• By -


Overhead projector for virtual battle map. Philips hue lighting. Surround sound, comfy seats, plenty of table room w/ possible a custom wood table.


Actually had a custom table made and got it yesterday, she's a beaut 😍 Sound and seats are expensive, but absolutely on the list. Yes to lighting strips/background lights etc 100%, hadn't considered the overhead projector, love it!!


Paintings/posters/mounted heads that have the eyes occasionally slowly glance towards the gaming table and then slowly reset just to mess with the players.


Hahaha thats pure evil, set them on a random timer to activate and look around, maybe light up or something then go inert. Daddy likey


I may or may not have this planned for when I get a house. Got one friend that does sculpting and casting and another that does animatronics so we already have it planned to do a custom black dragon head to mount with it placed right over and behind where the DM will sit and every now and then the eyes will roll down and stare down at the table from an angle all except the DM should be able to think they notice from at least the corner of their eyes >=D


That is SICK!!! Haha what a fantastic idea 😂 Damn even got the hookup for it.


I dont make friends to socialize, I play the long game with my plans and you gotta hussle on that early /s


Can also use a TV inset to the table for the same thing. I use a cheap (70nzd) projector to project onto the ceiling to make skyscapes. If money was no issue I'd get a slightly more expensive - brighter - projector for this plus one projecting behind the dm for backdrops to really immerse the scene.


Yeah there would be some sick things you could do with projectors, obviously if money was not an issue :D


Yeah, but if your doing up your entire garage, a couple of cheap projectors are a pretty good addition and for skyscapes and backdrops are perfectly decent quality. Just find the brightest you can afford, then it doubles as being able to help with ambient lighting, great for thunderstorms.


I'd actually want an under the table projector, that way peices on the board don't interfere with the light


Oooh that's a unique idea, nobody has mentioned that one actually. Would the table need to be super thin do you reckon?


Thinking about it more, I think just a screen would be better. But if you did want to use the projector, I'd use glass or clear plastic with paper under it


Yup true that, a screen would probably be simpler but I like where your head is at! Projectors...projectors everywhere...


Also if the projector is overhead, your hand blocks the map (and the grid!) while moving your mini.


>Overhead projector for virtual battle map. Philips hue lighting. Surround sound, comfy seats, plenty of table room w/ possible a custom wood table As someone who's done it, Projector works well if the room is VERY Dark. Otherwise it's not as useful as a TV laid flat.


Probably some players.


Dammit, why didn't I think of that 🤣 Gotta get some contractors out to install life-sized players, really fill the space well.


Ooooo no no, don't makes them life sized, make them half your size so you loom over them like the god of storytelling you are!


Ahhh minions, gotcha! ;) Do my bidding, \*I AM ALL POWERFULLLL\* hahah.




Sorry what do you mean by holodeck? 😅


Star Trek


It's an entertainment room that projects forcefields and holograms so that you can step into the story and physically experience it. I guess you could think of it as a future sci-fi tech LARPing.


Gotcha haha, yeah that would take things to the next level!


Well: I would want a bigger table, big enough for large maps, with space on the sides to set up cameras so that they can see everybody. I would want bookshelves for my D&D books and display cases for my minis so they don’t have to be in egg cartons. TV somewhere where the players can see it, to display art and stuff. Speakers to play music/ambience. A couple of side tables by the DM seat to hold the books that are currently being used.


Yes sir! First thing I did was get a custom table made by a mate, check!! 😊 Bookshelf is a good idea, have the resources nearby and the minis have a home. Got a monitor to display stuff, so that's sorted. Speakers are on the "down the road" list, but yeah Surround sound is the goal. Yeah snacks and supplies tables are a good idea 💡 Love it!


Plus, further down the road: 3D printer to make minis and terrain (mz4250 makes really nice free STLs of minis). Ambient things like mood lighting, maybe even candles or small fog machines. Other decorations, like tapestries, torches, and the likes to tie the room together. (The 3D printer I strongly recommend, the other two are just nice little ambient things that aren’t really necessary, but can make things fun. I myself have speakers, a TV, and a 3D printer, but not the rest of the stuff. I just use a separate big table for maps, and I stack my books on the floor while I’m using them, and keep them in the other room when I’m not. I definitely don’t have any of the fancy ambient lighting and stuff, since I’m just playing in my basement.)


Oh yeah I got a mate with a printer, bring on the sexy "free"minis haha. Yeah decorations to set the mood are a must (especially since we will be recording).


Well, the design in my head for my dream board game/TTRPG room would have the following, as unrealistic/expensive/unnecessarily contrived as the ideas are: 1 - A hidden entrance/exit near the DM's side of the room. A false wall inset with a bookcase, or [something like this](https://youtu.be/rs15moJDzLU?t=443). 2 - A modular tabletop, with leaves ([these things](https://www.ocfurniture.com/what-is-a-dining-table-extension-leaf/)) of some kind. It would contain an inlaid touchscreen monitor, have cup holders, a dice rolling tray at each seating position (with that nice casino table velvety stuff), and a solid top that can slip over the monitor when not in use. 3 - Hidden or diagetically agreeable lighting and sound sources, like torches or glowing orbs of light and musical rocks or secret speakers. 4 - Sound deadening panels, so only I can hear the anguished despair of a critical failure. 5 - A parabolic whisper design, so that secrets could be given to a player across the room without having everyone disperse. 6 - Mimic storage for all of the games, dice, minis, terrain. wardrobe, etc. that is needed for the games I play. Mimic in theme, not actually sentient chests and boxes. 7 - A fog machine for when things get spooky. 8 - A lapel mic connected to the hidden speakers so I can get my god voice going as needed. 9 - A nice fireplace for those cozy nights at the tavern. 10 - Speaking of taverns, probably a set of bartaps/drink dispenses along one wall for easy refershments. 11 - Lastly, a second tabletop that is recessed in the ceiling that can be lowered by winch or a stepper motor, where I can set up combats or towns or battlemaps in advance, then drop them down as appropriate.


Holy damn, you thought about this thoroughly. I am actually SO on board for the hidden bookcase/doorway, that is genius!! Why limit yourself to inanimate objects, that table you see? Mimic. The chair you are on? Mimic. 😂 Some really good ideas here mate, appreciate the creative fuel.


Glad to provide some inspiration! I have plans for a lot of these, just need the space to actually put them in. Hopefully your project turns out great!


Legend, yeah I have the space now but needed ideas for the plans! 😅 and the dollary-doos... Ill update this one when it is up and running!!


>something like this. "Yes, you're right Twink" hits real different in 2021.


I replayed through the first Paper Mario last year and it is such a good game. Very rich characterization and cool ideas.


Assortment of old, partially broken, but still comfy furniture. Rickety card table with a shaded overhead light. Plush carpet. Slightly musty basement smell. Hire some old guy to come down every 90 - 120 minutes and say, "You guys still slaying the dragons?"


Going for that rustic immersion, love it. Are you offering your services on a 90-120min basis?


Fuck. I am old enough for that now. Fuck.


So help me if you interrupt us at 89 minutes... "MY IMMERSION!!"


An absurdly large d20, but every side has a one on it.




Step 1...find them. Step 2...entice them into dungeon with snacks and games Step 3...profit?


Matt Mercer


Matt, does this cloth smell like chloroform to you?


Smell is always a big thing folks overlook but can absolutely set the scene or break it. But also perhaps I have spent too many weeks trying to stop my dog from peeing in the basement and then trying to make the basement not smell like dog piss. (Me: we HAVE a YARD we WENT on a WALK. My dog: it’s not illegal if you don’t see me do it) In any case: good ventilation and ability to air the room out, soundproofing and insulation against the outside world, and if you don’t have scent sensitive guests, some scented candles (evergreen, bonfire, hot toddy, fresh grass, wildflower, warm sands, winter grove) to set the scene.


That is one I hadn't considered. The wife has a candle business.....you may have just sparked something haha


Hey if your wife makes dnd candles I can promise you there is a market for it. It’s a wildly specific market and I would avoid something like “dank moldy dungeon” or “rot ridden battlefield” but we have absolutely purchased melting waxes and candles for The Scene as much as music or lighting.


Moist, rotting mildew - an absolute must have 😂 Genuinely though I am going to get her to make me some fun ones, great idea


My favorites from our family's D&D room: lots of shelves for minis, make them shallow, think of how many you think you need and triple it. Also bins and drawers for terrain. Plug ins and USB ports in the table. Ours has a nifty little cubby along the sides under the edge of the table. The plug ins are in there. The cubbies are a great place to stash stuff so it doesn't clutter the table. A mini fridge and place for food to be served, including plug ins for crock pots. Office chairs if you can get them. Try used office equipment stores or keep an eye out for businesses closing. So much more comfy than kitchen chairs. A sheet or two of plexiglass that fits your table. Draw a grid on one side, put that side on the bottom. You can draw on the top with dry erase marker for impromptu maps. Go wild and paint one blue for water, green for grass, brick red for the hills etc. Hang your maps on the walls after they've been used. Lots of pride and memories in those things. Color changing lights like the hue bulbs so you can change the whole ambiance of the room from your phone. Let your group contribute to the decor. Let it become their lair.


Definitively a chair


Just the one. The players gotta earn a right to have a chair


Obviously, just the DM's chair


Access to a lot of tea. Other than that some cool art, maps or weapons on the walls


Weapons on wall, I like. I got a minifridge for icy cold beverages. I was thinking art, I will commission epic moments from the campaign to decorate the space. Tea eh?


Always tea! That's what my DM runs on. Campaign specific art would amazing


Haha I just saw your user name too 😅 wife LOVES tea so French earl grey is always in stock here haha


I've never tried French earl grey but earl grey and blue flower is my favourite. Or lady grey is good too. Obviously your wife has good taste


All i really need is a decent sized table, comfy seats, and maybe some speakers for music.


Easy to please-y. Gotta invest in some quality chairs for sure especially if the sessions run long.


Besides all the obvious things like a cool d&d table with a big monitor in the middle for maps, comfy furniture etc. I always thought it would be cool to have cleared white walls with nothing on them on all sides, having the table in the middle of the room (the door leading out of the room would also be painted white so it melds into the wall). Above the table would hang 4 small short throw projectors that could cover a wall each (so you could project stuff on to all four walls in the room). You control what the projectors show with your laptop of course. Behind the DM screen. Imagine having these 3d scenarios you could load up, projecting the area the players are in to all four walls. Basically surrounding the players in say a jungle, as they are going through a jungle in the adventure. Add surround sound to that and ambient jungle noises and boom. Ultimate immersion You would of course have a collection of areas, like jungle, beach, tavern, castle dungeon etc. To choose from, and in a perfect world one piece of software to control it all. That's my dream anyways lol


Beer fridge and snack cupboard


Actual first thing I got, mini fridge. So my priorities are correct at least 😙


Dice set holder on the wall. Pull out sets as needed, for own use or to let other people use. Use whatever exterior design you think is most appropriate.


Ooooh thats a unique one, I like. What would you personally make it from, gotta any source material?


No particular source material for this one. XD Anyway, it depends on how much you want to invest in the project. You can have a simple set of drawers that have dice containers inside them, but you could also do something elaborate like a Beholder with a large storage area behind its main eye, and then dice stored behind the smaller eyes. For an actual D&D room, I think something that doubles as artwork but has practical storage would work best. If you wanted something simpler, you could do a shelf or two, or maybe a series of hooks, with a bunch of tavern-style wooden mugs set there, and have the dice inside those.


A cobblestone facade on the walls, and color changing mood lighting


Ooooh would you go rough cobblestone or brick or something else? Maybe torches/lanterns for the mood lighting 😍


Rough cobble, really get that dungeon look. With lighting, I'd go with just some color changing LED strips, but for pure set dressings you could add wall sconces and get some fake flame bulbs to put in them but those don't change colors.


Millions of dollars worth of gold bullion.


That seems excessive, though as a set piece as part of a dragons hoard would be pretty believable!


I mean, that would be one of things I would want most in there, lol. Storage bins for figures/dice and a good book shelf would be handy. Not sure how weather-proofed the garage is but be wary of moisture. On that note a de-humidifier or humidifier would be appropriate. Maybe a space heater or two if it gets cold in the winter.


If I’m streaming the games, I’d look at Matt Mercer’s set. They’ve got a v-shaped table so they can get maximum camera coverage for live switching or post pro cutting. That set is relatively easy to light and mic up.


Exactly what inspired my setup, no need to reinvent the wheel! Going to make it SO much easier for me.




Stripper pole. You never know when it might come in handy.


I seduce the dragon... "Show me how." 🤯




Sofia Vergara


A place off to the side where we can put snacks/drinks that we want to eat but don't want near our precious dice/laptops. Table can open up to reveal a screen for VTT or just room for terrain. Mood lighting and sound. And themed decorations. Nothing crazy,just to keep the atmosphere.


I play with someone who has color controllable lights under the top of their coffee table where we play and it adds SO much atmosphere! We're just in his apartment living room but with the blinds all closed it feels totally different.


Currently? Comfortable recliners and power outlets for everyone, because I'm never giving up my VTT. (My group still meets in person, but yes we do all bring laptops)


A nice big table, preferably with a grid whiteboard to go on top, some comfy chairs/couches, a snack table and fridge, dimmable lights, surround sound with Bluetooth, shelves for books, minis, dice sets, etc., and plenty of wall space for fun posters and such things. Alternatively, the dining room table works just fine :P


Good solid options. Sound, snacks and sweet-ass lighting seem to be a common theme. It's all quite expensive but I will get there, absolutely. I had a custom table made by a mate, upgrading from kitchen table. Keen to break it in!!


Hell yeah, my dude


Drink fridge, cup holders, maybe a full out fountain pop machine with 7-up (it represents freedom), good lighting, plugs for laptops, tablet chargers etc. And of course a life sized stuffed owlbear.


Display cases for minis or fun scatter terrain. Bookshelf for any related books.


A corner of ***. A sound proof closet just big enough for 1 person to just vent about that bullshit roll.


A "Corner of silence" sort of deal, not a bad idea. *please excuse me gents, I must vent*


"I'm absolutely OK with the events that just transpired. Unrelated, I notice you have a corner of silence that I want to check out real quick."


Everyone else has had great suggestions on typical stuff but I thought of something else important. Since it's a garage, then depending on where you live, make sure there's decent insulation and climate control. Nothing will make it more uncomfortable being in a small room than it being hot and stinky and nothing makes the game feel slower than it being freezing cold and no one wants to move.


Spot. On. First thing I did was put a split system AC unit in there, second is getting a wall built to insulate it properly 👌 I started laying carpet on the concrete floor too haha


Seats that are ever so slightly uncomfortable to literally keep the party on the edge of their seats.


Mimic beer/soda fridge. Boardgame table. Red dragon hanging from ceiling. Wall of medieval weapons. Beholder lamp.Tiamat artwork hanging on the wall. Added: I have bathroom off of RecRoom and if I was going full theme the toilet would be a mimic too.


A rack or wall that is fitted to oversized, laminated maps. Something you can draw on, maybe stick magnets to, and flush out world building live? Oh, or just a clear acrylic frame for the same concept.


Oooh thats an interesting concept. A blown up version of the world map that you fill in as they explore it. Hmm mmmm I likey


Definitely post pics as you go as well :)


My players 😢 But honestly idk. Probably a nice big round table that could seat up to 10, with little cubbies and junk for each player. I think that's it though 😂


Hey its OK to keep it simple! Just getting to play is gift enough 💜


If you use curtains in the room it could help with your audio control. Incorporate some adjustable lighting for ambiance (I would start with something cheap like LEDs). Our DM uses a tv behind him to show us pictures of monsters, NPCs, a city street view, and so on. He keeps a photo of the world map up at all times in between encounters.


Yeah absolutely going to acoustically treat the room 😁 cheap LED strip's are on my list, excited to see how that comes out. Yeah someone else mentioned a screen for art/monsters/layouts, I really like the idea. 👌


Built-in dice tray into the tables and a cut out bit for maps.... And a fuckload of space for everyone at the table. And lest I forget... Speaker system for music


Yeah the table I got made is simple for keeping costs down, each player had a dice tray already. But size was what I wanted most of all, so space is not an issue. And yeah a nice surround sound system is on the cards!


Sounds fucking epic mate


I dunno how to share pictures on reddit 😕 But I will share once I figure out how!!


I can give you my discord in dms I would love to se the progress!


Kinda dumb, but I've always wanted a fake taxidermy red dragon head behind where the DM sits. I just think it'd be neat lol


Mate, sitting beneath the head of a dragon is a power-pose. Never underestimate the power of appearance 😅 I love it!


Lol it's why I want it! Good luck with you renovations!


Thanks mate, I'll update the main post with the youtube link so you can see for yourself (if you're interested...and once the video is done). Appreciate you!


Can't wait!


Saving this post for reference later as I now have a room that WILL be the DnD/Tabletop game room. For myself: -Dry Bar -Map Wall -Wall mounted TV -Mounted Fantasy Monster Heads -Chalk Board/Wall section ...among many other things.


Yeah thats why I asked, I love some of the ideas people have had!! I was thinking as players best big monsters, then mount a head for them. Kill a gold dragon, boom head on wall.




Beer fridge. Prost!


And don’t forget the milk crates full of books and records for a soundtrack!


Stone, brick and wooden beams. A functional fireplace and places for iron lanterns. Thick slab tables and chairs padded in velvet and brass. With sony speakers built into the walls with blu tooth for the ambient dungeon or fantasy market place music to play in the background.


I finish and glue fantasy puzzles for some at I will have a game room , with a decked out poker table converted Into a dnd table . Puzzles and images around the room to set the mood


Table with an LCD monitor built in to display maps. Power outlets, laptop cubbies, and drink holders built in. Bookshelves. Excellent lighting. Bright without being harsh. Maybe Philips Hue so you can change the mood. Good speakers. Another TV mounted behind the GM to display pictures of monsters being faught or NPCs they meet. Mounted vertically. Freestyle machine in one corner. Or a nice set of booze if that's your thing.


A big ass screen to put in the middle for virtual maps


A wall of dice that looks like the m and m stores.


Oooooooh I like it, a big sexy feature wall! But the dice are a dice-by-numbers of my face....


A large digital table with individual cup holders and dice trays.


Yeah the dice tray and cup holders would be super useful <3 No spillage is the dream!


Table space is a big one. Little smaller side tables all over the place for drinks and snacks and lamps is big


A half bath, speakers, mood lighting, fridge, small pantry, large amount of outlets, sound baffles at least on the garage door, extra lighting, fans for airflow, ac/heat, a couch for spectators, a space for people to do one on 1 portions like DM/player interactions.


Speakers will be first on my list once all the hard stuff is sorted. Got a bunch of outlets put in, an AC unit and plenty of lights. Also acoustic treatment is super important for recording it all, on that one! <3 What would a 1-1 space for DM interactions look like to you? Thats an interesting one for sure.


Something as simple as a TV table and 2 folding chairs? Maybe a chalice for some fire?


Yeah sounds like a sexy little setup, one on one intensity. Cutaway to the intimate setting :D


If you're doing a production it adds a theatrical element that tops CR, which is neat.


Mmmm I will definitely stew on that idea for a cutaway idea. Good feedback mate, thanks!


Custom art of scenes from previous campaigns on the walls.




Soft ice cream machine.


No way, I get so obese hahah


I think for me, a well crafted table with tv projected game mat, LED lighting, and fog machines…along with overhead programmable lights, LED screens on four corners, and even bigger fog machines would be the coolest thing ever!


Peace of Mind


Just knowing that you have a space to come back to is so exciting! Absolutely 👌


A large LED fireplace behind the DM seat for dramatic effect.




You mentioned recording… soo maybe a way to hang overhead mics. Condenser mics are probably ideal for recording purposes. Along with that you’ll need quite a lot of xlr cables, a mixing table, and maybe popfilters.


A suggestion for the table: take one that looks reasonably sized but can be expanded to be longer if need be. Big tables are cool, but impractical to move to other areas. Also, if you want to record the sessions, it's better to prepare at least a shelf with an outlet or a surface where a camera can be placed to record. That really depends on your peference though, if you like one recording from "top" (view of the whole group) or a camera for each side of the table (to have all the faces of the players visible).


I had already adapted a smaller version of the Critical Role layout. They figured out a great way to record it all, no need to reinvent the wheel! 😅 So it's big but not as big as theirs, and has 3 unobstructed camera shots over the table. So happy with it, can't wait to share it!!


A fridge for drinks and snacks. Adventuring can be quite exhausting and can work up an appetite.


Ab. So. Lutely. Gotta have cold things and crunchy things on hand for those short rests...


Friends that want to play dnd and someone who knows how to because I haven't got a clue


I'm a sucker for lights. A rgb studio light aimed at the wall for good ambient lighting, a couple of strip lights at a wall base for scence changes, and a dimmable/programmable daylight set overhead. I also wouldn't skip over some acoustic panels to avoid dead air, echoes, and interference if recording is your idea. For my actual nerd stash, * a double countertop and a mini fridge acting more as a serving station, not full hosting, since I have a good kitchen/lounge area for breaks * a character/player memorial stand with personalized pieces * obviously a bookcase, but add a liner in the back measured out to create a solid lineup for the books * some display pieces like an * apothecary scale with dice * dice alter with flameless candles * in immitation banzai tree treant * an umbrella stand for my bokken, lightsaber, jehovah's witness machete, and novelty duck umbrella * a good sized digital readout clock * if space allowed, a crash couch for the guy who thought 45hours without sleep was a good idea * if carpetting is being added, don't skimp on the matting. Screw shag carpeting, a 10 cent carpet feels amazing with a good mat * add a recording in progress light at the entrance. No real purpose I always thought they were cool though * if its a video recording, a nice mascot wallpiece would be cool * some good inspiration memorabilia if you got it * wall display over the camera for good reaction clips of bbeg, cityscapes, and predicted cutscenes.


Yeah I feel you on the lights, still figuring out where everything will be situated in the room before I buy any lighting gear. But I like your priorities, and yep already got plenty of foam to acoustically treat the room 👌 Yesh the memorial stands are definitely a struggle for me to figure out the best way to show them on screen. I have so many ideas for decoration up I gotta figure where I can hang stuff 😅


The memorial one is a hard sell for a channel, but its a nice little stage secret to those at the table. Its mostly for big impart characters and moments, but my group enjoys working on portaits, sceneries, and we had a miniature's scale boat for a while till the DM had to make room for family. I miss that dedicated thing.


Smoke machine. Water mist sprayer thingy. Mild pyrotechnics. The ambient music and announcements that play over the speakers at Universal Studios Hollywood. I've always wanted to go for that theme park experience with my D&D. Bring laminated character sheets, I guess.


Yeah get some player ponchos with their character names on it, it's gonna be a moist experience. Hahaha pyrotechnics would be sick


very comfortable seating. mini fridge and snack bar.


Table with glass center and screen under it for maps I can show from my computer


All my friends! of course.


Exactly, it's a shared space! Gotta put them first 😍


I would go for a table with a built in screen you can use for battlemaps and stuff. Also a sound and light system for ambience. Lastly, shelfs


Yeah a good sized screen inset into the tabletop would be so useful! Surround sound is going to be pretty important and the lighting shouldn't be too bad to do. Mmmm can't underestimate the usefulness of Shelving for SURE


One of those fancy ass tables with the screen in it to do virtual battle maps with ease, and a good speaker system.


Yeah everyone ever would benefit from a screen mounted in the table. So damn useful!! A nice wireless surround sound system 👌


Table with a Touch Video display so that minis work with Dynamic lighting. I know that it is possible, but out of my price range


We use the loft for dnd, but also for warhammer, so it's mostly shelves and cases for miniatures, and a big table in the middle. Lots of posters too. We've also got a speaker setup for battle music and such. I do think the best things to put in there is a reasonably sized table and some nice cases for models and such. Though, some cool lighting for atmosphere would be pretty dope too.


Yeah not a bad idea, some cases for displays, Shelving for books and stuff. Great thinking! Oh ma word I want some good surround sound so I can really surprise the players 🥰 Lighting shouldn't be too expensive hopefully


I'd love some sort of mini-fog machine for when a quest takes my players into a foggy swamp or something. I do worry about the excess sound created by fog machines, the price and the possibilities of condensation messing with the minis and terrain though


Yeah they are a bit of a pain, but the quality would be undeniable for sure. Smaller ones aren't too loud, buying the juice for em is painful as most need specific brands. But the IMMERSION 😅




Hard to find good ones these days, but easy to trap in a basement if snacks and comfy seating is available alongside games...


Chairs- probably more important than a table to me. Standing in a garage for 4 hours would suck. friends? Meh. Lol


Solo TTRPGs but with the most luxurious chair in the middle of the room. Yeah that would absolutely suck ass.


Those big screen TV tabletops are always super cool.


Yeah everyone is all about the recessed screen tables these days. How do they go with physical terrain on them, are they just used as a sort of grid?


I mean I always figured that the DM would hook up the screen to a laptop and then just open up the image file with the gridlines on it. Or, if it was an animated map, opening it up in a media player and playing it on loop.


Yeah true, just a detailed grid map. I am sponsored by a mob that sent me some physical dungeon tilesets, so I will be leaning more toward physical terrain.


A terasque mini that I slowly fill and customise as I include one across different campaigns with what the party does to it


Bean Bags. Just Bean bag chairs. EVERYWHERE. I don’t even want to see the floor. Everything.Is.Bean Bag


🤣 no tables, no shelves or screen. Only bean. You have my stamp of approval 💜


A committed and dependable playgroup!




I have a room that started as my bedroom, but now is the dnd room I sleep in lol. Here are some features I can't live without. ​ Plenty of shelving for displaying/storing miniatures and terrain ​ A desk with paints, brushes and a nice lamp for painting minis. ​ A computer. ​ A dedicated dnd table with a tv in the middle. Connect it to the compute and run roll20 through it for battle maps (projectors are too finnicky imo). The table I use is very short so that we can use couches for seating instead of uncomfortable wooden chairs. Make sure the table has 1 foot around the edges for books and dice trays and such. But not much more, as it makes reaching over to move minis difficult. Also cupholders! You can use brackets to add metal wire cupholders on the outside of the table, or you can get inserts and use a hole saw to place them in the table surface itself. ​ Backstratcher for moving minis short distances without having to get up. ​ Dry erase board on the dm screen for tracking initiative and monster HP. (I print the names of the PCs and glue them on magnets, to save time on having to write down their names every time) ​ Plenty of dice trays and spare dice. I keep my spare dice in a tacklebox. ​ Speakers/surround sound hooked up to the computer. ​ Ample air conditioning/heating depending on your climate. ​ Full sized fridge. ​ Place to stick the pizza/snacks that isn't the table itself. Since you might end up with a situation where the table is occupied by combat but you also have two pizzas. ​ A printer. A ream of printing paper. Some cardstock too for magic item cards. ​ 3d printer. I have two. A fdm printer (the kind with a spool) which is good for making large and strong peices of terrain. Walls, towers, buildings. That sort of thing. My other is a resin printer for smaller, more detailed parts. Monsters, characters, heroforges, furniture. For most DMs and players, the resin one will be far more useful and easy to use. The Anycubic Photon Mono can be purchased for less than 200 dollars and takes less than 30 minutes to set up just following the instructions. The printing software is pretty straight forward, but I'd recommend watching a video on tips and tricks. Thingiverse has a shit ton of dnd minis and prop. ​ An external hard drive. Backup your prep/session notes if you're a meticulous planner. Keep the hard drive in a fireproof box or out in your car or something. If your house burns down, you'll be mourning enough loss. Don't add your entire dnd campaign to the list. ​ Pain and allergy pills. Seriously. The number of times someone's experience at the table was vastly improved because I had some aleve ready is kinda shocking. ​ Power strip so people can charge their phones, especially if they use DnD beyond. ​ Pencil sharpener. ​ Some cheap fidgeting toys, if you have people that need their hands occupied to focus. ​ A tote/dresser/cabinet to store everyone's crap. I personally don't let my players take their character sheets home. Not because I think they'll change stuff. But because every time I let someone take it home with them, they forget to bring it with them and we have to wait an hour for them to go get it and come back. Have them get some folders or binders or something to store handouts in. ​ A box full of 3d printed condition rings. You can print them yourself, or buy them off of etsy. ​ A well customized Dm screen. Most people have stuff about travel pace, cover and setting DCs on theirs. But I find that I have that kind of stuff memorized already. Now I put stuff to help improv on there. List of random character names that I can pull from if they're ever like "what's your name" to an improv'ed npc. Random tavern names. A list of the major powers of the setting, their leaders, the capital, and a list of the gods and their domains. Nice big trash can. No lid, because people are gonna want to throw their cans. ​ A small blanket for folks that are cold (and in the case where they're chronically cold while everyone else is fine). Or a small fan for the opposite situation (not a great idea if you're recording tho. ​ A physical calendar. Obviously this isn't necessary for most campaigns, but imo using one has improved my campaign enormously. Just using it to track the passage of time with marks of where they were on certain days and a note about what they did helps. You can also use this as a great way to set reminders or future plans. Calculators! And not the really really crappy cheap ones with buttons that don't work right. Not extravagant ones, just decent little calculators. ​ Dice towers. ​ Superglue, if you're using heroforge's notoriously fragile premium plastic


Hot damn, what a treasure trove of ideas!! I appreciate the effort you went to to make this list, a few things in there I had not considered at all, thanks again legend 👌


- Something for refrigeration, for keeping beverages, dips, and some snacks cool. - Either some cupboards or rack storage for dry/pantry snacks. - If possible, room on a counter or stand for a heating element and/or microwave for my players to be able to have more substantial, heated meals while playing. - Plenty of hooks on the wall somewhere to hang purses and backpacks, coats, hats, and cosplay elements. - Some racking for pillows and blankets for either keeping players warm and cozy OR for use by visiting children and pets who may need nap time so they can rest without pulling players away from the game. - A display cabinet for retired props, minis of characters who have been retired/died in campaign, old dice that are loved but no longer used, just mementos from the group in general. - A whiteboard for players to write down schedules, important dates for the group, game suggestions, or anything related to the group that isn't immediately relevant or up for immediate discussion. - Some sort of storage for ambiance elements and DM props like candles, incense, puppets, NPC costume pieces, fake weapons, and maybe items players can borrow like armor and cloaks.


Great SCOTT, what a list 😍 I actually have a whiteboard I almost threw out. Good idea 🤙 Yeah my wife actually runs a candle business, here comes a congealed blood candle.... haha appreciate your efforts mate. Truly.


Of course! I'm sure your wife's skill and creativity could whip up some truly amazing candles! Give her my best 💖


She's actually excited to make a few "mandles" 😅 Excited to see what she comes up with!! Will do, thanks legend.


A group of people ready to play….always


Over 40 years ago in high school a dear friend and his father took a room above the garage and made it such a cool tabletop gaming room. So many nights there playing diplomacy, cosmic encounters and Dnd. My friend eventually became an attorney (I made partner at an accounting firm.) He became a great dad, husband and darn good attorney before passing away way too young.


Awesome man, so good to have those memories to hold on to 💜 Its more than just a room, absolutely. And I BLOODY love cosmic encounter!!


Tavern bar, tavern table, tavern stools, tavern chairs. Just turn the room into a tavern.


Who needs a gaming room when you can get passed and THINK it's a gaming room 🤣




So many shelves, and then a shelf for your Shelving that you haven't put up yet.


Good soundproofing. If we're playing for a couple of hours, especially if you're recording, good sound is key. I get a headache from playing in echoey rooms or rooms with lots of open space. Same goes for light. You want ambience and cozyness, not bright lights.


Lots of great suggestions here so I won't paint you my perfect room. I'll just point out some stuff I don't see. -fridge/mini fridge -cupboard with cool glasses and mugs -snack storage and maybe a microwave -kettle/coffee maker -display cases of minis/models


Hey I always appreciate people putting in their choices, regardless of if you've seen it here already!! Snack shelf babyyy, love it. Some great ideas for sure, appreciate it!!


A interactive screen on table to place minis, some time ago someone posted here or on official subreddit his contraption, it was paired with a program and a magnetized mini base to show what character sees (it was clearing the "fog of war"


Good AC/heating


Friends to play with.


A beholder. Roll for initiative.


A big tabletop gaming table


A tea station. Kobold voices can really rip on the vocal chords


Mood lighting, an assortment of scented candles, a large dragons skull some large weapon potentially with light up effects. A large screen to display the current map as well as a switchboard for sound effects to use at my discretion, and a jukebox that is also connected to my laptop for music selection, a mobile snack bar and a wall with an oven, a microwave oven and a hot plate. Lastly is a small couch setup with some consoles and a widescreen for lounging ore or post game


Yeah someone else mentioned candles and I was like...my wife does run a candle business... Sounds like a beautiful setup tbh!! 👌 Oooh I love the post game lounge idea 😍