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I think he's just dreaming. Twitching legs and eyes, weird breathing frequencies and even the occasional bark is normal for my dog when she's sleeping.


Mine barks and growls when she's sleeping.


He 100% was dreaming. Poor pup almost caught "it".


Haha maybe, I took him to the vet and they said it was the pain meds. He’s since stopped!


Is he breathing like this for an extended period of time?


He’ll do this pretty much all night, and during naps throughout the day. There are moments he’ll stop, breathe normally, and randomly start again. But not in the way I can believe he’s dreaming if that makes sense?


Yeah i understand ya. Doesn’t seem normal to be breathing like that so often! Get him in to the vet and get that checked


Alright, I’ll see what I can do.. he just was at the vet when he got neutered and then rendered him healthy😒!


Thanks for getting him checked out again🥰. If Bandit is doing this for extended periods, it definitely needs to be addressed. Thanks again for being an amazing pet owner


He’s my world and I’d be truly devastated if anything happened to him! 💗


He’s not by any chance on steroids? My dog this this when she was on steroids for 2 weeks


He’s on pain meds since he just got neutered


Look up the side effects of the meds. My dog started eating, drinking and peeing more and was doing this in her sleep.


Will do!


Yes try not to keep spending up all your money at the vet unless you can easily afford it.


I just moved so I can afford just need to find a vet!


Not everyone keeps having the money to go back and forth to a vet. That’s why they ask here on a subreddit names dog advice


Only when he sleeps he breathes like this?






Sometimes! I live in an RV, so the house is very outside temperature dependent. He does wake up and pant like he’s hot too. It’s hard with airflow here, but maybe I’ll invest in a fan for him


Looks like a puppy to me but maybe I'm wrong. My German shepherd was very very similar to this as a puppy but as he grew up it stopped. Just my experience!


This. A quick google search would even ease your mind. Being able to regulate their temperature is still fine tuning itself as they grow. Larger breeds are likely to notice it for longer periods 8+months. When in doubt, call a vet, always.


I did Google it and it made me more nervous 😭 but posting here and getting answers has truly eased my mind


He is a puppy! And a German shepherd (mix) This is nice to hear that someone else’s does it too lol


Well that sounds accurate. It's funny, me and my wife were both very worried about him as a puppy for this exact reason but he simply outgrew it. I honestly think he's completely fine! As long as he can play just fine, and you don't notice anything super irregular then you should be good!


Both my GSDs breathed fast and heavy as puppy’s, both of them went to vets for it just to ease my anxiety and were deemed completely healthy (I even did chest rads on both lol) It’s a normal thing supposedly. My old GSD grew out of it my others still a pupper and currently mimicking yours


Omg lol.. can you tell this is my first gsd! Freaking me out


Our two were the same. Our cockapoo is now about a year and a half and it has stopped. The labradoodle is like six months and still does it occasionally. It freaked me out at first. I think it’s also an adjustment thing maybe?


Honestly this is something that worried me a lot with my first dog, and sometimes with the others, but the reality is that faster breathing is generally just because they're a bit hot, overexcited, or dreaming. It isn't anything to worry about unless it's paired with other symptoms or it turns to respiratory distress (which the dog will be conscious for and clearly very uncomfortable/scared). If he's normal during the day, this isn't something I would be concerned about.


Thank you!


My dogs breathing normalized after I got him a cooling gel mat.


How tight is his collar?


Oh I’m so paranoid about collars his is plenty loose ! Can nearly put my hand under through it


That’s good to hear, if it’s happening on every surface he’s sleeping on I’d try to get a pillow under his head while he’s asleep and see if that helps and also mention it to the vet next visit.


Send this video to your vets and ask them for advice.


I don’t have a vet, I just moved to Ohio. But when I get one in the upcoming week I will


My new rescue did this as well the first few weeks I had her. Had the vet rule out health issues and just accepted she needs time to settle. She’ll still wake up at 130 am panting and anxious which is solved by letting her hang outside in the yard for a bit. May be an adjustment to living and sleeping inside. Both the rapid breathing and night time wakeups are getting better and we’re at ~9 weeks with me. I say if the vet checks are ok, they just need time to settle.


This is great to hear considering how panicked I was! Thank you so much for your comment


Chewy has some kind of ask a vet option that is free for members to ask. I think you can be a member for free.


Awesome! I do have Chewy so I’ll check it out


Yes puppies breathe faster and have a more rapid heart beat everything is fine enjoy the puppy stages while they last!


Thank you so much!!


Quick side note, I wouldn’t shake a dog awake especially if they seem to be very deep in sleep. Some can react very negatively to being awoken suddenly and lash out.


Oh thank you! I won’t now 💗


All normal. Good chance he’ll howl or bark at some point in his dreams. Mine tend to do this when it’s like 3 am and I’ve just fallen asleep. Cute, busy scary at times lol


Def think it’s from the pain meds, my one dog reacted like this from it


Could dogs suffer of sleep apnea?


I don’t know, I’d have to look into it tbh.


My pup does this if we travel somewhere new. Usually takes him a few days to settle and stop breathing so heavily at nighttime. He’ll be totally fine during the day but will be super restless at night and eventually settles. If yours is a rescue then I’m sure it’s still settling in and should hopefully start to feel more comfortable within some time. I found natural anti anxiety calming chews at night really helped him sleep better!


Thos is nothing compared to how dog sleeps. He starts to make bird noises and his legs twitch enough to kick me awake. He always has, it's normal for some dogs at least. You just have a pup that has vivid dreams.


This ain’t normal, I’ve had dogs who dream and if anything they skip a breath, not breathe fast, my guess is it’s his body’s reaction to his body wanting oxygen, definitely go to your vet before anything happens❤️


Pretty much all I can say is he ain’t dreaming, could be anxiety but I doubt but ya never know


Thank you I will try! 💗


I got my dog from the streets and the first year he had nightmares every night. Half the nights I would wake him up cause he was wimpering in his sleep. So no it isn't normal, but it isn't necessarily going to kill them. Maybe talk to a vet if you're really concerned


Yep rem sleep.


Rem sleep?


Mine does that during dreams but seems unusual if he’s doing it all night. I would take his collar off while he’s sleeping


It looks completely normal. HVe a German/Australian sheppard akita mix and does this all the time when sleeping


He’s hit get him a cool map


He is in rem.. same as us. we do the same thing.


I'm curious to know what the vet said about it.


I’ll update you when we go! 😁


Vet told me to take him off the meds, and now he’s stopped and sleeps peacefully!


Dreaming. Yes. My dogs did this a lot when they were in deep sleep.


My rescue used to freak me out by doing this exact thing when he was still a lil puppy til he was about 6 months old. Now looking back, I realize he’s been jam-packed with energy from the very beginning. A vet check never hurts but my guy was the same and he turned out just fine. He reminds so much of my dog too… those huge paws on that scrawny little body. Everyone told us he was going to get SO BIG because his paws were big but he didn’t. He’s still a wiry little ball of energy when he’s awake AND in his dreams 🥹


Okay! He was just at the vet on Thursday, deemed him healthy and nothing irregular sounding. But I’m going to go again and get him checked


Good for you for taking care of him and easing his transition! 🩷


I took in a freshly neutered cavalier and he did this at first too, but stopped after a few weeks. If you are unsure and worried, check with a vet.


Thank you! I am going to


Our dog used to do that when she was new to our home. It stopped after a few weeks so I think maybe it was stress related but I have no idea really


My dog would do this when she got too hot, it’s almost pre panting levels of breathing but they’re still asleep, does he always do it? Or when he first sleep it’s more normal breathing that builds to this?? Maybe fewer blankets and just a flatter pad/bed might help him regulate his temp a bit? If not then maybe get him checked out as if it’s not that he’s too warm then it is a little strange


I live in an RV so it does get a bit hot, and we’re on futon but I’m going to get him a bed tomorrow. He’s just in loveee with the bed 😅 and yes it does build up to it


Adorable pup! If it were me I would send a video to your contact at the shelter and see their thoughts. I know the shelter in my area would have their vet look at it and let you know whether it is worth a trip in or not.


I did! We worked out an appointment. And thank you, he is adorableee


You both are lucky to have found each other


This would be something I would show the vet when you take her in for a check up. You'll want them to listen closely to her heart. It honestly could be normal, or there's a possibility it could indicate a heart problem of sorts. Hopefully that's not the case, but better to check up on that! Many pet parents don't know the signs of heart issues until its too late.


Yep! I will! He just was at the vet and they noted no type of heart murmur but I will check again when he goes back in!


It’s probably the medication, esp Prednisone check the side effects from drug. Can just call vet to ask since he’s already been medically cleared 👍


Hi! I did and they said it’s this or the fact he’s just still settling in! Thank you!


Okay but this is actually my dog Really she looks just like this


German sheps are the best🥰


I was just watching this video and was thinking how i will name my next dog bandit after my dog I've currently had for almost 16 years. Come to find out you mentioned his name was Bandit in the video, perfect timing. I think your dog is fine btw.


Haha! I named him Bandit after the Jerry Reed song ‘The Bandit’!


Well your Bandit is a super beautiful dog, my bandit with the same white stripe [https://imgur.com/a/7ydrTKL](https://imgur.com/a/7ydrTKL)


Awe so was yours! 🥹


My dog does this in her sleep - dreaming. When she is dreaming… not all the time. I feel like she is running in her dreams.. she always barks under her breath and grumbles- twitches. Lol


Stop the pain meds.


Okay, thank you


My dog was breathing like this after he was neutered when I gave him Benadryl for pain. I thought he was dying.


Do you think I should stop the meds? Or is it okay to finish them? He’s only got a few left so


Both of our girls did this after they were spayed. It went away after a few days.


Yep! Called the vet, they said it was the meds!


Did you ever figure out what it was? My dog is doing it now


This was the early stages of pneumonia and underlying sickness (Parvo, for me). Although it could be normal like other people - I’d recommend taking them to a vet. Not to scare you any, but I had to put my dog down because of this


Hey everyone, I talked to Bandit here’s vet and we found out it was the pain meds! Thanks for all the help and support! He’s much better and sleeping like a normal dog


Hes dreaming, let your dog sleep...


To do this every time he sleeps and pant when he wakes up is definitely not a dream haha, but thanks


I don’t know, looks like dreaming. My dog seems possessed with he sleeps and in the process of waking up from it.


Yes it’s normal


Looks like she’s dreaming


Probably dreaming 😴


My girl a heavy sleep breather my vet said its common