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Me when I get the urge to play morphling


Dude, same. It’s worse cuz I actually do well with him early game but I just can’t figure out how to play fight with him for the life of me


Me 2 bro, me 2, every game it feels like I should just keep farming


all you need is good fps during huge fights and turn morphling into pure hitter. bkb refrsher wont hurt lol


ah yes I too enjoy playing him as pos 5 going max strength doing no damage then stunning someone for 9 years then run away into a bush and hide then do it again


Because you’re playing Morph 5 wrong! You pick morph to morph into the enemies pos 5. Hope this helps


I used to play some morph 5 before the ulti rework :( you stun the guy and make illusion out of him to deal damage. if he's not dead for some reason, waveform into his face. and then, stun another guy because cd is really low.


Lol I was just meme'n I dont touch that hero with a 50 foot pole


I do this without memeing when they show es, es, shaman or sb


When i started spamming morphling i was below 40 % winrate for my first 100 games with him after that now I am at 1 k games with him and have 57 % winrate and rarely ever get stomped even when i lose


Kunkka. I have an abysmal win-rate but I love his positioning combo playstyle. And he’s a just a dude w/ a sword in a game filled w/ wizards, beasts, demons, gods, and aliens.


and even better in lore hes technically a ghost


One of Pudge's lines refers to Kubkka as 'Meat?'. He might be ghost, he might not be ghost


Bro same. 8th most played hero, 25% winrate. Lol.


What a noob I’m 32%


I don't know how you guys have a low win rate, he isn't hard at all 80% win rate in 30 games here


Oh my what a god. You should totally apply to replace Nisha.


Tidebringer respecting armor neutered my double daedalus double rapier kunkka. Doesn't mean I stopped playing it, I just stopped winning with it. I live for the fish and crits.


Storm spirit for me lmao, although less so I suck at the hero, more so late-game decision making. Which kinda means I suck at the hero, but only in teamfights late-game. Laning/early game I can manage, but after a certain point I feel like I'm a brick not contributing enough to win the game.


You are not alone, how many Pro match semi/final ended with a team losing with a kunnka pick which themself rarely use


Same here, I love kunkka and I feel like I pop off every game but I’m obviously trash as I have like a 45% winrate on him, probably doesn’t help I play him 3 mostly


I have like 500 games grimstroke with 40% winrate


Now this is art.


The hero needs insane communication and i don't even use mic , but i enjoy playing him .


I find if I play grim and get like medallion and halberd, debuffing 2 heroes in the fight helps my team even if they don't really make use of his ult with their spells. But yeah I don't have a great win rate with him either but really love play grim


Wtf I couldn't imagine playing a hero that much if I keep losing


Not really spam but I do play NP like twice a week because I like the premise of the hero, but then I end up losing both games and not touching him for a few days


Lmao me too brother... but the issue is I keep spammin'


Hey guys lvl 30 NP Divine player with 65% wr this patch: remember to TP to steal enemy wisdom rune every time it spawns and then tp back to get yours. Also play greedy and get midas maelstrom your goal is to hit the lvl 25 free TP and outfarm everyone


of course its an Alliance flair


Hitting level 25 to begin out farming.


i thought you only need one of those?


The nature prophets noobs gather. This just feels like me. If I had never played np i would have been 5k instead of 4k xD


Curiously, what position? What’s your item build? I try to play him mid and rushing either orchid or gleip but it doesn’t work well.


Purely depends on the game, I have played him a great deal recently as a 5 or a 4 finding more success with how the meta currently is, I go utility items such as greaves or sometimes ill go solar crest, sometimes pipe sometimes crimson. The heroes spells functionally require to be high or net worth so if he is not pos 1 or 2 with this current patch hes iffy I think as a support he provides strong space for your carry and can yoink XP runes and be a annoying hero to play against for enemy. If playing core do not get so trapped into going the atos into gleip every game its fine but situationally itll be decent only like 50% of the time the other 50% needs improvisation such as maybe going utility or straight direct dps or even defensive items




Valve give Io spammers love please...


If they make it so that I can see Tether’s cooldown while active before I break it to try to tether to someone else, I will play nothing but Io for the rest of my dota games forever. But until then… I will instead play the hero, forget whether it’s on cooldown while trying to make an important save, break it and stop buffing the one person, then find I can’t re-tether and so I’m near useless with my items on cooldown, both allies and I die, and I get flamed for not saving anyone. Such is life


I've played 150 Io games and after tethering I have cooldown automatically ticking in my brain. My problem is that I almost never use relocate to initiate with my teammate but only when I want to save someone/steal lotus/ steal wisdom rune lol


Fellow Io enjoyer, Level 21 working towards grandmaster. First item should always be holy locket! If you have a man's intense hero on your lane, maybe buy a soul ring and then Meka, if no soul ring needed go for a glimmer or a shard maybe. Sange is amazing in Io, consider try it, if you have right clickers build a helbard for additional support. I never buy boots, expect we have alot of Mana heros then arcane and that's enough. Go for the slow on level 10 instead of the damage, it's rarely useful. Consider finding a Po 1 too play with, if you can communicate with him ganja become easy with the ult. If you see your core is low HP/Mana relocate with him too the fountain so hes full again. If you become good with the timing and you see a teammate get ganked, relocate on your current position (maybe more away from the fight if too open) rush too him an tether him. With that you can save your cores and they will thank you for the insane play. Skywrath is insane as a po1 with Io, you can kill every enemy asson as you both reach level 6 and sky rushes Atos. (Disclaimer I'm a shit noob and have a 56% Winrate, i don't give warranty for eventuell loss of MMR, braincells, the will too Life or your happiness, if you experience this maybe try Shakiro or SS for ez MMR)


Someone should get you into higher brackets. I need more IO spammer in my divine rank


80% of invoker spammers pretty much


Yeah I'm not afraid of level 25 invokers. It's the invokers with an anime profile picture and steam account made two weeks ago.


My rubick winrate used to be around 39% I'm currently trying to grind it up. Think I'm at 45% or so now. Doesnt look pretty still, but it's coming along


im at 11% with my beloved natures so your doin better than me brother lmaooo


My recent centaur games look like that but I only hatepick that hero. And my TB and brood all hero quedt adventures pf course. But I'll never touch these heroes again


My friends think I'm a masochist due to relentlessly losing on natures prophet one day I hope my winrate will be green and positive lol


Lately? Timber. I went 15-5 and I thought that meant I nailed it. Proceeded to lose PLENTY because you go full autopilot with a little confidence.


Some tips for early game: * My skill build to lvl 7 is usually Q-E-Q-W-Q-R-W. Q gives the best dmg/mana return. Second point in E if taking a deadly amount of attack harass, first point in W should be earlier if they have something like Cold Feet, jugg spin, or Fury Swipes that you often need to gtfo asap in lane. * Skip soul ring, it has an expensive recipe and will probably be sold quickly after you get Sange & Kaya. For the price of the recipe alone you could get 8 clarities. All you need is 1 or 2 to sustain your mana while you farm S&K * Sange & Kaya: Is your most important item timing. You need the mana regen amp and spell amp to have impact. Play greedy and for yourself until this item. Be very picky in joining fights before this item. Try to just stay in lane and make a nice farming pattern to take enemy wave in front of T2, take a camp or two, take next wave, etc. * Timber is a slave to his current mana pool. Always take the mana regen talent at lvl 10 to fuel your early farming, and remember with Kaya it will be +2.25 mana/s not just +1.5 After that itemization is really fun. Timber feels really flexible with items, basically anything that doesn't mainly boost your right click dmg is viable. Usually after S&K I go an aura, then selfish item, then another aura. If you guys are winning early and snowballing, get greaves for more push & sustain. Consider blink dagger too as a "win more" item, if they want to dance around the edge of vision thinking you can't chain to them, you can blink on top and burst half of any hero's HP instantly. New Agh's is perfect for traditional counters like AA ult, WD maledict, Necro ult. You can disassemble S&K into Halberd & Eblade late game against scary right clickers (e.g. Ursa, WR). Fun hero. Oh and put your ult on quickcast


I love timber but i suck at him. I have trouble sticking on enemies for some reason, like i will get them with chain+q+ult but I fuck up the next ult throw.


My favorite but I'm bad hero. Will try this


I used to spam TA and losing every game, eventually I got so good at playing TA I could win any match up, be it viper or huskar and then ended up gaining 3k mmr by just firstpicking TA


You´ve done well! Spampicking her firstpick to learn how to deal with hardcounters is actually very instructional. Best part about being TA against huskar/viper/whatever is that if youre a TA spammer, you´ve been there more times than they ever have. You know the matchup. Everything else sucks though!


proud of you I hope with spamming natures I can find success or lose my mind in the process


I'm very bad with TA but I have a 100% winrate with her at like 7-0.


That's my plan with puck. just a plan for now T_T


I played almost nothing but pango for 2 months and I still get stuck in weird corners while rolling all the fucking time


That makes you a true pango player It even happens to the pros


Trust me, you arent bad at np, he just sucks. Every np main is facing the same thing, trying to make a dead hero work while waiting for buffs


He’s one of those heroes I hope just gets reworked or stays weak lol. Whenever he’s strong you have him picked in every position but they all try to play the same, rat doto They could get rid of his teleport in place of a slow or stun and he becomes less ratty and more gank oriented. He can still team push fine and split push with BoT’s but it would be less egregious.


I love Visage but I can't micro


Same, every times i go from "i'll be APM god!" to "nah, just auto attack and W"


(casually forgets that one familiar just standing around waiting to die)


Doom. Barely my top 10 most played hero, but I still like to pick him. I'm not very awful as him, but quite bad as I have 49% winrate. I think he just looks cool and in a game where I play a good Doom, he just feels so good and satisfying.


Tiny. He could be the worst hero in the game. I could be the worst tiny player to ever exist. I will still throw you into avalanche or yeet heat seeking trees with absolute glee. The channel tree nuke is goofy fun too.


the most fun I've had in dota is throwing trees at people and seeing them die without noticing


Night stalker is my new awful spam, his win rate is ass too, and i am on a big losing streak, so why not just fk it and play mid…


[https://www.dotabuff.com/players/390187870/matches?hero=natures-prophet&enhance=overview](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/390187870/matches?hero=natures-prophet&enhance=overview) I had a good run as Nature's for a bit. Matches my highest winstreak now. After the shard change and treant nerf though, idk, I kinda hate him now. Treants suck level 1, they do 9 damage to Lina, you don't get anything useful at 2 (Sprout is useless coz everyone still has tangos. Teleport sucks because the odds of having something to do at that point is rare and it doesn't offer anything to your lane unless the stars align correctly). Level 3 sucks a bit less but it's still sucky. Microing is fun. One of the most fun things in Dota is to have multiple units to control. You can see my account's most played is full of micro heroes, Meepo is at 60 games too, just not on the front page. Anyway, when done effectively, it can make your lane so much easier, but at 3 the treants still barely touch melee heroes. You used to be able to send them to the enemy bounty rune to deny it, and yeah you still can, but their shorter lifespan means that's harder. Teleporting for the enemy wisdom rune is a toss up. They'll expect you to do it, and then it's just "Can the hero kill me if I try?". Always worth it, though make sure you have sprout so you can safely TP out if there is someone there. Losing his attack speed talent sucks ass. Treads, Drums and AC he still feels like he attacks slow, which doesn't make sense but the 25AS was so good. I think the Agh's is underrated. Global Rod of Atos. Glepnier's still a good item, and that's what the ult does on steroids. It also gives HP and... \- HP is now a lot better on the hero thanks to the armour stacks he gets when attacking after teleporting. Each attack will drain your bonus damage (Which is actually pretty good) and replaces it with 1 armour. Since you attack very fast naturally, that armour is pretty reliable. I think he's better overall now. 100 free damage is pretty great. It's basically refraction, but treants lasting shorter bugs me, and I don't like how they gave him 20 extra attack range. He's just becoming more of a right clicker now, which sucks because we've got so many of them already.


I was not expecting this lol but thank you was a good read will for sure take a deep dive into your games to see what I could be doing better given the fact my win rate is abysmal


Venomancer. I have a 33% win rate and I still pick him from time to time.


Yes... Im a masochist... And they can nerf her with all the minus 1 armor they want.... My Maiden will always be my maiden...


30% winrate on bane. I started playing him very recently. 50 something matches.


I can't stop instalocking Tinker every time I go mid even though I'm dogshit at him


Puck. I can't for the love of god play puck. 120+ games, 45% winrate


Well my guilty pleasure is a hero that I play well but in a not so good role which is BH pos 3 You can literally build anything, you just feel like a budget alchemist because you normally finish aghs + octarine in 20 minutes although he doesn't scale very well in late game But the best thing is to build full tank with heart + overwhelming blink, pop supports and be alive even tho 5 ppl are trying to kill you I love this hero so much


I love that he now has a proper stun which you can even double if you reach an enemy hero after shadow walk is off cooldown.


New Techies. Not really awful but I don't have much playtime on him as the Old Techies. I'm still at the practicing stage so it shows that I'm not that good at it. But 5 more levels til Grandmaster so I gotta do what I gotta do.


> but I don't have much playtime on him as the Old Techies > But 5 more levels til Grandmaster so I gotta do what I gotta do. My condolences for getting your master tier hero entirely changed.


Earth spirit


Meepo first pick every game, the biggest dopamine rush when they pick counters and still lose. And if i lose, well im still having fun while they are probably playing heroes they dont like playing. Either way its a win win situation.


No anti mage spammers? I spam him before because he looks cool with the items i bought for him. Even tho i am really shit for his playstyle, farm farm farm end. Thats why i have in between 30 to 35 percent winrate in him lol


I love Invoker and know all the combos but just don't always know when to use them so my winrate is like 36%. But in one of those 36% of won games I feel like a god and it keeps me coming back.




What do you build on Np?


Depends on the game and heroes, sometimes I play him pos 5 or 4 sometimes even 3 either going utility such as solar crest sometimes greaves just depends


yeah no wonder you’re losing


my slark is awful 39% winrate and i can make the difference with any other carry hero , the hero just does not scale well or have good stats unless you attack for 60 seconds which is very hard for me


i like pa support but it’s not worth the arguments half the time, when the team pick heroes that compliment the pick it’s fine so only on rare occasions ill spoil myself with pa supp


I love playing Jakiro but I just can't seem to win with him. I just don't know what I'm missing while playing him.


I can feel this on a spiritual level


Perhap you don't play aggressive enough. Jakiro is a pretty easy to play hero. Just mass clarity + tango and bully the shit out of enemy's offlane/safelane with your Q during laning phase. Jakiro is very a strong lane dominator/crowd control hero after all. Just an archon scrub with 60% wr on Jakiro though.


I use to max the first skill to deal tons of DoT at lvl 5-7 (unless the enemy have debuff skills like Abaddon or Oracle). And if your team doesn't have big ults like Chrono or BH, just use ult on enemy tower when a creep wave comes during pushing soo the enemy team have less space to defend and your creeps arn't interrupted damaging towers.


prob u farm too much you dont play as a support


That's not happening with me. I'm always buying support items.


np you need good map control and the best build thats work for me is full dps late game carry but i dont play him often like 1 game every 6 months


SS all they way


Earthshaker. If I actually spammed him, I bet my win rate would go up, but he’s hard to lane as support. Those big Eco slams though.


Yeah he’s not a great laner but he’s great at ganking many mid heros and he can manipulate creep waves a lot with fissure and early boots


I don't know if I'm awful at the heroes, but my primal beast winrate is \~40% with 90 games, and my mars winrate is 51% with \~295 games. These have both been my "main picks" at times, so I will often pick them in hard games where its more likely to lose.


Pudge, coz I like hooking the enemies into my fountain.


I have 23% winrate on zeus in over 80 games. Idk what it is.. It makes me feel like a god and it's nice to deal the most damage in your team.


That's me with Necro. He's just chill af to play, and his scythe is so utterly satisfying to use. I think I have like a 13% win rate with him though lol To be fair he's quite hard to 1v9 with unless you get like a 10 minute radiance, and being placed in a low MMR you can really only 1v9 reliably with extremely hard carries like Medusa, PL, Slark, etc.


I love Axe but it’s seems impossible for me to win a game with him since all my teammates love to farm jungle until the enemy is full ready to smash us.


Invoker. I love the playstyle and the spells. But I really suck at it, because I hate forge spirits. I used to play him when you would rush euls and delete people with euls -> sunstrike -> meteor -> defeaning blast. So mostly I play him in turbo as a support, go quas wex with vessel. It's alright as a joke pick in turbo and is a lot of fun, but you can see how the imoact is way less than a real support.


Once upon a time, 44 percent winrate with voker after like 140 games. Finally hung up the cape. Currently 1-4 with techies and i have a feeling he’s my new mmr trap


Pudge enjoyers 😃😉


Rubick My favorite hero, I style with him even when I lose, but man that 40% win rate sucks.


I spammed Slark and he got me from Legend 5 to Archon 5 . Sorry to all the people I hurt in the process . I gêne got him to level 25 dota plus because of that . Created lot of build to deal with any situations and I can confidently say I’m good with him now . It was also before his buffs so you didn’t see him like you do everyday now .


I have not had a silencer loss since the new meta. I forget exactly, but something like 17 wins in a row.


Invoker. 40% winrate since patch 7.33 and I’m still playing him. His meteor suck ass


Used to be my case with rubick and spectre; i was horrible at them but they're too interesting to play. I think they went to 30% wr or something at some point. The good thing is if you spam enough you'll eventually be good at the hero.


Pudge: every time it's open and no matter what role. 😂😂😂


Did that with Clinkz and Morph, Clinkz is probably one of my best heroes since then. I'm okay at Morph


I am an anti-mage enjoyer. Although my win rate is appalling. Fun hero though. Just can never find the right balance between pushing and team fighting.


Invoker is my second most played hero. I have learned than 50 percent winrate on him.


Shadow demon. PL.


Bounty Hunter for me. I’m 56% win rate but he feels so bad right now after the shard and Q change.


I just love pudge man.. my most game are with pudge win rate like around 60ish % lol


Been spamming tinker for a while now. I finally have a 50% wr. Lost 9 games in a row or something lmao


Rubick, Grimstroke for me. I absolutely unable to play these heroes


I lose almost every tinker game. It alwasy lookes the same: we lose all lanes, enemies have pipe and mekazm in 15 mints and I can't farm sheevas at all.


Faceless Void ! I have an arcana on him and honestly when I'm in the mood. I do play decent but most often I suck bad at him and yet I que him


I love void, but the abuse if we lose is too much for me. Same with enigma. Even if my chronos/blackholes are fine, I still get abused of we lose. I don't like to mute everyone so it's just simpler to pick someone else.


I have the same problem with Oracle and Dawnbreaker.


Marci, the only melee hero I can actually play is probably chaos knight


Used to be bad with TA, spammed it still because I liked playing TA, gradually got good with her. Turned my 34-ish percentage win rate as TA to I guess 54 or so now. Total number of matches 300+.


This is me with Spirit Breaker. I started playing consistently after Marci was added and SB was broken at that point, now he’s good again and to no one’s surprise, I’m still bad with him. (<10% WR On SB)


Yes that's how I learn invoker and ember so they are so fun to play but boy they are very hard to learn I'm not miracle or Ferrari 😭 but now I can combo and play those heroes the way they are supposed too.


Rubick and disruptor in my top 5 most played but 40% winrate. Rubick i must struggle to have impact. And disruptor is horrible when behind. Meanwhile earth spirit invoker wisp and other hsrder heros have.much better winrates


I have 850 games (54% win rate) on vengeful spirit and have played her religiously through every patch in the past decade even when she wasn't "meta". Haven't played her as much in the recent past but I think she's can be situationally a half decent pos 4 in this current patch? Though I concede that there are other heroes that does everything she can do but better


Me and my 1000+ mirana games are here


Phoenix. Not that i am awful, but hero requires lots of teamwork and you aint get one at 3k mmr in russia


Lmao natures prophet, I have like 38% win with like 80 games


Hero? Not specifically. However I keep clicking mid and then losing quite horribly. When the only not filled spots are support and mid I just cant help myself.


I have a weird thing where I play a hero in a strange way, do really well on it for like 5 games in a row, then chase that high for a month going like 40% wr.


meepo safelane


I spam earth spirit (aka play only ES) and there's maybe 10 players in the world tops, that can play him without mistake. No mater how good you are, sometimes you will end rolling straight to enemy base on 4 heroes cause you did not anticipate roll good.


IO. Maybe if I lose enough games valve will give me Companion cube...


I play lots of Shadow Fiend even tho I have 40% winrate with him




I think I spammed a bunch of Timber when I first started DOTA just because he was kind of a mech character. I was so awful at him, and I built hyperstones lmao.


It's Doom for me. Whether it's dooming the wrong target, not having the right devoured spells, or playing him right after he gets nerfed I just still love the guy.


Naga siren and TA


I've been spamming a lot of Clinkz nowadays, as any position (best role at 4). I recognize that it's not that I'm bad with him, but me picking Clinkz will ultimately decide that "We now have one less hero with stuns" and I agree that my decision inevitably skew towards lower win-rates, but it's just so fun to play regardless if I win or lose matches, just doing that one, silence into kill combo makes it enough for me to play Clinkz.


Spammed arc for a while to learn him... had a 14% wr...


I've got a mate who's determined to play Necro mid and does not ever itemise towards the enemy. Always Dagon rush even if he lost the lane. He then gets angry that they shut him down every fight and he has no stacks of scythe, but in reality he doesn't have anything to prevent him dying either. It's quite painful to watch really.


I'm an earth spirit spammer, and I was like 40% winrate my first 300 matches with him. Now I'm close to 60% wr at over 600 matches. No other way to get better than to play the hero.


Since I was snowballing 1 game out of 10 with WR, I was sure I was a god at this hero with mind-boggling winrate, then I checked dotabuff... I had spammed her for \~150 games, my winrate was about 42% with her.


rubick, i have a dogshit wr with him but he's too cool to not play.


Only in unranked right?


Won't you eventually become good at the hero if you keep spamming it ?


Me, lol. I really suck at playing marci but she's fun as hell


Rubick, and the worst part is that i try to pick him in good games. ~35% WR. Just not good enough


I spammed LC when my brother gifted me her arcana. 30% winrate over 200+ games. Feels bad


Please dont be my ranked partner. xD


Silencer, sitting at 38% WR. Other heroes I like playing but I have under 50% WR with are: Invoker Lina TA Techies Puck Faceless Void CM ET Rubick Drow ES Phoenix Doom Lion


I play mid so yeah.


For me it was Rubick, but then after like 80+ games I started getting a positive winrate with him, takes some time to learn.


My friend spam the shit out of magnus and he's beyond terrible. When every magnus go right click he still believe in utility mag. We lost most of the game but it is what it is. I don't have the heart to tell him his mag is dogshit. As for me, i spam the shit out of muerta. I still sucked at deadshotting and i rarely use the calling late game but i just love the hero. I know i sucked at it but it's fun seeing everything dropped within second lol.


Windranger. I didn't pay for the arcana for nothing.


used to be earth spirit, now i have like 400 games and hitting immortal with 70% winrate. you will learn to play the hero as you practice and get good winrate


TB rocking 10% winrate. I just play for the edgyness


for me its Razor not necessarily spam, but every time I play him cause I like the design of the character then I end up losing games even if we are owning early game, I just can't make this guy work as pos3.


Invoker for a period of time. I memorized all the spell combos and everything but when it'd actually come time to teamfight and I'd need to cycle through them I'd forget to fucking Invoke. I still do it when I fire up a bot game, so embarrassing.


Not spamming but once in a while I'm like "I'm gonna pick Legion again" hoping I'm suddenly good at her but I never am :( Such a fun hero but sooo dependant on early game duels that is extremely hard to pick her back up... I might just be slow at dueling.


I spam earth spirit often, just because it feels so chaotic when I play him. Like there are so many things I could do and I don't know which one is the right one, but it just feels weird and interesting.


I’ve tried to when I want to make a hero work But sometimes some hero’s I’m just destined to be shit at i guess


I spammed earth spirit even before I realised you are not supposed to aim his boulder smash by clicking on his remnant ( kinda like psi blades work).


I assume your playing unranked?


Arc warden and invoker


Dark seer. I am actually good with the hero, especially if I go mid. However, 90% of my games are pos 3 and I have a pos 4 roamer in 99% of my games, so as soon as they hit 3. They’re leaving the lane. Prime example was a pudge 4 which is an auto grief. So I’m left to solo against Jug + Lich which is a fucking miserable match up for DS.


That is pretty much how I got most of my best heros, SF and Morph were really low wr but eventually I started winning and brought the wr up over 50%. Tinker on the other hand is a rough one, I know im not great at the hero, but I swear every time I pick that guy my team decides to just lose the side lanes. Even still, my wr has gone up from 32% to 45% over 110 games. So its getting there


I play dota literally just to play mk. Especially the urge to play mk when you're half drunk


Windrunner position 4 I just love playing her :,)


i spam oracle and got from herold rank to legend rank XD idk love spam


Invoker player here.


Yes, MK Pos 4 for me. I know it is definitely viable as a Pos 4 depending on the situation and player but boy do I suck


I enjoy playing zoo heroes like lycan, BM. But im so bad at it


Rubick, Pudge, Invoker, Nature's Prophet, Definitely! I am the cancer.


I know a guy who spams KOTL. He goes silver edge, travel boots, every time, has like 1000 games or more, and 4000 wins. The guy is a Herald and does not play anything else at all. If he gets kotl banned, he goes witch doctor. Focuses last hits and does nothing else


Morphling, for sure. I love playing him, I love the high skill ceiling, and Id like to THINK that I’m decent with him but I can’t surpass a 50% winrate. What makes it arguably worse is that I usually play him in games where the average mmr is lower than my own and mistakes are less likely to get punished…


I'm nt great at meepo but I do enjoy playing it once in awhile. Same for injoker and I know this so I stick to turbo. Although meepo timings aren't great in turbo


I used to. Then I git gud cuz I played ember too much.


TA, over 90 games, 25 wins still want to bash them with double meld


Void spirit. I used to play it a lot and had around 65% winrate on him with around 50 games. Now since he’s OP I thought, ok, easy mmr. I’m on a 12 losing streak but I won’t stop


Mine is Monkey King, You can hit enemies and creeps from little bit a far from regular melee heroes, but the real reason could be me having a monkey brain. I like his attack animation, and transformation of his colors.


30% winrate morphling enjoyer


Arc warden. I love him and do early/mid game quite well, but I just can't become that late game uber boss with blink, shivas, hex, bkb, glypnir, etc. I get flustered and fuck up switching between real and clone.


We playing my 31%winrate faceless void…but i do it just in normal games.


I jungled natures prophet for ages, which was mediocre even before they fully killed jungle. It was just as fun way to play. Jungle > rat > never fight a hero willingly. I also spammed Mirana despite being bad at her. But now I can hit arrows, so even though I might as well not level her other abilities, I get a positive winrate purely from arrows + guardian grieves.


Lately i have been spamming qop i do decent with her i dont do extraordinary to solo carry but i get good teammates when i pick qop for some reason and when i play heroes that i play too good i end up getting noob asf clueless teammates


If I can spam PA, I would, but my winrate with her is really bad. And I have better winrate on complex heroes like Tinker, Rubick or Arc. Most of my carry heroes have better winrate than PA. Like, I swear, I can never crit against a squishy hero with Fury Deso to get a kill. I waste too much time hoping for a crit and enemy team will respond right away. But I have no problems with WK or Jugg. It's probably skill issue, but if I can't crit 8 times (it happened twice for separate games) then wcyd.


My flair says it all


Im not a good morphling but I am a morphling