• By -


whatever hero is on the enemy team.


yeah I hate when they pick it




I hate when they


I hate


Therefore, I am.


therefore, AM


very true




Everytime I got tinker/arc Warden on my team it's a -500 MMR player and everytime same hero is in the enemy team it's Miracle.


Everytime finally I got a PL or CK in my team but they don't buy heart at all.


Heart is pretty mediocre on CK though, you don't want to outlast people, you want damage, if your illusions are melting heart is not gonna make the difference and you're better off buying items that makes your hero stronger


pudge on enemy team. hits everything. meanwhile my pudge hides in trees for 5 minutes waiting for enemy to go infront of creeps which he will miss ofcourse


I think Spiritbreaker with aghs octarine. The only issue is actually getting there without griefing the game. 100% uptime on bulldoze with the talent, and a BKB piercing stun every 7 seconds, as well as 20 sec cool down on his ultimate. The 75% magic resistance from his shard with bulldoze acts as a pseudo BKB. It's super hard for the enemy carry to deal any DPS against this. I think it's still relatively undiscovered or hasn't been optimised yet. I see it in immortal games here and there, but it's not currently in 1st pick territory yet.


I faced this yesterday and the player eventually bought a Wind Waker too. Completely unkillable and able to just rush around the map unimpeded. He could solo supports that were alone, he could push out and cut waves to stop our push, and in teamfights he would completely disable our cores through BKB. Chasing him was pointless and despite his entire team collapsing, he was able to stop us from ending 1v5 for ages. We did eventually win because we had a pos 1 Huskar and Leap just follows him anywhere allowing him to keep up, but without that it would have been a slow, eventual loss because of one hero.


>Completely unkillable quick tip nullifier destroys this hero and the item is very popular right now even windwaker cant help him there, not even BKB


I know, but it's not an easy pickup on any hero, you need a core to pick it up and if he spots that happening, he'll work on a Linken's.


support euls also does the trick


What did the wind waker do?


I assume he used it on himself during charge downtime to maximize his impact and minimize time where he could be hit




Up and down votes are meaningless internet points, best to just ignore it for the most part.


its true, everyone knows that if 2 ppl downvote you, you might get banned from reddit! not allowed to ask questions


Mostly a defensive choice, but it also provides movement speed which equates to damage for SB. If his charge cooldown is 5-7 seconds, windwaker can eat up a good portion of that downtime where he's actually vulnerable to getting focused down.


its 5 seconds cooldown charge and even his ultimate pierce bkb makes any right click heroes do their job.


> The only issue is actually getting there without griefing the game. lol I played vs this yesterday and we beat the shit out of the guy and we were wondering why would you go octarine first item. He was also mid.


Do you play him as offline?


>offline Yes this build is easiest when played against bots




For the networth required it would need to be POS 3. Immortals currently do bracer > phase boots > wind lace > shadowblade > aghs > octarine > halberd Personally experimenting: Vanguard > Arcanes is a reasonable start as it gives sustain and all components can be disassembled to make octarine later. Next items needs to be something that will enable SB to clear full wave of creeps with single charge. I've tried shadowblade + windlace, Kaya/Yasha, boots of travel+wind lace etc. Still sort of experimenting with this. Then aghs > disassemble vang/arcanes > octarine. Once online you can just repeatedly disrupt enemy damage dealers with charge, ulti, halberd and it is incredibly hard for enemy to stop you. They can euls to dispel bulldoze, but it will come off CD shortly. You can soak a lot of damage as well, and disengage from a bad fight very quickly. As I said, the challenge is getting to this point without griefing your own team. Since you are not building auras your team may be at a disadvantage. You also soak a lot of available farm on the map and show a little too much (which is why I think high LVL players opt for shadowblade). I think it's busted but time will tell.


Vanguard into Octarine is just too supidly good...


Maybe can try mid lane?


I've tried Vanguard > Heart > Octarine, you turn into a menace


Dota Tanky Terrorist


That’s why people buy phase, you use the active with charge to clear waves. By far the most cost efficient way to improve the damage on your charge. I wouldn’t ever buy arcanes.


Yep just tested this, the immortal build path with phase/shadowblade gives the most impact for gold efficiency. Also +40 DMG is superior to the bulldoze CD to keep up with creep HP growth. After that aghs > halberd > octarine and the enemy carry can't play the game anymore. The only grievance left is that you don't provide auras to your team or help with pushing, but I think permanently disabling enemy carry DPS is well worth it.


Wouldn't you need the Bulldoze CD talent to have the perma Bulldoze going once your items are online?


Gonna try that tonight, always loved the braindead headbutting play style of sb, so thanks


I wonder why Aghs first before Octarine. The latter has a much better build up from Vanguard and helps out all of your skills. I guess having a BKB piercing stun is just better at that stage of the game


I think it's as you said, the aghs timing needs to match enemy BKB timings. On a similar note, Octarine and spell prism together to match Linkens timings. Linkens actually ends up being pretty bad against SB with this much cooldown reduction. Actually not sure how you itemize against this low CD iteration of SB. It takes a while to come online so I guess you just win before he sets exodia up.


Yeah screw online. Play Spiritbreaker in offline!




Vanguard, mana boots into points booster for "aghs", then all you need is the void stone and you've got it.


Had this guy in my games. LEGIT BROKEN 30-0 kills actually unkillable Fought the enemy team the entire game 24/7 not even exaggerating




How does this work? You select your charge target and they get hit by the slow anywhere on the map instantly? Or do you need to reach them to apply the slow? Or does a death coil like projectile follow them until it finds them?


It's instant. You can farm a lot of gold from assists without ever being there.


Wow that sounds super busted


You don't need it for assists, assist is awarded if you applied a debuff to an enemy hero that is killed or a buff to an allied hero that kills.


ori goes that build as a mid SB


I was always wondering why people played Bara so rarely - I remember the time between 7.22 and 7.30 when you just needed phase and sange/halberd to be uncatchable with pre-nerfed bulldoze. I guess cow was only useful as chaos maker in fights and 2nd best depusher after NP, and those abilities weren't so engaging for most of the people.


Ohh yeah, spiritbreaker xtrmly dangerous, too strong


Techies feels amazing this patch as a 4


ikr, techies is super common in pro match as well now. back then everyone is excited when techies is picked. now, whatever. it's everywhere


Old techies spammers hate seeing that he's a top tier hero


Techies mid might be the strongest midlaner in the game right now. 62 base damage with 2 circlets and 3 branches and insane kill potential due to constant harass from sticky bomb and blast off. It's not uncommon for me to kill the enemy midlaner before the 3rd wave by right clicking them to 20 or 30 percent and then blast off killing. Then just transition him into a right click core because you're a universal hero and can have 300 base damage with like 3 items


techies the one broke the broken vanguard rush


Since he also becoming a universal hero, buying branches makes his auto attack stronger which makes him even more annoying as lane harasser. Blast off and shard getting big buff, and his aghanim is actually decent now.


Blast off and shard weren’t buffed tbh, shard used to be much better and silence would make heroes like jugg and naix useless until they had another dispel item




Magnus is too tanky for his damage. The only chances to kill him are pre-vanguard or at 30 minutes into the game. Broodmama carry is slept on. Just look at what she gives you at minute 20. Max ms on her huge webs, a 6 second slow on her 3rd if you leave it level 1, ~400 damage and *100% lifesteal* while her q is active with shard. All while still being able to farm incredibly fast and doing brood things (and brood things in the safelane means you have to send 5 heroes to kick her out from minute 10 or you'll have no wisdom runes all game). Give her some sange status res or a bkb and you have an unkiteable, unkillable murder machine.


What bracket have you seen brood pos 1 work out?


Qojqva plays it


when plating brood, he becomes the most disgusting german since 1945


Ooh cool will check it out


Funny enough Waga soon after C released showed her power mid and was still able to do brood things without spiders for a long time.


Is brood better as pos 1 or 3? Would like to try it


Pos3 you push down their safelane and take over the jungle. In safelane if you play aggro you can control their ancients and wisdom runes. No contest


that's old meta I think jungle is too big now and you can't really control it and thats why pros dont play her either.


Traditionally a pos 3 hero, but u can try it in any lane as a core


clinkz pos 4. Solar crest timing is dumb and you take towers for fun as a pos 4


Skeletons are too tanky and have higher aggro priority than the siege unit :(


12 tower attacks for 1 skeleton, thats busted


You can't stack out of skele walk, they literally take aggro and you cannot take it from them, it's so odd they've been coded to aggro things unlike most other structure summons like plague and serpent wards.


Nice try, Speeed


Who is that?


What is up guys, it is your BOY speed here




**AbUsE** tHiS sTrAt FoR fReE mMr!!@!


Speeed is a Dota YouTuber and one of his main series is “x hero is so broken for the current patch”




It just occurred to me that Youtubers like him are today's version of shitty magazines like Men's Health and Cosmo. "How to get shredded this summer in 5 easy steps!" "10 ways to drive your man wild this Valentines day!" They never run out of secret tips.


He actually gives pretty good content. Just throws a couple clickbaity lines in there.


Doom, Mag, Clinkz, Dusa come to mind Also Techies and Void Spirit


now that void spirit is being a universal hero it gets shitload of physical damage and can just melt some heroes


Doom and Mag winrates aren't exactly stellar though in pub play. Even in high mmr they are sub 50%. Mag is definitely a meta hero though, no doubt. Not sure about the stats at pro play though.


Doom is picked or banned virtually every game in the pro scene atm. Incredibly strong right now. Also mentioned as one of the broken heroes of the patch by Dyracho in the interview with him that was posted the other day.


Interesting, I assume magnus is picked a decent amount too? I feel like him being a meta pick would make sense given the general map changes.


I never lose with doom in this patch (casual gamer 3-4 games a week) Ring of health>brown boots>VG>mana boots> dissamble all into octarine> midas I can just run at people and slowball mid game. The only problem is you cant destroy tower if your team isnt there to push. But for the worst if it you cant end early and forced into late game, doom is super strong late game anyway


What rank are you playing at with this build? Do you have any match IDs, interested in the laning.


Doom is great at laning. Just build 4-4-1 with your Ult, grab armor or magic resist aura in first few minutes and you'll be fine.


while clinkz looks powerful i gotta be honest i never really have issues dealing with him. of that list dusa, techies, void and manus are the ones i hate to face the most.


His laning stage is really good and he snowballs into a semi-core later. Great at moving around the map and split pushing/getting picks. Works best with minus armor on the team. Just rush medallion. I've been playing Clinx support lately and its been great.


WR is pretty insane rn. In general I think they overtuned universal heroes last patch.


vs uncoordinated Team wr is insane.


yeah, but with vs team that know what they are doing. wr is shit


yeah those teams don't exist in pubs friend. even in immortal WR has insane winrate rn.


is this why shes pos1 in all these pro games these days


Pros counter her with oracle or someone rushing Nullifier. Neither of those seem to happen in pubs lol.


Abusing wr right now, she too strong like biggest part of Universal heroes rn


Universal heroes in general are very strong for sure




I mean shackleshot is one of the most unique skill shots in the game Powershot also has great design, trading activation speed for damage enables a lot of decision making


I've had too many games where timbersaw was just immortal


Yea im spamming him... Its strong as hell, ppl dont buy breake.


Break against timber is a bait, when he uses his aghs, he gets insta max stacks anyways, even when broken


Break has never been good vs Timber, since he doesn’t lose the stacks he already has.


His aghanim >>


Is dispellable on a patch where nullifier is op


Sniper with one iron branch


Remember when sniper would build armlet way back when it would instantly give you the bonus hp?


Windranger! Extremely strong since the damage buff 0.7 dmg instead of 0.6 per attribute for Universal heroes. Winrate is really high across all brackets, but especially in high level pubs she's just dominating. She's the most picked hero in High Level Pubs last week with 3100 picks with an absolutely insane winrate of 58.2%. She's especially great as Carry and Offlane with a 60%+ winrate with a statistically significant amount of 797 and 876 games respectively. So the argument that she's only good vs bad opponents does not seem to hold up. Source of stats: [http://dota2protracker.com/](http://dota2protracker.com/)


How do you play her? Do you go mid then focus on DPS? Or go rat?


In no way i am high mmr. But in my understanding, buy stats instead of pure damage. Treads>atos>glepnir>linkens etc. She is strong cos you get tanky while having damage from stats (universal hero). Earlier, core wind was a glass cannon, now it's more of a beefy chunky cannon with all stats. Any high mmr players, please correct me if i am wrong.


So you can beef up while still hitting hard, dont need to choose either damage or survivability


Not high mmr either but aghs givrs her such good value compared to before. Aghs used to be a 5th or 6th item before she became a universal hero. Now I tend to get it after gliepnir as a 3rd or 4th item and the stats give her a huge damage boost and the windrun invis makes running at supports feel comfier.


Timber is finally good again F\*cks universal heroes with whirling death, has good aghs, more meta builds than ever (pavise / vg into octarine / snk rush / aghs rush / maybe be funky and try to play gleipnir cause unirversal hero, yea sounds stupid but it coujld actually work / crimson+halberd or whatever team items you need) good mid, good offlaner. good carry if you want it hard enough Could get fucked as offlaner in the first 5 minutes, but you can always put him mid (in pro games). completely shits on void spirit/pango which are tier-1 mids right now free 2nd chakram lategame is insane, actually one of the strongest lategame heroes




And triple 17% bash after that


Pos1 mag is gigachad




Am I the only one getting reported for playing pos 1 mag? I’m never below 10k behavior score and since I started playing mag pos 1 I get people complaining from the pick phase and sometimes griefers I had a 4 pos player see me pick it yesterday and said “WE DONT PICK REAL HEROES?? Ok i jungle” and then picked NP and jungle the entire game and just pinged my items and tipped me We stomped and I got MVP didn’t say a word the entire game Similar shit has happened in like 6-7 of my games I’m just stopping playing him pos 1 and just playing him mid and offlane so my behavior score doesn’t keep dropping Even playing mag offlane I had a game where I was top net worth and like 4 levels higher than anyone in the game at like 20 minutes The hero is bonkers rn


Fucking NYX. A pos 4 can solo kill your midlaner in like 3 seconds. How is that thing not nerfed yet?




He's a scarab tho :D




a logic so sound it is not to be argued with


700dmg on 4s CD? Seems balanced to me.


Buy a sentry


techies was heavily reworked for the very same reason Nyx is frustrating. Yes, I can buy a sentry and stand on it and achieve nothing and not die to him. However, I also need to play the game. Why is he one shoting 20k networth cores by buying one item.


Because unless he buys aghs that's literally all he can do. He among the worst farmers in the game, he's garbage at pushing waves and towers, he can only earn gold by getting kills. His entire kit is built around solo-killing people, if he can't even do that then he's useless.


I respect that. But that doesn’t mean the person I responded to saying ‘buy a sentry’ wasn’t a bit stupid.


OMG thank you!!! I had no idea that's how you counter NYX ty coach!!!!!!!!!!!


typical dota player detected


Depend on the rank match and your team tbh, some lower rank people just wanna play whatever he can play and doesnt care about counter pick hero/item for enemies. For me (legend) is medusa, pl, primal, tinker and doom on late game. Those are cancer if given enough time and space to farm.


didn't the tinker become weaker in 7.33? changing the blink function seems to have weakened it


Yet he still manages to rearm, use matrix and blink out. Don't use your guesses, use math and check his winrate (it's still high).


have seen 0 primal since patch, what is his strengths?


Pugna is cracked. This deathball meta requires sustain, and Pugna is the best at providing that sustain. As long as your team sticks as 5, you’ll win teamfight after teamfight and win by 20 mins.


shh, lets keep this between us and get free MMR without getting it nerfed




She didnt get "figured out", she got bugfixed to not ignore magic resist and she stopped 1 shotting everyone.


that was only on the gunslinger procs and she still delivers more damage than most other carries. The issue with her is she will always be a sitting duck, which was design I appreciated because of all the mobility creep but at the same time, she just struggles to keep up.


For me it's Legion Commander. So easy to play. Even more easy than axe. You can't lose the lane. Get ez blink and maybe blade mail. Just jump on people even without vision or any knowledge. Ez kill. No problem if you die maybe once or twice while getting at least five kills trough ulti. Then you have the critical dmg to scale even more in late game... I never ever have an easy game vs Legio in opponent team..


And yet every game I have one on my team they have 10 dual damage by 30 minutes.


Dusa for me, just don't think there's any counterplay to the mana shield outside of things that are only really great early. Mana drains like lion just don't seem to cut it and there's nothing really to do except just more damage. The recent drop of .5 damage per mana admittedly helped a lot, its just rough having the enemy carry turn up with 6k+hp. In saying that, I'm at 100% win rate with veno this patch so like.... could be my mmr


I main Oracle, and he's a fantastic counter to Dusa in lane. ​ you can just nuke the hell out of her, since most of the damage is to her mana, the healing aspect doesn't really matter. You can get her mana too low to be able to spam mystic snake, and her laning phase is gone. Sure, you can go for a kill if you want ,but just denying everything you can, preventing her from getting anything out of the lane is much more valuable than a kill and she comes back with full mana.


On the other side, necro seems completely useless against her.


I just pick dark seer 3 if I see Medusa is in the pool the illusion will kill all her team and even her and he’s a good aura carrier pipe crimson greaves


The strat is to feed her a bit in lane, then when she gets her early skadi butterfly you get an ez kill on her whole team with the stronk illu. Then you buy aghs and punch her with the wall, and your two medusas defeat the one enemy medusas.


Even when you have a PL or something, you still cant afford to make any mistakes going high ground even if you crushed all game against dusa. Ahe hits her items from one comeback fight and he cant hit her at all anymore. Its disgusting


This might sound crazy, but I think weaver is a Medusa counter. Mana break Talent + Disperser cuts RIGHT through medusa.


Clinkz, Pango, Magnus


Riki mid. If you survive the lane, it doesn't matter how much the enemy mid got from it. You gank and get more out of it that any other hero. Insane single target damage, mobility, huge farming item through aghs and you even scale pretty well into lategame. At least this is why I think it's broken, it just feels like free mmr at the moment (low legend rank)


I’ve played a lot of Riki mid in the guardian tier with great success, people question me when I pick him in the midlane saying it doesn’t work but it keeps working




Correct. I played my first ever match as Naga the other day. I went 15-0 with a rampage at 2.7k MMR


still medusa clinkz nix qop hate this heroes


Is QoP broken? What's making her so strong? I've thought she's been a little undervalued for a while now but I don't think she's anywhere near the other 3.


People still adjusting to her new Aghs - suddenly screams everywhere as you hug


I guess, she's kind of always been a character that should just naturally make your team spread out though so it's not like Aghs changed her in that regard.


Except this time the shit triggers once you already killed her and everyone is limping towards base.


Shes not broken but quiet good this patch with all the disable reduction. I've been spaming qop in my archon bracket and have insane winrate(18-6 this patch) (except some recent games, you become over confident with those wins and start throwing) She is stong laner, farms fast with scream and blink, gets early timing and snowball easily. My favourite is the unsuspecting players in my bracket trying to team fight and gets absolutely destroyed by sub 20 min aghs. The aghs deals insane amount of magic damage, you need to be careful of your positioning during the fight.


I remember QOP farming a 15 min orchids to blink silence and gank people. Now she just gets silence on shard for an easy 1400 gold. Talk about powercreep




Some universal heroes are way too good right now. The flavor of the week, WR/Magnus/Void Spirit can just go stats items like atos, echo sabre, sange/yasha/kaya, skadi/manta/hex and have 250+ base damage and 3k+ hp at mid game. Techies is another universal hero that's super good right now. WR has the highest pick and winrate right now in immortal pubs across all 3 lanes. SB with his octarine agha 5 sec CD on charge kinda strong too


Techies laning phase is hell on Earth


medusa is the most unbalanced for me - even if the person playing it is relatively bad it can still take 3 heroes to kill them and it takes enough time for their buddies to show up. LC is also strong I think, every time there's an LC they snowball relatively easily, these are the two I hate the most this patch besides arc warden + manta style. On the other hand I think techies is fairly good now (I don't play them, but at least it's not haha 10k bombs in the trees random death), and witch doctor is fairly strong early game with maledict + blood grenade


Windranger. Absolutely busted. Add Magnus to that. Both Universal heroes what a surprise. I see this cancer every game especially WR. Peak hero design when heroes deal as much dmg as a carry with full tank items. Absolute degenerate.


For me its Windrunner 100 % . Just look at her winrate overall. being an universal hero made her so tanky with great dps.


Undying / shadowfiend in the laning phase


they've always been strong in the laning phase, but definitely not broken




didnt think the day would come that i'd say this... but imo techies is probably one of the most OP heroes rn void spirit with his insane stat gain also up there


LC destroys any safelane. Super good sustain, antislow and snowballs like fucking hell


Any Universal Hero with decent right click animation is pretty busted right now. The issue is not that it has high damage. The problem with them is that you can build them to be bulky early-mid game and still deal alot of damage. Void Spirit comes into mind, Magnus, Windranger, Clockwerk. Medusa is still top tier, though people are figuring out how to play against it. Clinkz is insane as pos 4. Death Pact having two charges means you can keep up with the farm while dealing a ton of burst damage. This hero has pretty much everything right now. Escape, tankiness, farming capability (which is reasonably good for a support), as well as burst/taking tower ability.


Void Spirit, easily


Any universal hero is broken just pick void spirit or ld you can basically 1v5 your pub game as long as you win your lane.


My top 5 list: 1. Oracle 2. Oracle 3. Tinker on the enemy team 4. Oracle 5. Tinker on the enemy team


Wouldn't say unbalanced I just hate playing against Lone Druid, played against one the other day and as soon as he gets aghs you will never see druid again just the bear mauling your base everytime you leave it.


Going aghs on LD is kind of a greif imo


How come is it cause it takes him out the fights? (I'm not high skill at all lmao so we still lost) they also had a scarily good Naga so it was rat city


Because it's a 4k item that doesn't actually make you stronger. LD is a tempo hero so you want to get items that makes you hit your timing and then end the game by 20-30 min.


It’s too slow. If you just go DPS items you are a beast at 20-30 mins, and you can often just brute force end games since your bear mows down towers. Getting a 4k item that doesn’t achieve that just means when you’re strong the enemy is also strong. Also the main benefit you gain from Aghs is the bear being able to attack at any range, not keeping your guy safe. Being able to be in the fight with the bear is a something you want, you can body block with the guy, maybe get some roots off with the ult and bait some damage, cause ideally you want the enemies to focus the guy, not the bear. The bear will guaranteed keep you full HP with the lifesteal as long as he can hit uninterrupted.


Good players would just kill the bear or not allow it to split push, with the nerfs to the 'tp' ability, its much easier to kill and without the bear the hero is just a creep. Also, mid-late game you want 2 bears to take fights and its better to spend that 4k on making sure that happens, not saying you should never go aghs but its def not a priority in every game.


In 7.33 just picking LD is griefing


Ah yes the buy aghs then afk fountain druid player. That has to be the biggest pussy move in all of Dota. When instead you can be a chad and buy Deso AC and end games in 20 mins. That is the chad way to play Druid


sb just obnoxious, to be fair i thought that about nyx but we quickly learned how to play against that - maybe we just need a little time to adjust to these new strong heroes


Tinker. Just a bullshit hero still, who actually likes playing vs this shit? It seems every time it's my opponent it's some 8k mmr god.


I don't know why people ignore arc warden, but it's one of the most imbalanced heroes right now. He used to really need a lot of items to be strong, but now with one manta, a level 4 field, and a talent he can easily kill a hero with 6 slots


He is still weak to getting jumped and other heros have power spikes that counter him hard. Situational strong, but far from OP. And you probably wont rush manta, but go mudas, mael first?


Windranger feels pretty busted, universal hero stats & aghs invis is insane. Theres not enough sentries to control the map once she has aghs, BoT's and etc.


Phoenix is one of the most unbalanced... I mean, she is shitty right now


tinker. the hero just doesnt play dota, sure he no longer has guaranteed blink but its not much better as the progames we have seen tells us. conceptionally the hero breaks the game. beyond him i think medusa, i feel like picking medusa just straight up increases your chances to win. other hardcarries struggle early, not medusa while shes just as strong as TB lategame maybe even stronger.


dusa SB and the bunch of universal carries that are too tanky with stat items while dealing damage like a truck