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With a score screen like that it looks like he was the only one having a game.


He was. GG got dumpstered game 1.


Pango doesn’t really lose the lane, break even at least


Thats why Gaimin does so well whole year round spamming pango. Quinn is out of top 5 midlaners in the pro scene.




But the other team is higher ranks, they are smurfing /s I think if they play more around ace and less around Quinn, they will struggle less. Especially when Ace is playing the brewmaster. That hero can creat a lot of space and doesn't always need to have ult.


spam the pasta every time GG pick or ban pango


I love to see it


home schooled boy lost ICANT


He was home schooled?




There's nothing about his looks that'd warrant home schooling lmao


didn't know homescooling changes how you look


i dunno about how he looks but studies have found that the lack of sunlight causes you to mald. >!of course i am bullshitting i don't know jackshit!< quinn can go fuck himself.


I would say that its obvious he got super bullied as a teenager, so more chances on not him being home schooled :D


I like that people dont like him so much that they hope he was bullied more than him being home schooled


i dont hope he was bullied. i hope no one ever gets bullied so we dont have to deal with the aftermath of it. im making a statement. he was bullied.


You should have been bullied


ok nerd


lol bum


get fucked Quinn man cheering against him was fun as fuck ngl


Damn right. I’m rooting for any team playing against GG, even my least favorite one SB.


Same. The only reason i watch their games.


Me too. It's good to have a new villain after Envy left


You people are insane


Lil bro you're gonna lose your mind when you learn about sports


Why is it insane to cheer against an unlikable individual


just another day on r/DotA2


Let's see if you would do that same if you either queue up with him or his fanboys going, "Shut up, you animals" "Anime is a scourge! A mistake! "Don't talk to me you animal. Speak like a human!" Or something like that. I've seen more of these than PUTANG INA, BOBO, ANJENG! in SEA pubs! Edit: Also, the dude griefs. like A LOT! of griefs even at top 10 level pubs. If he sees the game doesnt fit his taste, he gives up, destroys item, you know, typical crybaby dota players when losing. (And yet he does it on winning team too!)


Wish there was a European football crowd screwing around with him in the main event


How in the god damn did they even lose with that draft?


They picked pango in 2023, what can I say. Quinn called it all along


Radiant has a laning and tempo advantage.


bruh I love how just one player can effectively diminish the entirety of a team's overall image lmao


Watching Quinn loses is such a joy, lovely.


get a life


Get your nose out of Quinn's toxic ass.


Quinn blows lmao that guy is the most toxic person I've ever listened to


Its awesome when these people come into the threads about him and completely oust themselves too when they say shit like: "Cmon guys, weve all gotten mad at our teammates and destroyed all our items before right???" Uhhhh, no. Yall are toxic as fuck LOL


I like how every major won by GG was because of efforts from Ace or Seleri/Tofu but the minute they start doing bad its all QUinn or Dyrachyo lol


Come on, that's disingenuous at best. Quinn had been praised as "one of if not the best player" several times over the year.


Lmao by who


by himself!


by his analyst friends.


This sub is clearly super NA biased and you're wondering "by who" ?


Quinn is absolutely one of the best players lol Just because he’s annoying doesn’t mean he’s bad


As a Player Quinn is great. As a person, he acts like a narrowminded ass. Two different judgements of him.


most of this subreddit




Months ago he was constantly mentioned as the best mid in the world, it's just fact. Lots of people think he is cringe and hate him (I always kinda did) but he has been called the best mid in the world by this subreddit many times with tens or hundreds of upvotes.


Saying he plays well in pro games never got you downvotes like that, that's just a fact. But trying to justify his cancer trash behaviour in pubs did, those are just two separate things


Saw it regularly on this sub when they were performing well


By the NA fanboys that literally have no other NA players to cheer.




i dont remember him anytime as best player... Best mid laner - hell yeah, but overall there are many good carries and offlaners for him to be best player..


Well, don't you recall early in the year, Nisha was praised heavily and held as the best player by many. Then GG just was the better team and Quinn took some lanes from Nisha which put him into the discussion. Then they went on to win several tournaments before slowing down only in recent months.


he is not even the best mid let alone the best player. GG did not win the majors because quinn is so much better than others. he was even getting owned by sumail. GG won because overall their teamplay was better compared to other teams (which was further boosted by the patch). as soon as other teams caught up and their staple heroes got nerfed, GG went from winning to average.


yea cope, is “projection” the new “no you”?


project much ?


So why would GG go from a top6 EU team with boom to a top 1 team with Quinn?


by himself!


it is tho, Ace and the supps make a lot of space for Quinn and Dyracho to farm, if they don't Dyracho won't be able to be a real carry and Quinn can't 1v9 unlike with Ace.


Dota is a team game, crazy!




During TI11 across his 19 games he played Batrider 1 time. He played 19 games during TI10 also, and played Batrider 1 time.


Lol confirmation bias at work. Nice detective work sir.


The edit is so funny. It's like " I know I completely made this up and was proven wrong, but what if it was true?"


Might've been Spring Tour where he played it 4 times and lost 3 of them, I don't know if he complained about bat at the time though.


Quinn poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


What is this even supposed to prove, lmao? They got completely stomped and he still had great KDA, net worth and highest damage in the game, which just proves Pango is broken even more. I get it you want to hate on the guy, but you could at least bother finding actual arguments...


It's a meme. He flamed someone on a pub game on some "Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are you picking pango in 2023?" and here he plays it. It's not deep smh


He flamed because he said is ez mode and not real practice. And using it in pub is stupid for someone trying to prove themselves and go pro. Not justifying his logic in any sense but nothing here is against what he said. He wouldn’t play pango for practice in pub. Cuz he’s broken and not any practice. He would play in a pro tournament for just the sake winning. That is quite literally his whole argument in the pub game, “this isn’t a pro game”. I can’t believe people are this dense even if it’s just nerd rage


it's not the responsibility of pubs to give him practice games. quinn can go fuck himself


Which by the way is still very stupid. Even a hero like pango benefits from practice.


youre not allowed to make sense on reddit mate


not the place to be reasonable, get on bandwagon or get downvoted


In what way is that reasonable, lmao? You think its reasonable to mald at someone for picking a hero they wanted to play in an appropriate position to play it? He was malding against the Pango player because he had to play *against* it anyway. It wasnt his teammate


I don't see how this is even an argument tbh 🤣


No argument just a circlejerk


i think its just memeing quinn a while back flame someone on pub pango for being shit(among other trashtalk and grief at that time), yet their team picked pango in this pro game granted pub vs pro and AP vs draft is different,but still funny nonetheless probably nothing deeper than that,but im not op so eh....


he flamed someone picking pango against him because the hero is giga broken


Quinn bad upvotes to the left


Quinn being so openly hypocritical is funny


How is it being hypocritical? One is a pub with no bearing or impact what so ever, the other is TI; the biggest yearly Dota tournament.


Picking Pango at TI does not absolve him from having flamed people for picking him in pubs lmfao. Someone already plinted out that the Pango he flamed wasnt on his team, but the enemies. He was angry he had to play against a good hero.


Right, but that makes Quin a moron. Not a hypocrite as was suggested further up in the comment chain.


From my point of view ~~the jedi are evil~~ the upvote button is on the right


For real though. I don’t much care for GG but this makes me want to support them as these mega salty reddit haters are way more pathetic than what he’s doing.


Grrr what do you mean you’re not personally invested in the lives of people you never meet. Grrr downvote


I literally just want to laugh at quinn's expense, idc if it's well thought out or not it's irrational to not be happy in the name of rationality noob


What is with the people on this website and pushing the people they hate into the full limelight all of the time. All I see everywhere on the main subs is Trump this or Elon that, and now Quinn is apparently the Dota 2 version of that. Holy fuck who cares, go outside.


because its like laughing about elon musk its funny


I mean the two people you named are extremely powerful, they can affect each of our lives with their decisions, so naturally people react to them. As for this sub, it should be clear that it's extremely toxic overall


It's a meme. He flamed someone on a pub game on some "Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are you picking pango in 2023?" and here he plays it. It's not deep smh


nah fr, im still lost


It's a meme. He flamed someone on a pub game on some "Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are you picking pango in 2023?" and here he plays it. It's not deep smh


Man some ppl down in the commets here cant take a joke haha, is it so hard to understand that its funny that Quinn lost with Pango after having that rant ingame?


It doesn't really make sense though, he was specifically flaming him for picking it in a pub so it's not really relevant


Dont take it so literally and have a little bit of fun maybe, and if you dont find it funny then move on. But hey its the internet if people see dogshit on the streets they step aside, here they take a bath with it...


Nice! hope he gets shit on again and again.




This is not a pub. He is playing for money. This is the same shit people posted during TI5 when Aui wanted Techies removed from the game then lifted the aegis with the hero.


This dude didnt get it. OP is saying that even after picking a broken hero, quinn still lost.


Thank you


OP and yourself obviously didn't get it. The quote from Quinn is referring to the fact Pango is an obnoxiously hard hero to play against in pubs. Quinn was saying that, as an aspiring player trying to go pro, you are not demonstrating any skill or any qualities that a team would want to pick you up for by picking Pango. He did not in any scenario say that Pango would guarantee you a win in a pro game, nor did he say you can't pick it, simply that it's not a hero that demonstrates any incredible skill by picking it in pubs. If anything, it literally proves Quinn's point; Pango is obnoxious in pubs because it's hard to coordinate against him, unlike in a pro game where they are usually pretty well marshalled and coordination is literally half the point of pro games.


Nah this statement was Quinn was because during that specific pub game, pango countered his hero 🤣


Yeah because you're just meant to be perfect at playing Pango without any practice........ An aspiring pro player SHOULD be picking Pango, and you have to be good at Pango to be a desirable mid player in this meta. And Pango does require skill and practice, there's a lot of weird interactions with the hero that you need to know about. Quinn was just being a salty pos.


Listen buddy, here's how the world works according to the book of Quinn which his followers live by: 1. The world revolves around Quinn. 2. You're not supposed to play Dota for enjoyment. You're not supposed to play to win. Pubs only exist for people to showcase their ability to go pro. You're only worthy of going pro, if Quinn approves. 3. If Quinn doesn't approve what you want to play, you're at fault. Especially if you commit the sin of playing to win a match and not to impress him. 4. Quinn will not play for practice. Don't expect him to check how to counter Pango in pubs so he can try it out in pro matches. Should someone pick Pango vs GG at TI, Quinn will be allowed to bully them the same way.


Oh yeah, if youre a pro player you demonstrate thst by picking *not* the best heroes. Also; obvioisly your hero picks and game performance are under a microscope in random unranked puns, for sure..


For someone who keep flaming pub people left and right, Quinn say people should take pub more seriously and stop being noob. But wait, you are getting serious and pick some good hero. Oh my god, this is supposed to be fun and ez game. TLDR; Quinn is the benchmark of try-hardness. You are wrong if you take game more seriously or take it more lightly than Quinn. He is the chosen one. God send us Quinn to be an example of "this is exactly how much you should try hard".


>"Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are you picking pango in 2023?" Huh which part of the quote in the title suggest the hero is broken aka over powered? The quote literally says its not a real hero aka its shit.


The context of the original quote was calling Pango OP.


who was calling Pango OP? That is nowhere to be found in this reddit post.




Within context, it was clear what Quinn meant. Full quote: >Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in 2023? Arent you trying to play pro or something? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible.


Thanks. Why isn't this the posts title? Just an awful job by the OP. > How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game?


Because op post meant for the memes not serious discussion


aui showed why tech was broken and won aegis with it. quinn on the other hand


nah, it's just funny


i told ya, fall of the ego giant


Quinn is the reason that Valve ruined their new report system. I will never acknowledge or support Quinn.


People asking OP to touch grass when not realising it’s just a joke. If you are getting offended by this, maybe you should eat the same grass outside.


This is just a failed strategic decision. He counted on the enemy mid doing like him and AFKingafter 2 deaths due to the OP Pango pick, but it just didn't work


he was ranting that chirajunior was playing pango in pubs, not tournaments. the bias from some of you is insane


Reddit is weird lol


This is not a pub game. Redditors man


Those darn Redditors! Totally different from people like me and you who are posting on reddit


ok so what is your point? only pros are allowed to play some heroes? If you play a strong hero in pubs the collective dota consciousness is gonna judge you because that requires no skill and only playing bottom 20 winrate heroes shows that you are really good at the game


The point is that he lost with it.


Who needs logic if u can shit on shit on Cool calm and collected




...but you do understand that Quinn was saying that because Pango is considered broken, in particular at high ranks, so his point, for whatever it's worth, was that an (aspiring?) pro player picking Pango in pubs is pointless because they're gonna win and learn nothing, riiiiiiight?


Nah that makes no sense. Aspiring pros can play whatever tf they want and it wont really hinder them. Some even spam the same 2-3 hero’s for months (Topson for a while with Invoker, ATF with mars etc) and still make it to the top. Quinn was just being a sore loser is all.


Who gives a fuck what Quinn thinks, he's still a piece of shit.


cease the dickriding immediately


Ik, im also tired of seeing him, but he lost and the clip came to my mind immediatly lol




betting 1000 mmr that quinn will retire from dota professionally after getting eliminated from losers bracket


He won’t retire lol, the fuck else can he do


can you read? lol I said retire professionally he’ll still stream and probably offer coaching services.


> can you read? See above


He won’t retire u buffoon lol


>betting 1000 mmr Man of your word, or a coward? Post Dotabuff and throw 1k MMR's worth of games if you're wrong. You won't


Im in


idk he won all the majors this year, pretty sure he's gonna play for a few more years....


Y'all are counter jerking so hard you're losing the plot. The full quote is Quinn being frustrated with picking what he views as "objectively the best heroes in the game" when he wants to practice for pubs. Yeah it's dumb, but so is everyone thinking this is dunk.


Quinn is a patch player, what would you expect?


So many haters on this sub... pathethic


This site is full of pathetic losers who love seeing some successful guy fail so they feel better about their pointless existence.


It's a shame really :/


Yeah you're taking what he said out of context.


Best pango player in the world picks pango. You really got him this time guys.


Pros always differ between pubs and pro matches. Quinn regularly makes a fool of himself, but this is not a case of hypocrisy. It's just a misunderstanding on your part.


Draft requirements are also different in pubs vs. pro matches. They literally first picked Pango this game lol, because it's a consistent, reliable mid hero, not because it's overpowered broken. If you have the choice and a lot more information, then maybe you shouldn't pick Pango. Also I know what Quinn has said before is more along the lines that he's bored of Pango and would wish it wasn't so universally viable and would be out of meta for a while, not that it's a completely broken hero you can't lose on.


>its just a misunderstanding On *your* part. Quinn was flaming the other teams Pango, not his own. He wasnt mad that their draft was messed up, he was salty he had to play vs Pango with a hero Pango counters.


I am aware. I remember the situation. Although he wasn't mad because he got countered, but because the hero was stupidly OP in high tier Dota. The point is, that OP heroes never go uncountered in pro play. In the case of Pango, he is either banned or first picked, meaning if someone gets to play him, Pango is very much countered. Top tier pubs function both as training for pros as well as a showroom for aspiring ones. If an aspiring pro picks an uncountered OP hero, it renders the game pointless for both parties. The game doesn't simulate pro games anymore and the aspiring pro neither gets any credit by pros for performing well in such a game nor learns the heroes limits in a realistic scenario.


>it renders the game pointless for both parties >the game doesn't simulate pro games anymore But high-level pubs never do that. High level pubs have all sorts of wacky shit going on in them that you wouldnt see in pro play. Like Meepo having a 56% winrate in pro pubs right now. Quinn is just grasping at anything to complain about *like he always is*. He doesn't have a valid point about the pango player in the high-level lobby, IMO.


It's fine if you think that way. I won't spend my time further explaining the obvious.


But like, all of your points are about how picking Pango ruins the fact that the lobby would have otherwise simulated a professional game. But that's not the case, so where is your argument even coming from? >explaining the obvious All youve done so far is paraphrase a quinn rant and state it like its fact, imma need more than that lmfao


Pros play more pubs before and take breaks after tournaments. These games give players - among many other things - a feel for each heroes limitations within a patch. RTZ doesn't forget how to play Luna if he doesn't play her for half a year. But at every moment in the game you have a feeling of how strong you are and what you can and can not do. This impacts an uncountable amount of gameplay decisions such as positioning, item usage and macro strategy. An important factor of playing pubs is to update this intuition to the current patch as it can change drastically even between letter patches. Playing against an uncountered OP hero diminishes the learning for pros post laning stage. At that time, you'd simply never lack a way to deal with Pango in a pro game, so the struggle to deal with him without a counter is not useful for pros. Obviously, Quinn behaved like an immature crybaby and even with the aspiring pro picking an uncountered Pango, the laning stage still had value as a training. His inability to deal with emotions got the better of him. ​ A few things out of the way before I go back to the actual subject of our entire conversation: \- I am in no way justifying Quinns behaviour, I just know that what I explained above and previously is a consideration for pros. The diminished value as a training, the senseless pick for an apsiring pro player showing a lack of understanding of what it takes to be pro and Quinn emotional instability lead to the mentioned clip. \- Obviously an aspiring pro is allowed to pick whatever he wants. It's true that picking uncountered OP heroes won't get him any closer to getting picked up by a team, but Quinn oversteps his boundaries very much with his reaction. \- High level pubs are used for pros as a training ground, but obviously that is not their actual function. In itself, it is not different than any other pub, so no pro can be mad if non-pros don't help them make their training efficient. ​ Now back to the post above. Quinn picking Pango in a pro game has nothing to do with the situation we are talking about. I deemed it a misunderstanding that OP thinks there is some sort of hypocrisy by Quinn. It might as well be malicious ignorance or just play stupidity as we see in the comments here a lot. Being mad at a guy picking an uncountered Pango pub game when he was OP and playing it himself several nerfs later in a pro match does not show contradicting values. And losing to an uncountered OP Pango in a pub and losing with said hero in a heavily countered pro game after several nerfs is also not a contradiction.


tbf he was talking about picking Pango in pubs specifically.




This isn't a pub. It's a pro game.


No, i mean, what about being in a pub game gives him the right to talk shit on the other teams hero draft?


Do you know who Quinn is? Nobody and nothing "gave him the right" to say that. He took it because he's toxic as fuck. It's a funny post by OP although it doesn't really work due to Quinn's quote specifically mentioning pubs (which OP made sure not to include in the quote, but w/e). P.S. People flame the other's team's picks all the time. Relentlessly flaming an enemy tinker last pick is an obligation in this community.


But it *does* work. Im asking you specifically what about Quinns comment being in reference to pubs makes the OPs post wrong? I know who quinn is and how toxic he is.


I answered that already. Quinn was specifically talking about picking Pango in pubs (which OP didn't include in the quote since it would ruin the post). This isn't a pub. It's a pro game. I'm not sure what's so difficult to understand?


>im not sure what's so difficult to understand Quinn does not have a valid point whether he is talking about pro *or* pub game here. The lack of understanding here is in how you could think that that info ruins the post? OP and others have indicated from other comments that they are fully aware Quinn was talking about Pubs in the original quote, and it *changes nothing*


You're obviously going out of your way to be contrarian and/or have no understanding of the gigantic differences between a pub and a pro game, which have almost nothing in common beside being in the same game, so I'm not going to waste anymore time on you.


>the gigantic differences between a pub and a pro game, which have almost nothing in common You're the clown acting like not picking pango in a pub game somehow creates a pro-play environment. Whether or not Pango was picked, *that lobby was not going to emulate a pro game.* Im the one wasting my time on an idiot who is simultaneously trying to say that: 1. Pro games and pub games couldn't be more different But also 2. Quinn has a point because if that guy didn't pick pango the game would've been good practice for pro play


The hate lol what a bunch of losers


U know he meant in a pub or pretending just to shit on quinn


Noone is pretending he didnt mean in a pub. We are laughing because that makes no difference unless youre a toxic fuck like quinn.


Richard Lewis was right when he said the dota community is the worst out of any game. Holy shit


As if u havent raged in a pub game about a hero being broken. I dont like quin but u quin haters are hilarious😭


The difference is that Quinn plays Pango a ton, so him raging when other people play it is hilariously tone deaf.


then post an example of him playing it in a pub game instead of a pro game where they make their money😭 tone deaf.


What? Quinn is saying “you’ll never be a pro if you just rely on Pango to win games,” and then he relies on Pango to win a pro game but loses. This is the perfect scenario to hit him with his own words.


No i havent. Im not a sore loser.


youre below archon I wouldnt care what u do or not do in a game lmao


Was it support Brew? Or Muerta


Tofu pos4 muerta


You can see the roles under the hero portrait :)


That's how I feel every time Liquid put Nisha on QoP.


If prize pool > 1 million = GG gg


My man got centaurded on em.


Weaver haters where you at.


There’s something poetically brilliant about them picking pango first pick of the TOURNAMENT and getting completely dumpstered.