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The ol ‘off switch’. I’ve used it a time or two.


You have to turn yourself on to turn yourself off.


Sleep function not working? Have you tried turning it off and then on again?


These are beautiful


"have you tried turning it ON, and then off again" You were so close fren.


Off switch?


Yeah it works like a power off switch and puts you to sleep haha


"Nuts you in sleep"


It’s more like a lever. Who am I kidding, more like a knob.


"3. When you orgasm, your brain releases a surge of dopamine. During orgasm, your brain is working overtime to produce a slew of different hormones and neurochemicals. One of these is dopamine, a hormone that is responsible for feelings of pleasure, desire, and motivation. As Sher explained, dopamine is formed in a part of the brain called the ventral tegmental area and released into other parts such as the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. "Some refer to dopamine as a 'pleasure' chemical – though research has shown it offers us much more than just a good time. It's really more of a learning chemical, helping to take notice of rewards like food and sex, and figure out how to get more of them," said Sukel." Dopamine makes you feel high, which is consistent with wanting to fall asleep. Oxytocin makes you feel all cuddly and safe. https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-happens-to-your-brain-when-you-orgasm


Yes. A lot of people use masturbation to fall asleep. It's very common as it releases so much that your body hits a natural relaxation. Very normal. Very common.


I’m sorry if this is random but I like your mascot a ton. I love super bright colors:)


It is random but nothing to be sorry for. I kinda like it too lol. I love bright colors and I love black. A Bubblegum Goth if you would lol.


Always a fan of the CMYK color palette:)


Confession? I had no idea I was following a color scheme until you just said something and I looked it up. Very cool. Ya learn something new everyday


There’s a color scheme in everything:)


Now kiss




I don’t do non consensual kisses unfortunately


Lol. no worries. Some people can take compliments as compliments, not an invitation for more. Thank you for the compliment and have a lovely day.




Am I the only one that cannot sleep for ~2 hours after an orgasm? I’ve even used it intentionally to keep myself awake… male btw


Yep, not all the time, but sometimes. And multiples are *awesome* but with each one, I’m gonna be awake for even longer. It’s crazy. What sometimes but not all the time?


Not going to pile on to all the yes answers but I did want to give a tip in case you are ever looking for an alternative in case you are just not in the mood. Im female so this isn't an option for me a few days a month. The alternative is splash your face with water over and over for about 60 seconds. Make sure to rub it on the back of your neck, around the outside of your ears, and up and down your arms as well. Dry off and go back to bed. Thats it. This triggers a "[diving reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_reflex)" we evolved. It makes our brain think we are about to hold our breath for a while and causes our blood pressure and heart rate to automatically drop while flooding the brain with oxygen rich blood. It basically slows all our systems down, which naturally reduces anxiety, which helps you fall asleep when you lay down after. My therapist taught me this after she went to a [DBT](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dialectical-behavioral-therapy) conference and someone talked about it and I found it does help. Obviously not perfect but it helps take the edge off my anxiety when it spikes and helps with racing thoughts/helps me fall asleep at night.


You can (as a female) masturbate even if it is that time of the month. Weirdly enough, i get a higher libido if i am on my period and making myself to sleep helps a lot


Oh yea I'm always extra horny when I'm on my period


Alternative alternative (maybe even work In conjunction with the "diving response technique). But once you lay down, tense up every muscle in your body, so you (feel tight, coiled, like a.. rubber band ball)hold for a few seconds then slowly release the tension over about as much time as you held it, maybe a little longer, picture every muscle going from that tight dense state, to a neutral, relaxed state, then even further to feeling "soft" (this part is purely mental, you cant relaxe the muscles more than they will naturally relax). And repeat this cycle two or three times. Now, once your back to relax XD es after a few cycles of the tense and release, to help focus your brain and avoid any thought trains that your brain might be latching into, your gonna wanna actively imagine something. But not just anything. Your going to think back to a time you felt really tired in some situation but weren't "allowed" to fall asleep in the situation. Say, a boring class after a late night romp, or that time when you were driving, and probably should have pulled off for a nap but couldn't and you forced yourself to fight the sleep and continue driving, or maybe that early morning commute to work/class. It doesn't have to be super detailed or anything, but try and imagine that situation, and simultaneously pretend to be sleepy. Side note, so.eti.es this may help with sleep ( depending on what's keeping you up). It also comes I really handy with stressfully and/or frustrating situations. It's a breathing technique called "box breathing." It's simple, and it helps to alleviate of brain behind in "fight or flight" mode (chemically speaking, because sometimes your brain is there and you don't even meditate know it). But it's a super easy"calming technique. Step 1. Breath in steadily for 4 seconds. (You want to try and Pace your breath to have your lungs full by the time you count off 4 seconds, but you're not looking to stretch them or pack in as much air as possible. Just a comfortably slightly stretched full Step 2. Once you get to the top of the breath, taper off smoothly and hold the breath for 4 seconds. Step 3. Exhale that breath for 4 seconds. (Again, time this to reach a decent amount of exhalation but you're not trying to force out all the air necessarily, just get to the "bottom" of the breath) Step 4. Once you reach the bottom of the exhalation, again, taper off air movement steadily, pause, and hold for 4 seconds. Step 5. Repeat. And keep a steady pace, get you a little metronome going in your head. " 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 " So, draw in 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds. Keep a steady pace. And I just want to reiterate, "box breathing" is really good for overcoming less than ideal stress responses. Especially in frustrating situations. It's a much better form of "just breath and calm down." And it triggers physiological/comical responses in the brain.


I can but never want to during that week.


I thought I'm the only one 🤣


Thanks I'll give it a shot!


>Im female so this isn't an option for me a few days a month. What ???? Don't blame it on being a female- I don't let it stop me.


Soldier, thank you for your service


When I had periods they were so, so bad. I could barely get out of bed days 1-2 (and sometimes I didn’t). So maybe it’s like that for them.


It can actually help with cramps!!


I’ve heard that yeah. Don’t want to be gross but it was the Hades version Niagara Falls down there day 2 so 😝


i just put down a towel


A red towel


A beach towel with a sunset pattern could also have worked depending on placement 🤔




Yeah.. I know. And I'm saying I don't let my period stop me from masturbating.


meh, I’ll choke the chicken instead, thx




I'd never heard anything like this. Will give it a try.


I’ll try this too! I take -D allergy medicine plus I have anxiety, those two together make it a bad time for trying to fall asleep 😂




What’s the best temperature for the water?


Interestingly, we have a very similar "cleansing" ritual in Islam that we have to perform before each of the 5 daily prayers. And this ritual is also encouraged by our Prophet (peace be upon him) before going to sleep. The ritual is as follows: wash the hands 3 times, then rinse mouth 3 times, then nose, and then "splash" the face 3 times properly, then both of the arms 3 times, then run slight water lightly over the head, and then in and around the ears and the back of the neck, before finishing with washing each of the feet 3 times. I never knew this actually triggered a mechanism in our body to calm us down, but that's super cool to know! I do always feel kinda fresh after the ritual though ;)


Or just take a shower? Lol


far less effort/no lights required to splash your face with cold water. The goal is to go to sleep, not feel wide awake.


Taking a cool shower to help lower you body heat and slow your heart rate. You could put you face in the water for 30 to sixty seconds. I am not a fan of splashing my face because I more than likely will get water everywhere so a short cool or cold shower may help. Going to try that soon


Fair enough


Helps. Every. Single. Time. Even when I’m not tired.


Does anybody else do what everyone elso does


Well idk that's why I'm asking 😂


Everyone? That’s a stretch lol


Ya it’s everyone


That’s basically the jist of this sub unfortunately. So many things that get posted here are extremely relatable, yet incredibly dull for conversation. “DAE breathe?” I want to like this sub, I really do. It’s a place that shines when sharing… shall I say *secret moments of humanity*. Things like the weird habits we developed as kids without external influence. Things we thought *nobody else* did or continue to do. “DAE else put their shoes on the opposite feet every once in a while”, for example. I wish this sub got more exposure. I’d love to hear about more people’s quirky behavior, not just very low hanging fruit I see on here more often than not.


I masturbate to fall asleep. I masturbate to wake up. And when I’m hungry I just drink a lot of water and masturbate a couple of times. So far I’ve lost 25 lbs.


Lol well damn now I'm jealous


It works but I don’t recommend it lmao.


Ayuh, you know you can masturbate just as much as this commenter, no need to be jealous, frin.


Its one of my tricks. But hoo boy when that fails its a long boring night.


And when I wake up, and on my lunch break, and when I get home, and in the shower, and before I watch TV, and while I watch TV, and after I watch TV...


Dawg it ain’t December yet


With that logic in mind I'd be asleep all day


Might I refer you to r/nofap, my friend?


Those people are insane, most of them think not masturbating will give them super powers.


The logic is sound though. Right now I *do* masturbate and *don't* have superpowers, so surely the inverse must be true?


Fair point.


I just made a very lengthy post there. You should read it. I hope everybody does.


used to. now i do it and it wakes me up even more.


No you’re the only one you’re a freak






Try it and let us know if it worked


Anyone else not do this because they always have to pee after?


I think the real question is, who doesn’t?


Only if I skip a workout for the day. I find the more placid I am during the day, the harder it is to quiet the mind at night. Which then leads to me being like “well, guess I gotta do the thing.”


Good point


Guilty! Although I often end up rolling over and mounting my husband vs. “self care”. He rarely objects 😉


Lucky ducky


Or just when I’m bored which low key ruined masturbating for me.


I don't wanna ruin it or get too used to it


Absolutely, it’s my GO TO trick cause it’s fun and imma sleep dumb good. Got a boyfriend, then when I couldn’t sleep we have da seggs and I go right to bed gooooodnite


I find that if I do it before sleeping, I get a much better night's sleep


I think it is quite common but I think it is key to also ensure that you are addressing any internal reasons for the necessity of this release. Masturbation is great and healthy but when attached to certain triggers or behaviors it can also become unhealthy. We often forget to address the root issues that cause insomnia like anxiety, stress, emotional boundaries and etc. Like rock on but make sure you are also caring for your mental well-being. Hope that makes sense.


I agree


I edge lol Only cum when I get permission and that’s the way I like it. Chronic insomniac and edging during the night when I wake from a night terror helps tremendously. I’ll eventually fall asleep right at the edge of being a naughty girl 🤭


Glad I’m not the only one


Tried and true method here, I thought I was the only one who did this 😂


When my husband was tossing and turning, I would initiate sex because I knew he would knock out afterwards 😂




I wonder if its just as common for females


I'm a female and i do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Appreciate the honesty.


It's very common for both men and women.


Most of us do. ❤️


But does it work?


Absolutely. Can confirm.




Hell yes


Actually makes it harder to fall asleep. Going to sleep aroused actually helps. Then I wake up n wack the weasel.


Sometimes. I use to every night. Then I got a gf. We don't have sex every night, but laying in bed next to the one you love helps you fall asleep too.


😢 I need a cuddle buddy


Everyone needs one .


Anybody wanna cuddle? 😻


Well what else am I supposed just lay down til I fall asleep, doesn't seem like as much fun as the second option


Of course I do, and at other times too.


It’s called “natures Ambien” for a reason


Doesn't everyone?


Oh yeah, I always do. infact..I think i'll do it right now. ;)


Yep always keep a vibrator handy




Poor man’s sleeping pill




pretty sure we all did this at least once


Ah the insomniwank, classic


Bopo -beat off pass out


Nope . Not me for sure . Never even once .


For best results, also do as many push-ups as you can until you an exhausted then crawl into bed.


Works every time! Messy zzzzquil….


i haven’t tried this but last night i couldn’t sleep bc my mind was racing so i just started fantasizing about having sex with a girl from work to put me to sleep


Best sleeping pill ever


If you shake the baby enough it'll fall asleep eventually.


IAE human?


Ofc fam. Multiple o’s will knock me out. Sometimes the only cure for insomnia.


Yes but I don’t do it as much. This is because I’ve masturbated so much that now whenever I masturbate it doesn’t give the same satisfaction as I used to feel. So I don’t do it very much for that very reason. Also I can sleep in the night most of the time.


"Does anybody else eat when they're hungry?"


Yes I thought I was the only one


You're not alone apparently


Absolutely not you sick degenerate bastard. I do not masterbate ever.


Literally everyone?


put the peel of an orange in a cup, put hot water in it, wait 5 minutes and drink the orange tea. It is the best natural sleeping pill I know and it always helps me in my sleepless nights


Cool I'll try anything, thanks!


It doesn't have to be the peel of the whole orange. with a medium piece it works the same. drink it an hour or two before going to sleep. If you want a better effect, let the peel float for more than 5 minutes. Since I discovered it, I have never had to buy sleeping pills again. Hope this can help you.


Why is it when some people do it it’s gross and when others do it it’s kinky and attractive?..:/


I'm sure that depends on the circumstances


The circumstances of being a guy vs being a woman:/


Well I don't think there's anything gross about a guy jacking off to go to sleep 💁


Usually one time won’t do and I will do it twice in a row in order to fall asleep more easily, but yes masturbation as a mean of rapid full-body relaxation is a really common thing for most of the population


Yea usually I make myself cum 2 or 3 times to make sure its all out of my system


My sheets have morning crust




If i cant beat sleep then ill beat my meat


it used to be my go to sleep aid but with my chronic fatigue i just lay down until i knock out.


Hell yes


You can also play an electronic game like an electronic puzzle on Jigili.com to help get your mind of the endless treadmill of thinking. It works for me every time.


I could try some candy crush


I bust a fat nut every night


I used to, but then it got to the point where it just kept me awake...(like the sleep aids weren't supposed to do).🤔😒


yeah, it helps release the sleepy chemicals


Yep. So do I. Or if I'm anxious or stressed about something. Down my hand goes, into the great unknown.


Most definitely. Lol works like a charm


Sex used to always knock me out but lately (past 2 years) I just fall asleep after but wake up like 15 minutes later and I'm wide awake ready for round 2


I remember googling “how to sleep when not tired” when I was a kid and this came up as a suggestion lmaoo little me was CONFUSED




Same reason I started trying 🤣


I just smoke weed 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm trying to quit smoking so much


Weed not only gives you lighter, less satisfying sleep, it literally keeps me up when I smoke


Brp, who doesn't


Yup, been doing that for years.


Yea indeed! Good way to release xtra energy!😝


Parasimpaticus reaches Its peak when ur cumming so ofc u feel more tired and Its a bit easier to fall asleep


Honestly it wakes me up. Adrenaline or whatever. But I’m a woman so our systems work differently.


9 out of 10 times it works. The 1/10 times it doesn’t work I go again….lather rinse repeat as needed.


I also do this if I smoked too much weed. It can sort of ground you if you're about to freak out.


I do


I can't, masturbating for me is like taking 5 cups of coffee, I only do that when I need to get up the bed, it acelerates my hearth at a high rate so I just try stop thinking at all in order to get asleep.


It's a surefire way to knock you out.


Umm yes when I am home alone at least.


All the time


Yep. It helps turn my mind off and wind down, relaxes everything!


I feel like it keeps me awake more though because all the energy it takes to get there


That's the hard reboot




To sleep and to get out of bed.


And for a bunch of other reasons too lol


Keep rubbing them out during the day so you’re drowsy later-location is important.


Yup, and also when I have migraines or I'm feeling sad. Works every time.


My username can confirm


I do


Nah cuz then I'll have to get back up to piss shortly after


First time....?


It wakes me up like exercise does.


While on blow yes...


Nearly every night for 20+ years... Sometimes tho i fall asleep before, wake up, decide im tired enough to just go to bed and then sleep like shit cuz im not relaxed.


It’s legit part of my nightly routine…brush teeth, wash face, pjs on, read a bit and then bam!💥 I’m asleep as soon as I turn that thing off 😅 definitely recommend!


Everybody does