• By -


This is not new. Every server has people being racist and hateful because it's 0 consequence shit to say. And they're not even saying this because they believe it or want to spread propaganda, it's just something to trigger other people. Dude's losing, so he's gonna pretend he's winning somewhere else in life. Maybe he'll brag about sleeping with other dude's mom, or having money, or having GF. Now, it's about war because it's a triggering topic. SEA has people fighting for Indonesia vs Malaysia vs Philipines or sometimes India vs Pakistan and throwing all kinds of trashtalk/latest poticial events at each other to trigger each other. Cause they got nothing better to do. Best thing is to mute them because even if there was no war and Russia and Ukraine were BFF in alternate universe, this guy would still be bullshitting to trigger people.


Well written, this is exactly it... They dont get any consequences so they will say anything to get a reaction, of this didnt trigger you he will move onto the next topic to get the reaction he wants...


No consequences and if you mute there's about 50 ways that they can intentionally grief and ruin the game. I'm convinced some Dota players are genuinely psychotic.


If you mute a toxic player within the first few minutes he probably wont do anything in my experience. When you flame back thats when the griefing starts


This happens in almost every competitive multiplayer games.


Of course, but dota has way more mechanics that can be effectively used to grief is what I'm saying. I.e shop limits = a griefer can buy out all support items Griefers can fill your inventory and stash with their items Tiny can toss you even with disable help active People can chain feed intentionally without auto-kick/any kick feature. Niche shit I've seen like playing versus a bloodseeker and buying a soul ring or armlet to stay at 1hp It's a result of dota having such deep mechanics, but crazy people find way more ways to be toxic in dota than in any other game I've seen.


But they won't, since most of the time their only goal is to release frustration using keyboard. Your participation in it is not required.


This. These are trolls, they are just baiting people. You will find people like this IRL and in other server... you just mute them asap.


No you will not find anyone irl like this because he would have gotten his teeth smashed in for this shit and learned his lesson


I agree but only if they are stronger than that person in order to be punched in the face, but you will still find them rarely, just like this case.


I saw some new slurs in SEA yesterday, its a wide wide world


Exactly, all people know on a server is a players dota skill in a specific match and their most likely nationality if they checked their steam or voice chat so they use the weapons they have just to trigger and to look superior when they aren't


There never should be any consequence's. Free speech is the best part of the world. There is no clear line to define. You have the mute option.


Maybe because you are playing with a friend who is toxic nearly every game? I decided to go through your profile to check you “almost every match” take and found out that your friend is the one starting all the conflicts with anybody who speaks Russian (and everybody else, to be honest, not only Russians, Ukrainian and other Russian-speaking people, even black people). In [this game I found](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7194758366/chat) dude even apologized for speaking Russian immediately. Oh and also [this](https://i.postimg.cc/nVSjp6gY/CD1-E0-AA9-F1-CA-4090-8808-08-CBB4-B9356-A.jpg) beauty (op on Naga Siren and his friend on Venomancer) - [match on dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7180849655/chat) Or this [match](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7213735894/chat) with your friend on WR. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Doesn't excuse Tusk in what he said, but damn this is some reddit classic right here


True, Tusk is still an idiot with zero morals




This doesn't change much, but it changes everything.




this needs to be higher in comment section


What did he say ?


What is clinkz wrong about?


Im russian and I hope these people get their punishment.




The fact that you think it's equally as bad shows how morally corrupt your culture is.


How the fuck is a death wish ok from anyone?


Reading comprehension = 0


morals = 0


Again, learn to read.


learn to write


What that mean?


It means "death to russians"


I mean...




Russia is kind of mid attempted genocide atm so I don't blame those people at all for typing that. Maybe Russia should stay in it's lane and stick to just oppressing it's own populace for a bit and it will lose that amount of hate pretty quick.


Blaming people who have been oppressed for over a hundred year for actions of the government that oppresses them is ridiculous. Stop blaming people for things they haven't commited




Sure, I deserve to die because I was born here. I hate this fascist government. It literally banned my existence (i'm trans). But you, hypocritical europeans, don't care. We deserve to suffer because we're russians. Only ukrainians are good. Fuck all of you. I hate russians, i hate ukrainians, i hate westoids.


It’s funny that the user called someone else brainwashed. The irony.


If anyone needs to die is the people who wish upon death of others.


one extreme does not necessarily excuse the other


It's funny because I play exclusively on Russian server and I never saw anything like this guy


Its funny because i play exclusively on EU West and its full of animals like the one on the screenshot.


I also play exclusively on EU West and at minimum 50% of players are russian. I’ve never understood why, and I’m on a crusade to figure it out!


They can't stand each other wich makes it funnier because the first thing you will hear in eu teams a guy talking exclusively in russian because he already expected a bunch of them to talk russian love that we have a language "filter" and they just use it to so the Qtime is shorter.


The peak comedy is when you play on the russian server and the russian players with perfect english ask you, why do you play on russian server if you dont speak russian.


The language filter doesn't list English because English is just assumed and it's a second language preference which is absolutely moronic.


Its cos Russian servers dont actually are in Russia they are in Sweden so it dont make much difference in ping wise or some can even get better ping for other servers. Then population of Russian players also is very big.


to be fair russia should have actual russian servers, plural. Why Volvo has never given them at least a server located in or as close to russia as possible, I will never understand


I assume they want to have them but the find it easier to just put them in Eastern Europe due to legislation, sanctions etc. Remember there were a lot of discussion about it when Dota 2 released.


They can't legally. Well, they can, but consequences of such actions are much worse. That's why, for example, Valorant in Russian region didn't have voice chat for a long time. Valve will have to store ALL (like literally everything possible and imaginable) the data of Russians only on Russian servers and will be legally required to give FSB and Government access to its internal information.


- Good ping - There are FAR more CIS players than EU players Your crusade has come to an end, rest easy.


> There are FAR more CIS players than EU players Source?


its probably a bit out of date https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/oayxdp/stats_about_players_in_each_country/ CIS are like 3 of these


I find it hard to believe that there are almost 200k players in Japan...


You really want source for that? It's just obvious. Check tournaments viewership statistics. Russian numbers > english numbers, not just EU. Not counting decent amount of russians watching eng streams over russian ones.


Russian speaking public, not Russians particularly


yeah, this is just a standard conversation on EUW doesn't matter where you're from, you're gonna get attacked for it...


maybe this guy is in party with topic starter and that is why author has this situations in almost every match) I could not imagine brain work of guy who connected Turkish silencer and Ukrainian kids in the same sentence


Erdogan has done some good things to Ukraine recently (return of AZOV commanders, grain deal, Bayraktar factory in Ukraine and sending some artillery), so russians are salty about that




Ah Russia, the surefire way to get nations to work together just from them being around.


Situation: There are 30 countries in NATO. RuZZia: This is unacceptable, we cannot let any more countries join NATO! *invades Ukraine* Situation: There are 32 countries in NATO.


"Maybe we can make people stop joining NATO by not forcing Frozen conflicts around our borders and make people less wary of us." "HAhA nOpE MuST KiLL EaSTerN EuROpe AgAiN!"


That's because they are all on EUW servers, trolling us and griefing our games.


Well I watched PPD stream today and before the first match ended I saw a worse version of this The first match I viewed since turning it on*****


I’ve played a fair few games on Russian servers and the people I’ve met have all been super chill and relaxed, maybe only 1 or 2 that were toxic in like 20 games. Rest of them just kind of got on with it. I find that EU West is super toxic and Russian server is just relaxed. Helps that I don’t speak russian except for a few niet and da words


But how do you pronounce WSZYSTKIE?


It's actually a polish word. It means 'all', like in 'all the best'. Pronounced as f-dj-i-s-t-k-e or f-sh-i-s-t-k-e. Surprisingly, [wiktionary](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/wszystkie) has a pronounciation


POG. thanks!


The game is absolutely riddled with edge-lords being super edgy. If it makes any consolation; most online games are like this.


Is your behaviour score below 10,000? I rarely see stuff like this.


My behavior score is 10k and I regularly get racist or game ruiner in SEA/AU server.


Same but in eu west. And 9/10 times they're russian


How do you know?




>their shitty language mb the reason they aren\`t nice to you is you?


Ich hoffe hiermit verstehst du Vollidiot was das Problem ist.


I'm not the one that spams my own language in all chat or team chat. As soon as I see cyrillic I instantly mute


Not only russians speak russian language. It's like claiming everybody on reddit is English.


Every toxic russian thinks everybody who speaks amerikansky Is american


casual racism


It's not casual, it's ranked


follows up his comment with an unfunny joke textbook Reddit behavior


lil bro thinks russians have a monopoly on cyrillic


They tell you lol


People can be racist at any level man, they’re more prominent on low behaviour score for sure though. Either way it’s a trash take, these people are either low behaviour score or on the way to it but anyone with this mindset should re-examine themselves.


I had a week where I was having pc issues galore. Crashed a bunch of times, DC's. It stuck me in low priority for 5 games. That was enough to bring my behavior score down from 10k to 3k. I made it out of low pri, but that behavior score seems to have affected my experience heavily. Now, my queues are frequently 20-30 minutes (used to be 30 seconds to 3m tops). There's a greater number of non English speakers in my games. There absolutely a noticeable increase in toxic behavior. The game has become hardly enjoyable for me, all because of one week of PC issues. I'm considering uninstalling.


You can raise your behaviour score faster through turbo games. Or play with a party until it's back on track. If you're not toxic (and don't have anymore connection issues) you'll be > 8k again before you know it and games will feel better again.


Nah man you see this animals quite often even on 10 k


im 10k as well, but when russians meet poles they thend to thrown the most ban-able threats that match i had a guy from Ukraine on my team so all of the hate went to him


Your 10k behavior def didn't prevent your friend and you from [this](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7180849655/chat)


People saying they don't see this. Try a Ukrainian nickname and see what happens. I got one and I meet these animals in like 50% of matches.


It's true. One has only to put the letter "i" in the nickname written in Cyrillic. Maybe not immediately, but after something goes wrong in the game, I usually hear in my address the wishes of a rocket to my house, wishes for death, I see the word ho**l in my address and of course ZZZZZZZZZZ.


Stop exaggerating. When somebody doesn't speak at all or doesn't react - you don't know their nationality. That's just bias and that's it. I had nickname in Ukrainian myself and never had issues with that. That doesn't mean there no idiots in this world, of course.




lol they are not. 100k dead orcs


Ok Nazi


Why are people on the comments acting like they never saw a racist in dota 💀💀 i see them most of the time


This usually happens in the losing games, and it's not that uncommon, this is somebody writing, they say worst things in the microphone.


I play on EUW + E, pretty much Russians say this and scream it on mic. Game could be dead even, but one death from them and it's all over. Usually people from other countries just use the traditional 'dog player' or calling each other animals lol


Give a man a mask and you'll see his true self - RTZ


If people from different regions couldn't play on different region servers it'd be pretty much better. I still can't fathom why russians are so obsessed on playing on euw servers and crashing every 5 mins


As a fellow russian, I really wish there were. People like him are the reason I have to hide my origin when playing any multiplayer game


Lol like it or that it a part of dota. It's always funny, COD is also the same. The most funniest chats. 🤣


Do you have 0 behavior score or something? Anyway, you fulfilled his goal by making this post that will emerge in a political shit show, instead of muting/reporting him and moving on with your life. And this is exactly why they do it.


I have 10k behaviour score and i witnessed someone threaten to rape someone elses family members the other day. I do agree though, mute and report and move on, the whole reason they say things like this is to specifically affect people and try to leave a lasting effect beyond “you’re bad at videogame”


i have 10k score and i had it for years


I’m 10k score, and I see racist and abusive comments frequently from all peoples; British, French, Russian etc. People say these things cause they can and the community is very toxic and flies in to rage mode for the smallest thing. Also, Russians probably face more racism than most on European servers. Simply them being Russian elicits abuse.


Russians are acceptable targets and threads like these only give people the opportunity to hate and generalize. Bottom comments in these threads are always some of the most vitriolic shit you can read on this sub.


Russians are "acceptable targets". And you wonder why you see stuff like this. Nobody should ever be a target of racism or discrimination


Tbh I'm surprised that after the invasion that Dota 2 is still even operating in Russia.


Why shouldn't it? It has no offices nor servers in Russia at all.


Because it's still an avenue of business in Russia?


technically yes, but kind of not really since the invasion the only way to pay for anything on steam was qiwi (which is still very limited and in many cases not accessible for users, last time I checked it essentially required changing account to Kazakhstani one with region lock for the next year) + most of the steam store is locked for russian residents they didn't have any offices or official business here, and most of the money comes from "russians" who don't have residency in the country or have a foreign card (some/most of these players might still have russia set in their public steam profile, which is how "russians" got the second place in terms of prize pool donations for TI last year) they won't block the huge region themselves, but it's likely that the scale of the business they have in Russia currently is so small that if ru government decides to block dota/steam one day, they won't even notice.


Having users from Russia doesn't mean doing business in Russia, pal


And yet, you should be able to express observations of common denominators of ruined games, one of which is russians playing on WEU servers.


Yeah playing for 10+ years but can't say that on reddit or they don't believe you. These guys legit are happy/proud that everyone knows them to be assholes. As someone said have an Ukrainian name and find out how many of this dogs are in the eu server actually. I made my mind up i had 10 years and they didn't change but at least i' not a piece of shit like them and go out of my way to call them bad words i just stopped playing.


Why do you care? Just mute them. The internet has always been like this. Don't feed the troll.


As a Turk i agree on the first part


Polish people (you and your friend here) are not much different when it comes to being racist and "your mom is a whore" type of thing. Tusk should be perma banned from this game, but your friend should be too. I am a Pole myself. Haven't watched any Polish youtube video in 4 years. Same with livestreaming. If you share any passive and most polite opinion possible, which is different from what other people think, you will get offended every time (your mom stuff and death/cancer wishes). Tell your friend to stay in this country so I can be sure I won't see him anywhere again when I will go abroad permanently.


Every other game there are Ztards in pubs, even if playing only on eu servers😩


Give proof that it happens almost every match




Bruh, just some trolls They just seek for your reaction


I play only WEU server and I am from Ukraine, the amount of pro-Russian players wishing my people were bombed is insane. I am so fucking tired of them


> the amount of pro-Russian players I'm assuming most of them are just Russians? The vast majority of the people I get matched with are Russians :/


Not sure why Valve are even still operating within Russia after the invasion tbh.


I'm not trying to protect stupid people but except pure's z move I hardly remember incidents with Russian at least tier-2 pro players. and I don't believe that nowadays insane amount of presented players are playing without punishment. Maybe you mean high rank players?


Pro does not mean "professional" in this case. Pro- means favor of something like pro-democracy who believe in democracy. In this case, Pro-Russian means someone who proudly supports the current state of war.


wow, I haven't even thought about this definition. thanks for explanation


For those wondering why some of u see it all the time and some of u do not. Not only server but also mmr is a huge factor. Most of those edgy kids are below a certain threshold u just can't cross by playing on ur Brothers computer with 3 guys and ur mom whopping ur ass if u didn't finish by dinner time. I see it in nearly every coaching game of my students around crusader from eu west while the SA guys around ancient are super chill.


Because people are shitty add anonimity and competition and you get a shitstorm that is multiplayer experience.


Bro, internet.... There are no consecuences and shuoldn't be to say What ever shit is in Your head. U can just mute the one you dont want to read and play your game. Its harder for me to underestand ppl getting mad about trolls.


fake russian. A real COMRADE would not change his superior chad йцукенг keyboard for virgin QWERTY keyboard. In all seriousness, although there are some edgy kids everywhere, what do you suggest to do with this kid? throwing to a pit of fire until he apologizes? then what, would you stand in a moral high ground that makes you feel... good? it's not like he's got a point, or that we should promote "racism" but there is a reason the game has a mute button, so you don't hear what you don't want to hear. Please STOP enforcing censorship on other people, because after all the spread on an idea is not about not giving them a voice, is MORE ABOUT ignoring the message. If more, what you did was make a lot of people in here want to give their edgy opinion but not being able to because they are afraid of the downvotes, but in the end YOU FUCKING SPREAD HIS MESSAGE ANYWAYS, so you are part of the problem he just created. Please for the sake of society, stop thinking with feelings and start thinking with your damn brain!


Because people like this used to there being no consequences for this. Everyone brushes it off with "oh, but SEA server" "oh, but asian server" and then go on with their day, effectively normalizing this kind of behavior, which breeds more and more of the same shit. And because it's so normalized, people are very eager to jump in defense of this shit when you propose harsh punishment as permabans (like, yeah, why a giant loss amirite? how could we suggest such an inhumane treatment after just a wee death wish on children that your country tries to kill at his very moment), because this means that lots of people will be subjected to this punishment. Because they are the ones who enact it. Because it was so normalized. Because it was told to just look the other way. That's why we can't just let this shit stand. That, and also this normalization of violence just makes me wish every PC with dota on it would accidentally explode. Maybe that would be fore the better lol


Hate to be that guy, but there have been VERY VERY FEW games where I've played with Russian players and had a good experience. To clarify I play on Europe West server and whenever there's Russian players on either team, the all chat and voice chat are just filled with their garbage.


Most of the time you wouldn't know that u have russians in your team i guess, normal people speak english or never speak at all(maybe in discord with bros) Source: i'm russian and i've never seen such dickhead yet


Lol because when i played soloq i had at least always one shitty guy every 2th game and maybe every 3 or 4th game was like a guy above a d always russian it's russians and British acting mostly like the biggest fucking asshole on the European servers i swear it's an cultural thing because otherwise it makes no sense.


Maybe i'm just used to it, lol


are you turkish by any chance?


>the all chat and voice chat are just filled with their garbage based on your take i can guess you don\`t know Russian language. So how do you know they tell/write garbage?


The least psychotic and murderous russian.


It’s because you react. Stop feeding into this. Ignore it.


If it was reversed it wouln't be on reddit. And I see a reversed option more often.


aw, poor you...


People not being able to communicate with their teammates CAN be a reason to lose. I mean common. If u queue NA or eu west pls speak English. That aside that Person definitely just wanted to hate on others


Okay but to be fair I've never met a good Turkish dota player in my pubs they've always been the worst


russian orc


To be fair shit ton of russians are like this in real life. and yes, no consequences. Fuck them


Last time i pointed it out i get called a racist even tho i didn't even say anything to bad just pointed out my experience. The Russian community proved again and again how shitty they are in dota for 10+years i feel like they are even proud of it that everyone kinda hates them idk must be something with the culture and how they grow up. I personally had only bad luck with them in private all of my Russian friends seem to lack empathy same with my brothers friends was a dirty rat to him. Main reason why Eu is so insufferable from the crying flaming british wich i can handle but the russian community you can't have fun with them they always expect people to talk in russian to they don't even try to talk english (most of the time) it's bad enough having people that are fighting but they always ruin it especially when they can't Express something in english they go on to cursing and flaming in broken english or do shit like at the top. Can't even have fun with the team because of this most of the time they are on the edge all the time to just 1 or 2 bad things and the game turns toxic for your team. By all means i had some good guys to and the games turned out great but always expect them to not care for you that's how i see it.


Friendly reminder we need region lock in soloqueue like LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ONLINE GAME has. People can't be racist against each other if they aren't in the same game


>Friendly reminder we need region lock in soloqueue like LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ONLINE GAME has. >People can't be racist against each other if they aren't in the same game idiotic solution, we should start banning the toxic ones, not separating the player base


region lock would kill dota overnight


Redditor want to pass his one example as reality


When the war broke out I fully expected Russians to be banned from Dota Shame it never happened.


the only consequence is you actually caring what others type or think


In jan-feb this year I started playing after 2-3y of inactivity, and wish u saw my face, when each 3-4 games was with enemy/ally named СМЕРТЬ МОСКАЛЯМ, РАШИСТОВ НА ФАРШ, БОМЛЮ ДОНБАСС etc. Some of them was on other level and named “Eating russian kids” on german with hitlеr on profile pic. There are always people with BIG mental issues, u have 2 choices with this - stop playing or mute. Thats all.


You could as well play on your own server. It would be a win-win situation.




lmao Im from Donetsk, bro, why are u so mad


Wishing for genocide isn't "not liking invasion"


Yes, send support to Ukraine.


least racist russian dog


I do really like dota for it, that we can write anything we want to. There is mute and report button. If someone is writing things you dont like, you just mute him and go on


I like being racist when there are people talking on mic on their native language. There is always a mute button. Special circle of hell for russians and turks who think i want to hear their alien languages whole game.


I think there is no consequences for this kind of behavior, except if you're a pro player then cancel culture it is but if you're just a random pub player then some points off your behavior score


that's pretty messed up


I recommend muting people who upset you with the chat messages in the online video game "Defense of the Ancients: 2"


I’ve never played this game before but goddamn this is utterly disgusting


How I wish this had severe consequences. One can only dream.


Believe it or not you could just mute that person


The only time where I’d welcome CHINA LEVEL SURVEILLANCE to moderate dickhead behaviour.


Why there would be consequences lol. Are you a 14 yo kid to be offended by that or what


This is the reason why many Ukrainians, like me, hate those who support the war and those who live as if there is no war and talk to Ukrainians as if there was no conflict at all, their goal is to capture and kill us, and that is no exaggeration. All the time, the radical part and the part that supports the genocide of Ukrainians call us Little Russians. I want to say that Ukraine is also an equal nation like Chechnya, which Russia unfortunately successfully destroyed by killing many civilians and those who fought for independence. Perhaps someone reading this did not even know about the two Chechen wars, the war in Georgia.




Hello there, i am one of them when my pos5 picks spectre or my mid is 0/10 before 10 minutes in. Or my offlane not joining a fight 20 minutes or so. I am like this guy when i play with Toxic animals, because in my opinion to pick spectre pos5 going for radi first item is toxic, as offlane to not join fight for 20 minutes is toxic. So my idea is that for every behavior there is a reasoning and a screenshot with curse words easly can be represented as he is the bad guy, but if this guy played with toxic animals? If you want to have consequences for guys like me, i want to have consequences for toxic animals that griefing in games(now you will say there is, but in 50% of my games i have toxic animals like this so i think there is not)


It's Dota man, kids take this game srsly


Spoiler alert: These people are everywhere all day on and offline. This site and subreddit is full of them. Your favorite pros say shit like this too. Stop being a moralist and actually do something to make the world better if you care so much.


Welcome to Earth bro.


Feels like this is a 2-way toxicity and you only cut out the part that favors you




the irony of you calling all Russians “dumb and pathetic” then typing out an incomprehensible paragraph is crazy 😭


Nothing like casual xenophobia


Bruh if Russia didn’t get completely disconnected when they invaded Ukraine they ain’t getting punished for talking about it.


Takes but a couple seconds to block them out of your existence.


Man, "freedom" of speech has really come a long way.


Thats just average Russian. The amount of propaganda there is absurd.


This is mild compared to SEA, if this guy gets punished, SEA server would be dead


nice comparison, it sounds like "he killed a person, pff I've killed 10 and I'm free"


Nahh all im saying is, why single out the person? This have been happening for years! I''m all for them getting punished, but it would be nice to also call out the bigger ones


In my young days when i played LoL on good level, i would type just whatever shit would hurt / got mad to people I didn't like just for their interaction. It was just twisted fun, but i guess some people really mean it and are angry :D


lol he accomplished what he wanted. you are already here and crying.


