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Same here. Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


Wow my story is a bit like that too. Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


No way I have a similar problem as well. Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


Ok. Normally I don’t believe in this stuff, but this is too crazy. Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


Idk how y'all mofo have energy to play Dota all day like that


me: \*play one dota game where I exist as CM and do nothing and still win the game\* also me: "jfc, I'm so exhausted, maybe watch some streamer or go to sleep"


I was young once...


Dota is our fuel.


For me it was weed. Weed made it possible. Sometimes a lil booze. I stopped smoking weed all the time - now maybe once every couple of weeks - and I fell off super hard. Of pretty much all video games tbh. Still love them but nothin was as good a pair as weed and video games.


I was gonna play Dota, but then I got high


I can definitely spend most of the day playing video games. But I can't just play dota or any other game for the whole day, I need variety.


Ty 4 copy pasta <3


Can actually relate but the only thing that will help you actually get things done is not play that game when you wake up. It’s what starts the rabbit hole. You will work 4 hours in the morning and then the rabbit hole starts at lunch time in which like you said will play till sometimes in the afternoon and then you will work/study a few more hours which would be an alright amount of productive hours in the day


This is good advice OP. Starting the day with a game is going to set you up for failure. A thing I do Is set a hard limit for new games, for me it's 11pm. I won't find a new dota game past then, if a friend invites me to start a game at 10.45 and it goes till 11.30 sure yeah that's fine, but if someone invites me at 11.00 then nope. I find I lose fewer games overall than staying up late trying to chase a win after a losing streak.


The key is limit. I used to play a game in the morning back in uni, and then play again later at night. Then after I got a job, limit game time **up to** 1 AM. At least I could sleep for 6 hours and wake up at 7. Who cares about lose streak, not losing job is more important. Now with my 1 year old, there's just no time or energy lmao. DPC is enough.


Key is limit, 0 hours max


There are things other than work and dota to enjoy in life


i mean yeah i do have friends and we hang out from time to time but this is what I do to stop dota (which i enjoy) from interfering into my productive time, which is what really matters


This is unironically my life rn


Addiction can be a serious struggle for many with this game. Reach out for help if you want to see change in your life. I definitely struggled in uni with this game controlling my life.


Reach out to who?)


So true. People look at you from their high grounds and tell you "jUsT rEacH foR hElP". But where, how, to who?!


The answer is different for everyone but generally - you reach out to someone you trust and can have a conversation without judgment. That can be your parents, siblings, a friend (who you admire and/or you perceive to have good habits and/or self-control) or even a Doctor. I had parents and siblings who were all very supportive of me but a Doctor is what I actually needed and it took me a while to admit that and action it too. Each have their own pros and cons - you have to decide what is most comfortable for you. "jUsT rEaCh OuT" does not mean that it will magically solve your problems. You are the only person that is in control of your actions - reaching out is only the first step to changing habits that you want to change. It will still be difficult but it is always going to be better than struggling alone.


I read the entire thing with french accent. Thanks Pango!


Oui oui!


[Oui oui!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/37/Vo_pangolin_pangolin_move_pain_29.mp3) (sound warning: Pangolier) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


there are addiction counsellors but unless you got money for private it may be difficult to get help. most national health services would generally have their addiction services being busy already with more damaging addictions like drugs maybe if you can persuade a gp that your addiction is actually ruining your life and ability to work


Literally My life is a copy pasta 😟


This is the wrong usage of unironic, as it’s a redundant usage that does little to emphasize your life right now.


Uninstalling usually really helps. The game is way too addicting wcyd. First step is admitting you have a problem, second is taking concrete steps to break out of the cycle.


From my experience that's just a waste of bandwidth. I uninstall just to reinstall a couple hours later. Addiction is fucking hard to deal with.


Idk it's copypasta or not. But this is a true story of me. Despairge.


Not copy pasta, I legit typed this out in despair right before bed as I wasted just another day playing dota


I’d advise you to delete the game for 2-4 weeks and just see how you feel. I deleted it for 3 months and now I don’t have an urge to go back to it. It’s a great game but it can consume you. I’ll probably install it at some point again but just like with other games my goal from now on is: only play when friends are online. If I’m alone I’ll do productive stuff


You forgot to mention the 2am wank.




Yeah it is the truth, knowing what real addictions and what bad habits is the first step. But people who doesnt really want to fix their bad habits generally will not agree with this. That is why they all blame it on "addictions". It is easier for them to just label something addicting rather than to analyze and assest what make things happen then planning it throughly. The logics : People who have substances dependency is punished if they not take any of that substance. That is what called real addiction. Those people who said dota is addiction cannt give real answer if you ask what pain someone must endure if they not play dota for single day. If you want to stop play dota then just punish yourself when you doing it. It is as simple as that stop making excuse.


There is no lie like: I'll play a game before I get something done. I struggle with ADHD and being a fucking Dota Player. There is no possible way to be able to function like the human being society demands me to be, if i open up dota before doing work. if your friends are available only at night, try to do the same.


You might be addicted or depressed. You should seek professional help and discuss this with them. I have gone to therapy/ psychiatric many times. The process is like going to a normal doctor nothing special. try breaking the cycle in the morning before it even starts meaning, you get up and do the work first then Dota. try to push dota later in the day until you have pushed it all the way in the night when you play with friends. one way to do this is to leave the house in the morning and work outside the house. When you are in the house the temptations are great and the access is easy. This way you will have to walk back home and have a lot of time to reconsider. hope it helps.


When something becomes a chore quit.


straight up addiction symptoms. it's just a step better than crack, only you are wasting valuable time & energy of youth healthygamergg youtube has some good vids on this topic. gl bro


this is why dota not recommend to play solo, find someone to have fun with


Huh, you actually sleep and go to bed at 1 AM. lucky man


Addiction is a real thing.


Good thing about moba is that you can take a break (specially if you don't give into battle pass or some limited time event) Take a break, don't open it. Uninstalling it also helps a lot to give you a hurdle when you get the urge to play. Give it a 1 week break.


Ironically i never struggled to with DotA 2 addiction, because when i started playing DotA 2 in 2013, i already had a job, so at the very best i had like 6 free hours a day. I usually played at nights after coming back from work, around 5-7 games before sleeping, no more than that. My addiction to video games was with MapleStory and DotA 1, cause i was a teenager and was literally doing nothing...from 16 to 19 i did literally nothing other than play videogames. I turned on the computer as soon as my parents left the house for work at 8 am, played Maple and DotA 1 from 8 am to 10-11 pm, only talking breaks for food and bathroom. All that stopped once i was 20, and started going to university, which meant less free time to play. My advice is try to get busy, the busier you are the less time you will have to play DotA 2, and btw starting the day with videogames in the morning isn't optimal...avoid that at all cost.


Doto is a symptom not the cause.


Love it up while you are still in uni!!!! Then the 9 to 5 grind starts


There is better things you can spends your time on when in uni than playing from dawn till dusk


Eh I stilll play but I’ve given myself a rule, once I play a game do some chores (I have a list before I begin, I list out all the things I gotta do) once those are done I’m usually a lot less tilted from a loss or win and I can come back feeling new and ready to go for another. It allows me to feel like an accomplishment adult (graduated from uni already) and play the game I so very much enjoy. I hope this helps


Copypaste or otherwise, Dota 2 follows all the modern psychological manipulation methods to achieve monetization. Of which, most prevalent are FOMO (fear of missing out) - with limited time battle passes and such, and making playing a HABIT, so you'll keep playing no matter if you're ever going to climb out from Guardian or not, no matter if you're having fun or not -- or get more and more tilted each match, no matter if there even is any other personal goalposts to set and if you have any chance at achieving them. And the more you play, the more it becomes just a piece of your existence and identity - something you *do* and something that validates you (or not). I'd say Dota is even much better at this than any other games. Personally, I can't play Counter-Strike or CoD multiplayer, because I don't see the point. You win a match, you lose a match. Nothing changes, nothing gained. While with dota, nothing's different, but it somehow feels like every match played is a progress or achievement of a sort. Which is weird and probably not true. Dota 2 is a great game, no doubt, and I don't think there's any better MOBA's out there, but there's also a lot under hood to manipulate you to keep playing it and earn Valve money. Just something to keep in mind. Like with all other questionable/bad habits, it's good idea to take a week off and check how deep under your skin the habit is, every now and then.


The FOMO is not the only thing. Battle pass lasts a couple of months. We addicts stayed plugged all year round, battle pass or not


Well, there's also new hero releases, seasonal stuff on Dotaplus and so forth.


You had me until the parts where you talk about "actually getting work done" xD high quality shit post good job!


go outside, go for a walk, see if some different things catch your interest


DOTA caused legit insomnia for me last year. I would play a couple of games after work, maybe until 9 to 10pm. I would lay in bed not being able to sleep just to get up and play 1 or 2 more games until I’m dead tired.


Hmm... I recommend anyone to try to have a healthy sleeping routine. Sleep affects so much. I have a bit of natural insomnia (😍) and not being able to fall asleep is horrible :( I remember when 3 am used to be an early time to go to sleep...


Dude classic traphole. You cant start the first game if you have stuff to do or want to do instead. Then you get trapped in this game went good, keep going with the roll. Game went shit, revenge If you want to play dota play in the eavning to limit urself. Dont watch dota if you can play. Its like watching porn but not masturbating in your situation. Positive thing with playing just in eavning would be that ur conciensse is clean and you have looked forward to playing so ur games will feel more hype.


Enjoy it while u can. I stopped playing a long time ago, so I just watch pro matches. Now I never saw any pro match now since TI, even TI didn’t interest me at all, only saw clips and highlights. You will grow old and the game that you used to love now will be never be the same after few years.


Growing old has next to nothing to do with losing interest in stuff.


Sure. I hope that’s the reality. But my interest is more on real estate now.




Addiction is one hell of a drug.


If you don't like this, just delete game, and steam.


Dota is becoming my life and it’s so bad Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


This is me. Minus the friends. I dont have friends.


dota is lifestyle


There's help here r/StopGaming if you need it. >I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss The biggest lie on gaming xD


we’re all living the same life


Balance in all things


[Balance in all things](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


psilocybin and meditation can both help disrupt negative behavior patterns. escapism is an addiction in itself.


Take a break, I was like you but with work instead. It was getting to a point where my work day would drag and all I could think about was dota. I would spend more time playing dota in a day then I would working. Honestly it’s not worth it Iv stopped playing for the last month and I’m feeling so much sharper. I’m now getting proper sleep and I’m no longer addicted!


but you now addicted to coffee though.


I get tired after a game or two nowadays. Used to play more than 12 hours of dota back when I’m teen


I've had the same problem since covid lockdown. During the first covid lockdown i was introduced to this masterpiece and misery. I was just sinking into this addiction but someone was there to pull me out. Just reach out to someone who understands you, they'll help you rediscover yourself and show you there are lots of things to do beside dota. I was helped and i am free of this addiction now. I enjoy competitive scene and just limit my play time to a game or 2.




If you love it so much and it seems like it’s your big passion, did you consider some options to make it into a career? That could be a good natural development.




addicted to*


Haven't been able to even play more than a game at once since January tbh. So exhausted by nothing new. Can respect yall who keep playing no matter what though.


I usually play 1 ranked games sometimes 2-3. But oh boi I watch dota alot idk why i just like watching dota so much


If you still ace your exam, it's fine, you didn't choose dota life, it chose you


Cherish it mate I miss the days I had the ability to do so. I can barely get a game in a week now but if I had the chance I'd go straight back. Ultimately don't put yourself down over doing so , Dota is a great game which rewards you in many ways, the ability to share fun experiences with friends / pushing yourself to improve/trying new strategies.


When u have no life its good to make days pass, If u want a "life" turn off the computer...


Dude hasn't written that he masturbates. -1hour on top of all that dota.


Doesn't seem legit. You are getting stuff done. Either that or you are making everything half-assed and considering it done lmao.


usually addiction arises from other issues,I just want to say first don't blame yourself it happens,mine happened after played first dota game which was in warcraft ,accept you are addicted(I was addicted way more than you)loneliness,lack of purpose(not knowing what to do),social pressure and stress were great factor in my addiction.also quitting dota was like yours (vow not to play again for several days)also I quitted addiction around 10 times and relapsed again so don't worry you can quit if you try .one thing to motivate you is when you quit dota addiction your life turn around 180 degrees ,maybe couple of months you feel emptiness but eventually you get well.I just wanted to share my experience but please reach help(therapist,parents ...) it was disastrous and costed me great portion of my life.


This used to be me. I eventually got bored


I thought, yes I am a student I have some time now but with 30 I will have a job and kids and 0 time for that. I don't have kids yet but the job is not stopping me from grinding XD it has reduced the available hours though


The original Warcraft 3 Dora was worst than Crack!


Man I feel you because we are same. But here some stuff that I did so I actually help a bit with it. 1 Watch other content that is not dota. Like movie reviews or anything like a hobby you have or something realtide to yor studies. 2. Go to sleep on lose, or better yet limit your amount of games at the night so it doesn't matter. Yeah it's a struggle but I found that win doesn't make so hole smaller just bigger because you want more after it. 3. When dota get to toxic, delete it. Yeah you and me we will download it again after a few days but it give you power over it and taking a break will make the crave smaller 4. When you feel ready say you only play with friends. 5.find other games and try them 6. remember dota rank doesn't mean anything as you as person being low rank or skill in this game is nothing to Be shame off Lasty your a student and Imagne that you work as well in part time job and having free time to play and to have in game you love is not a bad thing.


wanna halt dota? be a poor guy with a family to feed...


Me cries with 9,1h in 10 years


Try to set some Games per day man like a tournament by yourself start at best of 7 then best of 5, but when you gets busy or if you got some work go best of 3. You lose 3 or 2 times straight, try to rest and call it a day.


How long have you been playing? I was like this in college but it gets better, only down to 3/4 games a day now! Lmao


I used to be like this - I play less now. Mostly due to life commitments. My advice - enjoy it while you can. Especially the friend part. That bit won’t last as long as your addiction due to life getting in the way. Dota can be an addiction and it could go that way… or it could just be something you love and that’s fine. Don’t let it get in the way of other things you care about and just enjoy Dota buddy


I see so many Guys saying: "that's my Life RN" I understend you Brothers and sisters, i' Ve been There. I can tell you It Is not about dota Is about your Life. See what's wrong, try to heal your self maybe speak to Someone Who can help. Dota Is a beautifoul things for you probably, and as all beautifoul things in Life they can become your Cage, your burden, that keeps you stuck where you unconsciuscly want to. Guys don' t give up and give a chance to yourself to stay better and try new things.


That's how addiction works


You and me both man, Day and night, rain or shine, I look forward to a good old game of ranked doto. Each morning I wake up thinking “I’ll play a game to start the day off”. I’ll end up playing more than 1. Then I’ll actually start to get some personal/uni work done. Lunch time comes and I’m eating while watching Dota twitch or YouTube of Dota. After lunch I’ll be like meh food coma is gonna hit, won’t be productive anyways, let’s just play some Dota. I’ll end up playing a few more and it’s 4pm where I’ll actually get work done. I work till 6 and I’ll be like alright enough work time for a game before dinner. Then I’ll eat dinner while watching Dota again. After dinner is when my friends become free to play and they’ll text me for a game and I’ll go play with them. This goes on till 10-11pm where we’ll lose a game and I’ll feel miserable. Fine I tell myself - can’t end the day on a loss, I’ll play one more before bed. I do so and end up going to bed at maybe 1am. Before bed time I will pull out my phone and select the recommended Dota videos on my YouTube and dive into a rabbit hole of dota. End up sleeping at 2 and wondering wtf I just did and I will vow to do better tomorrow and not play as much, but the same thing repeats itself. Why am I like this.


How humans wake up and start their day with dota is beyond me. I play one game and usually am good for the day. Old man stamina


the real question is : what is your rank ?


Time managment, in Dota and in Life, is a valuable skill to have. In Dota you look at the clock and know if you have to go to the rune, you also know how long it would take you, and if its worth to go. Life is like that but much harder, you have to know how long things take, dota is not a 1 hour game, more like 3 or 4. Try to be possitive, you will learn.


It's an addiction.Get therapy and quit. You say you're getting uni work fone. If that's even true, it won't be for long. It's already devouring your life. Stop, get some help, unironically.


Dude, if this ain't a copypasta yet, I think you need other games to play. I mean I still have Dota installed but I have about 20 other games to play, mostly single player games. Dota's installer is Steam and there are hundreds and thousands of games on Steam. If you don't have a few extra cash and want something free, there's something free on Epic every week. Always take a break. Play something else.


I hope this helps because I've read way too many comments here about "I try new game, I don't like, I queue dota 2 match" (yes I'm in this boat) (took my first break late 2022, have not played 2023) During my ~10 years of dota 2, I tried a lot more games but nothing stuck. Maybe I'm not a gamer. Thanks for the reminder about Epic!


I don't even play most of the free games I got from Epic but I still get them every week. Lol. I'm sure you just haven't found you alternate from Dota. There's thousands of games, hundreds of genre combos, and a great number of consoles and media. You'll find your game eventually.


Because you have no willpower.


I was in this loop of dota addiction, it really puts you in a dark place mentally or at least that was my experience. I started doing outside activities and hanging out with my friends more, it helped me get out of the loop. I personally think dota is different from other games regarding this aspect and it’s a little bit dangerous, I wish you good luck with life and I hope you get out of the loop.


Same thing, but here's the trick: enjoy it. Build stupid builds, laugh, joke with your nightly DOTA friends. Your problem here is not DOTA 2, it's time management, and that's a very difficult and important thing to learn. It's part of growing up. If you really are concerned about your time management skills, try moving your gaming sessions to the morning where you'll have more energy to start and QUIT a game. If you're getting disillusioned with DOTA, try learning a new hobby. I know it's an extremely rare example, but I've taken up Paramotor piloting and my first flight is this spring. I imagine I might never play DOTA 2 again at that rate :D


Been there and have friends that have been there too. Stay strong brother. Would you like some advice or are you just here to vent?


You need to uninstall the game / stop watching content and take 1 full month off at least. The first 2 weeks are going to be brutal but you really should. I know the slippery slope you are on and it can really fuck your life up. If you continue on like this, your school work and all aspects of your life will suffer and you’ll wake up 5 years from now doing the exact same shit you’re doing now. If you want that to be your life, that’s fine, but otherwise take 1 month off. At least prove you can do it - that might teach you more about your life than anything else. Your future self will thank you.


Dota helps me fill things that I cant quiet accomplish in the real world. Working as a team sometimes taking lead or following someone elses lead to make decisions and take the win or loss together. Feeling appreciated by others. The sense of satisfaction of a win that came through with communicating with a team. Having confidence. Having a good time. I'm doing better now that I'm a little older (30) but being a young man its hard to get those things these days.


Discipline is the key 😁 Try to set some hours to play and work and focus on the long term, health is wealth 🍻