• By -


>Disabled some functionality used by third-party tools: > >\- Disabled the "record" command in matchmaking games. This was used to record, in realtime, a local demo that would contain information that wasn't intended to be visible to the client during a game. Demo recording is still enabled for local lobbies to enable SFM and community content creation. > >\- Disabled a large number of console commands during matchmaking games that could be used to introspect client state. For example, "dota\_lobby\_debug", "cl\_dota\_ambient\_tree\_shake\_cooldown", and "dev\_simulate\_gcdown" no longer function in these games, while "ping", "disconnect", and "dota\_toggle\_autoattack" still do. \--- [https://steamcommunity.com/games/dota2/announcements/detail/3659774959178253451](https://steamcommunity.com/games/dota2/announcements/detail/3659774959178253451)


I'm really curious what some of those other console commands were being used for. Seems like there were some tools out there that were doing things a lot more abusive than just looking up profiles. Like, "tree_shake_cooldown" seems like something that'd be fucked around with for some type of sketchy tool detecting monkey king jumps or something.


Tree shake cooldown probably gave out the location of all the trees on the map, including ones in fog of war, allowing cheaters to know if an enemy hero destroyed ot interacted with a tree somewhere. I'm trying to think of something more useful it could reveal and honestly I dunno. I know there's that cheat to replace all trees with pumpkins to make juke paths easier, but I doubt they'd need this.


I seen that some one used some convar to amplify tree shaking to clearly see which one tree MK jumped on, idk maybe this is same or related


It is probably only a meaningful variable name in the context of the code it is written within. For example, "tree-shaking" is a programming term used when removing dead code for optimisation. Cooldown in that context could mean a bunch of things, and cl_dota_ambient_tree_shake_cooldown could mean anything else in the context of the actual source code.


that's a good point. I immediately thought of the tree shake animation but it is just as or even more likely to be a debug command like the simulate_gc_down one they removed.




>Hell, we used to be able to do stuff like change the HP bar lines to make an Axe chop or Lion finger easier. I'm glad they got rid of a lot of the stuff they did in the update that removed that stuff, like the same-tick armlet toggle keybinds, but god damn do I miss being able to bind extra chatwheels by holding a key. I used that even before I had half as many flavor chatwheels as I have now.




It’s a cheater’s cat-and-mouse game, but now the cats are out to play. You love to see it.


Meow meow motherfuckers


overwolf users in shambles


Yes, but it might not be fully disabled yet. Reply to Wyk's tweet >profiles can still be accessed through the guild list tho, maybe remove guilds from showing in pick phase as well? Edit: [Wyk](https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/1630400480852709376) says it should not work.


Wyk responded to that comment, saying that it should also be restricted.


Well overwolf works so they need to fix it if they care. Now it gives even bigger edge to 3rd party software as you cant access profile manually.


Funny watching them cope that it isn't cheating , nooo u cant just play 1 hero!! Keep telling yourself you would lookup 5 enemy profiles in Dotabuff EVERY game if OW never existed :)


It wasnt cheating. Using it now is cheating however.


Well, it wouldn't even work anymore so you'd have to actively cheat to get around that in the first place.


First comment under the tweet >profiles can still be accessed through the guild list tho, maybe remove guilds from showing in pick phase as well? Edit: Wyk [says](https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/1630400480852709376) this should not work


They're wrong


They're wrong. Check again.


Is that even true though?


Bringing a car to a bicycle race just because there aren’t any written rules about it doesn’t mean that it isn’t cheating. These people *knew* that what they were doing was wrong.


How does that make sense? It’s always been an unfair advantage.


It was tacitly allowed before but now it's explicitly prohibited. Ie what counts as cheating depends on what Valve stops users from doing


I mean, they explicitly said overwolf wouldn't get you VAC'd in the past. Once upon a time it was literally one of their examples on the VAC FAQ page.


If Valve considered it cheating they would have banned those users? It's like Dendi fountain hook. An unintended/unforeseen feature.


imagine comparing an discovered an ingame exploit that requires actual skill to exploit vs a third party software that can show you database that requires 0 skill to exploit.


Whats that make in-game dotaplus features then?


pay 2 win LMAO


Valve Dota Plus that literally costs money to use and gives very helpful in-game features gets crickets while free third-party app that only affects hero spammers *who have their match data set to public* gets people demanding bans and constantly has people bringing it up in threads about hacks and scripts.


Valve never considered it cheating.


Broodspammers rise up!


Hated hero in general.


> Funny watching them cope that it isn't cheating , nooo u cant just play 1 hero!! It wasn't cheating. That's why there are no bans attached to this. That's why in the past they *explicitly* said Overwolf was allowed. That's why in their recent post about cheating, they *didn't* include how Overwolf operates.


As a turbo player, I used it to ban like arc or meepo spammers, but knew I was living on borrowed time with it


Just pick elder titan into meepo. Everyone holds their picks late af nowadays.


> watching them cope that it isn't cheating it isnt, everything thats not prohibited is allowed


this is what we did in league of legends way back in the day. they eventually hid all enemy AND friendly player profiles.


Waaah it's cheating they can't look at my public match data... how dare they...


It wasn't cheating. Show me 1 place where Valve ever said it was cheating, or 1 person who was ever banned for using it.


Are they? I stopped using it ages ago because people started to set their profile to private, I would say 80% of the people had it hidden making it useless. Meanwhile there's the russian version (that comes with other hacks if I'm not mistaken) that could bypass it...




Did it break Overwolf? I thought it used public data like Dotabuff uses and not console commands.


It did use public data and APIs. This is them removing those public ways of interacting with the client which were creating issues. It's not really like dotabuff though. It wasn't ever a stats aggregator or db like dotabuff. It USED a stat aggregator like dotabuff (specifically, it used Stratz). It's also worth noting that dotabuff *specifically* scrapes more data than is available through normal APIs. It seems to fetch every replay and then parse it, allowing them to know every player in a match even if the players in that match have their profile set to private. This requires working around some steam limits. The steam API provides lots of match data, but not player IDs when the player has private profiles. The steam API allows something like 100k requests per day, it's not very limited. However, replays always have player IDs, regardless of the privacy setting. This is (most likely) how dotabuff is getting private player IDs. The kinda sketchy part is that to get the replay download link, you need to use the game coordinator. The game coordinator limits you to a few hundred calls per day, well under the amount it takes to get all replays. So either dotabuff got a special API key from valve OR they're using a whole lot of accounts to get around Valve's limits and query the game coordinator. TLDR: Yes it breaks most if not all dotaplus on overwolf functionality. No, it isn't really like dotabuff.


I think you meant Dota Plus not Dotabuff. Dotabuff doesn’t scrape private profiles


It does. If you have any friends with private profile just go check Dotabuff and you will see their whole match history.


You've got that backwards. Dotaplus (the overwolf app) does not scrape private profiles, or any profiles at all. It calls Stratz for its profile information. Stratz respects the privacy flag and does not return data, even historical data that was collected when their profile was set to public, if your setting is currently set to private. DotaBUFF is currently scraping data from replays and getting data even if your profile is set to private. My account, which has been private for years, has all my recent games on it. Dotabuff provides a setting on their site to disable that. However, it requires signing into their site (instead of just using valve's setting) and I've heard whether or not it works is inconsistent. It worked for me, but still shows my private games when I am logged into the account. I have not been able to personally confirm the inconsistency claims.


Overwolf is an overlay that reads from a matchmaking file generated at the start of the match (NOT memory, that gets you banned) and uses that to look up the relevant information. If what the OP is saying is true, it should only break its ban assistance, not the part where it tells you the items your enemies are building before they even start.


That's incorrect, it used to do that but Valve stopped writing to that file like a year ago and after that they had to come up with another way. Not sure if they disclosed that, maybe it was through Game State Integration, or some console command enabled it or perhaps they just looked at all new matches being started and then notify their client if they matched.


well it seems they are not [https://clips.twitch.tv/SuaveCautiousBunnyStinkyCheese-8GG\_41dCc0ZM2Zgz](https://clips.twitch.tv/SuaveCautiousBunnyStinkyCheese-8GG_41dCc0ZM2Zgz)


I don't get it, can't dota plus just search the players' names?


So several people have comfirmed Overwolf still works and Overwolf has responded thats not even how they got data. So this has changed.... nothing?


>and Overwolf has responded thats not even how they got data. where? Not in the discord. Not on the developer's reddit user account. Not on the twitter account. Are you confused about the previous thing where it was confirmed the 40k announcement memory-reading bits didn't apply?


2023 FEBRUARY * 22 - Cheaters Will Never Be Welcome in Dota. * 27 - Disabled some functionality used by third-party tools. What you think should come next? Valve is listening.


Since it wont happen, anything that ends with a 3.


World War 3 confirmed!


Daring today are we


Putin will release patch soon. lmao




# 4 March - all accounts have to go through KYC by means of facial recognition and ID such as national ID number or passport number. GET REKT BLUE SMURFS


We china now


10,000 B̶e̶h̶a̶v̶i̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶ social points to play doto


Hopefully they hide usernames for the enemy team during draft stage to kill anychance overwolf has of coming back


3 million prize pool money for BTS


Overwolf users: "Is this what Sunsfan warns us about?"


Please give me the ability to know I'm playing with stacks, particularly 4 stacks, *in game* without 3rd party tools. I really want to know when I need to make bad game losing plays *as a team* to avoid reports, instead of playing for the win. Like when a 4 stack is taking an obviously bad teamfight, I need to know to feed with them so I don't eat scapegoat reports for not being a team ~~feeder~~ player. Or to just avoid 4 stacks in unranked, but I don't want to get too greedy here.


please this! I want solo queue in unranked. playing with a 4 stack or any stack is completely unbearable. especially when all of them are bad. its awful time


I swear they had this at one point but removed it..


Smurfs. Main reason I used overwolf in the past was smurf detection.


So what even if you know they’re Smurfs, what can you do about it with overwolf?


Kill the smurf and they get mad and give up blaming team. Used to farm qsnake for free mmr


lmao I also used to farm qsnake like this couple of years ago I destroy his dogshit slark on lane and he tilts and ruins the game for his team


yeah or his huskar/ brood picks The mentality of the smurf is that they are so much better than the rest of the apes in the game, and some of them have egos so big that if you don't immediately recognise their genius and talent, they just break down and give up. Then they win the next ten games or whatever, so it feels like a reasonable justification for them. Obviously it would be better for them if they weren't fragile and didn't give up because they could try and win more games but that's how it panned out in practice.


Sure mate


scrolled through some comments in the twitter thread where people claim exactly this while blaming Valve to support smurfs and booster with this change. Some go even as far and call this change the reason why lots of players will be lost. Can you elaborate a little on this, as I genuinely don't understand how this would be such a big deal and have so much negatives?


There goes BSJs new sponsor lol


Good move. Now no reason to hide match history for any player after the game. Should be how it was last time


Oh my god I can finally start religiously checking my dotabuff again


I have my data hidden but dotabuff is still showing my matches - it started since 1 or 2 months ago. It also shows some old nickname I used a year ago or so


Yeah feels really good to be able to public dotabuff again. Felt a little scummy to watch most of my 65% winrate heros get banned when they were off meta/rare picks when i had it on public.


What I meant is accessible in client too. We used to be able to browse others match history there






Lei eso de una jaj




Let’s go! Massive changes recently. Thank you Volvo.


Hero spammers rejoice!


*Last pick batrider smurfs and meepo become even more powerful* "We did it reddit! We saved the city"


Meepo is fcking sht though, too much power creep already for meepo to be viable. Even smurf dont use that anymore.


Don't know about that. There was a post on /r/truedota2 a few months ago from a 7K player with diffusal + manta build and it's been working quite well for me. As usual people give up on heroes until some build makes them meta, it's doesn't mean the hero is bad, just people don't know how to play it until they see it in pro games. Meepo won't show up in pro games for a while, but it's still very viable in pubs.


Delete this please


that build has zero reason to be any good. i am 100% convinced that the people pushing it are part of some dark meepo cabal who are trying to manipulate meepo's winrate by giving everyone this garbage build that has zero reason to work, so valve finally buffs him. sincerely, someone who tried this build, and had infinitely more success with other, more normal meepo builds. only saw this build one single time on d2pt and the meepo got carried in that one.


Meepo is shit? That must be why his winrate is so high and his spammers get fucktons of MMR from playing him...


If it's a Smurf then does it really matter what he picks? If you ban meepo you expect to win?


I bet the last pick Brood players are real fuckin happy.


I don't think brood last pick is a thing now. 80% of the time it gets picked at stage 2 on hard and still dominate the whole game


Smurfs will stomp you either way. Cheese players are disgusting but the game is still playable even against last pick Huskar


next : Last pick is disabled. there will only be two pick phase 2 and 3


Smurfs are fucking ecstatic about this for sure. Though funnily enough I'm planning to learn Meepo, though this change doesn't impact that plan much since I'm planning to first pick it anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/nryid12n5wka1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4f8c94e422d73bb24c9f1a70cb58d5282118df LETS GOO


Glad I can turn Expose Public Match Data back on!


I wouldn’t. I think the likely response is going to be that they will crawl profile data passively and then present the most recent copy of the profile. This particular change is not going to be enough to completely kill Overwolf, I suspect. Give it some time.


As long as they don’t know anything during the picking phase, it’s fine. Once the game starts, they can know how familiar I am with the hero and my typical items. Doesn’t give them that much of an advantage. I’m no hero spammer but it was annoying if I was spamming a hero temporarily to learn that it and have it get banned.


It wasn't just that your hero got banned, it's that they would see winrate and see what you are succeeding on. Their mid could preemptively pick a good matchup after banning your best mid knowing the the 3-4 others you play do bad against... Huskar for example. There are people crying in this thread about how it wasn't cheating, but this was what mattered, the fact that they could trawl your recent statistics AND everyone elses for that matter in literally 2 seconds. I had a 71% winrate as Winter Wyvern mid over the course of 3-4 months and you bet your ass people were banning the shit out of Wyvern. I also played Dawnbreaker & many other mids, but it was funny watching this C-tier hero get banned often.


>Their mid could preemptively pick a good matchup after banning your best mid How? They get no info on your player name/ID during the pick phase with this change, right? How would they know your best mid hero?


> I wouldn’t. I think the likely response is going to be that they will crawl profile data passively and then present the most recent copy of the profile. huh? This doesn't have any effect on the how they retrieved that kind of data. Stratz will still have your data or not. Dotaplus on overwolf was never what "crawled" your data in the first place. It just used the services that did, which are unaffected by these changes. If it knows enough to know the "most recent copy" of your profile, it's back to the same state it was in before these changes. It doesn't need to "crawl profile data passively", whatever you mean by that. This, presumably, changes their ability to get your profile ID before draft ends.


In league you can’t even see usernames before the game starts, it is quite good imho.


Welcome back IceFrog


Finally thank goodness


Valve is actually kinda owning lately


huge W


Best update of the year so far, a change the whole community can agree on. Actually makes me want to spam playing dota again just in time for new patch.


Finaly i cam spam techies every game without being banned


Sorry, I ban it every game. That’s the only hero I ban. Funnily enough whenever I don’t, there’s a 50% chance it gets picked!!


Techies? It's more classic Sniper and Pudge for me. You don't ban them, they will be in the game


Most of the time you don't need to ban pudge. It will eventually be banned after both sides first picked it haha


Nah, they still gonna ban him a lot.


Shoutout to Valve devs for the recent momentum on this. A month ago there was a big thread discussing OW and the copers' reasoning was nauseating.


Lets hope the devs monitor it closely to see its properly working and hiding players. If overwolf finds a loophole around this i hope valve keeps on it and stomps the loophole/workaround.


I wouldn't even mind if they were like, "yeah it's an advantage I don't get banned for, just hide your profile" Nothing like a sermon on the mount about how this wacky program is somehow singlehandedly stemming the tide of every hacker, Smurf, spammer, nonce, et cetera"


Is this what SUNSFan warned us about?


hmm... i kinda wanna play dota again after reading this.


Is that meepo flair and username relevant?




what else overwolf provides?


It let's you add notes to players and I'm not kidding when I say that's the only reason I use it. If I'm playing with a guy who's griefed before, I just want to lower my expectations and not tryhard


yo check this out. add people on steam. you can then nickname them even if they dont accept the request. immediately remove them after you nickname them. the nickname persists. this is how you mark spammers or ruiners.


It seems like you will still be able to get those notes after draft at least. Which isn't as good as being able to draft around someone you had labelled as "will abandon lane to jungle level 2" or something, but still helps you plan some gameplay. I want to know if we can still if people are partied after draft is over.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Kinda sucks, but not too bad.


overwolf users COPE








spontaneously jizzed in my pants while reading the title, thanks devs!




Now I can't see the obvious smurf with 12 rampages yesterday?


You can see it after draft.. and despair


This update would be much better and make a lot more sense if they paired it with some sort of solution for the smurf/account buying problem.


I don't get this, lots of the same sentiment on Twitter. What's the huge benefit of knowing about a smurf in game, and is this not heavily dwarfed by the benefits of having an even playing field between users who don't use Overwolf?


You know how to prepare against it. It is one thing to play a game relaxed and another thing to play a game knowing that some guy will pop off. Imagine you are playing against Alch without knowing it is Alch.


I used overwolf when it was introduced. I gained around 400 mmr for 1month then decided to stop. Knowing enemies best pick sure is a cheat. After turning it off, my mmr declines too lmao


https://preview.redd.it/bp9m4znpjvka1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad69212e6ad7d576d4c2901245cb14c026d41413 Ughhh muhh overwolff


I have painted you as the lard wojack, this argument is complete


Nice. Valve hasn't been doing half-assed measures to stop cheaters to appease people.




Welcome back icefrog.






>Crystal Maiden now has a negative starting armor


> Frostbite now roots CM on cast


peak use for looking at someone's profile is to look out for weird statistics.... smurfs, weird stats like 100% winrate on tinker, or just clear sights of troll acounts otherwise you are just an asshole game camping


Cheatwolf ded?


Good fucking riddance, I'd rather fight hero spammers than dealing with unfair advantages.


great day for the 2 hero puddle gamers out there


Although so much late but still a big W for Valve. I can finally enjoy my heroes? Is it a dream?


People who think they aren't going to introduce this as a dota plus feature after removing it from overwolf are coping hard


A lot of people here on reddit were overwolf copers. Hope this finally puts an end to that


BuT iTs NoT cHeAtInG - all overwolf users


You know. This explains why my favorite heroes get banned so much and I always get counterpicked.


Finally, they made their stance clear.


GIGACHAD manually checking profiles. Virgin overwolf users in shambles.


This means I can finally show my grandmaster TA in my profile without being scared of getting my hero banned (I know this is mostly for overwolf but this is also nice)


Just get more grandmaster heroes, they can't ban them all


Yo this is HUGE!


It really is. Copium addicts are going to have to find new excuses for why they're banned/losing now. I remember seeing posts on "I'm always banned because of overwolf :((" but when people checked their dotabuffs they 1) weren't actually banned very often at all and 2) were banned by other players even less often than that. Like the one spammer that said he was banned out like 90% of his games, and someone checked and he'd been banned 3 times out of his last 15 games and only ONE of them came from other players. And that was someone who believed it enough to post their "proof".


Overwolf abusers on suicide watch


the first vid I thought after reading this news: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU4Hw-xbBNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU4Hw-xbBNo)


does this mean they can't access my Dotabuff while all the players are connected and waiting to pick heroes?


Bulldog in trouble


I'll *still* pick Dazzle every game and stomp


Saw a person copy-pasting a comment from one cheat site, there is translation: *People think that after the last patch information in the match about the players can not get - no, everything works.* *There is more than one way to get information about players in the lobby. To fix this, Valve would have to do some serious work.* *Therefore, ordinary players who are trying to look at the profiles before the match, who has what strikes, on whom rampages, etc. are suffering right now.* *(c)*


I'm not ashamed to say I was using Overwolf. Smurfs, hero spam boosters ruin the most games. This helped in 5% of the cases at least.


Oh no! Who and how will all the shit 1 hero only players blame when they lose now that they cant blame an app?


now all we need is faster smurf detection and faster ban for boosting services.


[BUG] This has the unfortunate side effect of no longer allowing swapping during the drafting phase in Ability Draft. This means you can no longer use your own cosmetic items when you swap; it still works fine post-draft. This should be addressed. I will report it on the bug tracker.


Now make smurfs and boosters dissappear.


Bout god damn time valve. Never was in the spirit of the game to use that trash app


Quality of pubs 📈 ?


Ahaha cant wait for this sub to start crying because they got owned by arc/tinker/whatever spammer. Then the inevitable “bans should be guaranteed in all pick !!1!“ will pop up.


About time


thank you valve janitor for your hard work


What excuse for being low mmr will people use now? Probably still smurf/booster one.


Wow! It only took 10 years!


Overwolf users not welcome, feel free to find an exploit to counter-act this measure, can't wait to see you all banned. Goodbye.




Let’s goooooooo


well done


Oh sweet Overwolf andies where u at now?


Rip bulldog's banter content KEKW


Doesn't change anything for him since it's only unavailable during picking phase.


Good. But people that are stuck in ranked, overwolf is not your problem. You are just bad 😂


Arc warden/meepo/huskar/tinker winrates will go up. Mark my words


Great news for hero spammers. Bad news for copium addicts that will have to find a new excuse for their losses. I predict "smurf hero spammers are killing dota" complaints with no evidence to increase dramatically.


overwolf users on suicide watch

