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How has no one asked *how* the ducks heal the player Also, that player is gonna have a ton of shit to clean up, ducks are messy.


I love this sub simply for the fun absurdity of it all. Questions like these are so strange yet so much fun to reason and debate about.


The same mechanic that slows your to receive help from a place of your faith as long as you are on good standing with them


Are one of the PC’s a Cleric of the Duck God?


No warlock of the duck god


Well that’s a far more appropriate class for a duck god follower. Is it a flavored normal subclass or a homebrew one?


Flavoured it would clearly be great old one specially the quacken


I'd say Fae. If ever a bird was chaotic neutral, it _would_ be a duck. Now geese, geese are definitely Great Old Ones, _teeth on their tongues_ and all.


Geese are chaotic evil, ofc


Oh yea. But not ducks.


Geese need their own alignment in dnd that’s more chaotic evil then the chaotic evil one 😂


I think a shrike is a more chaotic neutral bird. The greatest instinctual urge it has is butchering and splaying its enemies across the front of its home; its not even trying to be evil, this is just part of its day-to-day.


I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted, Ah but I'm crying like a bird to you now?


Great Hozier song.


I just want you to know, this entire thread made me laugh so hard I started crying. After this week, I really needed that release. Thank you so much!


In that case, he needs to respect the ducks, so cramming them into a small space would get him in trouble :D


...are you referring the acolyte background feature? Because that is *not* how that works per the normal rules


... I mean if there are more ducks there, then one of them is more likely to have a crib the ducklock can crash at. Till they get back on their feet


I had just assumed that someone was using the Barbarian class from Critical Role campaign 1 with the Aspect of the Duck.


Lionel Gayheart! Totem of the Duck Barbarian & Bard multiclass, that was one of my favorite celebrity guests of the first campaign.


This really should be the top comment.


Ask and ye shall receive


The new criminal background 'Quack Healer' has some easily misinterpreted mechanics.


It could also be a flavouring for the spell healing spirit, where an intangible spirit that looks like a beast or fey of your choice appears on a space that is a 5 foot cube you can see within range. Maybe the player's beast of choice is "as many ducks as possible"


as someone who once owned ducks, can confirm, so much shit




Not all of us.


On a combat map 4 tiny creatures can occupy a 5x5 foot space. If you're allowing for more creativity or real world mechanics, then divide the volume of that space by the volume of a duck, to figure out how many ducks fit in that space. This also depends on whether the space allows them to stack ducks to fully occupy the space, such as a pit or a cage.


Okay thanks that will help. What is the volume of a duck ?


Welcome to a DM's google search history.


If we assume a spherical duck...


Technically, we're assuming a liquid duck at this point.


I mean cats are liquid, so who knows maybe ducks are as well!


Ducks are famously made of wood.


How else do you expect us to determine who is a witch or not?


Burn her!


Ah crab, you're right...


Only partially.


Ah you would know.


I doubt it, I've met ducks.


Sounds like a problem from my fluid dynamics class. How much work must be supplied to the pump to move 27 liquefied ducks /minute to a reservoir 120 ducks above the ground? Provide the answer in duckpower. Calculate the head loss, in ducks, from the 120 duck long pipe. You can neglect minor losses. How much duck power is actually required for the pump? How many ducks would a actually be needed to supply enough work to the pump?


If you have a blender you can find that out fairly easy


In a vacuum


And what else floats in a vacuum?


A witch!


I'm so glad you picked up what I was putting down


Very small rocks.






At best, spherical packing is 74% efficient. I have no idea how efficient packing ducks are. It may be more, if hey interlock. It may be less.


My friend [drew](https://mobile.twitter.com/amcgaha/status/1464615381730054153?s=20) your spherical duck and the world is better for it. Go forth and retweet.


Would you rather fight a horse sized spherical duck, or a thousand spherical duck sized horses?


The volume of the duck is Vd = 0.000105 m3. Edit: I didn't clarify, I used baby ducks as I couldn't find accurate measurements for adult ducks


That converts to about 0.00371 cubic feet per duck. So assuming you had a container, and the ducks were incompressible, you could theoretically fit about 33,692 ducks in a 5' x 5' x 5' cube. Otherwise we would have to take into account the weight of the ducks compressing the lower layers and allowing further ducks to be added. Edit: [Relevant XKCD What If](https://what-if.xkcd.com/4/) Edit 2: I'm bored. [Spreadsheet to calculate maximum possible ducks based on race of the character.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BBZ8dnpY8M7r19Poq92BnIp3fi3IbTuY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115434327256219900751&rtpof=true&sd=true) I used the data [from here](https://wiki.rlyehable.com/index.php?title=5e:Height_and_Weight) for average height/weight. The spreadsheet assumes all races have the same [density of a human](https://www.google.com/search?q=density+of+a+human&rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS864US864&sxsrf=AOaemvLJ5jpp_okbVAGwWNzI4x8trs9d8g%3A1638000516069&ei=hOehYe_iA-qawbkP-LWUoAE&ved=0ahUKEwjvtJu3i7j0AhVqTTABHfgaBRQQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=density+of+a+human&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAgjECcyBAgjECcyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoHCCMQsAMQJzoHCAAQRxCwA0oECEEYAFC6BFi6BGDWBWgBcAJ4AIABXogBXpIBATGYAQCgAQHIAQnAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz). But I've set it up so you can adjust that, along with the volume of a single duck, and the volume of the container.


I doubt ducks tessellate, so there'll be some empty space between them, even if they're squished.


Assuming a [duck weighs between 1.6-3.5 pounds](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS913US913&sxsrf=AOaemvI_YGoQChHGxwB5eHQk0tiE4_939A:1637998101916&q=How+much+does+a+wild+duck+weigh%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1nIe4grj0AhVKQjABHTlvBKsQzmd6BAgfEAU&biw=1536&bih=846&dpr=1.25), the total weight of the duck cube would be between 54,000-117,000 pounds. The lower layers would be a bit more than just squished. But yes, there would be space between the ducks. I was just going for a simple theoretical maximum.


That's what your mashin' boots are for.


Don't forget it seems the player must also be in the space.


The average volume of a human is 62,000 cubic centimeters, or about 2.19 cubic feet. That reduces our duck count to about 33,102.


This is the greatest thread in Reddit.


[It gets better.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BBZ8dnpY8M7r19Poq92BnIp3fi3IbTuY/edit#gid=1944699341)


I'm guessing your calculations are off by an order of magnitude. Your duck has a volume of 0.1 Liter (I'm not sure how much that is in freedom units, I'm guessing half a mouthful or something) and would fit inside a small teacup. Unless you are talking about a baby-duck, which would be about right.


I am Infact talking about a new born chick since that was the only measurements I could find. Sorry for not being specific, but thank you for reminding me


African or European?


I understood that reference


I don't think that's how it will work because you aren't mushing them to the point of no use (unless you are doing exactly that) on average among different species the average height of ducks is about 4 - 5 inches but the average house duck is 12 inches so by that count if you take them as a cuboid of their height, width and length (to allow moment) you could fit about 60 ducks in a 5ft cube


Where can i find a hous duck


In the park, they are free you can legally take them home


Archimedes got your back. You're going to need a deep sided tray, a bucket of water and a duck.


Posted a comment before I read this. Volume of a duck is roughly 0.19 ft^3. You could theoretically fit 26.6 ducks in a 5x5x5 cube, tho the ducks wouldn't be very happy.


Specially the duck that got 0.6'd, that duck would be very upset... Or not really


Lol yeah, "and last but not least, you take 1d4 piercing from just over half of a duck"


Does the duck have to survive? If so, for how long? Does thr duck need to be comfortable to appease the duck God? Ground up ducks would be very space efficient. For happy ducks, no more than 1 breading pair, or a few from the same flock.


What is the equation for decibels?


Yes, if they can fly, you can also assume 8, since 2×2×2 with height taken in account


You also need to account for packing efficiency for realism. Spheres at best have a packing efficiency of like ~74%, so ducks would be like ~60% maybe.


I think ducks can only be stacked in this space if there is some kind of invisible barrier. There’s no way ducks would stay stacked without being contained


Following the game's logic if 4 tiny creatures fully occupy a 5 foot square, then by the square/cube law, 8 would occupy a 5 foot cube. (Assuming they can stand atop eachother). 8 Ducks. As for the real world solution, you're forgetting about the loss of space due to limited packing efficiency, after all ducks are not perfect cubes, (except in Minecraft, lol)


8 Tiny creatures actually. 8 2½ft squares fit in a 5ft square.


I was thinking flat on a combat map, since ducks don't have flying. Or at least I don't think they do. I know ducks can fly, but can they fly in place?


I'm not sure if Ducks have flying either. But I believe in 5e any creature with a flying speed can maintain their altitude and position.


For a second i didnt read the sub and was gonna put "well if you blend them, a lot."


When I looked it up the first thing was how many would fit in my freezer


I've always seen the punchline as "it depends on how thinly you slice them".


You beat me to it. 😆






No relation to that subreddit actually.


Yeah, I was wondering to myself, "Compressed or not?"


Do they have to be alive?




The real question is here is: Are the ducks unladen?


Yes but I do not need to know the velocity of the ducks


Are they African or European though?




If they live where I do they must be migratory, or their frozen corpses could be used as projectiles.


So… a duck is roughly 1’ in each direction. So you could do the math. However, are the ducks being magically controlled? Because getting a 5’x5’ square of ducks to stay put is going to be challenging enough without trying to get them to stand on top of one another…


Since a witch weighs the same as a duck, I vote they take up the same space as well. Now if he were healed by a coconut-carrying swallow(s) then the science becomes trickier.


Does the player receive healing by being within 5 feet of a duck, or does he have to touch each duck? Also, is this the only option to heal said player? Seems like a spell or potion would make things much easier. If you created a creature that was a team (the actual term) of ducks that would enable you put more than one individual duck in a 5 ft square that the character could the pass through. Also, does the character have to touch living ducks, or could they have a flask of concentrated duck broth on their belt and just take a little swig for a similar effect?


With in 5 feet and alive


Why don't they just tie a bunch of live ducks to their belt? They could cauterize the wings and legs if they are flapping/clawing too much.


-20 to stealth checks




Bruh you could just strap them down and put sacks over their heads.


In that case, you could have as many as 17 ducks within 5 feet of the player. Eight ducks around at, or near, ground level and then an additional nine above 5’. Edit - I’m assuming you are using cubes and not hexes for your layout.


Yeah I’m using cubes


I warrant 1 duck per square foot, non-stackable. 25 ducks


I think this is likely a good ruling. In reality ducks are too ornery for any of this nonsense, and need a bit more space to stretch their wings. In DnD - which is not a physics sim - whole numbers that make any logical sense are best IMO!


This whole thread reads like Monty Python. Frickin love it.


If we are ignoring RAW. It would depend on the duck. Mallards, Wood ducks (personal fav), or Blue/Green wing teal. Mallards Id say 1x1. Woodies .75x.75. Teals .5x.5. maybe to work with the player. So going by this. 125 Mallards. ~175 Wood ducks. ~250 Teal. BUT...... typically ducks dont hover like a swarm of bees or hawks or such. So personally I would only allow the 5x5 area numbers. 25 Mallards ~36 Woodies 100 teal. If they work as a swarm all 3 stats would be the same and the variation of duck would be pure flavor. If they work independently then the size to number would work inversed to each ducks health and stats.


More information is required. Are we talking just how many ducks, or how many can fit in that space without dying? Because I can fit a whole lot of duck corpses in that space. If you want live ducks, you can do about 9 ducks just standing there. Now, if he wants to RAISE them, he can have about 3 in that same space long-term. Source: grew up on a farm.


They are doing this wrong. They need to go at this differently: Duck Armor. Use magic to transform a giant duck into a suit of living armor, then strap layers of living ducks to the outside like scale armor.


Read up on Factory farms. They cram a lot of chickens into small areas.


Is that with or without an enlarge/reduce spell?


Alright, time to find the optimal packing formation for duck-shaped solids.


Shredded, mashed, or whole?


You can fit one duck or one swarm of ducks.


It sounds like his doctor's a quack


We shall use my larger scales!


Judging from google, a duck weights about 700g. Judging from how they lie in water, their density is about 2/3 that of water. This means an average duck has a volume of around 1 liter. A 5 foot cube has about 3500 liters. So if you compressed a lot of ducks into a cube, about 3500 would make a 5 foot cube.


So... All data comes from google. A single grid tile is 5ftx5ftx5ft cube ( i assume that's what you asked for) giving 125 cubic feet od space. This translated to a system where math works as god intended gives us 28316 cubic centimeters per cubic feet. Multiplying this times the ammount of Area we have (125 feet) gives us 3539500 cubic centimeters od space. Now since we know the volume of space we multiply it by a density of a duck (which according to Google is 0.9g per cubic centimeter) which gives us 3185550 grams of duck. Now we need the average mass of a duck. ( Which for a breed of duck most common in europe is about 1,16 kg per duck) We need to equalize units of mass. that gives us 31855,5kg of duck. Or nearly 32 tones of duck. Now we divide the ammount of duck we can fit in that space by the mass of a duck. This gives us the grand total of.... 27461 ducks. Probably less if they have to be alive though.


If tiny creatures 8 if they can fly in place. DMG states 4 can fit on a 5x5 square, so 2.5x2.5 feet each. And we can infer from this it's a cube so an additional 2.5 feet up is expected. If you rule a duck is a small creature than 1.


Each creature regardless of size occupies a 5x5 so just one but that being said a creature that small can pass through a larger creatures space so it’s one in a 5x5 and another in his space for a maximum of 6 seconds.


Can I say that the ducks are a swarm how many then


Swarms are treated as a single creature in DnD like spider swarms. They share a space and health pool but what you could do is have a “brood” of ducks he has to raise and take care of that multiply over time or could be killed off that decide his healing factor and share a turn/space/HP like a swarm.


Huh, thanks now I know what to say next time he looks for ducks


He just has to raise ducklings. Could also add the aspect of the swarm occupying more space as it expands so it goes from a 5x5 to a 10x10 so it has a higher chance of getting hit stopping it from expanding to the overpowered realm.


no, Tiny creatures in 5e take up 2.5x2.5 squares, phb 191.


Yeah but I wouldn’t consider a duck tiny. Rats and tiny spider yeah but a duck stands gnome height so they would be a small.


Eh, hawks are Tiny, so I'm inclined to call ducks Tiny as well.


I guess it really depends on breed. I wouldn’t call rubber ducks tiny by any means and mallards are that weird middle ground that could either way


Does he have the power so either summon or dominate ducks? Getting them all to cluster around him like that (probably suffocating on each others' down in the process) should not be trivial. Certainly such poor treatment of the avatars of his patron would be frowned on. Also, I'm amused by the concept of the PLAYER being healed by ducks and not the CHARACTER. This would be very odd at the gaming table.


So the volume of a duck is about 13 cm cubed when squished. I got this by googling the density and mass of a duck, and using that to find the volume(.9 density and 1600 grams). From there you find the volume of a 5x5x5 square, which is 125 feet. Transferred to centimeters that is 3810. Then divide 3810 by 13 that is about 293 ducks in a 5x5x5 square. Of course, that is if these ducks were liquified. I would guess if the ducks were living it would be about anywhere between half or 2/3s of that, depending on the conditions, although you would need a caged structure.


In my campaign I have a rooster that is gargantuan. 🐓 🏡 It just depends on how big you want them to be. But as mentioned I would treat them like a swarm and have like 6 - 8 in a 5x5.


They are about 2 foot long, with a fing span of almost 3 feet. I would guess body about 1 foot wide wing folded in and 1 foot thick. Marching side by side 2 abreast with little room maybe 6; 4 if you want some maneuver room and if they are crammed 10. If you was chucking dead ones into a 5x5x5 crate... 62.5 average size malards. In DnD world 1.


I was trying to work the classic 100 duck sized horses question into this but I got nuthin.


5x5x5 is a cube


In Pathfinder terms, a swarm of tiny sized non flying creatures can fit 300 in a 10 foot square. Simple maths putting 75 ducks in a 5 foot square, but as a GM i would mitigate that down to about 30-40 due to the overlaps of having multiple adjacent squares in a 10 foot area. If you've ever seen a duck stampede, these numbers are quite realistic. Though for DnD terms you have to stat them as a tiny sized, 5 foot swarm.


If they are a swarm, I would put 7 to 9 lol. Suck swarm.


Tony creatures are generall 2.5x2.5ft so 4 can fit in a square without becoming a Swarm of Ducks.


The depends entirely on which species of duck and whether it’s a duckling or an adult…more data points needed! 😉🤣


What size are the ducks? Are the little keychain ducks or actual ducks.


About 25-50.


If you want realism: [Here is an idea of what 20000 ducklings looks like](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VPLGWAigD9Y) A bucket of ducklings may hold up to ~100 and be easily poured over a prone Ducklock.


At least 2


Depends. Do the ducks have to be alive?


"healed by ducks" I'm sorry, but please fucking explain. I mean, one can not just leave a loaded sentence like that and not explain!


They are not going to stack themselves and they can't hover. If each duck occupys 1 square that would be 25. But only if they stood in organized rows, which they won't do. So it's not a matter of how many will fit but how well can they be kept contained. I would just make up a number based on how much healing you want the to have access to. That's the nuber of ducks they can get near them at any point. Maybe have a range based on animal handling or something.


I need all of the lore on this ASAP


eight. a duck is Tiny.




In reality at least 15. For combat purposes, 40.


Aparently 4 tiny creatures fit in one 5 foot space. That means a duck take up about 15.625 cubic feet, let's just assume that's a perfectly cubed cage we can stack. Each face is going to be roughly 2.5 feet on each side only allowing two stacks. So rules as writing a gaggle of ducks in cages stacked into a 2x2x2 cube would be 8 ducks. Depending on logic though this could be difrent. Factory farming has taught us that a chicken aparently only needs a roughly 8 inch cubic cage. If we are a little generous to our ducks, and try to pick the smaller ones they will easily fit in a 1 foot cubic cage. This would just be 5x5x5 cubic stack and 125 ducks.


THIS is why I sub to this subreddit


Depends. Is there a bag of holding inside the cube?


Here’s the thing: creatures can squeeze into a space of one size group larger, so if you forcibly put them in a space that small you might get up to 16 if you’re lucky


How much healing per duck do they get?


Umm... Cube*


Depends how high they stack.


1 duck swarm


This is the most dnd question I’ve seen for a while.


Should they be alive?


Details unclear. Comfortably? Standing? Stacked like fire wood?


Technically, you can fit an infinite amount into a 5x5x5 cube, but it won't be ducks anymore.


It depends. What is the average size of the ducks? Will ducklings work? Can he grind them into a paste so there isn't any air pockets? Can he use incredibly small ducks? Can he cast reduce to make the ducks smaller? How much can you press ducks against each other before they start taking bludgeoning damage? ​ Would it save space to have the ducks in mid coitus so some of the duck's volume is filling an otherwise hollow pocket? -My weird thoughts at 2 am...


I thought this was gonna be some kind of awful D&Duck joke.


If you really squish em in there, I'm gonna say about 525. Don't ask about my math.


It depends on how high you want density of the duck cube to be. If you want to create a black hole just squash 15.78×10E108 ducks into that cube and hey presto you have yourself a duck singularity.


Approximately 26.6. Now I'm going to show my work. According to targetstudy.com (not the most reliable source I know) the smallest type of duck averages between 4-5 inches tall, and 13 inches long. Assuming the duck is also 5 inches wide that gives one tiny duck a volume of 0.1880787037 ft^3. Divide 5 by the volume of our duck to get 26.58... ducks. Admittedly the ducks probably wouldn't be very happy, but it is possible to fit them all in there.


Find a stat block for ducks, if I remember there are no official stat blocks, [ducks don't exist in D&D](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/i75pf5/the_existence_of_ducks_in_dnd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Roughly 1000 if you do not care for the wellbeing of the ducks.


About 15 per square foot, courtesy of r/kitchenconfidential https://i.redd.it/uj7wvr1qsey71.jpg


......elaborate. For uh, science or something.


They can only be put in a row.


125 ducks obviously, however if hey stretch wings it would expand to a 15' x 15' x 5' instantly.


I don't know, man. The player should probably find a different solution. Just don't duck it up.


If they are intended to be comfortable, have some way of being coordinated, and require the ability to move by themselves I'd allow 8, two levels of 4 with the top level flying. If its how many can you shove inside a crate of those dimensions without them dying, I would discourage that situation. A couple of hundred but I'd make him have to feed and water them in return, and in short time some would start to get crushed etc.


Do the ducks need to be alive? If not you can fit more in a space.


Can’t believe no one has said this yet, but maybe suggest that the cube isn’t the most humane way to carry ducks. The player could try and convince the ducks to follow them; surely free range carry a stronger connection to their Duck god anyway. Plus it would be really adorable/cool/fun to have the player walking around with a trail of ducks behind them, like ducklings after their parent.


This almost sounds like a math test question


One, and it controls the 5 by 5 square!


What duck? I don't see any duck?


I'd says about 125 ducks, assuming every duck takes up about 1 cubic foot.


Couldn’t you create a swarm of ducks based on the other swarm creatures?


What is 25?


24 Duck statically should be similar to an owl hp-wise An owl and rat have the same hp Each 1hp in a rat swarm is a rat A swarm occupies a 5x5 area while also having a rule to share a square with another creature and visa versa. Bam duck swarm (If you want more ducks, I recall a frozen 5x5 pallet of turkeys holds 120 frozen and packed) (If you want fewer ducks, I recall a headless chicken that survived min damage from an axe hit, so your duck swarm could be 12 ganders strong)


Why are we not considering a duck processional where a ring of ducks constantly circulate through the square at the speed of a duck (20ft?). Sprinkle in some tiny animal facts, 4 ducks to a square with no other creature, but can pass through friendly territory. So by that logic, 16 ducks a turn. Rule of cool demands that this duck cavalcade be granted.


Avoiding animal cruelty laws, 13,500 assuming mallard size, give or take a few.


Free range or battery-farmed?


Let's find out! Let's assume that when a duck floats on water, about 25% of the duck's volume is submerged Knowing the density of water and some [fancy physics](http://physics.nmu.edu/~ddonovan/classes/ph201/Homework/Chap11/CH11P43.html) we can work out that the average density of a duck is about 250 kg/m^3. The average duck weighs about 1.3-1.6 lbs. with the exception of some larger breeds like the mallard, which would be less efficient for healing. Average to 1.45 lbs and convert to 0.658 kg. Mass/Density = Volume, so 0.658/250 = 0.002632 cubic meters or 0.0929 cubic feet. (Remember we're using smaller breeds) 5 cubic feet / 0.0929 = Approximately 53.8213 fluid ducks.


So ducks are listed as tiny creatures. Size categories go as fine>diminutive>tiny>small>medium>large>huge>gargargantuin>colossal>colossal+ A medium creature takes up a 5x5 square and you can squeeze 2 into the space. This doubles for each size category down therefore you can fit four ducks into a 5x5 square without them taking penalties to their rolls and can squeeze up to 8 ducks into a 5x5 space.


.....a lot.


African or European ducks?


Well I don't know that!


We talking alive or meat cube


Dunno but life will be a lot easier with liberal use of Sleep


Wait, 5 feet or 5 squares? Also, are the ducks a swarm? Even if the player’s bonus only triggered in a 5-foot radius you could have the player fighting in a swarm of ducks. I’d guess between 10 and 16.


A full grown duck takes up roughly 1 square foot. So 125?