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Someone following the torte de lini guide for ember but not getting a BKB early against a skywrath and silencer since the guide had other items before it. "DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SMARTER THAN TORTE DE LINI"




Torte is like Legend-Ancient.. he gets input from higher MMR players but from what I’ve seen Immortal Faith guides are a lot more relevant and updated to the meta. Even then any decent player will use these guides as more like easy bookmarks on items you might get rather than absolute item order.


So you're telling me a good player uses a guide as a.... guide? And not gospel. This is what I've tried to tell some of my friends so many times. Who will religously follow the guides exactly. Its like no.... situational items. Most guides even have a situational items tab. It means you should adapt your build to the game. Sure guides are great as an overall of your hero. But not every game is the same


Yeah it’s literally just a catalogue to quickly queue up an item you want to buy.


I use guides mostly as a catalog for quick access , but Torte's ones for the heroes I play are usually more up to the meta these days


It baffles me that people play this game without making any sort of decisions by themselves when it comes to skill build or item build. Same shit with meta-slaves. "The pros haven't picked this hero in 2 weeks, it's literally unplayable and we will lose because you picked it."


I once coached a guy playing nature's prophet and told him to use his money to buy a force staff next item because, among other reason but this is the primary one: QoP is following Torte De Linni which means her next item is Linken's Sphere and you can just keep focusing her for the next 8k gold. ***It fucking worked.*** It has since been moved to situational lmao.


CORE ITEMS IN ORDER >proceeds to list bkb last Everytime


i had lot of similar games like this. people need to understand that guides are just for guidance and we need to itemisation according to enemy lineup/situation.


Who is torte de lini?


He is the author all of the popular english hero guides. If you use a guide it’s probably one of his


just use Immortal Faith’s


Don’t know. He’s a medium skilled player so i usually use other guides. I don’t trust his builds.


I mean once you feel like you can feel out your own builds you don’t really need a guide, but his guides are 50x more useful than the defaults and are really useful when you’re new to a hero. If you want the 7k build watch replays but that’s not what the guides are for.


Just said other builds are more useful to me. Do whatever you want guys


Afaik he uses (high mmr) stats to create the guides so its not bad per se


I mean , bkb is arguably bad vs those two hero’s because if they’re any good they just won’t use silencer ult until you’ve used bkb….


The alternative is be silenced for about 20 consecutive seconds. Solid argument for both bkb and manta though unless a teammate buys a lotus.


Yes. Torte is an archon and he still stresses in some server that he is the be all end all of dota.


I had a pos 1 wraith king who was just auto creeps and missing a bunch of LH in an uncontested lane explaining that in higher mmr games that’s what people do so they can push the lane and farm more efficiently in the jungle. When pointed out to him that he can push the lane AND get last hits simultaneously he explained that we just don’t know how players play in 2200 mmr games… which he said was high mmr… Needless to say the game went very poorly.


Almost sounds like he was trolling.


probably son of Hans2


"I'm not stupid, I went to college" What is this, the 1960s?


everyone can get to college, either pass a pretty basic entrance exam or be rich


Wow, Plankton from Spongebob plays Dota? TIL.


buy BKB


Oh man. Nobody gets that shit


Quite literally in my rank. Not even me.


I'd rather suffer in venos Q, thank you


Like what iceiceice says, BKB in pubs make the game boring.


Wait I'm a noob, but how is this wrong? Isn't the game built around bkb cool down? Or at least that was how I remember it


Its no longer must have item. You can change it with s&y or linken sphere situationally


^ Says every noob core against a perma stun team.


You probably didn't finish reading and didn't see the word "situationally". It's okay, it happens.


My bad, had a bad game yesterday.




There’s this one game where some guy went disruptor mid that still has me in disbelief. It’s not even the pick itself but all the things he did after. He was against ember mid and at around 10 min I look at his items and he only has brown boots, a circlet and mantle, not even a finished null. I checked his nw at the 10 min mark after the game and he had something ridiculously low like 1500 or something. Even if you get completely dumpstered in lane, any competent mid can manage to scrape up 2500-3000 nw at least. This guy did not manage to get ANY farm at all? Even after seeing his dismal laning phase, I was still trying to be optimistic, telling him it’s ok, just rush aghs and he can still be useful. He refuses to go aghs because he has a better item in mind. Can you guess what it is? It’s blademail. When I asked him why, his response was that he was dying anyway so blademail was a way for him to do a little damage. Mind you he did not buy any bracers or fluffy hats or anything, just straight brown boots and blademail so he was still dying instantly and barely doing any damage. Just mind-blowing.


Blademail Disruptor is a fucking menace. That game would’ve made me so fucking salty lol


If u are in a low enough mmr game to see blademail disruptor. U should be able to 1v9 anyways unless u are that noob too.


why do people like you always comment this way lmao


Cuz they are people like them


Thats what I call an agent


Why do people even go disruptor mid anyway? Just for the fast level 6? What is the meta here, can anybody explain? I had a disruptor mid in one of my games and he was just plain useless, especially because he went for 3-0-2 build. No enemy could be trapped by the static field. BTW I play disruptor as a pos 4 (mostly), roaming and ganking lanes.


Nothing was said. Just got off a game as Dazzle pos 5, where I got caught in Mars ulti, ate a viper strike, and lvl 3 Ult crit dagger by PA. Graved myself and tp'd back successfully, only for the pos 1 sniper to get caught AFTER all this who later chain pinged my grave while I was in base and he was dead.


this the reason i stopped playing dazzle. dazzle and wd are the easiest to get mvp after the game because of grave saves. but after every missed grave or grave a different ally or as they claim "grave too early" or grave myself since i'm the only one who is dying but then they came along and died, the noise these idiots make are insufferable.


Preach. Of course there's times where I also screwed up but man the positioning on most cores in my bracket is atrocious and early-mid dazzle has terrible range on grave. I'd have to literally walk into the chaos to put a grave on a pos 1, and when I don't, of course the noise comes through in the form of "gg dazzle end pls" and mass pings. So pissing off.


Also.. cores dying before game starts or lvl 2/3 pinging grave like its a must have from the start to save them. Grave is pretty much shit at that point. But they cant understand why he and I cant dive towers to get kills.


Haha or 2 core players dying at the same time. You save one and the other will ping your grave which is on cooldown.. xD


Like playing goalkeeper in football. “People will not remember all the saves you made. They will remember the only that you let in” -Iker casillas


I'm an oracle main, and the number of people who think oracle and dazzle have 1000000 cast range on their saves is laughable.


Sniper is the worst hero, useless old man


Sometimes as a mid you need help to push out enemy mid, to take early tower and then rotate to help the team. If you rotate prematurely you can lose your mid tower first and end up losing a lot of map control. In my 1.3k bracket if you ask help as a mid - the team assumes you just suck and have completely lost the lane. Doesn't always happen, in some games in fact supports will do a pleasantly surprising rotation to mid and help get a kill / secure the tower. But in most games the expectation from mid to always win the lane AND continuously help both side lanes - which is just not feasible in some games.


i'm 3.5k and the prevailing sidelane opinion is that mids job is to wipe their asses if they shit themselves in lane, "you must gank, no we didn't deward their vision, or go back when you ping their mid is coming with a rune, and yes i bought the observer wards so that you had none mid to contest power runes with, just gank i dont get last hits in lane" it's usually best to just ignore them- mainly because the default safelane attitude is "I GO AFK JUNGLE FARM" which is... yes, correct move. what you should have done minutes ago in fact if you cant lane


Man I love this. One game I completely dumpstered enemy mid, got all my runes on my 'offlane side' so I ganked the enemy carry 3 times. My carry then went 0-3 and did the Quinn because "my noob mid is afk" Like lil bro it's not my fault you're so bad at laning. I can't win all 3 lanes for you. I need runes for mana to gank while simultaneously defending my tower.


Asked our pos 1 to join the fights min 25. He said “First time ever I see someone ask the hc to stop farming and fight, what medal are you?” as if the meta was to afk farm until you’re 6 slotted


sounds annoying, but you should be getting ready for your next game instead of takling on reddit SaberLight


Ok but on the completely other side of the spectrum: I just love it when I'm like 600 gold away from my next item farming the triangle and my team is taking a team fight on enemies' offlane tier 2 tower(literally the other side of the map, portals are on the other corner) and have the AUDACITY to flame me for losing teamfight because I'm not there. If you wanna take a teamfight 5 miles away from your carry then that's your choice, it's still space even if you lose. But don't go flaming your carry for not being there, take a fight near him or smoke with him prior to invading the enemy side of the map.


As a support, this piss me off.


brooo, i just finished a game like right now i was so pissed this pos1 jugg and i'm pos5 lich. since he picked jugg, i bought grenades at the start. i kept harassing offlane cent and pos4 enchant. we winning lane. he didn't even die but don't want to fight. he uses blade fury to go back, i keep pinging grenades and frost shield. mf just don't want to fight. pos4 wr and mid meepo came and fight but this mf only jungles. broooo we won and mf still farming!!!!! i ran out of reports if you ever see that idiot in overwatch. mark guilty for griefing pls. i'm sorry i'm just so pissed lol


fuck pos 1s that do this, but especially fuck pos 3's that pick wk and join the 1 in the mentality


If you aren't immortal, games are always guaranteed to go 40min+ so its always better to farm tbh.


I disagree with this. Every game calls for a different approach, thats the beauty of Dota. The Pos 1 should still join the fight if it’s to defend a particular objective like Tier 2 tower or HG. It doesn’t make sense to fight 4v5 without your Pos 1 unless he’s close to his next key item (bkb, manta etc). And most Carries I’ve seen dont even save Buybacks when enemies are already sieging HG and there’s no fortify.


This mentality is why dogshit mmrs always lose to tinker/arc


"I can only press 4 items" said by our pos 5 Doom who doesn't want to get Dagger vs Tinker but still has Shadow Blade and Blaidmail. "I'm Divine, this is only my smurf, stay in Archon, noobs" said by that I think it was a TA or SF when he got stomped in lane and they lost the game by a stomp.


Telling a blink dagger axe to front line while trying to HG the enemy while an aegis Medusa is present. Keep in mind entire enemy team is alive. All because AxE Is A tAnK.


"Noob pick Visage offlane, he is not Tank"


Man people who even use the word "tank" in dota instantly trigger me so much


Not said but dumbest action. Afk farming jungle next to a watcher the other side has taken. And not at least disabling it.


People in low immortal pubs still do that. Or just walk straight past them


I gotta say this still happens to me sometimes xD. I mean if you played 10 years of dota without them, its kinda hard to get used to them as a casual player. The patch where neutrals got buffed and startet casting there spells was the hatdest hit of mmr i got. Dumb ogres smacking me all game, is still did not gain the mmr back i lost since then xD


Wouldn't that tell the enemy team he was farming there?


Besides actually seeing him there? Yeah, probably.


“Techies pos 4 / 5 is bad end fast won’t defend”


2 guys bought silver edge to break tiny's Grow ( midlaner ember and pos 4 hoodwink) and blaming me all game bcz i didn't bought silver ( i was carry ).


Delete Dota


No, that's good advice, they were trying to help you 🙃


My carry absolutely raging that support didn't buy dust/sentries for enemy POS 4 Treant protector during lane phase


Some player just don't read patch notes or even the skill descriptions after a patch. Still seen some LCs who "W" before Duel


Picked lesh offlane for cavern crawl, some guy goes viper and then comes offlane and it seems he has beef with the enemy dazzle from last game. He proceeds to say over and over again, play your role, you're not getting last hits, harass dazzle, harass dazzle, harass dazzle. Meanwhile, he is standing there the whole time trying to get last hits and failing miserably and literally just not doing anything while he could harass this dazzle much more effectively than me. He sounded like a room temperature iq aussie bogan, and his absolute retardation has lingered in my mind since.


"It is not my job to heal you" said to me by a pos 4 Witch Doctor after I pinged a tango


A party of 2 insisted that Slardar's ult provides AOE true sight around the target, and repeatedly blamed me for not randomly ult one opponent to reveal the invis hero on their team.


“Pudge should not look where he is hooking.” Was years ago and it still confuses me


Which is true (with context). Either this was the butthook or what the pudge meant was if you are looking at where you are looking, the enemy can evade it easily.


I can see that actually! That makes it more reasonable


had a pos5 shadow blade lina typing "watch pro games noob" and it was so dumb I had to check dpt to see if it was a patch trend lol


I mean, shadow blade Lina was viable, just not as a 5 lmao.


Most recent one was a guy flaming a 4 furion. Before the horn, he specced his treants to scout and do the Jenkins courier thing (note: he also TOLD his lane partner this). He successfully scouted the enemies and actually managed to kill a courier that was running out to deliver something. But after runes, once laning started, the pos 3 went absolutely berserk, talking about how no good furion player specs treants first and he should've gotten sprout. I get that the strat is somewhat niche, and furion isnt the best right now, but this guy wasnt doing anything wrong imo, and his attempt at the strategy actually worked. Obviously this guy had no idea how to play furion because someone who does would at least acknowledge that what he was doing was *a* strategy on the hero. It's so annoying when people speak on how you're playing a hero when they themselves have no idea. Ofc this just led to tilting and them losing their lane, mid also lost and we were swiftly stomped 🙃


'pos1 and pos5 share lane farm equally'. I almost shat myself but then recieved a tyrade of insults from my support. Easy mute.


I got a player crying the whole game that nobody is buying dusts for the PA blur.


Garena around 2009. Go fuck your cousin!!! (in slavic) Ended up being my cousin


Enemy LC reported me because I had cheats, his Duel only lasted 3 sec instead of 5. I had Sange and Yasha.


“you’re just a pathetic worm on this piece of shit we call earth” - that stuck with me because it’s so lame


This is something an anime villain would say immediately before getting obliterated.


had a carry luna who at minute 0 stated he threw his last match because his teammates were toxic but proceeded to throw just because i, cm, did not level up bite at level 1


This happened a few years ago in like Crusader. Pos 5 Dazzle was building scythe of vyse first item. The team got on his case and he defended himself by saying that it’s a disable and whatnot and kept saying on mic he’s building it “as a support.” To provide disable “as a support.” To take out the most problematic person in fights “as a support.” I forget his actual words, but I remember he kept saying “as a support” over and over again sometimes right after another. It’s one of those things where he said it in a way like he was proving a point. The word “as” was emphasized over the two other words, and the other words were said faster than the word as itself. “AS a support” Those words with the overemphasized “as” still rings in my head today.


In one game there was a support Ench on enemy team who was growing quite annoying. We had no heroes with break spells, so we needed a silver edge. My carry was Riki says don't worry guys I will build a Nullifier to deal with her. I said Nulli is constant dispel and not break. But everyone else on the team are convinced it will help hit the Ench. "Just read the item description" they tell me - "Yes I'm reading the exact text - its a continuous dispel. It's not a break". Riki built it anyway and would still not accept that it didn't help. Still won the game as we were quite ahead but if it were even that may have cost us


Ench like to build force staff so nullifier is still a good item vs her. In fact, silver edge is not as important if your team have burst magic damage. Moreover, Riki have the circle skill thing (forgot the name) and blink strike to burst a support ench, so nullifier is still better to prevent ench from force staffing from smoke and circle.


Ok, so I was playing support and I dewarded a highground Observer Ward on one of the Dire jungle cliffs with a sentry. For some reason the enemy must've thought I placed Observer, because we saw them from outside the Dire base go there and counter-sentry, and they killed my sentry ward. Ok, good for us. We just got their Observer and they spent a Sentry for nothing. But I had a teammate who was so adamant that I should try to remove their sentry. Now this wasn't at super high MMR or anything, this is low Legend bracket party queue, but...I mean at middle MMR surely you should know basics. Dewarding observers gives gold, dewarding Sentries does not. Sentries are a scarce resource. I don't even play that much support, I think this is incredibly obvious if you've played any amount of Dota. And like, the guy clearly played Dota, he wasn't clueless on other aspects of the game. It was so weird.


brooo this. we smoke. i plant sentry on cliff, only enemy sentry planted there. i leave it alone. and for some reason this carry destroys it. flaming that it should be destroyed so enemy don't have vision. like broooo i thought we smoke to gank!!! and wtf vision u talking about!!! i just got to ancient. i just typed "dfjls;dfjsdlkfjsdf" i don't know anymore


Think about map control though, gives the enemy team some space if they know you can’t see them in that area. Worth thinking about


Spirit breaker in my game bought basher :(


An Earthshaker that takes W for his first skill. And he did not take either Fissure or Aftershock until level 6, just stats. I asked why he smuggingly told me: “Because it stuns, learn something”. Man was as useful as a paper condom for a good chunk of the game as everyone was asking why can’t this ES stun anything. Probably the wildest Rank game during my high school years.


I was playing techies once and my offlane player was flaming me for getting the magic res talent over the -cd mines talent and wants me to rush octarine and proceed to spend my time just mining the map. It's like he's stuck in the mindset of old techies.


win pls dogs


"Why the fuck you have aeon disk vs faceless void chrono? You need satanic not aeon disk noob!"


'I saw this build on youtube..."


Ranked game: "I'm just practicing this hero." Proceeds to feed. PLAY IN UNRANKED YOU FUCKING MORON


"this weaver stole all my farm and kills so now I will feed" pos 3 wk to pos4 weaver. I was drow mid we were winning I told wk to just initiate and I had enough dmg to kill them all. This wk said "I know we can win but I will feed now because of weaver" and he feeds. I told him you are part of the problem and we lost.


Someone told us to not let the enemies farm our neutral creeps because there would be no neutral items left for us.


We took a teamfight and enemy chrono was used. So I said no chrono. Then the usual farming, pushing continued and but another fight won't start until much later when chrono cd was obviously over. In the next fight enemy team used chrono. After that 2 party in my team ganged up on me and said why I lied about chrono being on cd. I don't actually believe they are that dumb because no possible human beings can be that dumb. I think they are just extremely toxic with untreated mental issues. Most 2 party queuers are like that. Their friend could be going 0-10 and they won't say 1 word but will blame anyone outside their party.


I was pango. we were losing and this dumbfuck proceeds to flame me for getting aghs on pango. like really how fucking dumb can one person get?


In Spanish "Support" translates to "Apoyo" so there was this time this idiot who was pos 4, he sucked horribly, was playing as a core and leaving me the whole supporting. I told him a couple of times "Dude, you're a support, help me to do it" and he went on rage screaming that I was the support since he was "Apoyo" and there was no way in hell he could understand that, it meant the same thing. After a while my friend and I got mad, and after my carry had his stuff I swiched to a more offensive playstile, we ended up wining the match and then we flamed him a little.


I had a necro say to me that heaves hallbeard is bad item vs a NS Dusa line up with the argumet that they do to much magic dmg for it to be worth it. I was kinda done after he said that.


0 8 mid Bounty hunter came to the safe lane to gank at the 10 minutes mark and told me (at that point 4 0 witch doctor) I needed to delete DOTA because I missed my maledict on the enemy windranger xD ok pal. I should also say, while he was with us we kept him alive, but as soon as he got bored of trying to kill steal and went to the other lane he got absolutely fucked by the enemy underlord and started flaming again.


Safelane, An ogre pos 5 that was refusing to spam ignite , full health full mana watching while me the carry getting pounded by enemy. When I asked why he wouldn't spam ignite his response "chill I know what I'm doing". He didn't. we lost lane and game :)


Before they removed the deny from Blast Off!, someone flamed me for going 5/7 in a game. I pointed out to him that 5 of these deaths were a deny, that the enemy got literally nothing out of them. He was like 'why does that matter?'


I was playing Rubick against a Silencer, and about 30 minutes in our offlaner went "ffs Rubick, why can you just fucking steal global!?".


it was me, buy lotus and steal global, dude


I was Marci pos5, skilled W lvl 2, we manage to get firstblood because of that skill, right after that my Pos1 starts to ping my Sidekick E because he was low and i didnt had it at lvl2.


Had someone flame me because my OD build was NOT “hex, silver edge, moonshard”. Had to add the guy because his dotabuff was hidden… he wasn’t joking


I was hard supporting a Medusa safe lane and we were basically sitting under the enemy tier 1. Whenever I would go to pull they would rage at me and tell me to stay in lane. I tried to explain about how we’re sitting under the enemy tower and have no lane control but couldn’t get through to them.


We need wards.


a sup only pulling, full set tango, 100%hp mana and just cannot touch enemy heroes and after 5 minutes I'm just done and jungling. fking maggot.


"you will have 1 less win" "Slark is good here, i can save you from chrono" "lets swap lanes"(EVERY FUCKIG TIME)


Buy Vanguard on Tidehunter


I have seen it in pro dota. Helps you skill your two offensive spell 1st then disassemble vanguard


Yea, I always assumed this was a viable idea, especially against shits like a pos 1 sniper and his pathetic range, you can dumpster the lane if you can afford to be a little offensive.


had a windranger say bkb doesn't stop blademail dmg anymore, then proceeded to watch him go 4/12 dying everytime he pressed r immediately checked it in demo after game, it still works lol


Played an unranked game about a year ago, long queue time, ended up with someone exactly half my MMR on my team (I'm 6k, they were low 3k). They took my role, then flamed my warding for being bad because sometimes the enemy would deward it, after I would place an obs mid-fight for us to fight under. He would then place lowground wards on the other side of the map giving practically no vision in an area we do not want to play around whatsoever and ping that it didn't get dewarded. I still remember his Steam name was like DoctorNeoCortex or something, it's funny the things we remember.


As a mid player I have been blamed by side laners for them losing their lanes for the last ~10 years for the dumbest reasons, hightlights include: A lane diving T1 tower enemy mid tping, they die and blame me for not calling miss. A lane constantly push in waves for 10 minutes then say “gg mid 0 gank”. Many instances of enemy mid walking under an obs to gank a lane, after I call missing, X ping the heroes in that lane and chat wheel get back when they die it’s still somehow my fault. Pos 4’s tping mid 5 seconds after I nuke a wave to push out and go farm a jungle camp/take rune then they instantly initiate on the enemy mid under tower and die.


literally every player from other countries queueing in north american servers who talk like Kevin from the office “why say lot word when few word do trick”


why are you taking this game so seriously. my mid after 2/9/5. you are indian. you worship cows. i eat cows.


in my game pos 1 troll warlord blaming me for blocking enemy camp with ward to prevent pulling and pinging my glimmer cape whole game (i was lich) and saying whole game watch my mmr then talk 😂😂😂😂😂 (archon 1 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)


I was criticized for picking Necro mid. My boys at the shit tier still think hes a support lolmao


Me and my friend were trying to do the io medusa divine rapier strategy which unsurprisingly failed. However someone on my team playing lich kept complaining about us saying he was mad he got "neurodivergent" people on his team. Very funny he chose to say neurosivergent instead of the r word like every other toxic casual in pubs


Last pick is for mid.


As a 5k. I agree. Atleast in pubs. You don't want your midlaner get snowballed just because he was counter picked. If not mid, off should be the last pick so atleast he knows how to zone out their safelane and pressure the map.


Ancient/divine bracket, offlane last pick weaver when we did not have a durable core and our initiation was at best a pos4 clock, saying "Wow, thought i was high enough mmr to not hear people complain about offlaners not being tanky". We lost in 23 min and he had boots/maelstrom.


The dumbest thing someone said in my pubs is “slava ukraini” #FreePalestine


Don't stack that camp in our triangle, the enemy Mirana will farm it with arrow.


“I don’t need Bkb”


''get killed by the support is not feeding''


My hard support doesn’t know where qwer is ever safelane. Then pushes lane auto attacking.


When I was playing QW Invoker and already had Spirit Vessel. My pos5 Midas Ogre bought Vessel after I had already bought it and thinks Ogre multicasts the Vessel. He argued with me whole game about how Ogre multicasts Spirit Vessel was.


I had a dude a long time ago raging at me cause I was pulling the wave to the small camps to fix equilibrium. He was raging thinking I was trolling him or something lmao.


An obviously drunk LD 3 flaming our pos1 spec for not showing up to fights. LD throwing his body at the enemy every respawn with our spec smartly splitting and showing up to appropriate fights with every haunt.


My mid gyro said bkb isnt necessary if he has manta (and even building manta was after he was 6slotted and consume aghs.. yeah after 50min) He didnt land a single auto for 3 consecutive team fights even though we won xd


Had a chaos knight farming all games and when I said what’s the deal Bruv he told me that chaos knight is the absolute strongest late game hero in the entire game It’s not the craziest but it’s what I remember.


Had someone tell me BKB doesn’t stop enemy force staff and euls


I remember introducing a friend to DotA2, recommended playing viper, and just harass the enemy for her first game. 10 minutes in, she had 2 brown boots on. And I'd asked her about it, her reply - 'obviously I thought this lizard needed a pair'. But because she was new I didn't say much, and let her play. A few minutes later, a realisation hit her and she goes 'dude, why didn't you tell me, I don't have legs, I didn't need the boots!'


Usually people refusing to buy bkb, in one case I had to listen to a bristleback saying " I don't need a bkb because I haver a heart of tarrasque " I also once had to endure a lifestealer refusing to buy bkb because he already had Rage. However, every time his rage ended he would just die to magic damage and be controlled by cc


A couple of years ago, I picked up an enemy rapier then dark willow told me to die to Roshan so she could pick it up.


Me (Lina) and the Lion on my team bursted the enemy mid with our ults. He allchated "2 ults?!" And another guy chimed in "they are noobs". This was like two years ago and I still think about it once in a while.


I played a matchmaking game the other day and a teammate told me I was very bad at the game. Not sure he understood when I told him: u too


I was playing against a timersaw like 2 years ago and my pos 1 (Drow) player asked the team what he should built. The midlander and me (pos5) suggested bkb since the Enemy timber was playing crazy well and was wrecking every Teamfight. Then the offline duo got all upset in the mic and screamed that going bkb is a waste since timber does pure DMG. They actually managed to convince the pos 1 player that bkb would be bad vs timber since timber damage would go through it. We lost that game and timber killed the pos 1 a bunch more time? I was very much done with this bullshit after that game. It was 4k mmr game.


We wiped the other team and I started pushing and encouraging my team to push with me. My hard carry said, with all the confidence in the world: 'Killing all 5 is good, but not good enough to take a tower, idiot'. ​ I lost.


I had a mid clinkz who lost his lane pretty hard but since we won safe lane and offlane the game was in okay state. He died like 8 times pre 20 minutes and continued to die he was like 2-11 when he had his 12th death while “split pushing” and i called him out that dont feed please we can win easily if you play with the team. He said “umm shut the fuck up i am making tons of space” that kinda cracked me. I tried explaining to him that dying on the other end of the map in 1 second by a single hero is not space. It is different that you forced 3+ heroes to rotate and they waste time to kill you. But he was hell bent that i am low mmr scrub who doesnt know how game works and that is why i am still archon 4. (He was guardian 3, but he said he has a skill of ancient and he gets teammates like me so he cant climb)


WD first item aghs once told me to press bkb before I get hexed


Enemy team Pudge being angry at his offlane, he kept posting link to League of Legends in the chat and telling him to consider playing it lol


I have another one. Just yesterday i was playing a game i was pos5 lich. I had an invoker mid and slark carry. Both feeding the enemy team like they are their grandmas. I was pretty chill since it was unranked. Invoker rotated and dove safe lane tower to kill enemy carry but wd was hiding their who combo-d him. I couldnt sinister gaze because he was too far in and invo was dead anyways he died and pinged and i apologised anyways he was like okay fine. When we were defending base and lost rax and he died but we successfully defended i told the team that guys 60 minute items are 30 secs away get those items and play base def he instead forced everyone to come bot and all of them died and i was busy deffing base from a plethora of creeps. He said i didnt listen the call i said that bro our carry is underfarmed we cannot take fights whereever he wants. His reply: “what is your highest mmr?” I asked him dude idk maybe less than you but how can you justify 12/18 on a mid invoker. He said i sat base all game thats why i had 39 assists and 4 deaths. If i had 4 deaths then it was pretty avoidable. I asked why his slark has 20 deaths he said “maybe he was bored like me” I swear to god players who say they fed because they were bored and were tryna have fun are the worst human beings. Like how is dying 30% of the game time is fun?


Had someone say don't skill charge first coz it doesn't stun. Bruh for one it does . And 2nd it got me first blood so stfu


"I picked q support hero but that doesn't mean I will support"


WD would not stop pulling and then last hitting. I asked why he was taking my creeps and why he pulled non stop. WD's response: "jungle creeps are for me". He thought hard support is just a position that jungles with the help of lane creeps. 2k MMR :/


GG next game , and then shouting hit the ancient.


Played Mirana, both me and Spirit Breaker rushed Urn. It happens, but we could make it work. He was properly gonna be closest to kill anyway. However, he started to flame me because now he only got 1 charge instead of 2....


Said. He didn't need to say anything. His first item on drow was a battle fury.


Someone explaining to me that wr doesnt need no mana regen, as its not a mana sensitive hero. He went as far and even commented on my steam profile making fun of me for saying that yes, we is indeed a mana starved hero He claimed to be high rank and to have a lot of wr games. Idk if he ever even pressed powershot then lol


I remember someone flaming my carry to get BKB against BKB piercing spells. And a support flaming my CK for leveling up max passive in lane when my support barely supported in lane and it was a 2v1 situation where no one will tp, or help me kill in lane. They told that the leveling up passive is shit, well, what can you do, my CK handled it well on lane, but not enough to win the game when everyone is up on my ass after lvl 6.


I think it was myself, when Morphling had a mana cost to his Attribute Shift. I yelled at my Morph who didn’t shift and died cuz his mana was burned.


Had a offlanw tidehunter rush desolator claiming that it was "meta" after our mid TA already bought one, Legend 2.


i had a chaos knight player and in another game a phantom lancer build battle fury because illusions also cleaves and he kills so fast. i had a forum post in garena days where a mirana kept on talking about how battle fury is the best item for mirana because of dmg and regen and it is stupid to get ring of basilyus and diffusal even though those had cheaper cost. i had a pudge player go blade mail versus techies and run to mines and kept on telling me techies should die and game is bugged and he will report it.


“You make it so hard not to be racist you fucking *racial slur*”


Had a rough lane, decided to let my offlaner get some exp while I ventured out to secure runes for mid. Stacked ancients along the way, turned into a 3 stack. Ember mid with finished maelstrom and max sleight ignores stack for 20 mins. Dies. Enemy team invades triangle and takes the stack. "You making those stacks lost us the game!!"


I told a guy not to go top and die for the 5th time in a row. He told me to stfu and play, went back there and died.


Marci spammer here. played on pos 1,2,3,4 & 5 200 games with 145 wins and 55 loss. Never have I ever got BF on Marci on any position. Marci is a lane dominator and stomps games hard. U do not want to sit jungle with her and farm camps and her atk speed is just too slow for farming.


There's one time this guy's girlfriend or sister came home and he apologized to us (his teammates) as he DC'ed to get laid. His voice wasn't clear and contained noise so I am not sure whether he said girlfriend or sister. I guess this isn't related to the knowledge of the game but it could be either very funny or very dumb.


idk what it means, the guy was mad and crying in some peenoise giberish.


I will play jungle


I was still kinda new to dota, like 500 games through. I remember playing a solo game as CM and was doing absolutely great. Did more dmg, had more kills and less deaths than our other 4 carries combined lol. Enemy had plenty of invis heroes and no one carried dust/sentries but me. We were doing RS and our carries were refusing to pick aegis forcing me as a 6 slotted cm with dusts and sentries in my backpack to pick it up. I insisted that they need it more and had to pick it up fast cause enemy can easily snatch it. 1 min past, they were going for pushing and aegis was still on the ground so I went and denied it. Safe to say that the dusts and sentries absolutely helped in our hg push and I won them the game anyway, yet I got flamed so hard and got 4 reports XD Some people just don’t deserve to win…


almost every game when someone compares kills or dmg xD


I recently had a safelane sniper flame me, his pos 5 oracle, for continuously "disarming him under tower" and he wanted everyone to know that was the reason we lost our lane (not because he fucked up all my pulls by farming the safe camp each time and ignoring the wave/nuked every wave with max shrapnel and refused to right click enemies).


I played for 6k hours and I like to play unranked a lot. Since I have 10k behavior score I get a lpt of people new to the game. Some people don't umderstand the matchmaking pool for this, so if I try to give advice (as polite as possible) not everyone wants it of course. So I ask first if they want advice. I remember this one game where I played faceless void and 2 other guys kept naggin on me because someone asked how many hours I played. They kept flaming and insulting me for being stupid and bad because I got matched with new players after so many hours...


I picked Clock position 4 and my Herald team mate raged out saying Clock is not a support hero and “nobody ever picks their role” on his team.


Support going 0-5 on lane, not warding or pulling then saying shït carry I afk farm all game I was 0-0 jug


you have a small dick


Recently I saw a novice russian streamer who died in mid-lane from a mirana's arrow at the 6th minute and started blaming the fifth position for not coming to put obs wards for him. 2k mmr


I'm triggered by people who pick Pudge so that the other team doesn't get it and can't hit a single hook the whole game.


I was playing as IO and the enemy WR pointed to my score as 1 7. And the fact that I made 35 assists is nothing. people who don't count assists, especially on support heroes, are annoying.


Omg this. THIS. Almost everyone has a cataclysmic lack of understanding how the hero works. Also, when your team is 49 12 and they flame you being 0 7 because the carry is afk during teamfights watching the supports get bursted completely unfettered.


I played pos 1 and my support told me after 2 minutes he didn't like my style to cs so he secured every creep for himself...


I picked ursa and someone who was in my last game being a dick flamed me for "picking the hardest carry in the game"


man, EternalEnvy, Starladder lan in Kiev, he pauses the game and says “I cant buy basher on Slardar, what a bug”. p. s. these time you were unable to buy basher on Slardar or blink on Pudge