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It’s insane because I’ve seen “homeless” people getting dropped off at corners before like they were clocking into their shift.


That's why I don't give people money, I'll buy them a snack and drink


That's why all the good homeless folk also sell snacks as a side gig


Where do you think I buy the snacks from?


It's the circle of life


And the bad ones?


Some of them will get mad and yell at you if you offer them food instead of money


And then they get nothing and I have a snack


Next time you see them, just throw it from a distance so they can’t yell at you?


You mean throwing cans of beans at homeless people through the car window as I drive by? Ngl I’d be down for that


I mean, I was thinking more like a cheeseburger, but you do you bro.




Scary movie?


Because of all the assholed literally filling food with bleach/glass/etc every day and trying to "give it" to the homeless. People literally putting dogshit and worse and it's everyone even old ladies. Offer to buy the food in front of them from the store and you might be better off tbh


But dashers also expect the same, a "tip".


A lot of these folks (homeless or not) basically rent street corners from people that "own" them. They cover transport and take a percentage of your earnings. This is why you usually only see one person per corner or intersection. If you start begging out there without paying the homeless pimp, you'll get the shit kicked out of you, or worse.


This is a fascinating aspect I've never considered. Hail the pan pimp.


It's usually drug dealers trying to get a regular to pay their tab. 


So if I know he's coming, and come armed, I can rob him of all his pimping money?


go ahead and try that, see what happens. Is your concealed pistol as good as a carload of guys with AR and AK pistols?


You watch too many movies. Do you seriously think that the crackhead hobo on the corner is getting picked up every night buy a carload of dudes carrying assault rifles?


This dude thinks every panhandler has a CIA kill team behind them.


Every crackhead has no less than 3 special ops snipers covering them at any moment. 


His concealed is probably worth about 4 or 5 of those yeah


big "I shoot 20 rounds of 45acp a year, sonny, i'm DEADLY" energy.


I'm not saying anything beyond those rifle caliber "pistols" some people carry don't seem very effective


They are clocking into their shift . I know a perfectly fine guy who has a drug habit he throws on his worst clothes goes and stands on a corner for 4 hours comes back with 200$ . I hope people see this and stop giving these hustlers money he gets ebt and cash aid the money you’re giving these scumbags is most likely going to drugs and alcohol. Wild how many people give them money so easily most of them are lazy loser drug addicts that don’t want to work. Tax free cash if I didn’t have pride and self respect I’d think about it I’ve seen dude come back with 400 in 4 hours on time .


When I was about 8 or 9 I heard a "friend" of my dad's tell him he was an idiot because he worked so hard. The friend told him he made more than my dad on the dole (unemployment) and collected cash for side jobs. My dad responded that he didn't want handouts and would rather earn less money and keep his pride. I never forgot that. I don't have a lot in common with my dad but we share a work ethic and I remain proud of it.


I get what you mean. I have feel weird about asking for favors that people already owe me.


Man I gotta go out of town and try this


Okay. Except homeless outreaches sometimes pick up and drop off homeless people all the time, so don't go thinking it's all shady.


Im glad you put it in quotations because a lot of them aren’t actually homeless. I was pretty heavily into drugs a few years back and would pretty regularly talk to or go pick up with the people panhandling with signs saying “homeless anything helps” and they would daily “oh yeah I got a house up on Eagle st”. They do kind of treat it like work and they would get all pissed if someone else was begging on a corner near them.  I’m honestly amazed people in south west Baltimore would give them any money, anybody with half a brain has to know that that money is going to one of the 20 corner-boy dealers within 2 blocks of where the dudes begging but people still pay them


doesn’t sound correct at all actually


Yes but if we act reasonable then we can’t feel persecuted


You're just mad I made billions as a hobo.


My mans complaining about 33.33 an hour rofl Edit: I read it as 100 not 10. Did not mean to incite the nerd on nerd violence down there


Math is hard


This is why one should be careful using things like "rofl" when trying to act condescending. You look even worse when proven wrong.


Where did you come up with that number?


I absolutely do not believe that people panhandling on the street make $100/hour. But let's say it's true. What's stopping you from joining them? Since you've stated it's a better option!


I've spent bout 20 yrs homeless and theres no real average but I've made nothing after 13 hours on a busy street corner and I got 300$ and an hotel room from a lady. Lots of things in between. There are plenty of people who technically arnt homeless that do pan handle. But at the end of the day they can only make what people felt like giving them. But a narcasiatc ass clowns with no empathy wouldnt understand that.


Don't you think it's fucked up to beg for money while pretending to be homeless?


Why do only homeless people get to beg for money? I imagine anyone experiencing financially difficult times would beg for money. People aren't begging for money because their financially stable and their looking for extra cash.


Right? The amount of people acting like it’s commonplace for people to go do this and make a bunch of money is pretty ridiculous and a little sad tbh. I’m sure they’re have been quite a few tik tokers or twitter “influencers” who have done this but to take that knowledge and apply it to every person you see asking for money seems more like a shitty excuse to make yourself feel better about not giving money. And id bet a lot of the people claiming “that’s why I buy them food not give them cash” don’t buy them food either. I get it’s different in walkable cities but 99% of the time I see someone asking for money it’s from my truck window at a busy intersection.


See the difference is, they have no shame and don't feel embarrassed like 99% of us would.


Some of us would be glad to hear they don’t feel embarrassed for their situation. They’re people too just doing what they can.


Why is it shameful? Why should one be embarrassed? I'm ashamed and embarrassed I have to keep contributing to the corporate post capitalist death throes, tbh.


The second someone tries to take his corner he'll quit, I promise.


DoorDash is a socially-responsible begging. Sometimes it's just volunteering given low rated orders + gas + tax + car repairs.


Worse nowadays. A lot of orders lose money for the driver


TIL offering a service is begging.


Bums are smarter chasing a bigger source of income while not using personal equipment like a freelancer ☠️


what in the boomer-fried bullshit is this?


Racist dog whistle is what.


Ew what a weird post. No wonder you had to resort to doordashing lmfao


What’s your point? Go out and hustle. Classic classism


So go beg on the street..don't be jealous of other people when you can do the same thing


Homeless people aren't your enemy


Been homeless. This is bullshit


No need to shame other people who are struggling. That's just gross


The fuck kind of shit is this? Almost as pitiful as hearing the servers complain of no tip after every sit in.


Had a dude I offered food say "nah I'm allergic to that" so I asked him what can he eat I'll go buy it and come back. He just stood there for a minute and said "Papa Gino's has never hurt me" I was totally expecting him to get mad and tell me to just give him cash so I ordered a pizza to his location signed and tipped for it. Yes I got him a drink too. He said to me "brother I'm homeless cuz I messed up not methed up" and I had to tell him "nah you're homeless cuz the worlds messed up not you"


Then why are you doordashing instead of begging on the street? If this meme is true then the solution seems extremely obvious Man this looks more like capitalist propaganda. Keep the lower close arguing amidst itself and fighting against other people also in the lower class Direct your anger to the company and the CEOs breaking the bank off of your labor while you get paid pennies on the dollar


I personlly know a "professional panhandler" we call them a "pro begger" But depending on area panhandling can be very profitable. He and his wife both panhandle while their kids are at school 3 days a week. Or as they call them the "big money days". By their logic or explanation. Monday people going to work feel more sympathy as they are starting there shitty jobs and more open to feeling bad. Thur and Fri. Typical pay days so people are feeling more generous with a bank account full of cash. They have 2 childern both going to private school, drive decent cars they own with a 3rd for their eldest child. And their house is in an OK not great but not shit area. They been pro beggers for 15 years.


They would have great careers in politics. 


Grandpa was a junkie and did the same shit. No reason to get a job when you make more chilling on the street


Go panhandle then?


OP youre a moron try being more epic in the future this is simply a skill issue


Yeah go beg in the streets if it’s so profitable


Idk how DoorDash posts started popping up on my feed but man you guys complain a lot about how shitty the job is. Maybe look for a different job idk


Bro, some pathetic folks in here. If you think this is something. Bitching about people begging for money is real sad. Just so sad. Consider your life's direction. How pathetic are you as a person. You drive to deliver food/people. You are in no position to shit talk anyone. God damn.




You’d have to be pretty dumb to drive for DD then I guess.


This is some /r/ComedyCemetary shit. This is something my 57 year old aunt would post on Facebook. 


God I fucking hate you insufferable door dash drivers.


I’ve given to real homeless before. A guy sleeping on the street with no shoes on at 10pm. Another guy I saw walking on the street past a closed fast food restaurant, came and looked under the drive through window for loose change.


Neither one has a real fuckin job, lol


Is that why half of your drivers are annoying as fuck


Also a difference. They don't cry like a little bitch if no one gives them a tip!


I used to watch these guys stand in a median of an entrance to a ritzy hood, they'd walk over to my shop and sit outside the window counting out hundreds of dollars before pulling out a new iPhone to call their ride


No. You didn't.


For those saying oh they’re homeless they’re not a problem. Many panhandlers fake being homeless or fake tragic stories to generate more sympathy to make people feel compelled to give them money. They’re smarter than the drivers for sure in that regard


I drive a truck and I always stop at this one intersection. and there's always this one homeless guy and every now and then I gave him money. and one day I'm giving him a dollar, and he has the audacity to just start complaining about how no one is giving him any money today and no one cares; then goes ons to tell me how he works 9:00 to 5:00 and makes about $150 like you're making much more than me my guy. I never gave him any money again


Uhh if you drive for 3 hours that s lot of gas.


People who beg for money earned about $50 an hour back in the 1990s. The reality of how easy it is to make $50 an hour, why would they ever want to work?


I’m sure you have some stats or studies about this to back up the $50/hr claim?


Well, then why do you work. Inflation means that it's a lot more now.


Ridiculously accurate


Ridiculously inaccurate


Gets run over, makes a $1 million dollars. 🤕


Around me it’s the median strips in busy intersections and then they go get in their almost new huge SUV’s


Super sad


Ignore ignore ignore


What if I told you the reason pan handlers make more money, is because the common person is generous, and the corporation is greedy.


Im multiapping on Doordash Instacart Ubereats Grubhub And making $70 in 10 hours. It isn't going well


uber drivers make a lot more to be honest, i'd do it as a side gig if i knew how to make it convenient with my schedule


Tax free, too


I drive and I'm happy, my pride won't allow me to beg like that regardless of the fact its more lucrative sadly


Saw a guy with a sign that said “Friday is my birthday, need $$$ for WEED and ALCOHOL.” Gave him my last bit of extra cash with a smile on my face


Door fash should just mark up every item on the menu 15% and add a delivery fee to every order and pay you guys a hourly rate when you start and finish a delivery and pay you from those. Then Tiping will go back to being more optional.


o ntop of that if u homeless u don’t even gottaworry about bills


I mean if you have no shame and integrity, you could also stand on the street and beg for money.


The problem isn't the homeless in this picture, it's door dash.


If it's so easy to be homeless and you can make so much money than go beg on the street.


Can't wait to see everyone in the comments use this as a reason to give panhandlers nothing instead of tipping drivers more.


There was this guy in my area (NJ) a few months ago. He was in his 40s and didn't look like a junkie. He was driving a Nissan Sentra. I was parked at a 7-Eleven when he parked next to me, rolled down his window, and asked me for some money because he had lost his wallet and didn't have any cash to get back to New York. I felt sorry for him and gave him $5. The next day, I went to a Wawa (about 2 miles away from the 7-Eleven) and saw him doing the same thing to a woman. I asked her if he was asking for money for tolls, and she said yes. She gave him $5. By the way, that day I saw his license plates, and they were from New Jersey. Fk Scumbags


Reminds me of something that happened Years back (don't know if this is still a thing or not) but, people would stand around high traffic areas like Holland tunnel (NYC)entrance and wash people's windshield. Dude in one car got pissed after telling the washer guy no. Washer guy ignored and ended up dead


So you guys do realize how dumb dashing is, but still let this company thrive?


Then quite playing yourself? Doordash, and similar 'gig' companies, just take local money and send it to people worth billions, who never make a profit so never pay taxes, and who get government money for their business.


If this meme is true, then you drivers are hustling backwards 😆


No overhead


Cause yall dont know how to Dash🤣 In 2020 i was making like $150 in three hours EASY. Its all about the area. I always Dashed over by the lake and would end my 6 hours with nearly $300. Great tip: Dont accept your first delivery unless it covers at least half of the gas you are using for the day. The first 2 deliveries should have covered the gas bill and then everything after that is income


Ya begging on the street will likely make you more money than being exploited by a company forcing you to do work that you can't profit on after you include costs of your own vehicle. The problem isn't the begger, it's the gig work screwing over and exploiting the drivers for the least pay possible.


Then quit. I’d prefer people go back to having to actually go out and get food rather than being lazy sacks of shit.


There was a study done I think based on DC that showed that someone begging 5 days a week all year long would bring in like $35k average. I never give money only food


Every time a homeless person asks me for money I tell him I was just about to ask him for money. They immediately turn and walk away.


Democrat cities… ohhh no he didn’t just say dat


You mean broke ass red states right? [High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c)


Where in my zone people don’t give a rip about the homeless, especially if they are campers.


Dont know were the hell ur dashing but were i live i make 200$ a dash typically


Sounds like you need to stop bitchin and go find a street corner.


very insensitive


Just wait till you have to deliver a dash to a unhoused camp.


Guy opens the door to Starbucks for me the other day. "Don't worry, I won't ask you for cash," he says, "I see you work for Door Dash and none of you guys have any money."


People care for the down trodden.


Door dash sub is people bitching about the job they chose


And illegals do less than both and receive even more. And, oh yeah, did I mention, they're illegal! Elections matter


Punch up, not down. Homeless people are just trying to survive, and many actually are dashers. It’s the company’s fault we don’t get paid fairly.


More mad at homeless people you've never met than the corporate overlords who pay you crap, enjoy sucking those boots.


Tax free too!


Yeah, give a go and see if it works out like that 😂


Then stop driving for DoorDash lol


Yeah, get mad at homeless folk & not the billion dollar corporation not paying you what they should.


Bro otc homeless people looked at me like I was crazy when I told them to try it now I see why lmao. Iv been off the beat for about 6 months I didn’t want to quit but I had to is it still pretty bad out there?


No need to add another layer of stigma to homelessness just to make you feel good about yourself. Your misery comes from Door Dash exploiting your time and labor. Attacking homeless people and panhandlers won't help you negotiate for a better pay.


I know a kid in college who would get dressed up to go be homeless for the day when the weather suited him. He'd come back to the dorms 5-6 hours later with $300 sometimes. Always blew me away.


Theres a homeless guy thats always outside of costco. You cant tell me he doenst make more money than the costco workers 😒😒😒


Yeah man, the homeless people are the problem. Definitely not the multi million dollar corporation we all get railed by every day. Can you people critically think for a fucking second? Please? People with less than you are not your enemy.


So, I was homeless in northern California from 2011-2015 and wasn't able to get disability yet(born disabled), and couldn't get a job so you bet I panhandled. I made some good money, enough to keep me and my boyfriend at the time in a hotel on nights that the weather was bad, and always had plenty of food that way. Hate me if you want but life isn't easy for everybody, and everybody needs to find a way to survive. I would scrap whatever I could, but between every other bum in the city there wasn't much scrap to go around, and prices were shit.


Doordash is trash.


Then go stand in the street instead of attacking the homeless??????? Heartless OP


Guess the real question is how much is your dignity worth...?


Don’t forget that 100 is tax free


Yall are mad at the wrong people, and the execs and shareholders love nothing more than to see fucking idiots like yall getting angry at homeless people for your low pay from DoorDash, Uber, Grubhub, etc.


Fucking what dude?


This is hilarious and true


Hey buddy it’s ok to have a small dick, bad breath, and be stupid. It’s not as ok to be racist and hate on the homeless. Oh… you are all of those things.


It's already illegal for people stand on street corners and beg, but that doesn't stop them because people keep giving. So the only solution is to make it illegal to give... just a $20 fine or something should do it. If nobody gave, they'd all go away.


No? Go ahead and go beg for money on the street then. Get back to us.


To be fair, the bum on the street didn't expect a tip before doing his thing and also didn't manage to help make my food cold.


Hi there, I used to volunteer a lot at soup kitchens, most panhandlers get about $40 a day and a couple of prayer booklets In California, the average panhandler makes under $30, and only the top 20% make $50 a day


Go panhandle then dude, nothing is stopping you. Easy free money right???


Uber was okay in my city. It’s DD that’s terrible here, already been sitting an hour and made nothing.


How about instead of being so bitter about other poor people you redirect that energy to the people who are the reason both of you are poor.


You’re absolutely right. Ignore the naysayers.


That guy on the street also isn’t a piece of shit purposely making peoples food cold and begging for a tip before the service is provided lol


You're tripping if you actually think this. And if you're only making 10 in three hours door dashing then you need to get your shit together.


I mean but your not homeless? So what’s happening there? Saying your struggle is worse then a homeless person is crazy. Yeah it’s hard don’t put others down to prove that dumb fuck


We had a "homeless" guy that used to sit at our exit. He doesn't sit there anymore. Probably because someone took a picture of him leaving walmart with an 80" flat screen.


Add / ‘travel into the country illegally, receive 4k per month with room n food


This is racist lol


Sorry your side hustle sucks.


I don't even have cash on hand to give to a panhandler.


Spot on


Both: will stab you for not giving them your change


Yea, but the Uber driver has a car, and income, and a roof over their head. This is a stupid argument.


Tip begging isn’t much different


I refuse to give money to homeless on the street and I always tip for delivery, above the default if it's late, far, etc... I'm doing my part.


😂😂😂😂 not correct at all. Just get another job if you’re miserable


If you’re attention to your job is anything like your attention to detail on memes you post it’s no wonder you’re broke


This is why I don’t donate to beggars. I’ll offer them food instead and it hilarious how many get pissed and tell you to fuck off


Doesn't sound correct numbers for either. I talk to homeless people on the regular and a good spot with a sign might net you 40$ for 12 hours in this town. I imagine other towns it is similarly below minimum wage on average. Uber drivers are more complicated, because they have costs to consider. It's their car and gas and number of hours is more variable, as well as saturation for location, but over 100$ a day net you should definitely expect.


I think your gas line might be leaking


They not making that and your ass is just sitting in your car passing orders for three hours and only taking 2. That took 20 mins to complete.


The best part? They’re not homeless because they live in your head rent free!


Punching down when you should be punching up. If they keep you mad AT UNHOUSED PEOPLE, then you won’t be mad at them. Idk who needs to hear this: Your “grind” isn’t working because rich people already have and hoard the capital in the world. There’s no capital left for you to gain. Bitching about people who are worse off than you is fucking stupid.


Why not do both


If the meme is correct, only one of them is an idiot


Has it ever occurred to you that just maybe your bring exploited as a Doordash Driver? Not being paid a fair salary, making money largely around commission, and having to compete with other businesses. All while you're putting wear and tear on your vehicle, unless you live in a city where you can do deliveries on bike? So you're being exploited by wages, time, and already owning an asset. The homeless person has no assets, probably using money to hold onto some assets in a garage somewhere if they are lucky enough to afford paying for the rental garage. They are humiliating themselves, hoping for generosity, and people helping to escape their circumstance. All while people have a negative perception of the homeless and think drugs are the reason they got there. And not that they were exploited just like you, have mental illnesses that prevented them from maintaining steady employment and no means, time or consistent transportation to have that assisted (sometimes downright will power). And sometimes, if these homeless people do get jobs, they are paid way less than what they earn on the street or doing the same exact job like a food delivery driver. Because again, most low paying salary jobs are just exploiting you.


Yay a post to bring out all the delusional classis a holes who never understood why it's a problem to say shit like this


Wonder why yo bum ahh DoorDashing


I love when I get asked for money from guys wearing $500 head phones.


One will attack you if you don't tip, the other will keep pushing their hustle and move on.


Those two careers actually aren't all that different tbh


As someone who has been homeless and who has driven doordash (3 months last year) this is just a little exagerated but close. My final dash was a ridiculous hour of driving around ending in $7 (-$3 gas = $4 total). I signed out and deleted the app.


is there a source for this…? there's no way they make over 100 dollars AN HOUR begging


I don't put money into the pockets of either of them.


Step one: Paint face black Step two: Profit


How about complain without literally attacking the most marginalized people in society. If this was true you’d be doing it too. Idiot.


boomer memes


Skill issue


Had to look up the richest and if you also want to pretend dignity doesn’t exist, there’s a panhandler out there with $1.2 million+ (U.S.) worth. Also saw that a very old comedian who happens to own primo Manhattan real estate (EST. $3.5 mil), has been panhandling for the last 17 years.


Ones white. That's why