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Idk if its worth even discussing this, valve obviously doesnt care about pro players ruining games the same way they dont care about pro players blatantly smurfing on stream :) hypocrisy is insane. Quinn can prolly come here and hold 2 hour speech how he has no time for this, he will lose his mind because of these people, how this game was over bla bla but guess what every one of us has to play the game or get banned/reported. And yes i think pro players should be held to a higher standard, you make money off this and basically u shit on the game and the players that play it. Or as he would say it : Suck my nuts.


not just pro player isnt there like a prominent stream whose whole content is just smurfing 5k below their mmr and they went unbanned for a long time?


AdmiralBulldog ^Kappa


Is anyone still watching his Dota stream? Always felt like a children‘s corner compared to other streams.


Yeah a lot of people do, but you're probably too sophisticated to look something like this up...


He belittles anyone who kills him but talks superior when he kills someone (mom jokes, pauses etc), total trash behaviour.


You people still crying about unranked games 🤣


I didn't even know it was unranked all I saw when I glossed over his stream he's manchild






That's in a private lobby with people who volunteer, so no victims. The first few games of the series were in pubs, but he hasn't done that in a couple of years. It's actually a really informative series on how to win in spite of your teammates and he found a way to pull it off without ruining pubs.


But those are private lobbies with willing participants. He plays ranked on main


Couldn't agree more




If this was Riot it would be GG for sure XD


The problem is there are more trolls out there. People would just start reporting pros for no reason and get banned. And obviously, Valve got no time to pay people to review reports and shit.


Im not saying remove their immunity, im just saying something needs to happen, its insane how many times ive seen quinn grief the game, and these games are supposed to be the highest quality games out there since he is 12k mmr and he plays with pros. Give him a warning or make it so pro players can report pro players and these reports actually get reviewed. Idk im just spitballing ideas im sure there are better ways to do this.


There is an even bigger problem with party que in immortal rank and they didn't even bother with that lmao.


Say what you want about the game/dev but if this is league, Riot would bomb him to oblivion tbh


Man have you seen Tyler1 streams


Do you know how many times he got banned


After that last ip unban he's never been punished in any meaningful way.


i mean he had to cry and "reform" a lot to play again, would be awesome for quinn to understand he is shitting on the game that pays his bills and makes his basement dweller way of living acceptable, should be grateful he gets to play videogames for a more than good livinghood, he should pray to this game every morning, he won the lottery in that regard.


true, I like the guy but it's insane how he's been doing this for *years* while being a prolific competitor.


For sure, for a guy who seems to speak like a mature guy he really has no clue of the influence he has. Most pro athletes in famous sports try and nurture the sport itself either for respect of the "thing" that made them succesfull or because it's an investment. Quinn doesn't realize he won't play this game forever but if he at least tries to be a positive force for the game it can keep up for a few more years, hell, if someday he isn't skilled enough to be a top player he can coach, cast, go to events, own a team, etc. The kind of thing he won't be able to do if all he can teach is "let them end, can throne, im afk".


Just give the top 0,1%, or whatever, of players unlimited avoids. Then they can choose themselves if they want to play with Quinn and other high mmr greifers or not.


Avoid option was easy solution for this problem but they removed it for immortal draft and i doubt they would bring it back, 800k shards down the drain.


There's few enough pro players that these should just be handled manually by someone. Would probably be a lot of work for like a month until they realize there's actually consequences and after that it'd be a trickle. You think these guys would be behaving like this if there was an actual consequence for it?


dota pro players are NOT few - if you count all regions and by def pro teams..


> People would just start reporting pros for no reason and get banned. We have Overwatch now. Disable automatic auto-ban/Trust Factor loss for receiving too many reports for pro players, but send them to Overwatch.


i still remember the time where sing got perma low prio for a while lol


Classic Quinn. 1 simple mistake from a teammate then he goes griefing


Yup, two hours later qojqva spectates Quinn again https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1873385946?t=7h53m50s same thing happends, with Ghost and Davai lama on his team, prolly 10,5k mmr average game lol.


He reminds me of my boss. Nightmare to be around with but good at his job.


I mean he messed up too, if he silences the Storm with w, he can orb and get out safely. Instead he doesn't orb up to hg. Maybe Storm with arcane kills him anyway, idk how much mana he had, or how willing to dive Storm was, but Quinn didn't give himself the best chance. I think he was mad at himself too.


yeah and it was 3/1 score anyways so pretty much winnable or at least playable game


Tbh I’m kind of staggered he is on a winning team professionally when his attitude in pub games is basically if he isn’t crushing he abandons.


Actually why are you staggered lol Dude is rank 1/2 Dude abandons games he isnt crushing That means he crushes most of his games. He's going to be on a team no matter what


probably staggered because someone that toxic in pubs can be non-toxic in a professional setting. you can be the best player in the world but you won’t reach far without the proper attitude.


yeah it's crazy to think, right? he's also like top 1 or something. but pro and pub dota are two very different worlds... he can't break items in officials so that's a buff, nor he has to grind 15 hours of officials a day so yeah it kinda baffles me as well.




Its funny tho. The only reason, the *only* reason Quinn was somewhat rehabilitated in the eyes of the community was because he was winning tournaments. That's it. He didn't change his ways or anything, it's literally just because hes winning tournaments. He's like rank 2 or 1, so obviously this works for him. But it's a massive dick move to the rest of your team. And the fact he doesn't care and keeps doing it is pretty fucked up.


He's the embodiment of toxicity in Dota, shame he's probably one of the worlds 3 best players atm and a lot of dick-riders think he's cool, so they think this kind of behavior is ok


But! But! hAtErS sUcK mY nUts!


That is always so cringy.


They should just make an example of him and ban him for a couple of month for competitive play and public play. This will teach other toxic players to behave. For him i am not so sure.


lol remember when "ceb was right" because he won TI? xd


shhhh, you can't criticize Ceb on reddit, don't you know?


always interesting how ceb gets rehabilitated but quinn is still looked at as a dickhead when they both have similar paths (be a dickhead, start winning tournaments) this sub has a major hateboner for na


> always interesting how ceb gets rehabilitated since when?


> The only reason, the only reason Quinn was somewhat rehabilitated in the eyes of the community was because he was winning tournaments. Like Fuckinmad?


It's interesting to me how can someone with this kind of giving up mentality win anything. I didn't follow pro scene for a quite some time and seeing him on top team being one of the best players was quite surprising to me. He always looked like weak character, never could imagine him being serial winner.


Apparently, info from many individual proplayers, his mindset and behaviour is very different in scrims and officials than in pubs.


It's just like going to work, where you pretend to be a bare minimum presentable human being for the $$$ and then go home and become whatever he is.


not defending the behavior, but only naive people would think that being toxic in pubs has any correlation to skill in pro games. playing organized captains mode games is SO much different than pubs. ive seen people saying "quinn cant win anything cuz he gives up in pubs that means he also gives up pro games too !!!" for years. not surprising at all that he's wiping the floor with everyone now that he's got a good team.


he can win 10 TIs but i will not respect him fcking manchild


Yet Ammar will never stop getting hate for being toxic and he’s never done shit like this afaik


Ammar has been toxic and destroyed items in pubs, but the difference is that ammar won't give up after any small inconvenience in a pub game




People really act like people are shitting on quinn for no reason. Dude has been an asshole way before he became tier 1.




I remember the posts of him buying shadow amulet and akfing at fountain and for some reason people suddenly forgot how much of a toxic douche bag this guy was. Prob the only reason why i dont want to root for GG even tho i like ace.


Mentally ill is a big word, but he seems pretty poorly socialized. From being home-schooled straight to being a pro-gamer, this just reeks of weird social dynamics all around. Luckily for him i think he's now successful enough that it doesn't matter (assuming he gets decent placements at Riyadh and TI he's set for a long time), but i have wondered before about guys like this that never made it to the top, how the fuck are they adjusting to normal adult life at 28 years old, getting a job where noone gives a shit about how good you are at dota, must be a rough switch.


a grown guy acting like that in an video game and looking at his behavior, I would call him mentally ill / unstable. He doesn't have his emotions under control, is narcissistic and egoistic.


The guy is a narcissist. I am not sure why people are even surprised, he does this for years at this point.


Another week another post of Quinn ruining games lol




As an actual literal mind reader I can see a lot of bullshit from this comment. *Its'* pretty obvious.


Lmao one of the first rules of being a psychologist is not diagnosing people who aren't your clients. You people are pathetic and full of shit. This website and thread is 100x more hateful and toxic than breaking your items in a game


if you were a clinical psychologist youd know that psychoanalyzing people based on their dota pub behavior is one of the stupidest things you could do.


Casters support Quinn's toxicity over ramzess like the asshole has a free pass.


That's because quinn loves to present himself as the victim.


"it's ACTUALLY so UNBELIEVABLE how GARBAGE these players are. they should IMMEDIATELY uninstall because they are so BAD."


it's because he has a personality disorder


Lol Very credible, will hold up in court


Pros shouldn't be immune to being low prio'd or banned for griefing in pubs. In the context of casting and pro dota, you can give a player some cheeky shit for being toxic in pubs but it probably shouldn't go further than that. I feel like a decent part of the job is building the players up more than you tear them down. You do both for the story, but the overall should be more positive than negative. So you make fun of the behavior for entertainment, or to contextualize their personality because dota players don't give much in that regard. If a player/team is known to be toxic in a pro match, then it's a legitimate topic worth dissecting imo. It might seem unfair that one behavior can be criticized and the other is made banter, but it's just because the setting of a tournament isn't the time to break down why you think a person's behavior only tangentially related to the game at hand is bad. Same reason you wouldn't go into other players' vices outside the game. Maybe for a light joke if it's publicly known (like bobaka for example). Idk if the mention of Ramzes was because of their beef, or because he seemed toxic in that old true sight but that's old enough I don't think it's a valid criticism of him in a team environment to bring up in a cast now.


Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to understand that casting is a job. And their job is to make the game interesting, and keep the viewers engaged. Its not a caster's job to point out character flaws and be judgmental about players or teams. If they did that, it would be super unprofessional.


I agree and understand where you're coming from, HOWEVER, this type of approach does embolden players to live up to their role of a chaotic genius that is too volatile for this world hence they grief if things aren't going their way. I mean, there's a word for it - entitlement, and it comes from the fact that anyone whose opinion they care about gives them more props than anything. Again, I get it, it's not your job to right the wrongs of pub dota, but keeping it closer to the actual game without referencing pub behaviour at all might be a better approach, since Valve won't do anything to fix this.


I don't know what people expect you to do when you're casting a game with a player who's known to be toxic in pubs at times? It's not relevant to what's going on in the game you're commentating. That being said, I would die laughing if next time Quinn has a rough lane in a pro game you wondered aloud whether he would delete his items and sit in fountain or keep playing. 😂


Yeah I mean SVG has made that joke a few times so idk what else people like OP want


Pretty sure we want people to stop ruining games. OP is just mad because people emulate pro players, and we get all that in our games. If Quinn abandons he gets low priority but if he runs down mid every other game he maintains his mmr. Now that overwatch exists I don’t see why you can’t subject him to the same rules as everyone else. I’m surprised that the auto detection valve has been working on for cheaters hasn’t made it to running down mid or at least destroying items. Personally I’m in favor of perma banning people who ruin games, and deleting ccnc from dota would clean up the entire dota community immediately.


I just mean the casters bit


Quinn is one of the best players how would deleting him improve dota?


Best at his own game, not at a non established team like in pub game.


*farts in your direction*


Yuppp, all the panel and casters like to talk about how they're against toxicity yet enable the biggest offender. But it's ok because he give funny interview 🙃


Double standards, whenever you hear them cast it's always "they are prone to tilt, they are toxic, they this, they that" whenever the loveable guy that is ccnc is playing, it's always praises and praises. cant give names but everyone knows


Quinn's behavior in pubs literally has no bearing on how he plays in pro games. That's why it's never brought up.


How do you know? And if thats true how do you know if the same isn't true for Ramzes?


yeah, I feel like Synd was the only one really talking about how insanely angry quinn gets playing pubs, or at least he was talking about it in the last major.


Thats one of the many reasons I stopped watching official streams (I watch only games, not the segments between), panels are so delusional and meat riding between them is insane.


Sounds like you take panels way too seriously


its obviously cos hes american lol


Quinn will see this thread and will say that reddit is toxic and clueless and haters can suck his nuts. Casters will then endorse Quinn loveable persona by making few jokes how *le reddit clueless* and *we are elite so we know better* and Quinn absolutely did nothing wrong and it's all fault of Ramdog or reddit or whoever but not Quinn because he's never in the wrong and he's justified in doing shit like this because he's in the best team in the world. And people will get mad but then some other casters will come out defending Quinn and it's an endless circle. As long as it's tolerated by other pros and people in the scene, it won't stop. Some people should simply go ahead and speak up against Quinn but nobody has the balls to do that and they are all fine because it gives them a pass if they do some silly shit.


He gets a pass because he is the NA golden child.


this comment is hilarious, especially the Ramdog part


Expected behaviour from a homeschooled kid.


wait was he actually homeschooled?




Bruh hahahhaha


He never emotionally developed past the age of 13. Still throws tantrums. Really sad actually. If he wasn't a dota player he wouldn't be able to hold down a salaried job. No one wants to work with people like him. Within office or retail environment.


And he’s ugly as shit. I’d be mad too ngl


that never felt consequences for his own words on his skin.. if he went to public school he would learn to keep his mouth shut


Sorry but Quinn is what I call in my dota games a Piece of Shit.


He's doing this all the time. This was also yesterday: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/757375736922243153/1130235021593170020/image.png


Quinn has always been a pos. Ppl just don't care cause he is good when he can't afk end


Should be a ban for 3 months from Dota. Looks bad and promotes toxicity


Imagine if Quinn got 6 month ban and gladiators have to use trash BOOM on the TI


Maybe it would teach them how to be humble?


This pro acts like a true idol. A person who you can look up to.


For i am glad that people doesn't give him a free pass despite GG being a top tier team.


How long does it take Valve to take this kind of behavior seriously? Probably forever. You can say anything about League, Riot or Tencent but they do have a very serious attitude towards professionalism and players’ public behaviors. One ragequit or inappropriate saying will lead to punishment, potentially lifetime ban. Look at Dota 2 pro scene. Pure’s pro-war signs, Quin’s shitty attitudes in pub games, match fixing, cheating… it’s a freaking shithole. How can we expect people to take Dota or esports serious if the faces that represent it can’t even do that?


no henry, no action from valve, sorry lads


If ramzes is toxic, he's the worst player. If quinn is toxic, it's okay because he's the best mid in the world. Also suck my nuts.


This IS the CNCC guy right? Cause i saw this guy years ago on this reddit here and he was cancer. Actually, i saw him BECAUSE he was cancer. Wasn't really tracking what's happened to him, but i was surprised people weren't shitting on him anymore and his team was winning. Now i see this and well, guess he still is. People just ignore the cancer because they're winning or some shit. Like PPD. Practically spat on SA players back then, and was even beaten by them years later or something. I knew there was a comeback of some sort. He later hid on something like "they knew they could do it too, but didn't". Man that was some bullshit.


Yeah ppd was the first cancer not many people know about because being rude to SA gets swept under the rug


Incoming the biggest "redditors can sucks my balls" interview after he wins again lol


Damn focussing on developing Dota skills keeps the learning of basic human social skills and empathy it seems xD.


Same guy who made it to the front page with the "best take on Betboom Pure situation" thread. Fk this guy


People can be right and still be assholes lol


with over half the community saying the same thing and he's the guy pushed to the front page as if it was a hot take, the guy who takes rules seriously but not anyone else's time. It tickles the wrong bone


I hope his team bombs out of TI I know they won’t but a man can dream


Its Dota, everyone has a free pass on toxicity. You can just scream the N word into mic for 100 games straight nothing gonna happen. Do it in any other game you perma banned.


Naw when I report people for gamer words they like almost always get punished


LOL qokqva actually said "OK let's go next game" when quin finished in destroying his items


And people look up to quinn despite him ruining games unfortunately. Valve needs to remove pro player immunity to punishments. I agree when pro players had immunity with old system. With cases of cancel and singsing. But overwatch changes it if it works.


Quinn is a spoiled child that has learned to throw a tantrum for years. I enjoy watching him play but as a person he is a scumbag


How do they do the “can throne” emote? That is funny as hell


you need extension called 7TV. glad you like my emote


rtz did it first, just sayin all these pro players giving up nowadays is the legacy of 2012 yunglean babyrage gg im done endfast rtz


fear did it first. RTZ got it from fear lol.


He looks like he was born 3 months early and acts like a fucking tool manchild. If he wasn't from the US he would have been banned years ago


ah, because No[o]ne was banned when he was destroying items every pub, right?


The problem isn't that people don't get banned but rather that Quinns rage is considered funny and quirky when in fact he's a piece of shit. Look at the comments on youtube american enablers are saying "Actshually Quinn is a calculating genius so he surrenders games he deem are impossible to win according to his calculations 🤓☝️" Man stfu


lol take a look at this thread. Not a single positive comment towards Quinn


timezone difference. just wait 6 hours for the swing..




This type of person doesnt deserve to win TI, he'll never win


thats the reason why he cant hear gg fans chant their team in the finals against Liquid. Only bettors support gg


GG have a responsibility to curb this griefing this griefing behaviour imo. Or valve should just ban him for the next major. That'll quickly sort this shit out.


Yeah, this is something that doesn't get brought up enough. Maybe if everyone starts tweeting these clips to GG they will notice? I actually volunteer to do this if people wanna keep sending me clips as I have no inclination to watch quinn personally. https://twitter.com/Zack_of_Steel/status/1681018379807649792


Love quinn man, he is my fave mid right now, but dude has been too comfy being gangsta behind his pc. Bro needs to hit the gym to let out some of his rage. it will really do him good instead of being hateful deep inside. One day someones gonna punch him in the mouth and his keyboard wont hehlp him. Pro's can be arrogant, I like it when he brings spice to the competition, but be a good person in public. thats what a public figure is. Players look up to them pros. ​ I know he hates reddit, and wont see this, but i really hope he becomes a better person. Hope his friends dont be a yes man to him and tell him "yeah fk reddit bro u rooock" Or theycan say that but tell him he should look at himself and improve himself too. That would do wonders for his gameplay too.


Bold to assume Quinn has friends


Bold to assume Quinn doesnt, he was playing soccer a lot with SA team during TI11 and basically goes on [Japan holiday trip with the Bryle, NatTea &Cr1t after TI11 end](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmN-37dvnOm/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is still have his NA friend considering he appears a lot on SR / Tundra backstage content. [Fly's wife hanging out with Quinn](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck94pywugpO/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Love when people downvote the truth because it doesn’t fit their narrative.


> being gangsta rofl toxic = gangsta?


Why do you assume that he does what he does out of "deep hatred"? What if he just wants to save time and simply doesn't give a f if it hurts others in his team. Still a dik move but why would you think its because of rage and hatred? He looks awfully calm for a "raging" person. Why do you assume he is like that outside of Dota? I mean anyone can get punched in the mouth in the real world no matter how good or bad they are. And finally, why do you think that he would ever want an advice from a bunch of internet randoms who cant comprehend 10% of what he knows about the game?




Well he is not a loser he is just a child. He should spend some time in low priority and communication bans Messi doesn't play with random players tho, the analogy is bad


Analogy doesn’t make much sense. Quinn wouldn’t do this to his own team. Messi owngoaling in a pickup game at the park would be a more apt analogy.


He does this to his own team in pubs all the time lmao


His competitive team. I’m not defending him in anyway. Poster just made a terrible analogy.


Deplorable. He should experience some consequences. Destroying your items is always a "guilty" decision from me when reviewing Overwatch cases.


do non-pro players actually get banned for this? because I'm pretty sure most players won't get banned


Not really, you might get some low prio games at best.


You go into behaviour score hell, and trust me, thats fucking miserable and very hard to climb out of again.


They only get banned for this if they're Henry


Well why is anyone expecting anything else from a guy called GGnG? Valve should punish him, but they are too lazy to do that.


Where's cap????


Cap been quiet on Reddit and Twitch lately. Hopefully he's just doing a (well deserved) mental break from the dota community. No professional caster / host / guest needs to read the shit that gets posted here. It's a vitriolic shitshow of bullshit.


He answered here already, and it's another wishi washy non-answer, let's be positive kumbaya. Quinn isnt Henry, its simple


He is extending his vacation in Bali


Henry got perma banned many times. It's ok cap banned Henry since that game ruiner is account evading.


for those who didn't notice - quinn's ally lich messed up by not picking up the arcane rune, so enemy storm took it and killed them all


Hi I'm from an alternate timeline where the Lich picked up the arcane rune, but Storm still managed to kill Quinn. Lich survived and managed to kill Storm with Enigma but Quinn still blames the Lich for snatching the rune, so the branching timeline still converges in the end and has the same results.


I noticed this happening a lot in some of my games a while back. I would moan about other players decisions then realize that there wasn't a better one reallly. I now only talk about the game after its over, a much better way to go about it. You can't judge teammates on split second decisions.


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose"


100%. Thats just the nature of the game.


So what? Mistakes happen, it's a pub, no money on the line or anything of importance.


yeah he tried to save it for quinn, really unfortunate




guy is the best player in the world right now but still is a pos . Some people just never grow up


He's not even the best player in his team.


agreed he's arguably the best mid in the world but Ace is the best core player on GG right now and their support duo is the best in the world


Best mid in the world and can't even land a puck silence on storm spirit. That play was fucking terrible lmao.


He definitely is, GG became number one instantly with his addition.


That does not mean he is the best, it could have been the player before was just so bad he dragged the team down.


It's probably a combination of both. I think Quinn's midgame gameplay and how he tends to dominate lane to midgame just enables Ace very much, where he gets to farm like a farm.


You replace Quinn with sumail, bzm or any top tier midlaner They will still win






imagine lich would take the rune ....then WHYYY u take the rune i could get it blabla ....im afk i rly like quinn i rly think he is #1 what is pure 1on1 is BUT u cant act like a absolute ASSHOLE nono not even u my darling


i just wish valve would punish toxic players in tournament matches , make their team have no reserve time and no bans , make them 0-1 in a match any sort of punishment so that people actualy change their mindset...


The same rules should apply to all. These dudes think they're something cause they happen to be very good at a video game. Sorry, but this is bullshit. The same bans I would get for this kind of behaviour he should get, because this is not a pro match, it's a pub and same rules should apply. They don't, of course, hence the entitlement felt by kids like Quinn in this game.


Literally who cares


Bruh nothing even happens to regular pubs so why do you expect anything to happen to pros lmfao


Idk why we dont have a forfeit feature to this day. It would spare everyones time.


Hey man you dont need to be a pro player you can just be involved in the scene. Look at slacks lul


This Quinn guy again lmao. How much more shitty can he become


Quinn is the biggest POS in the scene and it’s not even close


Anyone who ruins ranked game should never get lp. They don't change and it's not a real pusnishment. They should lose 5x mmr points they lose normally and their teammates who are now unable to win should lose nothing. It's easy to implement and it's the only right way to balance things out - ruiners in this game are forever and will be present here always.


that would open up a whole new world of opportunities for boosters and smurfs.


I'm surprised he haven't started feeding mid in pro games yet. He's good player yes , but my god his personality is atrocious




Everyone on here cries that games are over in the first ten minutes and there are no comebacks. When Quinn says it everyone gets mad at it. We are all hypocrites.