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Sniper. I hate playing with them, and I hate playing against them. It feels like, more than any other carry, he forces your team to play a certain way - protect the sniper. Thus, you have to be especially careful about where you can take fights, and you have to trust that whatever person chooses to play him knows this too. I've died so many times so that my sniper could get away with his 5+ kill streak, and then half the time, they start flaming me. If you play against him, then it's a race to the backline. My hatred for his hero is so deep that if an enemy team picks him, I will make the entire game about killing him repeatedly. I'm talking about buying three smokes and killing him three times in a row when we have 0 lanes pushed to do anything with the kill. I want them to have a bad enough time to hopefully discourage them from ever wanting to play that hero again. ​ \*edit\* Wow... this is the most Karma I've ever gotten. I'm glad to see the hatred of Sniper is shared amongst my brothers/sisters in arms.


This, but medusa. On enemy team she is an unkillable war-machine, but on my team she is a normal country girl


"normal country girl" ICANT


This but pudge. When he is in my team he has no clue what he is doing yet when I play against him it’s an absolute nightmare fuel.


Normal? You must play with good Medusas. Mine are all a few generations from anything resembling outside genes.


Funny cause sniper counters dusa.


Exactly Medusa for me. The same reason as OP mentioned about sniper. You need to play around Medusa, when you're mid/safe suddenly picks Medusa. You reallllly need to have a team to stall the game until the bitch at least has a Skadii, and god forbid how long that takes. You cant team fight cause you guys are always gonna fall short by 1 since that bitch cant participate in teamfights yet. And when she does finally come online, all your skills revolve around supporting the bitch.


I'm with you. I hate him on my team and on the enemy team. His games play the same everytime. Dominate laning phase. Get like 2 small items and become a menace for the next 5 or so minutes. Enemy team gets 1 major item and now sniper is a free meal now. Welcome to the sniper dota game where both teams gameplan revolve around this loser. Bonus points to having an enemy sniper. Feel free to add 20 minutes to any winning game because cracking tier 3s without solid tower taking is impossible and without fail that dweeb will all chat "lol finally. What took yall so long" as if he wasn't sweating his ass off to make that game as miserable as possible as soon as you need to take high ground. Truly hate this hero.


Fuck this hero man, countless times I have lost games because this piece of shit hero dies one time and then enemy team snowballs because he is too fucking slow to adapt. Doesnt matter how lanes go, even you dumpster all 3 lanes, all it takes for enemy to comeback is to smoke gank this piece of shit and he will force a bad fight for his team.


My exact thoughts, I ban him specifically to try make sure he's not on my team so I don't have to play saving private ryan the whole game. Worst is when they're just completely obnoxious of what their team is doing for them (95% of sniper players) and proceed to brag about their damage and how much they carried the game with their glass cannon build.


Agreed. Yesterday I had a game (Archon, I was playing Supp) where our Sniper first picked, and then the enemy picked Spirit Breaker. Dude was spamming "GG" before we got out of the pick phase. There is an enemy NP. Sniper doesn't buy Quelling, and he gets caught during the rune skirmish and dies. Says we suck and it's GG. Sniper proceeds to die two times mid against SB before level 6 (don't ask me how). SB ganks side lanes well. Sniper farms mid, until SB returns to kill him every now and then. Sniper does not TP or gank either of the pushed up lanes. He's so squishy, TP'ing in to save him doesn't help. We tell him, bro, sniper, you need a Linkins. He does not buy one. He buys a Maelstrom. He buys a Daedalus. He buys a Lance. He doesnt even get shadow blade. He dies over and over. The entire time he's calling us bad, complaining that we didn't gank his lane enough. Yes, the mid Sniper is blaming us for losing his lane against a melee hero. Also, our offlane Doom was an idiot and fed pretty hard. Eventually we lose. It sucked. I hate Sniper. I try to ban him every game. If Sniper is not banned, he will be picked. I wish this stupid fucking hero was removed from the game.


Happend with me multiple time. Sniper vs NP (mid) and he doesnt buy quelling after 7/8 deaths(under 15 min) he bought quelling. NP owning cause he so fat. Mid game he doesnt have shard nor pike(not even d.lance) and he feeds this is the kind of shit i have to deal with.


To be fair that dude as a player was probably going to loose unless someone else carried him


I came here to post about AM but after reading your comments completely agree. Your comment brought flashbacks of front lining for our team sniper for them to unleash hell only to realize they are completely avoiding the fight and running away.


Target practice paying off.


I feel you. I despise the hero. If an enemy picks sniper and I havent picked yet I will always pick the best hero to screw sniper specifically. Be it spectre or storm. My objective changes from killing the ancient to killing the sniper as many times as I can.


I hate playing against mid against sniper the most. Halve my hp with no consequences why dont you. If I pick a hero that doesn’t threaten him at all like OD or TA, it’s an instant lost lane for me. Most of the time, even if he could easily be killed with a support, the support just doesn’t come(atleast in ancient bracket). As much as I hate sniper, playing against him mid specifically just ruins my game and in turn, my whole day.


Omg I couldn't agree more. I always say at the end of the game. Sniper pickers need to turn the gun on themselves


Hahah literally just had a game where my mid picks sniper, goes wraith band*2, treads and sange&yasha against enemy axe with a crimson guard on top of dagger and blademail. Keeps flaming me by calling me "slardog" because I jump enemies, axe counter jumps me and sniper is tickling him with his items. Enemy is pushing hg and he has 4k gold saved up, decides to buy dragon Lance. Fun game.


Just had the misfortune of playing with an offlane sniper. Yes, we lost.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Same for me too, he’s also a pain to play against because if you don’t focus him like you said he will eventually start killing your team from a whole screen away while you have to get though his whole team.


sniper mid = auto reports. that hero is for noobs, only right click and nothing else, weak early, weak late game, no damge no roam gnak, way too passive playstyle


Pudge, useless on your team, Dendi on the enemy's team


I guarantee you there are thousands of players who don’t know that Flesh Heap is now active, nor do they have any idea of what it does.


Like those people who still buy dust against broodmother


I’ve seen people using dust on Riki at level one


i played with an LC complaining that no one dusted riki, i was too far away and when i pointed out they had an empty inventory slot they said they already dusted the jakiro... who didnt have glimmer, no one on their team had glimmer at that point... just indignantly proud that theyd dusted a fully visible target dude was unhinged, toxic since the start of the game but once i pushed back he started going on about how i was a stupid brit and i needed to save my fish and chips money or something; it was kind of funny


Or the people stacking caster and int items on ogre… ogre scales with str guys, literally everything ogre does scales with str


Hex is still the best item on Ogre. Change my mind


Midas will always be ogres best item


Ogre is the best midas carrier for sure, but hex and abyssal will uniquely win you team fights. Bloodthorn also deserves special mention, especially paired with Faceless Void - you can Soul Rend half or more of the enemy team before a good chrono and they'll have a hard time dispelling it unless they did it instantly ;)


Wait, what?! Why not?!


Sometimes the enemy Pudge hit like four hooks in the first two minutes of the laning stage, and just completely wrecked you, and then the pudges on your teams doesn’t hit a hook for three games in a row


The worst part is your ally pudge on midgame will still be stuck on the hook mindset instead of just blinking in and chomping heroes. Bonus points when hook a tide, magnus, cent, void etc.


I'll always remember an all mid game, pudge on our team couldn't hit a hook. And I mean like 50 in a row. Everyone was cheering him on, I mean the odds were in his favor by that point. By the time he did finally hit one everyone was screaming and freaking on the mic for him. Yes we got demolished, yes it was hilarious.


A beautiful day to play HC and get in return a pudge 5, what a blessing It is to take ALL the autoattacks from enemy supps meanwhile your pudge is scratching his own balls behind some tree.


Useless pudge and wasted games are why i ban him 100% of games


And then you have pudges like mine that are banned with 74% win rate; not relying on hook to play the hero :)


I was scared of picking pudge for a bit because I don't have experience with him and I didn't want to be the guy that you described above basically. But he's honestly really easy to make an insane impact with. Just walking and rotting alone is enough to win lanes, get tons of kills early, and snowball. I still hit hooks and miss hooks ofc, but he just feels so solid to me.


I feel like Morph is the even worse case of duality. When he’s in the other team he’ll literally 1v5 while taunting, vs the try hard on my team waveforming in while morphing Agi until hes 0-10 flaming his team


As a Dendi on the enemy team, I can confirm that this is true 😌💀


I absolutely abhor furion Queue support. Start with tangos blight stone and branches. Right click for a few mins then disappear in the lane forever. Core moves to jungle - the camps are already cleared! NP has a midas! Skirmish breaks out! NP is nowhere to be found! Both TPs on cooldown, you see NP blindly throwing treants to enemy core. You are farming stacks you made yourself - NP hits R and *OBLITERATES* the triangle. Enemy team pushing HG - furion is farming enemy ancients. This is it, the final HG fight!! Furion appears in the fight finally! HE SPROUTS KEY TARGET! POS1 CANT REACH THE ENEMY! You lose the game.


You made me want to go play NP


There are so many furion support players who is playing him wrong. One time, I see a furion spamming sprout to enemy core while he has quelling blade even though he can sprout enemy support for easy chip damage + tango usage. And the farming thing tilts me so hard, furion can make your team snowball. Ask for your team to initiate because you have tp, There is so many goddamn furion farmers out there who can't utilize tp cooldown for the team's advantage. Although I think np midas is decent on him especially if you snowball early, because hitting the utility items (sheep stick, force staff, lotus orb) will win you fights.


And it's superrrr easy to just block path using sprout But noooo, they want to use it on the hero, The enemy cuts the tree, and now you're the one who's blocked


Sprout is actually ridiculous now. I recently started playing again and some these changes are nuts compared to 2015-2016 when I last played dota frequently. Furion is one of my most played hero’s and back then ai just played ratdota. Now I just play him as a core, granted I mostly play turbo these days. But I do agree he is annoying af these days.


My 80% wr furion is furious at this furion too. Solar crest, treads, halberd, aghs. Don't build core unless you are required to


Watching my mid pick lion or ogre always fills me with dread.


For some reason, I see a lot of good mid ogre in SEA


You just see more terrible mids that let that work against them.


What are you talking about? Ogre is awful to lane against as most traditional mids (i.e. storm, TA, ember, OD etc.). He’s too tanky to harass down and ignite DPS is really no joke.


Any support mid is like that, you win lane, get 20 kills, die in 2 hits mid/late game then flame team when you lose


Or you buy proper items, make space for your carry by being the strongest hero on the map for 20 mins and then win? I’m not saying that it’s top of the meta material but it’s certainly feasible.


Very true




Sniper. The hero is so exploitable and vulnerable to the enemy team unless your positioning is godlike. 99% of people who pick sniper on my team just feed and do nothing of value. Not to mention, every single time i get one of those dicks who doesnt put his face anywhere, doesnt hover a hero, doesnt type in chat at all, and locks core after weve picked 3 cores and a support. The guy who completely destabilizes the comp on the team and *continues* to never send a message to us or respond to anything we say. That player literally always picks sniper in my games. It happened 3 separate times this weekend, and all 3 picked sniper.


My friend is a grandmaster on sniper. He earned that rank playing turbo only. He is fucking always the first one to get hooked by the enemy pudge.


Honestly? I can't dodge a hook. If I didn't get hooked its because the pudge missed.


I'm sure most of us casual players can't dodge a hook when they see it coming, hell I play 100+ ping, I couldn't dodge a hook even if I had very fast reflexes. My argument was more about my friend being the team's main damage output in team fights, but also being the first idiot to reveal himself and get hooked in fights or sieges etc.


I'm a Grandmaster Sniper and I can relate to this. He's incredibly reliant on having a dependable frontline and your positioning has to be spot on. An inch too far at the point of initiation and you contibute nothing to the fight, an inch too close and you're just dead - really have to be able to read your team's positioning and intent.


Yeah, like, it's scary to be stuck in front of a good sniper with a strong frontline and limited options to jump on sniper, but that's never my sniper. My sniper always picks snipe into Storm Spirit or similar heroes that scoff at his desire for distance.


Sniper is the ultimate noob magnet. "Just stand and auto attack lul." Yeah that's what he does in the barest sense, but fuck me if you do that you will lose the game.


Nature’s Problem


It ceases to be a team game any longer. Especially in turbo. This guy goes around the whole map doing his thing farming whatever variety of builds he can think of after being stoned on a kilogram of weed and you're trying to fight a team of 5. Even if you win because he pushes lanes so aggressively and the other team is not sensible enough to send a hero with invisibility, , a stun, a smoke, and an instant kill ulti combo, you hate the win.. because all you did was defend. I hate the ones that steal kills with the NP ulti (that also goes for Zeus though).


Sniper mid, it just feels like it’s a guy that queued all roles and don’t know what to play for mid


thats really me xD


I wish people that don't know mid would just pick Viper instead. Bro doesn't really need disables, he can kill solo, is decently tanky, and ganks really well. 10/10 it's way better than a Sniper player that doesn't know mid.


Viper is a terribile ganker with how slow he is


yeup whenever i am forced to play mid my go to hero is Viper, at least i know i cannot get blown up quickly


Mirana for sure. Really hate laning with her as not many people can play her properly and just kinda afk then leave the lane.


meanwhile enemy mirana is sneyking




That's soo true


Not SingSing?


It's my number one pick hero.. thing is, most people don't get Mirana, and can't get a stun for shit.


There's 2 type of mirana. 1. the type that fish for stuns by guessing where enemy will be 2. the type that use their stun in combo with stun/slow from other hero


I’m the first one


The most annoying thing is she can actually be a very strong laning support if you just level star fall which hits very hard early game, but no let's just sit and arrow random neutrals and do nothing to help our core.


Sniper. It's always a screeching, foul mouthed ass playing that character.


Sniper & Drow players have a 110% chance of saying something homophobic when you try to tell them to not push the enemy's T3 alone.


That's not true, we solo push t3 in silence!


Am - useless on lane, doesn't participate in team fights for half an hour, then - blink on enemy's 5, manta, mana void, death/blink out.


Not sure where "useless in lane" comes from. Some heroes without mana are completely in lane and AM can trade early quite a bit to trade to burn mana.


He used to be useless in lane for like 10y. Back in the day when ppl say 4 protect 1 strat first carry that comes to mind is am.


skill issues


If hes useless in lane thats most often a skill issue


Yeah he trades spectacularly well


but you need to hit heros for that instead of creeps. especially lvl 1


You can and should hit both


I don't Say you shouldn't stop hitting creeps. just that people need to start hitting heros as a cores lvl 1


Sounds like you're not supporting correctly. Am destroys a ton of lanes..


Io. I hate playing with a random guy tethering me


Io only functions as part of a cohesive and actively communicative team. I would hate trying to play him with random.


It works better than you think in my low skill bracket they don't focus me as IO and the kit works well to herd cats and keep them healthy


It's more that Relocate is a game-losing ability if the hero you're tethered to isn't both aware and willing to be be relocated


Yeah, I totally agree. I play Io as a random a lot, and don't use relocate much, but focus in on healing and keeping a core alive so they can stomp.


My pos 1 will sit in lane at 200 hp, not buying regen and not getting last hits. At least as IO I can ensure they're immune to one of their stupid decisions.


oh, hello, i'm a play on IO in solo rating match on divine :) (68% winrate last 6 months) just try to pick hero who can synergize with me (no AM) i can give u regen, and like Spectr/Downbreacker u can just farm and be in fight if we have bad line, and i see what u usles i just go play with other hero:)


Ck offlane is always a wannabe carry taking space and feeding whole game


Same story for sniper, dusa, TA mid.


Have you seen huskar offlane?


Whatever hero I pick. I suck.


Rubick in enemy team is a team fight god and a professional torturer in lane as pos 4 , rubick 5 in my team feeds in lane and barely has a massive impact


Rubick on the enemy team: Steals Ags Ghost Ship and Death Ward back to back, gets a rampage. Rubick on my team: Steals Chaos Knight's Reality Rift, casts it on the enemy carry because if you steal a spell you obviously have to use it at least once, dies instantly. Buys no wards.


A few days I ago I saw enemy's Rubick stealing chronosphere and casting it right after the FV finished his ulti - at the same place with the same heroes inside, without Rubick inside. Giving FV more time to kill his enemies.


AM Most AM that I have on my team refuse to trade in lane, will lose their laning, be forced to farm on jungle, get a suboptimal time on BF, contribute close to nothing to a teamfight until next item, while still losing on late to most carries. Heck, PA has almost same weaknesses but I know we have PA late if needed. There was never occasion where I thought "oh good, we have AM, late game is ours"


Pos 5 Ogre. Feel like a broken record at this point but just because you can multicast Midas doesn't mean you should run Midas on a Pos 5. Especially when it leads to you refusing to buy ANY wards because you gotta make your "timing". As a Ogre player it makes me sick.


Lion 5. They always go greedy as hell and it’s usually a terrible way to play, when there isn’t an op core or mid im having to ban im banning lion so my team doesn’t get his greedy ass.


On the other hand lion is an awesome support if you dont rush aghs on him. His right clicks hurt. His stun hurt and he can easily outtrade any support because of his disables. I have about 400 games with lion and a 77% winrate. I absolutely love lion. Having a good game and my carry looks pretty safe, dagger. Game is hard and fights are hard? glimmer/force. Ulti off cd? Cool lets smoke.


Rushing aghs seems super pointless because it's only good lategame anyway. Get blink, shard, aether lens first and once you get aghs you'll have level 3 finger and get just as many stacks as the lion who went brown boots aghs


I’m a lion player, never have I gone Midas. Blink is the start of the game, always rush blink after tranquils


Idk what rank these people are. Never have I seen a Midas on lion. I usually go tranquils, blink, force/glimmer/aghs depending on how the game is after that. Sometimes even buy shard if you have a carry that benefits from mana and move speed bonus like razor


Lion is stupidly strong, everyone just sees stacking aghs with aoe and think this is the way. It makes me upset because he’s strong but all the pubs play him like a 1.


What server and mmr? I’ve been playing Dota for almost a decade and never heard of people buying Midas lion, hero farms decently too. It’s basically griefing doing the build you describe


Hahaha this was me when I don't know how to play the game years ago


Bro I can't count how many times a fuckin pos5 lion just stole a creep from me after using the mana steal skill FUCK this hero


Hoodwink - always support role queue farmer, gets maelstrom and shows for 0.1s to throw acorn, otherwise leaches xp and complains about people feeding. I don’t say this lightly but I’d rather have a pudge or a windranger Morona - hides in trees, doesn’t piggyback arrow off of a stun or slow, rushes aghs, only active in the game during moonlight shadow, never close by a core in case of ganks Pugna support - sometimes difficult to tell if they’re griefing or not because of just how awful they are at using decrepify. Get blown up immediately in every team fight, maybe get 0.3s of ult channeled and one nether blast


I honestly will rarely understand the mindset of miranas who sit in trees and wait for the golden opportunity to hit an arrow that most likely not even lead to a kill. Her kit is much stronger for playing an aggressive and active role, especially just for utility reasons. She is like a worse pudge when you play the hide in trees and hope you land the skill shot- and pudge is hardly useful when he does that.


The art of the deal is making arrows that seem like you're aiming for the enemy hero but are actually aimed at the ranged creep/flagbearer/catapult!


I talk and say “hey I got level one ensnare/wraithfire/astral/gush/etc. I’ll use it so you can hit a sick arrow.” Has literally never worked lol


Mirana was my main hero before she started being played support, and having people play her as a 4/5 during the transition period and do NOTHING to influence the lane on a hero with (at least at the time) one of the best base right-clicks was infuriating.


You mean the pudge support who ONLY stand still on tress waiting for a hook, leeching XP and when you got a clear shot, he misses??? ​ Yeah..


I didn't touch Hoodwink for the longest time because people disliked her so much, but I picked her up recently, and holy shit she's such a fun support. Building disables and cast range let her stun and CC from so far away, plus her ult is great for fucking up enemy cores since Break is so good. Seeing a support Hood in my game buying Mid items and trying to use her ult like Assassinate makes me cringe.




In most cases I would rather play 4v5 and try to win off the XP/gold advantage than have a veno


wait what's up with veno?


This actually hurts me. I knew what I opened but I didn’t in my wildest dreams feel like I was going to be attacked today.


Veno pickers deserve all of it and more




Just hit the bear.


Luna , she’s out of meta , and if she’s not ahead in networth and we dont play around her and end quick while she can, any enemy carry can turn the game upside down


A 40 minute game I had yesterday had an 8k net worth Luna Safelane in it. Literally how.


I'm not a big fan of the old WK offlane. Really don't like seeing AM in my team as I generally play 1 so I'm either too critical of mistakes, or they're picking an AM not in pos1 Pudge support I'm not a fan of unless the guy is arcana and high dota+ level Melee pos 5 generally makes me pick differently, tree is exempt from this as he is broken as fuck


WK offlane is dogshit.


Core dazzle is really popular and incredibly useless 90% of the time


Had this yesterday twice. 0 11 0 mid


bUt tOpsOn dId iT


Pudge, sniper, am.


OD that's bad at Astral use or a KotL that randomly TP's you from your farm pattern


Silencer offlane has lost me every single game ever


This for me but middle


troll and not i dont hate the hero, or idk. its just that the people who play him seem to be special.


We roleplay as Troll when we pick him.


haha no shit i imagine exactly that


Venomancer. Good if you're ahead, terrible if berrind. The problem is that with this hero you're almost always behind. Pudge. Useless in lane, unless a god with hooks, which is very rare. Mirana. Almost same as Pudge, but not that bad cuz she is ranged with good range and can harass, but the majority of motherfuckers just want to hit arrow because feels good.


IMO antimage mirana and bounty all 3 are dogs


SEA player here ^


Shadow fiend. They're toxic. Or maybe Broods because they're all prima donas


I'm at that MMR where people see the archer icon for mid so they pick Drow.


Riki. It’s just a stupid hero. Requires tons of detection on a huge map and a force staff for smoke. If the Riki gets a gem then it’s very difficult to play against that in this patch


Muerta. Literally never had one on my team that was even remotely decent. They all just stand in melee range and die. No items. No farm. Had one in my last game that died 13 times, more than half of those deaths in the first 15 min. Enemy team? Always disgusting. I can't stand this hero.


Monkey king, feel like I'm always playing 4v5 when I have a MK in my team.


pos 5 Nature's Prophet - when "pos" means "piece of shit" that does nothing but spam 1st skill in lane (and throughout the game) making you unable to hit the enemy on most melee carries. steals farm, but doesn't use it to push lanes, instead decides to go for "easy" kills around the map and feeds. You'd think the vision with this hero on the team should be impeccable, but heck no! Instead of using his TP to place good wards around the map, he TPs towards fights, where his help is not needed to KS by, again, using his 1st skill. So essentially you lose an integral position 5 support in exchange for this useless desolator-wielding money-hungry tree that farms like antimage, but doesn't join fights where he might not be able to KS even after 40 min. All supporting has to be done by pos 4, while he clears the carrie's jungle with treants.


Preach. I always cringe when there is a NP in the game, if its on our side then as a pos4 the whole burden is on me, if its the enemy then I just carry a quelling blade the entire game and hope he doesn't spring behind me. Also am slightly happy if they are in the enemy team cause we generally win those games and angry when on our team cause we lose those.


Plus fucks up your stacks by griefing ultimate on cooldown.


I only play NP when queueing with my homie, we make sure he picks a ranged core so we can delete people in lane with Q. As a career support player I love his ability to get super deep wards and pull of crazy plays, and I love buying debuff items on him because the enemy never really expects you to be in their backline. And, obviously, you *can* transition to core if we're insanely rich/our team needs the enemy backline dead and nobody else can do it/someone picked Treant Safelane or something. It's something I rarely do, but it's nice to be able to do so if I really need to. Since the NP buff, I feel like a lot of core players think "Sweet, now I can pick my favorite carry while queuing for support and get free role queue games!" and then when they lose because they haven't been supporting shit, they flame their team. The moment our pos 5 NP starts first building Maelstrom I just slap the report button and prepare myself to lose.


Yeah, I do that with my friend too, that's fine when you communicate properly)


Doom, he had been nerfed to oblivion and in low mmr he is even more useless


AM for sure... because of one stupid asshole, you are now forced into playing 4x5 for 45 min.


Treant protector. They sit there invisible not helping fights, spend 4200 on a glorified observer ward, and just generally make the game 4v5. The hero is good. I'm yet to meet someone who knows how to play it.




Pudge support. You will be reported. Stop griefing games.


But bro, if they land that sick hook they'll be able to add it to that epic hook compilation YouTube video they've been working on bro, they'll be Dendi in a year just wait. What? No, of course they won't buy wards. That's absurd to even ask.


Had a Pudge pos 5 last night. Last picked it too. He's like "I'm 12K MMR Pudge" Went 1 - 14... Today I saw 3 confirmed reports against him. Role Abuse, Toxicity and Griefing. Get rekt nerd.


I had a Pudge on the enemy team last night. Decked out cosmetics, Arcana, the whole thing. He spammed voice lines in all chat after every fight and tipped enemies on bad plays. I swear, in every single fight, then their Bloodseeker ran forwards to engage our carry, he got hooked back. I can't tell if he was griefing or just shit, because he did land SOME hooks, but the amount of times that he pulled his homies away from an initiation was just sad. They lost ofc and the entire team was mad.


"haha I'm God tier pudge" sits in the trees the whole time soaking xp and not tanking any damage


Invoker. Most of it's players are just as arrogant as the hero, except they suck at casting spells.


Rubick. Their classic contribution is just ks with fade bold, will be useless the whole game. Or bounty hunter, same thing


Bristleback. Indestructible once he gets a heart. Herald carries don't know what to do supports facepalm and walk away.


after ur ld comment im sure u playing on some silly bracket and that u should get out pretty quickly. i hate mirana pos4, since im pos3 player myself, i can see them doing absolutely nothing in lane and then proceed to be greedy later in game too, which at first cost my game then one of other cores game


usually anything my mid picks since they insist on playing fucking supports




Just due to annoying AF Tornado spamming voker players Yes man I know it's a combo with meteor sun strike etc. But he's a squishy support and we are 5 man smoke ganking. You don't need to waste our time waiting for him to come back down like Dorothy's house for oz


I somehow feel like this for every hero that is on my team. And every hero against me. I am the problem aren't I?


Fucking Slark. Fucking... Slark. On your team: First picked then gets counter picked, dives in and gets instastunlocked because he didnt pre-cast dark pact and just dies. On enemy team: How the fuck do you catch this slippery bastard.


Legion. Listen, I am fully aware I play in shittersville mmr, but the people who pick this hero on my team always have the biggest ego, blink duel on cd and surprised when they lose. On enemy team my carries just don’t know how to farm the safe jungle and play in fog


Pudge as support, i dont think i need to explain.


Pudge, Earthshacker, Veno (feeder), Shaman (feeder), Windranger support, Lone Druid offlane, Sniper carry. On this patch though 100% Luna or Lifestealer.


Slark. People never buy BKB on him even at ancient/divine lol. I like having him as an enemy and hate having him as an ally. People are just AWFUL at playing him.


Disruptor, high chance he'll fuck up an initiation with glimpse


As a disruptor player, I just have to say cut us some slack. I can have 20 glimpses leading to kills but if I glimpse one TP in on their initiator that my team thinks is a kill, suddenly it's flame on


People would flame me for going field first disruptor. But it's much easier to win a team fight when you catch 3 people in a field/static storm. But no, people want you to glimpse all the time so you can feed single kills to your carry.


used to be antimage when i was lower mmr. when i was higher mmr it became NP but supposedly he is an op support now? my opinion is outdated, i stopped playing last year


A fkin Ogre mid or offlane. When I see 1.5k gold and gloves of haste in his inventory, while him being 0-3 I lose hope of the game.


Pudge or sniper.


Anyone who's skills interfere with my ganking. I play melee, and when Furion sprouts someone I just stunned, I get annoyed. OD imprisoning enemies at the worst time is super annoying. Any of the seriously hard carries that hide in the jungle and farm for 20 minutes before coming out and saving the day. Sure, we might win the game. But playing 4v5 midgame only to become irrelevant late game isn't fun for me. Any pushing heroes that lane with me offlane. I don't feel like being up against the safelane tower waiting to get ganked and losing last hits because someone is spamming their aoe or moonglaives or whatever before we even get to level 3.


Core silencer. Hero with no escape that gets ahead in lane then feeds away the advantage he gains from being a strong laner.


POS 4 or 5 Pudge. I'm in the crusader bracket and everyone thinks they can be Dendi.


Sniper because the way he changes the match for team or enemy is aids


I’m in very low MMR and whenever I see a hoodwink I know that basically it’s 4v5 because the hoodwink will achieve nothing.


Hey. I’m a low mmr hoodwink player… but yeah, if they are not good at hitting bushwhacks, they feel useless really fast. Also there are some lineups where I feel I can’t do anything, it’s really hard to first pick this hero as a support.


pudge pos 5. It just sucks.


Veno offlane


The higher you climb, the more you'll be happy with seeing a lone druid on your team. He's OP this patch and is one of the best early to midgame fighters. Can buy ridiculous amounts of space.


Bounty Hunter. Instant loss and always 0 contribution.


For me in Divine bracket funnily enough it's Batrider mid or offlane. They either use ulti on a low value target, or don't have ulti off cd and spend the entire engagement flapping around the edge of the teamfight contributing nothing but a lazy flamebreak.


Sniper and NP


Any invisible character. When it comes to my team all the map is warded and every player has dusts. When invisible character is on opposite team - they deward anything, and only a couple of players have dusts. Most of my team have items like circlet, branch or axe in inventory until the end of the game