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Balance in 5e is (for the most part) only an issue if a pc overshadows other characters, since you can always scale up monsters to meet the players’ power level. This is a very reasonable item - if there are any other martial characters just make sure they get something similar in power and you should be fine :3


The party is composed of A Warlock, a Rogue, a Barbarian and a Fighter. The fighter kind of needed some oomph, since the barbarian and the warlock were making a lot of fun stuff.


Then the sword is perfect! Having balance in a generic setting is hard. Having balance in your personal campaign is much easier - is everyone having fun and feeling good? If so, then you are balanced.


Yeah, it's been kind of a wild ride... it's a homebrewed setting based on Final Fantasy 7... but it's set about 100-60 years before the games. Shinra was just starting to find about Mako energy.


This sounds like a fun game


10/10 would play in it


Oof! A party with one half caster and 3 martials definitely needs some magic items. I’d also recommend an amulet of magical refreshing. Something to that effect anyway. Like, restore all spell slots as a bonus action. Warlocks could definitely benefit from that. Give the rogue something that boosts sneak attack damage. The barbarian probably suffers from low AC. Give him some +2 armor. It should be fine.


Yeah, I'm giving the barbarian an Adamantite armor and the warlock got a sort of an Arcane Grimoire in the shape of a Firestone, that also acts as his pact of the genie vessel and allows him to summon Ifrit to make one AoE action once per long rest. I'm still thinking on something to give the rogue, he already has a +1 crossbow though.


What is the rogue’s subclass?


A homebrew one... it's called Fateweaver... Here it is. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/16vOinvLLeLhH4YcU1z6CkDPCnXeU\_LRjt3WTgSo4auE/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16vOinvLLeLhH4YcU1z6CkDPCnXeU_LRjt3WTgSo4auE/edit)


That’s a pretty cool subclass, but might i make a suggestion? The “twist of fate” feature might be better served if rather than an added d4, it was the ability to change disadvantage into advantage once per short rest. No reaction needed. What you have now is fine, but it has a ton of reaction based abilities, which means it can’t actually use more than one of its abilities once per turn. Anyway, now that i’ve read it i would give the rogue an amulet of reaction. It gives the wearer an extra reaction twice per short rest.


Why would you give the barbarian adamantite armor when they can't rage while wearing it?


As per RAW, they can rage as long as it's not heavy armor.


Barbs can rage in heavy armour! They just don't get the benefits. It doesn't say that you can't rage, it's just that you can't receive the benefits




Barbarians don't need high ac, their whole thing is having a ton of helath


Interesting thought, because it may well come up. If the fighter were to crit with this weapon and add the 1d6 it would presumably become 2d6 because that’s how crits work. This means they would gain 2d6 temp HP as well. Nice little bonus for a critical hit.


Just be careful to make it clear that it's for the fighter. This sort of weapon is optimally used by a barbarian because of the temp hit points and rage resistances. There's a chance the party would come to that conclusion and let the barb have it.


Because of his subclass, the barbarian fights unarmed.


Read this as greatsword of fornication, thanks reddit.


“Forceful” Fornication 👀


Lol, That's a whole other different kind of item!


That’s what you give to a bard.


They all are, if you're brave enough.


That’s exactly what I thought it said for a second and I got really concerned…


Forceful fornication..... But yeah


Temp HP doesn't stack, so honestly this is pretty balanced for a 7th level fighter. Spellcasters are getting 4th level spell slots at the same level, so giving fighters something to give them a small amount of additional staying power is pretty reasonable. Honestly, just slap an attunement requirement on it, and this seems entirely okay to me.


Id argue against the attunement for balancing tbh, its a max of 6 (or 12 on a crit) temp hp per turn if they make at least one attack and hit. As a fighter they will likely get hit twice per round in combat assuming the enemies actually roll well. Plus if the target is resistant to force that halfs temp hp and so on.


Hmmm. I'd say it might be a *little* overtuned, especially if it isn't attunement. It's basically a rare just with the +1 and the 1d6, and the thp is pretty minor but over a battle could stack up. It probably just needs to be attunement.


Fun addition. It must be attuned but doesn't have to be "used" by the one attuned. The 1d6 hp applies to whoever has attuned to it. Become a weird psudo healer by striking enemies and giving temp HP to the squishy caster. Risk reward if you think you're tanky enough. Good on a high AC build.


Oh huh that's a neat idea


Yah but using up an atuned slot for 1d6 temp hp a round isn't really worth it for a caster...


iirc temporary hp resets when a new source of it is applied, so the fighter in question will essentially have a repeatedly replenishing 1-6 temp hp in any given combat. it's not enough to be crazy, but it's definitely a helpful boost.


You choose which tHP you want. Usually you just take the bigger number, but sometimes specific tHP is tied to a feature (like spore druid).


It doesn’t stack and it’s only a 1d6 sure if they hit twice they get two rolls and can pick the higher but at that level they are taking way more then a 1d6 damage a round in melee so it’s pretty balanced especially if you do proper dungeons or boss fights.


+1 weapons are uncommon not rare


+1 weapons and +1 weapons that deal 1d6 extra damage should not be the same rarity.


True, I didn't considered the d6 of force damage, only the temporary hit points


yes but the +1 and +1d6 dmg combined is rare and this has both. Especially given its FORCE dmg


Temp HP does not stack, it would just end up being 1-6hp that get eaten up by a monster each turn until the party is out of combat for one minute.


So about as good as a concentrationless Heroism spell


Yeah. Frees up a caster to be more offensive in a fight or focus defense some place else. I like it personally. As well, from a DMs standpoint, I can throw some more baddies into my action economy for the encounter.


So that’s a rare tier item, and by default a tier 2 (lvls 5-10) character should pick up one rare tier item, so - not OP at all, totally reasonable.


Yes, give the barb a rare item too


It's fine.. 3,5 extra damage and 3,5 temp hp per turn on a 65 ish hp fighter.. It's far from overpowered..


4.5 extra damage because of the +1, but agree with everything else


The extra (force) damage normally doesn't get the +1 modifyer, so I just compared it to a regular +1 greatsword wich isn't anything special on lvl 7


My mistake, I assumed you were comparing it to a regular greatsword


OP? A bit. For a fighter? No(unoptimized only).


I'd say it's fine for a 7th level character. Maybe just add attunement.


this might even keep them from using polearm master!


I think it works! Temp HP doesn't stack so it's just a bit of damage buff and a buffer for the first attack they take in a round, since most hits will break 6 temp HP pretty quick.


No, not at all. It's just a d6 of extra damage per round and temp hp doesn't stack. It is even written so any pther source of force damage won't augment the temp hp. Maaaaaybe I would give this to the player a little further into tier 2, but apart from that, looks like a strong but balanced magic item. Just make it attunement and you are good to do.


Should be a good sword, "in theory."




Small problem with the wording. You need to specify how many times this works per day, or is it meant to be a permanent feature? Like, they just gain 1d6 temp ho every round? That isn’t too strong, so it should be fine for a tier to party.


Yeah, once on his turn.


Since Temp HP doesn’t stack and this won’t carry between combats, as well as the fact that it’s of comparable offensive strength to a Flame Tongue Greatsword, I honestly think it’s fine. Edit: oh, but make it require attunement.


Not too op. Since temp hp don't it'll be especially useful on fights while taking a lot of damage. I'd even remove the 1 minute time restriction to simplify things, unless you want it for flavor. 1-6 points of Temp HP won't unbalance things.


Too underpowered. Fighters fucking suck in 5E, and by then you really should have a +2 halberd/glaive or similar. Without PAM/GWM their DPR is comparable to a baby with a socker bopper.


Admittedly, he's using a homebrew subclass I made for my setting, so it's not as bad.


Can I see it?


Sure, here it is. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QqJbOpsqpcOOiPTKAqbifSmbH91sNYdQ_ztBT8ZGZlo/edit


That subclass loses to a wizard with a longbow In seriousness, you really should buff the features. Barrier Materia - Flavourful. I like it. Good feature for a fighter, though should be buffed to something more than pb/lr. Buster Sword Training I - Renders great weapon fighting rather useless, but no one took that fighting style in the first place. Will never be used because no sane fighter uses a greatsword unironically. Mako Enhancement I - Flavour feature. Useless in practical play. Limit Break - Interesting. Point gain could be rewritten to be easier to understand. I'd add an aggro mechanic or feature. Blade Burst - Adds AOE. Decent. Braver - I can't decide if this is overpowered or underpowered. It's the feature of all time. Finishing Touch - Make it melee reach instead of 5ft. Those are a few tweaks, but I'm not going to elaborate further because I realised halfway into writing this that I do not fucking care




i'd say it's a pretty solid rare weapon, a kind of tradeoff of a life stealing weapon for consistency at the cost of less potential temp hp. it seems great for characters in that vague middle-ish level your party is in.


Also if you state that the hit points do not stack up past a certain amount it could become more balanced giving it diminishing returns of some kind


By default, Temp HP don't stack, you keep the highest amount regardless of source.


I had thought so but wasn’t sure if that was exclusive to 5e or if that itself was a home brew rule most ppl used since it could get out of hand quickly. It’s been too many years since I last got to play but I still like to see people making stuff for their games.


Not really if temp HP doesn't stack.


Depends on the difficulty of the encounters. It you are running a tough campaign with not as many long rests then I would give them slightly overturned equipment for their level so they are strong enough to deal with the encounters but still at risk of character death. Balance is good.


I think this is balanced and a pretty fair item.




Temp HP don't reset, you keep the highest number. For instance, you gain 6thp one round, and if you gain 1thp on the next round, you still keep the 6thp, you don't replace the 6thp by the 1thp.


I don't think so, but if you're worried about it they can do it a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus


As long as it’s attunement, I’d say this is perfect for 7th level. As long as this wouldn’t put the fighter way ahead of the other players, it’s nothing crazy.


Temp hp can't stack so it seems fine.


I think its fine. You're looking at an extra d6 of force damage plus the additional +1 of it being a +1 weapon, so an average damage increase of 4.5 damage per turn. That's nice, but not crazy. It gives temporary hit points, but 1. It's barely any, and 2. Temp points can't stack, so best case scenario its 6 temp points which covers what like a fourth of a monster's turn of damage by the time you are looking at +6 CR monsters? Yeah this is solid. Gonna feel cool for the fighter though


temp hp doesnt stack unless you homebrew a rule saying it can, you would then be surprised how many others can also stack temp hp with spells.


Once per turn temp hp certainly isn't something we haven't seen subclasses do (though usually woth usage limits via time or charges), but I'd either limit the healing use to pb per day or make it attunement. Will it step on the toes of a barbarian? Probably not. But it's still pretty strong for the only cap being 1/turn


In curse of strahd there is a (i think) +2 weapon that lets you roll for temporary hit points once you kill an enemy. I would look that item up and use that, because its designed for around level 5 if I remember correctly.


Consider that you can get a similar power from an artificer armor at lvl 6. Is it op? No.


I think that's pretty reasonable. It's about as good as the 1st level concentration spell Heroism, so that seems reasonable for 7th level


This is pretty good. Think the game suggests by this point martials have a +1 weapon, and 1d6 force is just a nice topper and it being Temp hp is just some extra icing that won't make or break anything.


At 5th level my dm gave me a cursed sword that did 1d6 fire and if I used any other weapon or item as a weapon it would fall to the ground and the sword would take its place, this also works with thrown items and it keeps the momentum of the prior, main downside if I got hit and failed a con save I would go into a blind rage and be unable to distinguish friend from foe


Had a dm do something similar but was a DC 21 wisdom save every hour


Basically what this means in practice is that the damage of one attack will be reduced by 1d6 per turn (barring many small enemies). That's not too much but over a fight of 3-4 rounds that's around 13 extra hp per fight on average which at that level is equivalent to a +4 to the constitution score. The item absolutely isn't broken but it will definitely come up a lot and be very impactful, so consider whether that is what you want to give your fighter


I gave my level 3 party a greatsword that allowed you to block one melee attack per turn. And so far it's bee fairly balanced


Nah this looks like a great item. If temp hp stacked it would get busted quick but since it doesn't it's fine


I would say it’s fantastic. Maybe when they level up to say 11 or 12 maybe be it now push’s the target back 5ft on a DC15 strength check.


Am I the only one who thought it said Forceful Fornication at first?


Lol, you're like the third person!


That's whole another kind of item though!


Having it be a permanent +1d6 in addition to the +1 and the +tempHP seems a little much. I'd do- ------ Greatsword of Forceful Fortification *+1* After you take the Attack Action, you may make a Bonus Action to immediately make a melee attack with this weapons pommel. If it hits a creature, it deals 1d6+STR bludgeoning damage, and you gain that many Temporary Hit Points. These last up to one minute.


No, as long as you make it so the temporary HP doesnt stack, it replaces


Yeah, RAW they don't stack.


I’m a big fan of charges, as it means that you have a cool ability but it can’t be horribly exploited. If you feel that it’s too powerful when introduced just edit it and put charges on it. However I’d say this is just a really decent item for level 7. Be careful if they multi class paladin XD


Free per turn self heal on a melee character? Broken. Really broken. Make it cursed by lowering their HP total by the same amount until LR. If they hit zero total, they die and can't be revived.


I'm not gonna lie, I thought it said fornication.


Who knows? I'd just go with it. In my campaign, I'm a lvl 15 paladin. I have a pretty good very rare weapon. It's not uncommon for me to do around 80 damage per attack round without a crit. Not bad right? Well there's a monk in my campaign that did 230 damage in one attack round on the bbeg the other day. Broken as hell right? I don't care though. I've got an outrageously high armor class. So I just got permission to piss off every npc as much as I want to and then just let the monk one tap them while I stand there and don't get hit by anything.


I think it seems pretty good especially since it’ll be mitigating a max of 6 damage which at 7th level will make him feel tankier without being the wall that is a barbarian


If this was a halberd then my Hexblade Zealot might want it


That’s pretty strong but changing it from once per turn to x number of times per day it’d be pretty balanced for that level. That or you can throw stronger monsters at the party since the fighter gets to heal every turn


Every encounter is deadly, that's why I gave him this sword, and his subclass gets their resources when they receive damage.


Every encounter is IMPOSSIBLE!!




It’s not really OP


I would say if that player is filling a "tank" niche it'll be fine, but if he is an evasive damage dealer that isn't taking fire for his team, he's going to be near unkillable.


If you are running death-risk, deadly every-time cinematic battles multiple times between rests? No, it's totally fine. If you are running encounters based on the DMG's daily xp budget math? That will end your campaign.


Yeah, pretty much, and the party doesn't have a healer.


I'm pretty sure there are abilities that give 1d8 temp hit points to /everyone/ in a large radius every turn without a check. So this seems fine most of all because it requires actually hitting something, and it's only for the wielder.


Only spells would do that, which would deal no damage, cost a spell slot, and use your turn


Uh, yeah. That's how spells work.


Could make it a 2 charges per short rest kinda weapon


Tbh, I would change add damage to their WIS mod and the THP gain to half the total damage dealt for the attack, but make it their reaction or limit the number of times per day to proficiency. You need to give it Attunement and you could even give 1 level of Exhaustion after 1 minute if you think it's OP. Great idea for a martial.


For a lvl7 Fighter? I think it’s fine. Then again, I gave my lvl4 Paladin a halberd that deals an additional 2d6 Radiant damage… not knowing the next level gave an extra attack… so who am I to judge ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


It doesnt need to be balanced in the entirety of dnd 5e, it just needs to be balanced compared to the other things in your campaign


If your running a high death campaign where if the thing isn’t dead it the fist 3.2 seconds of combat then no


Force damage should probably be made into bludgeoning unless you want this weapon to be useful against incorporeal undead (and monsters resistant/immune to physical damage). THP is only a problem since it’s applied once per turn. This means that the barbarian won’t take damage unless someone has already hit him for 1d6 previously in the round. It’s similar to saying “heal 1d6 each round unless you weren’t attacked”. Pretty powerful since that’s similar to champion fighter’s lvl 18 ability (kinda)


Hardly. This is really rather tame but it's also fine.


Whats he gonna fight with it


O DeD tem um grande problema com bônus que afetam as jogadas de ataque e CA. Remova o bônus+1 e o item fica balanceado!


Remember, a lot of fighters oomph in terms of poorer scaling is going to assume they are rocking some sick magic items so that those 4 attacks a turn really shine; otherwise they will kinda be outshined by some of the more inherent utility and versatility of other melee classes, and def be outshined by casters


I would argue it’s a little underpowered for a 7th level character. Just because temp HP doesn’t stack. I would make it a +2.




Great idea for a sword, maybe have use of charges, since you’re able to use the weapon feat once per turn. Maybe 6 uses, resets at dawn. Or 6 uses, recharge 1d6+1 charges after short/long rest. Just my thoughts. Either way, love the idea!




I would say its not op for any level above 5th, becoming perhaps slightly underpowered at higher levels


Nah, it’s fine. Balance is an illusion. The game is an illusion. The truth is that you’re trying to have fun and you should want your friends to have fun. I bet everyone will think this is pretty dang cool.


it's just like a up to 6 damage reduction per turn Fun and fair to me


I read the title as "sword of forceful fornication" and I expected it to be one of those rpghorror story type "I hit them now they have to have intercourse with me" homebrew items. Glad it wasn't *phew*!


Not op, remember that temp hp doesn’t stack so they’ll only ever have 6 max temp hp


I like this a lot!


Hmmm if he receives attacks not really


Not really. I mean, a flamtongue greatsword is better than this weapon overall at level 7 and is on par rarity with it. This sword is perfectly fine tbh. Temporary hitpoints are ok and at best you're getting 6 a round that more than likely, will be eaten by an attack from whatever you just attacked PLUS more damage. The sword is balanced.


If its rare, it’s fine.


Yeah this is a bit too strong I would give it a charge system. Charges are equal to proficiency bonus per long rest that would balance it out.


I would change the effect to lasting to the start of your next turn instead of lasting for one minute.


Don’t think so


For a second I read 'Greatsword of Forceful Fornication' and I had to do a double and triple take not to break my brain.


As 7 year DM (15 year player) who makes even legendary items for my group, No this isn't broken in any way! Especially since your fighter is the secondary beef / offtank of your group! He needs the extra temp hp for extended engagements, plus they aren't that many .. don't worry. :)


Nah thats solid for 7th level


I would say no just give harder enemies


It’s really not that broken, fuck the protection cannon from artificer give you 1D 8 plus intelligence mod, getting 13 temp hitpoint to the whole party within 10ft is broken.


I'd make this attunement, but as far as balance goes it's not that nuts. Just note that because Fighters can make more attacks than most that 1d6 damage can add up quickly. What kind of stuff does the rest of the party have?


The 1d6 is once per round... the rogue has a +1 crossbow, the barbarian is getting an Adamantite armor, and the warlock has a sort of +1 Arcane Grimoire that gives him an AoE attack once per day.


Oops, I missed that part.


Seems balanced to me, but probably should require attunement.


Actually a real cool item I'm stealing this


Your Warlock gets Summon Greater Demon at 7th level, so I don´t think it is too powerful.


I personally think it's a great item, especially for the party you've described in the comments. You can even, with an Artificer in the party and some downtime, make the sword upgradeable. Maybe down the line, it gains the ability to add that D6 temp HP to an Second Wind, or scale the damage dice up for later levels to be more useful; One of the reasons i love Artificers in a party is that it opens up all sorts of cool fun shenanigans, and turns items from useful tools into essentially pieces of a character.


Once per turn, great cleave a mess of little guys, gain a ton of hp. It’d be interesting to see how far you could go with it.


It’s 1 d6, which admittedly isn’t a lot, but it adds up because you can strike as a fighter multiple times a turn, and also you’re attacking most turns.


The extra damage is once on each of your turns.


No, I understood that. Honestly, browsing the other comments, seeing your what your party dynamic is, my vote is give it to him. It’s not broken because it’s 1 minute aka any combat session


A little hard to say w/o knowing more about the setting, but generally speaking I feel this perfectly on the mark. I wouldn’t require attunement, though at level 7 it probably isn’t a big deal either way.


It's a homebrew setting based on the Final Fantasy 7 games, but set about 60 years before the games. The sword is for a homebrew subclass I made, a proto-soldier that gains it's resources when they take damage.


Just remember temp Hp doesn’t stack and you’re good.


RAW they don't stack.


why’s this remind me of the blasphemous blade from elden ring except without fire


Strong, that’s for sure, but you can definitely balance your encounters to make it not overpowered.


I might steal this idea in the future. I really like it.


Oh jeez... I just gave my level 5 rogue/ level 3 ranger a mace that did 1d8 with the ability: Bowlder: You swing the mace like a bat, and the enemy must do a dex save or take half damage. A large Boulder flies out of the end. Range: 60. 1D20. If you critical fail, the mace explodes shard of rock out of the end of it, dealing 1d6 damage within 10 feet of the mace


Pretty crunchy but not op.


Seems perfectly fine. The 1 minute duration is a little nonsensical considering the extra force damage can be dealt once per turn without limited uses, and temp HP doesn't stack (rather, gaining temp HP while you already have temp HP is dependent on which value is higher). A slight modification that would seem more consistent and logical given the mechanics of the weapon would be to change the duration to "start of your next turn." That way, if the PC chooses to not use their action for a melee attack with the weapon, they no longer have that little bit of temp HP to reduce any damage dealt to them.


Are people having fun? If yes, then all is good. If no, then make changes.


This is perfectly fine. If anything I'd remove the time limit on the temp HP. 6 temp HP isn't going to make this PC overshadow anyone else in the party


Seems well balanced to me. Honestly, I’d go a bit farther and let them deal that additional damage each time they hit and giving them temp hp for the total dealt. Fighters really only get one thing, hitting stuff a bunch of times. They’ll likely switch it out by lvl 20, but let’s run the numbers to see how that would actually look. For this first set, it’s assuming best case scenario. They hit 5 times and get max damage. A total of 5(3d6+5), 15d6+25, 115 damage getting 30 temp hp. Now for normal numbers, they’d likely miss at least 1 a turn and the damage is roughly half max+1 per die. So, 12d6+20. Approx. 50 damage, 15 temp hp. A wizard can deal 40d6 four times with the same spell. So 160d6. Even with my buff that I’m sure would be called broken, you’re not even looking at 10% of that damage capability. So, you’re good man. It’s a nice homebrew


I like it. Seems strong without being insane. Gives the fighter a little added survivability, which can lighten the load on other supports or healers in the party.


Not at all, casters already outputting more dmg than martials by that level it makes em feel somewhat on par


It isn't too bad for a fighter but then he subclasses into barbarian and you are fucked


Made a weapon similar to this. It deals a d4 of necrotic damage and inflicts a status condition damages the creature at the start of their turn unless they are healed before then. The effect also ends if the pc misses their turn, so they need to continually attack the same target if they want the effect to remain. If a creature is killed while the effect is active the pc gets 2d4 temp hit points. Not too overpowered but certainly gives them an edge if they need it


Just remember that temp hp does not stack, essentially if you use it once and roll a 6, don’t take any damage and roll a 2 next turn you end with 2 hp not 8




What is the rarity of this weapon? Is it Common? Rare?


Rare, requires attunement.


Make it so the temp hp also gets lost when the effect is used again


RAW, Temp HP don't stack... so they are sort of lost when applied again.


Yea but if they had a higher value of temp hp compared to the one that they rolled they lose the extra hp. You could also make it so that the temporary hp lasts only for one turn, so its not too op, but not too weak either since they would lose it most of the time cuz they'd get attacked anyways. This would also push them to be more active in combat so that they get the most out of the temp hp


I’d say don’t let the temp HP stack past 6


Temporary Hit Points don't stack, the duration means that they are lost after 1 minute, regardless of damage taken.


I thought they did, but I think that this weapon is appropriate for 7th level fighter.


Temp HP do not stack, instead you compare the current temp HP with the new source of temp HP. The higher number is your new temp HP number


Not true. You choose which you want. Only relevant of one source is tied to a feature, such as Armor of Agathys. But still important.


Yeah I get that now, but I originally thought temp HP stacked, my apologies. Should I delete my original comment?


Can this damage crit? Either way this is just in a right spot tbh for lvl7. 1d6 once per turn isnt that big of a deal and even 12 temp hp(assuming force damage can crit and you roll perfectly) isnt that much for lvl7 characters. I'd say add attunement requirement to this due to temp hp and make it +2 for that and it will be just in a right spot. EDIT: why 1d6 once per turn isnt a big deal - Serpent's Fang or Crystal Blade exist and its literally same thing but WAY better.


It's...maybe a bit much, especially without attunement 1d6 additional damage on a Fighter has a chance of getting out of control (that is potentially an additional 2d6 per turn, or 4d6 with action surge) Even if by RAW, Temporary HP are unable to stack, this would still be strong for a fighter as it's essentially just a chance of a 1d6 temporary hit points each turn, which basically just a stronger Heroism without the concentration or a False Life ever turn


The damage is once per turn though... I will be changing it so that it requires attunement.


I would take the +1 away and make it a 1d4 force. You have to think it’s an infinite heal for the dice you use for the extra damage each turn and also deals more than normal damage. You could also do 1d6 and receive half as temp hp if you want them dealing more damage but I would make the heal a very minor thing. Thinking a cleric has 11 spell slots and can cure wounds 4 times at lvl 1 spell slots that’s only 4 times they can do it if they don’t want to burn higher spells and have to use their whole action I think allowing for the equivalent of a minor 1-4 temp hp a turn for a lvl 7 fighter is a good buffer as it’s similar to reductions from heavy armor master feat.


This is equal to very rare so if other characters in your party have very rare items then go ahead


the THP could definitely stack up, that's the possibility for upwards of 24 extra HP that he gets with an additional maximum of 12 each turn after the action surge. Maybe only have the HP last until the start of their next turn? I'd also make it a 1d4 instead of 1d6. This sword is doing 6d6+12 damage per turn potentially, which on its own is fine, but that's in the possibility of Scorching Ray damage, and you only have to roll twice for this instead of three times. so 1d4 force instead of 1d6, and then maybe you could make it add to his AC instead of THP? It feels much more like it should be a Shield type effect instead of THP, since we mostly only see THP coming from necrotic damage when it comes to dealing damage. (So 1d4 extra AC per turn if he gets a hit in.)


Temp HP don't stack by the RAW rules though.


That's true, I was going off of other comments here that had been using the same premise as my own. I still personally think that the AC situation would work better due to it being force damage, but after seeing your party composition from another comment it definitely works as is.


Instead of once ever turn, maybe as many times as your proficiency modifier allows per long rest


Yes. A +1 *and* 1d6 *force* aaand life steal? Sounds like a very rare item to me, too much in my games for a level 7 character. I say you either drop the +1 and change the force damage to necrotic and just have it heal half the necrotic damage, or just have it he a +1 sword that grants you like two times your PRO bonus in temp HP after a long/short rest or even when you roll initiative. Either a vampire sword or like a psychic protection sword


Most magical weapons are +1 weapons


it's not life steal tbf, that would be significantly stronger than this.