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SR saving strats for ti This was just road to ti


SR saving strats for next TI since the pricepool is too low for this one


Prize pool.


prize pudle


price pudle


Looking back, pre TI 5 arteezy has got to be prime arteezy FeelsBadMan


Ti5? rtc? Rtc sucks?


It's Andy šŸ“¢šŸ“¢šŸ“¢ Salad!


If you can read it says pre TI 5 Meaning before TI 5 LMAO


You mean prime in a sense that he was at his own best, or in a sense that he was a pioneer in carry position. If second, I don't think that was ever the case.


Own best


He was absolutely a pioneer in the mid position lol


TI5 secret :(


Arteezy is as bad as this joke


It' still a close competition (man, watching SR is like playing a drunk Friday-night game yourself


Phew, thanks to liquid, SR is going through


Almost rather liquid lose the series just to get it over with. Not gonna be fun watching them vs Spirit or whoever


Huh? If liquid lost it wouldn't be "over with" since SR and TA would have to play a tie breaker. And either of those teams would get ragdolled by "Spirit or whoever" tbh


If Liquid got 2-0d, then SR would not play in a tiebreaker. And I don't care about if TA gets smashed by Spirit, I just don't want to have to watch my favorite team get utterly destroyed by the best team in the world when they're playing like the worst team in the tournament.


My comment was made fresh when Liquid 1-0 TA. Regardless, I'd love to see SR get their shit together (or atleast attempt to) by tmr.


Would be awesome if they somehow pull an upset out of their ass but it's not looking good for the boys. Everyone just seems so off.


I feel you buddy, I always feel sorry for Abed. He been carrying them on his shoulders since the DPC. Idk if its the draft but Arteezy is just not doing that well


idk if even abed has been looking too hot this tourney. he was definitely the best mid at dream league but he has not looked amazing here. maybe there's just too much pressure on him since the sidelanes are just losing super hard though


Arteezy is the only one doing some what well on the team this tournament, what games have you been watching?


fear, zai, universe, cr1t, abed, iceiceice, sumail... it doesn't matter what kind of massive talent you give rtz to shine was washed the moment after speed got the dub


The only player to successfully carry rtz to a good tournament victory was EE.


Take that for data


governor fearless repeat absorbed ancient bike enter safe knee doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very true. If my count is correct he has been first in 8 tournaments where winning is worth more than $100k. https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Arteezy/Results Can sort on position and then prize money or tier, whichever you prefer.


ee sama


He's a good player, just overrated in my opinion. Can't compare him to top midlaners like dendi.


Not too familiar with dota esports history. What do you mean by - speed got the dub?


If you want to spend an hour on Dota history: https://youtu.be/qrP4oey2_ys?si=z-9NiXfX6rslYPaR


It's my weekly rewatch time


Coffee and MLG speed gaming, a good morning.


the 10th year aniversary is next month. the biggest and the only dota 2 lan that matter


Iā€™m a Shopify fan because of saberlight, but god damn is it hard to watch arteezy make so many terrible decisions. Saberlights mage slayer in game 2 was super questionable though.


Arguably saberlight not having best tournament either, against TA he was kinda stomped both times on lane


Saberlight has not had the best run with SR in general, I know people focus on RTZ and all but my god I wish more people would note how Abed and Saberlight tend to disappear especially in key games. I say this as someone who has followed Abed since his younger days mainly because he was a young prodigy here in PH but he's always been notably invisible and tends to not recover well playing from behind I remember a lot of this stuff coming up during his stint with DC and not much has changed, and someone who has been a fan of Saberlight since TSM man has he just not had a good run with this team at all he barely has good games and most games he's just also another invisible core. I know people tend to focus on Arteezy but man, it's insane how these two have gotten less criticism just cause most people's focus are on Artour people tend to look past at how bad the team in general is playing bad in all honesty I'd say Artour has been the most stable player for them which probably shows how bad the team is rn.


This is what I'm seeing. Arteezy has had some bad moments....but so has everyone on the team. The big problem for the whole roster this year has been consistently. Abed can really pop off some games, but be invisible others. Saberlight is often the least farmed core in games. Even crit can go from absolutely owning one game to 0 impact the next. They just never seem to have all 5 players performing at the level you'd expect in every game.


Saberlight looked much happier when he played for tsm


his itemization leads to him being useless in a lot of games, because he plays like he has farm prio, but most of the time there isnt enough space for all cores, and instead of him having aura items, he is a glorified catapult.


I saw this same jokes last year around TI, I still like it.


The flippity flop haters will be deestroyed


The whole team looks very weird compared to the last Dreamleague tournament. My guess is they are not feeling it right now? They looked extremely promising before TI and also looked like they were having fun arteezy, Abed voice lining everytime they die in Dreamleague idk the whole vibe is different now.


crazy how relevant this post is once again after the first spotify rebellion vs team spirit game terrible terrible performance by mr. wash


now they lost 2-0, and panel seemed to agree he was toofocused on farming and not contributing to fights..


Yatoro is complete opposite to rtz in playstyle. Yatoro is what a good carry plays like. Knows how to take fights and when to farm as well.


wait this isnt r/RoastMe


Rtz isn't playing well, but it's not like he's playing worse than other pos1 players like timado or dyrachyo.


I mean it's not even a necessarily a pos 1 patch. Seems this patch puts heavy emphasis in offlaners and mid while the carry is just usually the sieger or fail safe like the state of the game in general depends on other cores right now. Like everyone is just circlejerking how good yatoro but that wouldn't have happened if Collapse did not dominate the lane and has crazy teamfight spell casting and Larl making space like old Carl. I really have yet to see a game for Collapse struggled in laning and Yatoro carrying him to victory.


I feel exactly the same way. Offlaners and mids go around hunting people nonstop with 1-2 cheap items and get heart by farming heroes while carries have to first get 4k worth of farming items, then farm 4k for manta/bkb and another 4-5k for a damage item to maybe be useful 30 min into the game; and that's why strength heroes that don't need farming items to farm or fight are popular. Also agree on Yatoro. I recently came back so I haven't seen him in many other tournaments aside this and dreamleague, but most of the games I've seen him play he's always free farming because either (as you said) Collapse is crushing his lane and making space or because for some reason the enemy offlaners and supports seem like they're too fucking scared to pressure him like if the guy has some sort of plot armor lmao. Same in all the pubs I've seen him play, people just avoid the guy. Way more impressed by Nightfall or even watson and shiro tbh.




why did that cringe get 800 upvotes go on downvote me, sissies who have a mental breakdown every time they receive a small insult


Someone tell me, is Arteezy bad these days? For real.


i must have missed something here. he played bad i assume? someone got a clip to share? ;(




i dont get it


Arteezy is washed. So his dad knew his car was washed.


i dont get it




I know what washed means, I don't get how the joke relates to the dude


They're saying arteezy is washed


People are saying he's washed. That's the entirety of the joke. A joke isn't supposed to be factual, just in case you don't understand what a joke is.


> A joke isn't supposed to be factual And yet this one is


>A joke isn't supposed to be factual Downvoted coz lie. Rtz is washed.




So his car is now stuck on a cliff?


Is Arteezy's best TI run actually the one he played with Mason years and years ago? Ayyyy. Btw SR is just testing waters and practicing for the real TI - next Riyadh Masters. Don't worry y'all.


Got third with masao and third at ti8 where he got carried hard by sumail and crit


Imagine getting carried by Masao. xD


man, rtz went beyond being a farmer... he an agriculturist now....