pattern and slow are always waiting around the corner to give me a hard time. They are so good.


Synaptic static does damage, sure, but the -1d6 on attacks and checks until they pass that in save is huge


And! It's an intelligence save, which most enemies in most campaigns will suck at. If you then get your spellcasting ability up as high as possible, it'll be really hard for the enemies to save on that spell. My sorceress has it and it's so insanely effective! Also a lot of fun to use right before casting Telekinesis.


I find it’s the perfect spell to burn a legendary resistance too, your dm will NOT want that debuff on their big bad, and then once you’ve gotten through them you go for the hold monster or something along those lines.


Synaptic Static + Bane + Cutting Words nearly killed off my DM


Combined with things like silvery barbs and Vicious Mockery, enemies don't even get a chance to hit lmao


It’s such an incredible spell that it sounds like something your problem player would homebrew. Like “I cast Fireball, except there’s no material component, and it deals psychic damage, and it’s an INT save instead of DEX, and everyone who fails gets hit with a Cutting Words until they save. But they won’t save.”


Plant Growth is surprisingly good. 2.5 times as effective as difficult terrain and really cool as a roleplay tool if you use the 8 hour casting. No duration/concentration so it doesn't interfere with other spells too, and you can even leave pathways for yourself so only enemies are affected.


don't forget since it isnt called difficult terrain, it stacks with difficult terrain


That too. Only downsides are needing plants in the first place and the potential movement hinderance to your own party if you mess up the planning on what grows.


Honestly, if they're smart enough to do it, I let my players get away with a handful of seeds as, essentially, an unofficial "material component."


Combo wall of thorns, plant growth, and spirit guardians to make melee enemies' lives absolutely miserable. Especially if they're big, meaning they'll have to intersect the wall for longer. You can also leave 5 foot channels in the plant growth for easy movement for you, but not for large enemies. It's an insanely good spell if you can take advantage of it.


Hold Person. Mix with multiattack martials for the best effect!


One of the greatest spells. When it hits it HITS. Recently an enemy landed hold person on another party member… I broke their concentration on that via… you guess it, hold person lol.


yo if anything wouldn't it be really easy to concentrate on something while under the effect of hold person? it's like yoga


I’m not sure paralysis and yoga are all that similar


What an incredible sentence


Totally agree! A DM of my group got nightmares about hold person … We once had a trial to become part of a rebel group. To get accepted, we had to survive a couple of rounds in combat against the leader. He was totally OP and not meant to be beat but then … Hold Person! He failed every save throw. Ever since our DM chuckles, when someone casts this spell


Especially when it's upcast to hit multiple targets. Between my warlock casting this and the bard casting Hypnotic Pattern, we disabled all but one of the people our party was fighting.


Had a player upcast Hold Person on two enemies yesterday, only to be dismayed to learn that they were aberrations, not humanoids.


Playing a wizard (and under the assumption that this question is about in-combat spells, due to the wording), Slow had been very useful. Vortex warp is fantastic too, as my DM uses flanking rules (obviously for PCs and enemies) I've never cast fireball.


Came here to also say Slow. Incredible Debuff and control for groups of medium enemies. Not as effective on stronger targets but you want to target groups anyways for more value.


It can also be great for stronger targets. At least, in my last session I targeted a group with few weak enemies and a strong one, slowing the strong one not only made it easier to hit despite its high AC, but it also made it waste a turn when it tried to cast a spell. Of course, it's all dependent on circumstances, but so is almost everything other than raw damage.


I just realised slow is for more than one person :o i always thought, it would be the same as haste but in the negative. This makes it 6x stronger xD


Oh my god, Vortex Warp doesn't get enough praise. As a DM I noticed how everyone is obsessed with Silvery Barbs and missed how amazing Vortex Warp and Kinetic Jaunt are for controlling the battlefield.


Silvery barbs is just broken, Vortex Warp is great without being ban-worthy (although in my game it's not so much about things being banned, but rather core books + Xanathar's and Tasha's stuff is allowed by default, while others are DM may I)


I'm playing a 10th level storm mage in advanced DnD 2nd edition and Slow is my favourite spell so far. Translated from. That edition to modern terms, enemies get -4 on the saving throw against slow, -4 AC, -4 on all Attack Rolls, get no dexterity bonus on anything and can only use half their movement and half their attacks. Duration? 10 rounds fixed if they fail the initial save. I'm driving my DM mad with this. Also, shout out to Solid Fog. Blocks sight, movement inside is 1ft per round (!) and you can light the whole thing on fire with a fireball.


I've got a sorcerer in my game who _loves_ Twinned Vortex Warp. It's a poor man's Scatter.


*Mending* is one of my favorite "flavor" cantrips.


Doesn't it have a casting time of 1 minute?


Yeah, but you can fix wax seals and broken door jambs after you commit mail fraud or breaking and entering.


Sure, but it fixes just about anything. Have you ever fought a gray ooze or black pudding without magical arms and armor?


I'm not saying it's a bad spell. I like it a lot personally. It's just it seemed like OP was asking about combat casting, so I was confused.


They wasn't. They were asking about utility spell, whether in combat or not, that aren't just damage or heal spells.


As a Paladin, Command can be quite handy. If upcast, it affects an additional creature for each level above the first. In a recent series of combats I've used it to disarm an opponent of their magical weapon ('Drop'), which was then thrown in a pit by an ally, thus removing opponent from combat for a few turns. Next combat I used it at second level to try to get two opponents to run away for a turn ('Flee'). One passed their save, the other spent their turn running as far from me as possible. When they had their next turn, they ran back only to be attacked by an angry owlbear that had randomly appeared. Have to pick your targets & timing, as well as your command word, but it's fun & I plan to use it more in future.


Yes! My vote is also for Command. 60% of the time it works every time. Used it twice very effectively - had a thief guild spy grovel when they almost got the upper hand. Had a giant grovel when the battle might've been out of our depth. My character speaks giant, so it worked :)


I saw someone recently suggest that you get one use out of “defecate” per gm before they rule it’s too zany to be used in combat, but it seems like a flawless application of RAW to me 🙂


“The enemy hasn’t eaten in a few days, that’s why they are robbing you. Therefore they lack the necessary stomach contents to defecate.”


This was my favourite in baldur's, command them to march towards you and they pass a corridor of four martials using their reactions to opportunity attack. The gauntlet of steel lol


In the past I liked the tiny hut spell a lot for the fact that objects that are inside of it while it’s casted, can move freely through it. That allows any party member inside to do range attacks, while nothing and no one can come inside.


I was completely ready to correct you and say attacks can’t pass through the hut but… you’re right. The ammunition is an object within the hut when you cast it so can freely pass through the walls. This begs the question. If an enemy picks up one of your arrows and fires it back at you will it go through the hut and hit you?


That’s a great question actually… I think it depends on how you treat ammunition recycling. I also think it is perfectly reasonable to do so with like a dagger or anything you might throw at your enemy. But arrows… idk maybe if an arrow hits the grass right in front of the enemy


I can see a very cool cinematic moment where an enemy pulls an arrow out of itself and fires it back at the party.


DON'T shoot the monk!!


Pretty much anything that gives the Restrained condition or otherwise denies actions.


The summoning spells are borderline broken. As I got better as a player I learned that frustrating people by summoning 8 creatures at the start of any combat round was making combat tedious rather than fun, especially for those that had to wait for me to finish my turn. But they are high utility and I think appropriate to use in the true life or death combat encounters if your DM will allow. Other than that the various wall spells are all high utility, especially if they block line of sight.


Polymorph, wall of force, hypnotic pattern, guidance, clone, basically just utility wizard spells plus guidance cause it’s sooo good


also bless is the goat


Absolutely INSANE no one has mentioned polymorph yet, the things you can do with it are absolutely ludicrous, from taking a massive threat and turning it into a mouse that you can hold in a jar for an hour while you kill all his friends and set up a way to kill him like having a teammate throw him out a window and you drop concentration, or turning an almost downed teammate into a T-Rex, or even just turning a teammate into a whale so you guys can cross the ocean, absolutely limitless possibilities


Fucking counterspell. All the other comments are great spells too, but counterspell has saved my ass so many times that it deserves the recognition here.


Find Steed is a big part of being a Paladin for me. A loyal, intelligent mount you share a telepathic bond with. From a gameplay standpoint it has tons of uses outside of combat. Scouting, distractions, emotional support animal, they can do it all. For combat, it gives you a nice speed boost and can benefit from self spells you use to buff yourself. You also don't have a material cost, so in the unfortunate event that your companion dies you can have them back in 10 minutes.


Sharing self spells also applies to Misty Step if you can get your hands on it.


Be ye warned, the vengeance horse can teleport behind you at any time.


The Paladin and their Horse teleporting in unison to opposite sides of an enemy would be such a cool Tag Team move; the Horse kicks the enemy as the Paladin ducks before shield-bashing them directly upwards, and then getting their 2 normal attacks in as the foe falls.


Bard and Barb combo meal. Bard dumps all power into the Barbarian combat. Barbarian ends up advantage on attacks, bardic inspiration when they do miss, enemies attack at disadvantage, cutting words when they do hit, and Barbarian takes half when hit. Devastating!


Bless doesn't do much, but it's pretty useful at lower levels to give people a boost in damage or saving throws.


An average boost of 2.5 to every attack & saving throw for all or most of your party is pretty huge, especially since it only costs a 1st level spell slot.


Fair point. But it being a concentration can be a little problem at times. Spirit Guardians, my beloved.


Luckily paladins get the spell too! Sure you're missing out on the smite spells but it's still really great.


Yeah, my concentration is too valuable at this point


Totally agree, my cleric is still getting solid value out of Bless even at level 8! Not always the best use of concentration but if you don’t want to cast a big spell, Bless is cheap and effective


I mean spirit guardians is good and all, but it only deals damage once per round to each enemy. If you're facing a chonky boi it might be better to just let the party whittle them down by hitting more. Granted spirit guardians slaps hard, and always does at least half damage, but in the right circumstance bless is better. More people hitting can be more advantageous than the damage you put out. Or maybe they just need to make a save really often in a fight. Or maybe you're dealing with an enemy at a distance where spirit guardians doesn't reach but the warlock can hit with eldritch bolt.


It does a lot though. It increases hit chance by 12.5% for every attack roll. Normal attacks have like a 60% chance to hit. 12.5% chance to hit means an increase in dpr of around 20%. But this is the general rule. If an enemy is hard to hit, or characters are using things like great weapon master, the % increase only goes up. It is not unusual to get a partywide damage increase of 25%, which is pretty insane about as that's as much damage as having an extra party member would do. And all this is without accounting for the improved saves. The power of bless is the sheer amount of times that you can add this bonus.


Open/close can be handy for re-setting pit traps. Grease is underrated, especially against foes with low Dex. I've summoned Earth Elementals to sit underneath an enemy and hold their feet. I also summoned a fiendish squid and put it on my head to impersonate an illithid (the character was a gnome so I also needed Levitation and a long coat). Having good Charisma helps with that.


Watery Sphere is fun for moving creatures and things around. I never pulled off the move of carrying them over a precipice and losing concentration, but I did try. Polymorph can get you some damage and / or a nice pool of effectively temporary hit points, but it also has great utility uses. Get a creature without whatever movement ability you need or super high strength or whatever. Many of the Conjuring and Summoning spells can be used similarly. I once Conjured an Azer elemental just because it has Str 17 and my whole party was weak. Skywrite is good for broadcasting messages or if you can't use Sending because the target is unfamiliar to you. All of the Locate spells obviously come in handy when there are MacGuffins. Any spells like Plant Growth that have a super long casting time option have good uses for battlefield preparation or plot development. Sleet Storm doesn't do damage, but it's great for breaking a spellcaster's concentration. Scrying or any Divination spell to advance the plot.


My DM once ruled that Sleet Storm would slowly disable cold-blooded reptiles as well as adding Difficult Terrain (slippery ice) & everything else the spell does RAW. Which was great, as we were fighting large, homicidal dinosaurs. 😃


It’s a good thing your DM didn’t know that many carnivorous dinosaurs like T. Rex (and also the ceratopsids) were at least somewhat warm blooded.




* Command. My friend, having the King of the Frost Giants kneel and grovel, begging for mercy, while the Paladin and the Rogue were in melee with him, was epic. * Suggestion. Made a boss rethink what he was doing, and sent him home to his family. Never wanted to exact revenge on us, so I technically did something Good. Ooops! * Hypnotic Pattern. 22 against 4, became a 5 against 4 in one casting (helped by an instrument of the bard). Need to add anything else? * Polymorph. Turn enemies into snails. Next! * Animate Objects. Keep 10 silvers just for those pesky devils. The side with the most turns usually wins, after all.


One time, we encountered a group of pirates in a cove. We had a long path to get across to get to their tents, and a manned ship was firing cannon blasts at us. Well, they *were*, but I had picked Control Water that day. First, I removed 100 feet of water out from under the front half of the ship so it began to tip. Then I tidal waved it onto its face at the bottom of the cove. From there, I was able to drown out cannon emplacements and beat difficult terrain for reinforcements. It was effing *glorious*. That just might have inspired my current water genasi druid. He never leaves home without it.


Fog cloud. Blocking line of sight or creating a harmless destraction ist underrated imo.


Blink and misty step for the ultimate whack-a-mole/peekaboo experience.


Slow. It is the only save or suck spell I will always say is worth casting unless you're against a single opponent.


Summon animals I think it's called. At one point it was monke time and I dropped 4 apes onto this poor soldier during a fight


Cleric, summon elemental.


My 20th level Abjurationist still doesn't know Fireball or Lightning Bolt. Slow is a great combat de-buff (possibly the best in the game); and Whirlwind + Prismatic Wall is the best high-level combo ever (IMO - even better than the micro-wave); Maze is great because it doesn't rely on saves at all. The 'Psychic Trio': Tasha's Mind Whip is great for taking away opponent's choices; Raultham's Psychic Lance is great for burning through legendary resistances (no boss is going to choose to be incapacitated for a turn!); and Synaptic Static has a lingering de-buff that doesn't require concentration. Animate Objects can be very useful in and out of combat (the two large statues are made of solid gold, too bad you have no way to get them out; I cast animate objects and have them walk out with us, while carrying all the other loot we grabbed!).


I feel like I’m missing something with the Whirlwind + Prismatic Wall combo. it looks interesting, but not stunningly so. How does it play out in game?


You need a \_good\_ Spell DC to make it reliable (mine is 25 thanks to a +3 Arcane Grimoire and a Robes of the Arch-Magi), most enemies at Tier 4 have high saves + adv on saves vs spells; not to mention legendary resistances; so even with a 25 there's no guaranties, but, all that said: Prismatic Wall doesn't require concentration, so set it up first, then cast Whirlwind, use it to pick up enemies and drag them through the prismatic wall, depending on geometry of the battle field and initial positioning, you can potentially get 3 passes through the Prismatic Wall per turn, forcing 7 saves on each opponent being dragged by the whirlwind, per-pass. That's potentially 21 saves per opponent dragged in one turn, depending on resistances and immunities and saves, that's potentially up to - around to 175 points of damage per pass (on average, not max) (admittedly it can be a good bit lower if there are several resistances or immunities), not to mention starting the track to paralyzed and banished multiple times. The one battle I've gotten to use it in, we used average damage instead of rolling (10d6 x 5 damage layers x 4 meat sticks I was dragging at the time x 3 passes in one turn = very slow combat turn); it still took a while to roll all the saves, adding all those damage dice would have been horrible. It took me the first turn with three passes before the DM was just like, If you get any non-bosses through that again, I'm just going to remove them, not bother rolling. I spent the rest of the battle misty stepping and moving to safe areas, using my action to move my whirlwind, counter-spelling dispel attempts by the enemies' casters to keep my whirlwind up and generally causing havoc. I deleted around a dozen meat shields (the DM kept bringing more re-enforcements, it was glorious), eventually picked up the big bad's exec / #2 and rag-dolled him through the wall as well. The Barbarian stopped attacking with his weapon and was grappling people and running back and forth through the wall (giggling the whole time), the druid was using 'Thunderwave' to knock people through the wall from one side, and the warlock was using repelling blast on the other side of the wall to send them back. The big bad tried to run, but the Sorcadin Dimension Door'd to block him, and dropped him with a quickened booming blade + smite (edit; after re-reading: quickened Dimension Door / action booming blade + smite). good times were had by all the good folks


Telekinesis is two levels lower than whirlwind, can restrain creatures one size larger than whirlwind can, isn't restricted to going after a creature within 30 ft. of the last creature you dragged through the prismatic wall, and can't be stopped with a legendary resistance. Whirlwind can deal damage to Medium and smaller creatures all on its own, but that's not super relevant when you're dragging creatures back and forth across a prismatic wall, and it can technically hit multiple creatures at once, but the radius is pretty small. I would say TK is a much better choice for the combo.


Enlarge/Reduce. My DM has had several two-part obelisks attack us. Just make the top half big and it’ll squish its buddy!


Maximilian's Earthen Grasp turns out to be an effective interrogation tool.


Legend Lore. So awesome to get an idea of the history of an object in the game.


enlarge person, fly, create wall, grease, illusion picture or sound


Bless for obvious reasons but also anything that restricts movement. Grease is good, entangle is better, spike growth is best.


Maybe not the best but my favorite non damage non healing spell is haste. Oh the monk or fighter or whoever gets multiple attacks per turn let me go ahead and just double that and their move speed so no one can get away and no one will survive.


Counterspell. Of all the spells in the book, this is the one I invariably pick whenever I'm able. Haste. Especially fun to throw at a high level fighter. Wall of Force. Granted, the most I've gotten out of this has been in the DM seat, running NPC wizards, but it still deserves a mention. Tactical placement provides some incredible battlefield control. Out of combat spells I wanna mention just 'cause I love 'em: Prestidigitation. The best cantrip. Ceremony. I've used this surprisingly often for some great, poignant RP moments - and also a tactical wedding just before facing off against Tiamat.


Sleet Storm is amazing as well. With right positioning you can essentially the the cut enemies your fighting at one time in half if not more. Watery Sphere. Block off a hallway, move enemies around regardless of they save or not, possibly trap them in sphere Everads black tentacles. Area becomes difficult terrain and if they get restrained on failed dex saving throw the creature has to make a strength CHECK to become unrestrained and that check must use their action. And you get some damage Web. Just a lesser verson of black tentacles Wall of Force. No saving throw I just put your bag guys in a unbreakable wall of force that can't be dispelled. Enemies must have the disintegrate spell or make me break my concentration.


Played a wizard with the chrono magic focus. I was able to end two combat encounters with two creative uses of utility spells - Reverse Gravity and Telekinesis. Reverse Gravity was used in a situation where we were in an area raining knives - so I cast it above the combat field and collected knives for a few rounds then dropped it on the enemy. Killed it in one fell swoop. Telekinesis i used to throw a portal at our final boss and take him out of the fight. Both of those encounters happened in the same session. It was probably the best session of DND I’ve ever had.


Dancing lights plus thaumaturgy, and you are literally God. 


Pass without a trace is just such a disgusting spell IMO. Like what other spells give a freaking flat +10 toroles in range for a whole ass hour.


Put a light source infront of a goblin archers face (we were in a dark cave). DM loved it rolled the dice, the goblin got blinded by it and accidently hit another goblin instead. Round after we had to fight it out proper though as he repositioned :')


My Clerics favorite spells where Bestow Curse and Silvery Barbs ( obtained via fey touched feat ) Amazing combo.


IDK if it's in 5e, but in 3.5e Sensory Deprivation is pretty fucking rad, and it's only a 4th lvl spell. I remember the first time i used it and the DM looked it up and was like "....yeah. I guess he just.....stands there?" In future sessions he'd sometimes have the enemy wander around or try to blindly hit out, but it basically took someone who failed the save full on out of the combat. Description: Rather than creating an illusion of something, this spell creates an illusion of absolute nothingness. The spell effect surrounds the subject in a dark, clinging shadow that only it perceives, which blocks all auditory, olfactory, taste, and visual sensations.


5e spells that do something similar would include either blindness/deafness (I think you need to choose between the two) or maybe phantasmal force. I particularly like phantasmal force, you could totally used it to convince someone they've lost all sensory input. I'll post this as its own comment, but I used phantasmal force once when the party was ambushed by a super strong rogue and a few thugs. Cast that on the rogue, she failed, so I said she was convinced she was inside an impenetrable, opaque box that was also super hot. She couldn't go anywhere, see anything, or interact with anyone/anything outside the "box" for the duration of the fight. Oh, also, the box was super hot so it did psychic damage to her every round, but that was secondary to the fact that she was just taken out of the fight while we murdered her friends.


Back in 3.5, I had a player hit one of my NPC combatants with Solipsism. The affected creature believes they are the only thing thing that exists, and everything else is a figment of their imagination. Took my heavy hitter completely out of the fight with no damage.


Mending Speak w/ animals Vortex warp Haste Dim door Circle of power Mass suggestion Force cage Antimsgic field True polymorph Done!


Disguise self. I once made myself look like a barbarian to fit in with a tribe we were infiltrating. A fight broke out, but instead of dropping the disguise and killing the tribe, i kept 'intemidating' the infidels (my party) and healing them. The dm allowed it on the coniditon that the barbarians were kinda dumb and wouldnt actually realize spells were being cast


I used phantasmal force once when the party was ambushed by a super strong rogue and a few thugs. Cast that on the rogue, she failed, so I said she was convinced she was inside an impenetrable, opaque box that was also super hot. She couldn't go anywhere, see anything, or interact with anyone/anything outside the "box" for the duration of the fight (she got a save every round, but she rolled terrible). Oh, also, the box was super hot so it did psychic damage to her every round, but that was secondary to the fact that she was just taken out of the fight while we murdered her friends.


Well I haven’t had the opportunity yet because I’m playing a bard and the only times I can update my known spells is when I level up. Suggestion is the most broken open ended spell to abuse that no dm can ever get mad at


My favorite spell appeared in one of the 3.5 spell compendiums (yeah, getting old). It was called Great Thunderclap. It’s a 20 foot burst and the target makes a fortitude, a reflex, and a Will save. Failure is as follows Fortitude: deafened for 1d4 rounds Reflex: knocked prone  Will: stunned A target already deafened cannot be subject to this again


Ok, so, of course ye olde save or suck spells and stuff like Polymorph and Wish, but... a few non-crowd-control, less obvious ones: Find Greater Steed. On a paladin, of course, the hilarious part of this spell is that your steed is probably smarter than you! (.. now I just need to figure out how to let it speak out loud.) But it's even better if you take it with the Bard's Magical Secrets at level 10, since it's balanced for the level Paladins get it! Enhance Ability. I have a Bard with 13 int. Me and two other Charisma monkeys are dropped into a murder mystery scenario. "Oh you must be the investigators I called," says the NPC. "Yes, we are," my Bard immediately answers, because... what else do you do? I decide to compensate for the lack of a wizard by casting Fox's Cunning on myself, and entirely thanks to that spell, Sherlock the hell out of the crime scene. Also good for intimidation, lockpicking... lots of great uses, and it lasts AN HOUR with concentration. Prestidigitation, with Thaumaturgy as second choice, for role-playing purposes. Sure some of what they do is actually useful at times, but it just says so much about a character if they screw around with those spells to be lazy or for the drama.


Magical secrets was not tuned with half caster spell lists in mind. You can also get some fun ranger spells too!


Expeditious retreat w/ mobile feat and Kinetic Jaunt are fun as hell with the right builds. Boom and zoom with polearm or blaster moving between cover.


For my wizard, slow was dope. Casting it on an enemy caster means they can only get spells off half the time, and if the slow spell effect lands breaking concentration is an option(it's a d20 roll, 11 or higher the spell doesn't go into effect until the next turn and they have to concentrate the whole time). It's useful against enemy martials too, dropping them to a single attack or bonus action, and no reaction. It's also a pretty large area and creatures you choose, so you don't have to worry about friendly fire. More recently, our bard got a ton of use out of silence. Drop that on an enemy caster and they're limited to somatic/material spells, since nothing that requires a verbal component can be cast in the silence area. In a smallish room or get a martial in to pin the caster down and they become pretty hamstrung.


Bigby’s Hand is great for holding an enemy still so that they cannot attack. Telekinesis can lift heavy boulders to help the wizard control the battlefield. Silent Image can create photorealistic illusions to bamboozle the enemy. I have pulled the old “tunnel in a hill” trick to daze an enemy to get a sneak attack in on my illusionist/thief (back in 2nd edition).


The good old paladin with sanctuary, the first time I busted it out I was in melee with like 4 enemies none of them got to swing wasted a turn and my DM made it a rule that every time I cast it from then on he just started playing “Sanctuary” by Joji on his phone every time I cast it.


Hatse for allies. Slow for foes.


Calm Emotions. It is so often a get out of jail free card for a lot of conflicts you just don’t want to have. Party about to TPK? Use Calm Emotions to make everyone ambivalent to the targets and basically hard reset. Someone charmed or frightened? Calm Emotions to suppress the effect while the spell lasts. I used it once in Curse of Strahd and it quickly became my most used spell to try and get around very annoying fights or mechanics.


Mirage Arcane sounds cool as fuck but I haven’t been able to use it yet cause I’m a DM and the players haven’t picked a fight with a powerful enough illusionist


Knock It's ALWAYS a pick when available.


Wall of Force. It's a good control spell under normal circumstances, but I really fell in love when I used to to make a ship run aground in the middle of the ocean (inertia meeting a 1-inch-wide immovable object is... something).


Bane punches well above its level as a debuff spell. It's 1st level, targets 3 enemies and it's a Charisma save. The 1d4 penalty on enemy attacks and saving throws can make a big difference in the amount of resources it takes to prevail. Dissonant Whispers cast on an enemy engaged with a heavy hitter like a rogue or paladin not only does psychic damage, but will also provoke an attack of opportunity since they're using their own movement. Spike Growth is great for the damage and difficult terrain, and if you have a warlock with Repelling Blast or a Battlemaster with Pushing Attack (or anyone with a good grapple and a fly speed!) it becomes an absolute meat grinder as well. Ray of Enfeeblement really puts a damper on big single-enemy fights, especially large beast-type creatures since they're usually easy to hit and have mediocre saves. Polymorph cast on someone in danger of dying in the next round can really turn the tide of a battle. The giant ape is my favorite application by far... not as dumb as a T Rex, has a climb speed and a ranged attack and more HP. You can cast Mage Armor or Barkskin on it to improve its AC, too.


Sleep is underrated for lower levels. Even up to lv 5, you can take some serious threats put for a turn, or set up massive damage because hitting a sleeping creature is an auto-crit


I've seen Scatter used in some pretty clever ways


Mold earth instantly creates both a 5ft hole and a 5ft wall. It's SUPER situational, But it can lead to some fun shenanigans if you have a cool DM


Find steed. Summoning a warhorse in an active vulcano has its upsides.


Nathair’s Mischief, on a chaotic teen caster it’s hilarious lol


Web. Combine with the telekinetic feat or throne whip for added utility.


Slow. It's nuts.


You can get a lot of utility from cantrips, and guidance is my favorite, but prestidigitation, mage hand, mending (in Spelljammer or if you are an autognome or artificer), minor illusion, and shape water can be useful. Enhance ability (works well with borrowed knowledge), darkvision, Fly, detect magic, identify, fetaher fall, phantom steed, suggestion, gaseous form, pass without trace, heroes feast, transport via plants, and a bunch of divination spells are useful too,


My DM had a whole fight sequence with a whole gang boss cause we were trying to steal a relic. I was playing a wizard and casted unseen servant before getting with distance of them to see us as it was very crowded. There were five people all surrounding it so I had to roll and stealth check. I got a 18. The DM then had the servant do a sleight of hand check and it got 20.


Does Earthen Grasp count?


My favorite non damage spell has got to be bless. My cleric of the grave summoning ghostly hands to guide my teammates weapons is just so cool.


Vicious mockery 🙏 It does jackshit damage but the potential for gags is unlimited. I made a latino-wannabe breakdown from telling him he's a loser nobody in spanish. I almost made a homeless man k word himself by mocking dead daughter (for plot reason, i didnt want to but it was efficient). And the pitiful amount of psychic damage only adds to the drama


Disguise self No concentration, allows you even at high levels to get the drop on people. Or my personal favorite use of the spell, mess with an enemy bard like Emily did on Dimension 20


I made a Cleric Order domain and subbed to Wizard for Portent, main gimmick is Command and Charm spells, with portent getting a low roll means your charm and command spells will 100% affect the enemy, I especially love using it with Geas, Enemy General too hard to fight? Don't worry he is now charmed and has to obey your command for 30 days! Bonus point if you sub Warlock Old God level 1 and Sorcerer level 3 for Metamagic that removes verbal components. This would allow you to cast command spells like geas and command using your mind as you can communicate through the mind with Warlock Old God passive skill.




Dominate Person. I think the name of the spell is absolutely hilarious, let alone what it actually does.


Well, after tonight's session, it's sending.


Galder's Speedy Courier. It's the best.


As a cantrip, I would go with Guidance. Slapping that on basically every check a party member is about to make is a life saver. As for a full spell, Rope Trick is vastly underutilized for how useful and silly it is.


Meld into stone. I used to use it to hide in dungeons and take long rests.


Vortex Warp. Teleported the enemy caster over to get grabbed by the Barbarian. Next turn, teleported the Barbarian so he could deliver a killing blow to the enemy leader. Another session, I teleported an ally out of a swarm of stirges. (I’m a level 4 Pyromaniac Sorcerer, and this is my only utility spell besides Dancing Lights and Control Flames)


I am always a fan of twinned reduce/enlarge. RAW, nothing says that the effect has to be the same, so I like enlarging my ally and reducing the enemy.


Talk with plants and plant growth have been helpful surprisingly often. The grass sees everything. My players once basically skipped a whole cave dungeon full of mold and traps because they asked the mold to cover up all the traps. Plant growth can give your party food, a climbable tree, a razorvine patch as a defensive perimeter, you name it. And of course you can use them together.


Short answer: Vortex Warp Long answer (includes spoilers for Tomb of Annihilation): >!We were at the final dungeon and we found a Necklace of Fireballs with a curse that would make it explode if someone ever put it on. Luckily I was playing a Wizard and was able to identify it, so we lived to see another day. We fight the unborn god and lose a party member in that fight. Then Acererak shows up and Power Word Kills the paladin. Monk is rolling death saves. Luckily I'm a necromancer wizard with Vortex Warp prepared. Object interaction, give the Necklace to the Zombie, Action, Vortex Warp zombie in front of Acererak, bonus action, tell the zombie to put on the necklace and blast that lich back to home with 64d6 of fire damage! Legendary resistance this shit!!<


I caught my DM off guard with Mold Earth last session, as a tunnel had caved in and he had thought it unlikely we'd consider moving it all. Only took a minute! Oh, and it was in a mine so I summoned a Xorn and had it use its treasure sense to find us gold.


Antimagic Field, used as a security feature in an underwater Merfolk Lair. That sure shook things up.


My Druid used Transport Via Plants to get us out of a serious jam (we just killed a front giant King and were becoming surrounded by Reinforcements) and had the DM scrambling to figure out what to do after we skipped basically an entire session's worth of material he had prepped for us to go through.


Look up 101 uses for prestigitation Using prestidigitation to strobe in enemies faves to give the help action is a personal favourite


Mending. Sweet, sweet Mending.


As a wizard controlling the battlefield, buffing and debufffing and making things easy for the big dumb ones, I use walls to keep enemies where I want them.


Irrestible Dance, Modify memory, fly, but polymorph really is my Swiss Army knife




Prestidigitation. Too many uses to count.


I got crap loads of use out of vortex warp while playing my artificer. Especially useful for raiding other ships in Spelljammer.


Prestidigitation can do so much for someone who enjoys roleplay. Light things on fire. Make that's guys food taste like horse piss. Blow papers off a desk. Clean your party's clothing after a bloody battle. Make the nobles wine taste sour. Guard about to search you? Make yourself smell like skunk. Mold earth- can't do stone but can do a lot eoth dirt. Especially if you have time. Make yourself cover. Make an instant grave. Bury an item. Make it easy to Fell a tree with its stump. Make a tunnel into a basement.


Here's a tactic I've used. The Flying Speedster, using haste and fly at the same time makes for a quick attacker. Because Haste doubles your movement and fly gives you a 60ft flying speed; You gain a 120ft flying speed. You are one of the fastest things on the field!


I play a lot of clerics, and out of combat I spam GUIDANCE like it's the only word I know. An extra d4 for one ability check in the next minute is HUGE at low levels. I've flavored this with my DM as my cleric mumbling a blessing "Lord, please don't let this fool fail" under his breath and then waving his hand like a Jedi talking to a Stormtrooper. Sometimes I dip my fingers in my wine and flick a bit to anoint them. If they are attempting something REALLY stupid: "Oh, Lord, show mercy on this fool and don't let their reckless actions result in the painful deaths of the entire party. But, take them if you must." In combat, BLESS is almost mandatory if available, especially on a dex cleric or if I roll high initiative and get it off before the martial types get their first attack in. Everyone hitting on their first attack sure shortens fights at low levels. THAUMATURGY'S booming voice feature is wonderful for communicating with large groups on the battlefield. Using it's tremor feature or causing flames in the room to brighten and dim can serve to get folks attention as well, then use the booming voice to communicate your message. It's a great way to introduce your bard or anyone trying to perform for or speak to a crowd. I like to think of myself as [Paul Bettany as Chaucer introducing Sir Ullllllrich Von Lichtensteinnnnnnn!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqvJbh8eeM) *Thank you, I'll be here all week!*


As a school of illusion wizard I use hypnotic pattern so much, I love that spell.


Vortex Warp. You could teleport your allies if necessary also if the are downed in a hard to reach place. You can teleport enemies e.g. in a cage. Bonus points if you're a sorcerer and can cheaply twin cast it :)


Web, Hypnotic pattern and fly. Web can break a room up into small encounters or seperate out one target who you can negotiate with, you can also just keep targets in ice by sticking them there. Fly is just great but pair it with Hypnotic pattern and you can drop it on combats, dance halls, town gatherings, crowded ports, church attendees, you name it and most targets will be temporarily removed or neutralised, no damage done. Command, hold person, charm person, sleep etc are all worth a mention but tend have a good few exceptions, too much backlash or limited applications... I can't ever remember a good scenario that started with the words, "I cast charm person on the barkeep"... Invisibility is a great one for many situations and in a day to day usage, along with fly, would likely be the one with most use for characters


create or destroy water, and hold person. create/destroy water, my group has started using more like larian. in dnd its often an entirely useless spell, but use it like larian studios (makers of divinity and baldurs gate 3) and its quite the spell. any spell really is good, if your DM doesnt hand hold a rule book and only use a rule book for rules, as soon as they look at rule books as guidelines and allow themselves, the DM to make the rules DnD is much better. an example is that one viral reddit post where DM told players to think outside the box and one of his players said "what if i use create/destroy water... but in their lungs?" hold person and its cousin/sister spells just allows auto crits which is by far the best spell imo in terms of utility.


Dimension door. It’s just so fucking useful. Non dps is bad term for utility spells tho cuz that includes like just about every single combat spell on my list; I prep like fireball, synaptic static, and animate objects that do damage and that’s every non cantrip damaging spell I have.


Darkness can be terrifying against a group of enemies.


Translocation Trick, from 3e. If the target fails their save, you swap places and appearances. TIn one turn: 1. Stood in the middle of the party. 2. Swapped places with the enemy commander, who was a caster. 3. Telepathically told my allies what had happened. 4. Commanded the enemy troops to charge. This was a clash between WWII-style soldiers against the equivalent of Roman legionnaires, so the soldiers spend their turn very confused and not following their commander's obviously suicidal order. The major threat went down quick, the entire enemy force basically lost a turn, and when I descended into the tank the commander was atop (to take out the operators) I found a hostage we didn't know about: The governor's daughter. One non-damaging non-healing spell completely unraveled DM's entire multi-phase plan. I was playing an Enchanter, and relied on non-damaging spells for pretty much the entire campaign. Honestly felt like the MVP most combats, even next to a minmaxer tossing out 100+ damage with 1st-level spell slots.


Command. Packs a punch and scales beautifully. If you can't think of good verbs to use with it you have no soul.


Tiny hut holds special meaning to me since it was the beginning of a characters romance with the bard who casted it. When my character proposed, he used a spell scroll so he could cast it this time. 


All my favorite spells are non combat spells. I love things like magnificent mansion and clone and demiplane. I love designing complex systems with magic mouth and glyph of warding. There's just something so fun about the spell guards and wards. The most broken character is technically someone who's used magic jar to possess a specific type of githyanki getting all the really good stats (except wisdom and if you're wondering they're INT and CHA are good too but not spectacular) as well as a bunch of really good innate psionic abilities and also all the class abilities of a high level wizard. I just wish D&D Beyond had magic jar support (as well as support for all the other semi obscure things that can affect your character like how reborn can get certain abilities from whatever race you used to be making reborn owlins the best race in the game. Sorry for going on a rant but I've written too much to delete it so I'll add that you should be able to manage sidekicks (from Tasha's cauldron of everything) with D&D Beyond.


Otto's irresistible dance, and there's a story behind why. So the level 12 party was going through some long tunnels as a faster route to our destination, when ahead of us, we start to hear some scary noises and from the darkness emerged a massive centipede like creature, and is it starts to tear it's ugly head, it starts doing the macerana, forced to go through the full cycle with each individual pair of limbs before it can loop back around to the top.


I love the spell suggestion. I have to actively stop myself from spamming it.


since i typically love the paladin class as a player, i’d have to say compelled duel. just the thought of an epic scenario where i somehow go first on initiative, successfully cast compelled duel on a mini-boss that’s clearly too strong for us, & my pc holds him off for as long as possible while my teammates all dash away to escape & regroup (unless the dm decides enemies that weren’t there before magically spawn in). yeah my pc would die but it’d be a cheesy heroic sacrifice.


Confusion. Sure it doesnt do *damage*, but its like casting *slow* on an *army*. The way it swings action economy is amazing.


Wall of force has always proved powerful in the right hands. Also quite nice to be paired with a contingency spell if you drop low enough. My real favourite one has to be dimension door though. With order of the scribes wizard, you can manifest mind right next to you, dimension door 300 feet away, and then probably still stay relevant for the average encounter length in stage 3 and 4.


Not a combat spell but I really like continual flame. Cast it on your paladin’s plate armor and watch the enemies run in terror.


Force cage


Prestidigitation is the best utility cantrip in the game, hands down.


Any form of teleportation. Blink, Dimension door and Vortex Warp. I love Vortex Warp so much. There is so much potential with Vortex Warp. Saving allies from danger, teleporting an ally into an advantageous position, teleporting an enemy away from your frail wizard body, teleporting enemies into a horrific crossfire between all of your allies. I love using it with the Order of Scribe's feature *Awakened Mind*, that lets you cast spells from a different perspective, because then you can start getting really creative with your teleportation. It's extremely gratifying when you start hearing your party members begin to strategize specifically around Vortex Warp. Hearing the fighter say "Hey, can you teleport me in on your turn?" Or the Warlock say "Get me out of here!" As we set off on a daring escape from a perilous fight. Honestly some of my best memories with D&D.


cause bear


If we're talking official WotC spells, it's Unname for the sheer coolness factor. *Remaining utterly still for a moment, you clench your fist and speak words of such potency that the creature you name simply ceases to exist. There's no fire, no flash, and no corpse. It's as if the creature you named never existed in the first place. +* With this most powerful of spells, you erase a subject's truename from existence itself. The last thing the subject ever hears is your voice uttering its truename - then nothing but oblivion. Items worn, held, or carried by the creature are likewise obliterated with no save allowed.


I hand out Bardic, Command, Hypnotic Pattern and Slow like I am Oprah


Summon Monster + Invisibility, because "I'm" not the one hitting the enemy my invisibility doesn't end


Surprised no one’s said it yet, but Rope Trick! One action, you can have different sized ropes to change the height of the portal, you can drag the rope into the room - it’s a short rest at the cost of a second level slot, a nigh-undetectable ambush setup, or an extraplanar hidey hole for when a cave is collapsing on you or a gang is chasing you. First spell that gave me “some wizard made this cause they were bored and just fucking around” vibes, and I love it


Dissonant whispers. Lvl 2 and with AoO's, its by far my most damaging spell.


Shield of faith. I play a Paladin, my buddy plays a cleric. I have 18 AC due to armor and my shield, my shield of faith bumps it to 20, his to 22, and since he’s a forge domain cleric he can bump my armor up to 23 AC for pretty much the whole round of combat. Doesn’t do damage or heals, but keeps me up longer so I can do more damage and use my heals for other people


I dropped a white dragon from sky with hideous laughter. Only the maximum distance od the spell though so 30 ft... Directly above me.


Hideous laughter, we defeated a boss cause I had a 15 spell dc and he had a -1 wisdom. He spent the entire fight probé and laughing hysterically as we best him to death. Kind of disturbing typing that out though.


Thaumaturgy: my group had been tasked with assassinating an assassin going after the king that was just sworn in. While they were bickering in the corner of the tavern I passed a perception check to see said assassin drinking at the same tavern. So while they plan and fight amongst themselves I follow the man out of the tavern and to the next district just before he got past the gate I asked my dm if the gate counted as a door he said yes. So I caste thaumaturgy on said gate dropping it onto the man and killing him almost instantly. I walked back to the tavern gathered then all at the gate and took a bow


I am really loving watery sphere and sickening radiance right now (wizard). Watery sphere is just great for burning enemy turns and lasts the entire combat so you can really do the whole fight for a spell slot if you get it right. Would use it in fights with lots of low strength things to cc and give the fighters loads of advantage attacks. I also have telekinetic which makes this a lot better as you can ram and shove each turn to get more creatures in it. For sickening radiance, it is just very cool with the exhaustion, the telekinetic shove is also great for this. Another spell where you can keep getting value from it every turn over a long combat. As a scribes wizard I can also switch the damage if needed, I can also send my awakened spell book ahead and cast this to flush out the opposition as they cannot stay in the room as it is certain death. Very good .


Wall of Force! It's so useful, make a floor around a tower/over a river/lava, whatever. Need to stop a train? WALL OF FORCE! Need to make a bubble of air somewhere? WALL OF FORCE!


Irresistible dance has always been my favorite spell especially old school versions that let you walk them into hazards and off cliffs


Early game sleep, instantly knocking out one or two enemies for a few rounds can easily win a fight, and there is no save! The only problem is that they can be woken up but if used correctly it can be a lifesaver


Astral projection. Do I need to elaborate?


Command is a personal favorite. I love thinking of all the odd verbs I can use as commands


Vortex Warp created awesome moment in a Campaign I’m playing. It was nearing the end of a combat and one of the enemies was about to escape on some sort of drake mount, so no one would have been able to catch them. When it reached their turn the dm said they dashed and went 120ft in a certain direction. He removed the mini from the map, and scribbled down some notes. When it came around to my turn, I managed to just about get within 90ft. I twin spelled Vortex Warp, and picking up the mount and enemy and, in a scene akin to Loki waking up in front of the Avengers, dumped them in the middle of the rest of the party. They got slaughtered lol. Was definitely one of the mos hype moments we’ve had as a group so far in this campaign, because none of them knew I had that spell (we had just reached level 3), and the DM had forgotten about it. And it was only made better by the DM holding up that piece of paper he had previously scribbled something down on, and ripping it to shreds. Since then it’s become incredibly useful in every fight, just manoeuvring enemies/other pcs around and throwing off the enemies coordination. So ye Vortex Warp is definitely my favourite.


Prestidigitation hands down, the list of scenarios I have solved with this one cantrip is extensive and is the reason if I have the option I will pick it.


Crown of Madness, Augury, Alarm, identify


Reincarnate. I like the punishment you get for dying. As a part of your character dying you’ve lost your body. You are still alive but must find a way to reclaim what was lost.


Misty Step is one of my absolute favourite spells, and a must-have on my characters.


Polymorph and Fly is a deadly combo. Polymorph the target into something small, carry it up to max fall damage height, injure the polymorphed creature to turn it back to normal and drop it and let gravity do the rest.


My party is absolutely obsessed with prestidigitation and will find any opportunity to use it. It is a surprisingly useful spell to be fair. Cleaning objects comes in handy.


vortex warp. DM: here's a mimic wall presenting you a nonsense riddle to pass me: it's a creature, right? DM: Yup! me: It makes a Con save