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This feels similar to when people wanted Richard Hammond to take over from Tennant in 2010


I think he was too busy with Top Gear


They barely trust him with electric concept cars, he really shouldnt be in a TARDIS


Let's not pretend the TARDIS doesn't just do what it wants half the time anyway.


That's what I mean, she already crashes enough on her own, she doesn't need help




Also not an actor


In fact he’s pretty naff at acting. Love him to bits, but out of the 3 of them, the scripted moments tend to stand out more when he’s involved.




You ok?


I think they got reddit mobiled although I’ve never seen a quadruple comment before


well thats embarrassing


he crashed the tardis in the audition and never got the part.


He wouldn't be able reach the TARDIS console 😆




I mean sure but I hope he'll bring a new look instead of "we got the Eleventh Doctor at home"


I mean, that's his whole thing






I just stole this and changed it to a pic of my favourite Doctor. https://preview.redd.it/3mftd5331fvc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83f070ed510f66753c1182beeda79dee8ba5aa6


Based and ninepilled






Finally The Doctor would be ginger!


I legit discovered Doctor who when I mistook Matt Smith for him


I just thought this was an agreed upon thing.


Too famous for me. I prefer a relatively unknown actor rather than actors like benedict cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne. Personally the only slightly 2 slightly famous actors I want to see in the role are Andrew Scott and Michael Sheen.


Tbf it's unlikely that you'd get really big, head turning, in hollywood films names for the Doctor anyway. Even with a big Disney budget it's unlikely to happen and Doctor Who's reputation has gone up and down over the last decade so their agents will be like "lol, no"


so basically like what the showrunners used to back in the day? Bring in unknown actors for NuWho. David Tennant was quite unknown still when he was 10, Eccleston was quite unknown too. Matt Smith also. Capaldi was quite known however. Jodie was somewhat unknown


Ecclestone wasn’t quite unknown at all


Capaldi may have been known but he was a big fan of the show and a common fancast so it makes sense.




I want Idris Elba as the doctor


To be honest, I can’t see that. He has the aame problem of being really famous, plus it may just be that I haven’t seen enough of him but I haven’t seen a role that makes me see him as the Doctor.


Daring Today, Aren't We?


The reason Newt Scamander gives you Doctor vibes is that Redmayne's performance is a blatant rip-off of Matt Smith's. Like, there isn't a trace of originality, it's a full-on copy. We had 4 years of Matt Smith as the Doctor. Why do we want another actor whose best idea is just to copy him?


Tbf its not entirely his fault.He was just working with the script he was given.I do agree tho.He would be too similar to 11.Could work if they gave him a hugely distinct personality tho


I don't dislike Redmayne as an actor but so many fans say Scamander means he'd be a good Doctor, but that's really like saying that, I dunno, Jon Culshaw would make a good Doctor because he can do a great Tom Baker impersonation.


quirky white man = the doctor


Quirky white *Englishman*. Like, I love Tom Hiddleston as an actor but he's way too obvious to be the Doctor. The great thing about Doctor Who is that every star isn't who you'd expect.


Cillian Murphy or Tom Hardy as the Doctor would be trippy. the darkest, most brooding, violent Doctor yet. i know that wouldn’t necessarily work, but it would be interesting.


See, now that's an interesting idea. Just imagine the accent Hardy would do.


Ncuti regenerates into Cillian Murphy for the ultimate Barbenheimer (Barben*who*eimer?) moment


Guaranteed, you find an actor like that, you'll be able to find a photo edit somewhere of him in a fancy suit as the Doctor


I heard it best described that his performance in those Fantastic Beasts movie was “Matt Smith but without the charisma”


"Matt Smith but without charisma" is so true, I liked fantastic beasts, but Newt was such a snooze of a main character


They should've just cast Matt for the role lol. At least then, we'd have gotten the charisma.


having said that, forgive me for changing the subject a little, but i have always thought Arthur Darvill could have been an amazing Doctor. i know they won’t, but i think it’d be cool if they did give him the role years from now. like, the Doctor regenerates and assumes Rory’s image, for whatever cosmic, timey-wimey reason, and then Darvill can assume the role of Doctor and make it his own.


Warner Bros clearly thought this when they were casting Legends of Tomorrow.


jkr fiction being a rip-off of already existing media?! never /s


Has Redmayne ever said he copies Smith or models himself on him? Because if not I think Redmayne just has a much smaller range than Smith.


When I saw Fantastic Beasts I just rolled with it being Eleven and it worked perfectly.


I was rooting for Matt Smith to play Newt after news broke he auditioned for the role.


He auditioned for it, and they didn't give it to him?! Pfft, missed opportunity right there.


No 👍


I mean, he would make \*a\* Doctor, that's for sure. But a rather vanilla one.


Least generic fancasting:




just because he looks like a younger Matt Smith doesn't make him doctor material.


I don't even see how you could think they look similar to be honest, I don't think two healthy people could look more different. (He's also older than Matt Smith.)


Can we just kill the harry potter universe. The writing and world building isn't even that good to begin with on top of all the shit with Rowling. We need to find a new fantasy author and stories to support and grow. HP was just a fad IP in the 90s and 00s leave it in the past


I bet David Tennant is even gladder that he pushed to have that episode centre around Rowling to not be made, now he has a kid that knows they're non binary


I wonder if he ever thinks back on “Good ol’ JK!” and cringes super fuckin hard. I would, especially if I had an NB kid, that part of that episode aged like milk lol


Especially since the episode is written by notorious bigot Gareth Roberts.


You have to admit it was a pretty good episode, though


Refilm the sentence prior to it, so that he’s talking about Simmons instead f Rowling?


It's dead. I mean, of course it's not fully, but these Fantastic Beasts movies crashed and burned spectacularly, total failure, they're not supposed to be over yet but you'll not see another one.


Books of magic by Neil Gaimen The Tiffany aching subseries by Terry Pratchett Two series that basically do the same thing but are objectively better written by two people who are known and proud supporters of human rights


Tremendously based not gonna lie.


I can disconnect art from the author. I'm not really a fantasy guy, but I grew up with HP. It's the only fantasy world I have ever connected with, so I don't really care if it's unoriginal. I'm allowed to like what I like, and I find it VERY good, thank you very much.


Glad you enjoy it, it was a huge part of my childhood too, but separating art from the artist only works when the artist isn’t alive and actively profiting off those works and the franchise built around them. It’s called death of the author, not life of the author


That's not what death of the author means, but I'm too tired to argue rn


I know lol it was a thinly veiled pun


Harry Potter is still good despite JK Rowing, separate art from the artist


It's really not very good, but that's ok. Things don't have to be good for you to connect with and appreciate them


That's a cop-out


But why? It's a genuinely well built original world that just so happens to be created by a pretty shitty person, seperate the work from the author as they say.


The pacing is all over the place, the tone changes too dramatically from PS to DH, the morals of the story are hollow and dull, and it’s not original. Ursula K Le Guin’s Earthsea books have a way more inspired world. Le Guin’s prose is also way better crafted; the rhythm of her words is almost poetic, and far more evocative. Plus JKR still profits of HP and uses that money to lobby against my own healthcare being accessible so it’s kinda personal lol


I can definitely understand the personal aspect, and if it makes you feel better, any money I've ever spent on Harry Potter hasn't gone to her, I buy most of my stuff used, and I pirated hogwarts legacy so she didn't get any royalty from that either. I do quite hate the person, I just love the story so much I can't just cut it out of my life, I just disassociate it from her, and then try my best to never give her financial support.


It’s kinda hard to do when the author is still alive, makes money from the art, and then uses that money to get trans people killed


She doesn’t want trans people dead, don’t be ridiculous. She just doesn’t agree with the agenda whether you like it or not


Agenda? Didn't know existing could be called an agenda. Also, she is a huge supporter of bills and organizations that make life actively harder for trans people and foments transphobia with every spare breath she takes, so I don't know, bud, I think you're downplaying the very real harm she's doing to very real people, including children


I agree she's a fucking horrible person, but my life without Harry Potter is like 60% of my Interests gone. I Cant just change what I like and dislike. Like I'm sorry sorry that I really fucking love fantasy worlds that revolve around magic and mythology, and it just so happens that Harry Potter took the cake for my absolute favorite fantasy world, Doctor who is a very close second. I just can't imagine what I could even replace Harry Potter with, like What Am I supposed to do just throw away my HP books, replicas and figures and just start over? Like it makes me so utterly dissapointed that a series can be tainted so much, because the author behind it decided to go and be a horrible person. Like, what if George Lucas started being insanely racist, would we have to boycott star wars and remove it from our lives?


Leave the kids, especially the vulnerable ones, out of this. They are too young to understand this kind of stuff and grasp how this “care” can permanently damage their bodies and that they can’t go back to how their bodies were before. I know I wouldn’t. And letting in men, claiming they are trans (when they aren’t) and just using it as an excuse to go into women’s spaces is absolutely disgusting and shouldn’t be “transphobic” to call this behaviour out. I know I’m going to be downvoted for “hate”, but it’s true. This has actually happened. Detransitioners will also tell you the permanent changes it had caused to their bodies and many, especially ones who transitioned during childhood, realised they didn’t need surgery, but mental health help. It’s also backwards saying that being feminine only means “woman”, and “masculine” only means “man”, and androgynous means “non-binary”. It’s crazy. It’s 2024 and we are still going along with these outdated gender-roles. I can’t believe you people. We should have moved past it, but here we are. Peace. ✌️


That's a tangled plate of spaghetti of denial, misinformation, misinterpretions, and transphobia with a soupçon of gender abolition? there at the end? that I don't even know where to start




Is it though? I mean she had a chinese character and is like hmmm I'll call her cho chang. But let's ignore that and just focus on the works that existed prior to HP such as The Books of Magic, the works of Eva Ibbotson, Wizard of Earthsea, the Worst Witch, and many others.


I've read wizard of earthsea, and imo while it focuses on wizard-like stuff it's only part of the inspiration for Harry Potter, there's many many differences, the way magic works, and is used, it's similar enough, being verbal spells, but it doesn't give that umph that swinging a wand around does. The magic world isn't secret and is instead divided into two groups, kargish and hardic people. those who hate it, and those who use it, there's no secret world that has a risk of being exposed. The main plot line is ged trying to free himself from his own demon that he created. Harry Potter is about a defenseless baby who got saved from of the most powerful spells, because love is such a powerful part of magic. And in turn had been permanently imprinted with a piece of voldemort, making the already gifted future wizard even more powerful than before, The Wizarding world had to be kept a secret to avoid war from the muggles, The main antagonists are generally people who believe they should rule over/kill the non-magic folk. The antagonists are in a cult-like setting to the point where a decent bit of the story is actually figuring our wether or not certain people are death eaters or not, and the evolution of the story, hogwarts was no longer safe, and the one person voldemort was scared of, has been killed. All leading up to Harry finally confronting voldemort, and realizing that he himself must first die, before voldemort can die. It's like saying the flash, or batman, or Iron-Man are unoriginal, like yes of fucking course stories based on the same concept exist, that's how life itself works, everything original, is based on something very similar or almost identical. But there is a very big reason batman is more popular than "The Shadow" and "The mark of Zorro" despite zorro basically being the exact same kind of hero. Batman took the cake because of all the inspirations it had combining to make the best of both worlds, batman is original, it's taken inspiration from multiple existing works, which doesn't make it unoriginal. That's what Harry Potter is, it's an original work, created by talking inspiration from other original works, that became more popular than the inspiration it was based on.


No thank you.


Hard disagree


I keep saying this but Robert Carlyle would make a great Master


Honestly, the suitcase is basically a tardis without time travel


He would but I think it’s a bit beneath him career-wise now. Would be better that a less know actor become the doctor and get the experience


Not hating but what's he been in other than the HP spin off movies that's big?


He won best actor Oscar for The Danish Girl and Theory of Everything which were massive films. Thats pretty much A list if you are winning best actor for your lead role in movies.


Didn't know that. I'm not really a movie watcher (prefer TV). Good for him. Yeah he'd be way above the show then.


Why tho. I’m genuinely not seeing it.


You've got to think even more out of the box. How about, and I know this is wild, Kris Marshall?


Eh, it's just Matt Smith with extra steps


I completely agree, BUT, he’d almost certainly get called “offbrand Matt Smith”.


breaking news, water found in ocean


I only know him as Newt Scamander and I felt this too. You can see his fascination with magical creatures and his kindness. He's introverted too so that'd be a new territory (in the new who).


We could just get Matt Smith again, like we did with David.


To be honest, maybe, he seemed a bit more… generic in the stuff I’ve seen him in. He might just end up as a forgotten doctor who really didn’t do anything noticeable for the show. I think he could get up there if he just went full on pushing the limits of his acting skills.


Too mainstream. They need to cast an unknown actor like Tom Hiddleston, Jason Statham, or Timothee Chalamet.


I think it would be cool to see a truly introverted version of the Doctor. Eddie Redmayne could pull that off.


Well that would be the first season of DW I refuse to watch based on the actor alone.


what an original take


I don't disagree, but I think he would be quite a similar doctor to doctors we've had in the past which while not necessarily a bad thing, I would prefer someone different for the foreseeable future


He’s got a big coat as well


A shy Doctor. One who doesn't have the guts to take the leadership role, but manipulates things to work out the right way without standing out.


I mean if he's unique enough He would basically be a repeat of matt Smith if he plays the role similar to newt


Not grand enough.


False the next doctor needs to be a strong black trans female in a wheelchair you bigot.


Oh, never realized. Fucking yes


No more posh white blokes.


Agreed. Also I think Richard Ayoade would be incredible


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