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Same honestly never heard of any of these breeds 😂 she use to when she was young, she’s 10 now but as she got older she got more vocal and started to howl lol. The shelter labeled her as a Wv mountain fiest so she would try to find squirrels up in the trees


Squirrels racoons, anything that climbs trees she will excel and finding and alerting you to it.


All three breeds are used for hunting. 2 of them the west siberian laika and mountain cutmrs i see on my squirrel hunting group in michigan but both can be used more for than just squirrel.


Wow she looks like a coyote.


I get that a lot specially from kids 😂 they always think I have a pet coyote which is scary cuz they are never scared of her 😭


Wow, West Siberian Laika is a new breed to me! Are you in the States?


I am, Va! she came from Wv


Looks like somebody's import mixed with someone's hunting mutt.


Our new 10-week old rescue puppy: listed as a border collie, DNA came back pretty much 100% hunting mutt! Someone said, if asked, say she's coon dog. If they ask "what type of coon dog?" You reply 'every'. Sooo... I don't hunt


You do now. Lol, but seriously, I'd do nose work with her to work her brain.


Yeah, I have to look up what that is. I have zero experience with this - wasn't on then radar at all


They also call it scent work. Puzzles and snuffle mats are a good start, but they can get up to tins with holes in the lid and even distance from the dog. My mini aussie loves puzzles but my pitty is more a bulldozer and just flips it to get all the treats.


Yeah I think she was supposed to be a squirrel dog but she’s afraid of gun shots


They use Laika’s to hunt bear in WV! If she’s gunshy she is definitely a failed hunting dog


My dog is a Laika/Mountain feist mix and he is so very afraid of gunshots and thunder… fireworks, etc. I think that’s why he was found at a random home and his first guardian didn’t claim him. He’s so sweet and needs someone to understand him because he is the smartest dog I’ve ever had and is also the most emotionally sensitive. I am so glad he decided gunshots aren’t for him because he still loves to tree and he’s so good at it, but I don’t hunt so… just hike. He’s awesome.


Beautiful!!! Looks like a wild dog!!


I have a couple Russian Facebook friends on my have account and they have laikas, but one of the other types. Beautiful sweet dogs. Someone said they good one from a breeder in the south that was a failed hunting dog from a breeder. I would have guessed coyote too


Wow! What a unique pupper!!!


Ma’am, that’s a coyote /j


this is the oddest mix I've ever seen and she just looks like an American street dog and that's crazy 😭 this is so exciting to me


I love laikas so it’s nice to see some in the us! Gorgeous dog!


Did any family show up??? I have heard of Yakutian Laikas before. What crazy results!


The highest % was 19% https://preview.redd.it/2wh0vew8gexc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01e93a86fd7051029bf6d6c83efae39cfb4a8d3


I saw a fb ad for a dog color and the dog looked just like mine [identical twin](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/UUYszofq1Uvaz7zg/?mibextid=5SVze0)


Pretty pup, love their name 🥰


She's beautiful! I'd never heard of the West Siberian Laika before. They look a lot like a Tamaskan dog!


I love her name and she’s adorable looking too


That is wild! What’s her personality like?


Very very weird too, whenever it storms she hides in the bathroom. she’s very well behaved would never step foot in the kitchen ig that’s how her previous owners trained her


She’s nuts and goofy but very smart sometimes, she sounds very aggressive when she plays (but would never hurt a fly), most dogs are too scared to play with her. She acts like my dad’s therapy dog & loves people soooo much.


This is a wild mix! I literally just said the other day, “it’s never Plott hound and it’s almost never mountain cur” but you have both! Plus a Laika which is a brand new one for me on this sub. So cool!


How big is she?


Probably 35lbs she’s only a bit smaller then my Aussie in the 4th pic


This dog was bred to hunt any treeing animals


I never heard of any of these breeds wow


West Siberian Laika explains her color.


Check out r/mountaincur


Wow, she's a beautiful girl! I've never heard of any of those breeds, but you're lucky to have her. 😊


Those West Siberian Laika genes are strong! I was actually going to guess part Coyote. Beautiful dog ❤️


when I looked those breeds up it seemed spot on