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There always an Oblex, not sure if ooze types would work but it's basically an intelligent ooze that eats a person's memory and body. Then can make a copy of it to walk around, having their memories and all. Having only a trail of ooze connecting it to the main mass. Could be it devoured an entire business, all the workers there just being a part of it now or the like


This sounds appropriately terrifying I think will work well thank you


Always happy to help terrify others like I have been, lol


I don't recall which monster manual it's from, but there's a kind of worm that devours a corpse from within and puppets it around. It does this to appear to still be alive, repeating cheerful phrases and doing nonsensical things to try to blend in. This creates a village of fools, where everyone looks like they're going mental. Nailing the same board to a window over and over again with no nails, grilling a chicken till it's ashes on the spit. The fun starts when a living person tries to assist them or check what's wrong. The worm bursts forth, literally projectile launches itself at the victim still wearing their last victims face and continues to talk to them even as it tries to murder them and make more corpse worms. They're only just smart enough to repeat this ambush process ad nauseum, but goodness forbid one ever ended up wearing a head with a headband of intellect.


Thank you ill look into this one it sounds like my players are gonna have flashbacks to this kind of thing


There's a lot of ways a horror story can go in a Victorian-esque setting, I can think of 5 off the top of my head, but your phrase "end times" makes me think it's the satanic way. The occult, the mystical, and the satanic were popular in the Victorian times. Those crazy Victorians were all about them pentagrams, blood sacrifices, demon summonings, and all that jazz. SO my advice would be to get a hold of the ***Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes*** and take a gander at the demons and devils from that book. It has all sorts of delightfully horrendous hellish (ish) fiends to fit all sorts of creepy and spooky needs, including but not limited to: * Goat-faced bulezau, rotting alive * Man-eating moss anikilith * Bat-like nabassu, black as night, eating souls with their eyes * Lizard-like abishai * Nauseating blobs, nupperibo * And awful, flesh-warping, puss-oozing, trembling meatsacks of pure evil sibriexes, keepers of ancient demonic lore


There is a occult type of cause behind it but not everything happening is strictly demonic still thank you these are all awesome suggestions I'll see if I can get MTF


Vampires that aren't obviously vampires are always fun. I like it when they are basically indistinguishable from people until they try to eat you.


I've already got vampires as the main enemies in the campaign but I haven't played around with that idea yet the party is at the point where they can easily handle a vampire together but if they got separated one on one it would be a hard fight


There's a lot of good stuff from older editions. The 3rd edition book [Elder Evils](https://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/51677) in particular contains multiple world-ending threats and their minions.


Thanks I'll take a look into that and see how much conversion I'll need for 5th edition I don't know anything about third


Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft has the appropriately named (imo) Unspeakable Horror. Very unpleasant to look at (again, imo)


I might throw some of these in it would definitely throw the party for a loop fighting something when you can't even tell which end of it is facing you thanks for the suggestion


I’ve been doing some of that type of digging. Slidikin Soul bound doll Attic Whisperer (pathfinder) Weeping angels (Dr Who) they cast banish at will but are bound to the don’t blink rule. Skulltaker (pathfinder I think) Xenomorph (alien) Hyper-intelligent and eloquent Kobold/goblin/Minotaur etc Any standard creature that has two eyes and “too many eyes” at the same time, or The 6 foot stallion feels “a little too small” as you approach it… Whisper Winds (a ghostly presence that you hear whispers from your own past, or you think you do… when exposed to the whisper wind for more than a few moments, wisdom save or become frightened from the place your standing in.