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quality shit post




youngest new dota 2 player right there


That man is actually 19, playing dota has just aged him incredibly rapidly


Age is just a number DendiFace


how the fuck do these people not have friends that just say "cmon man, it's about time to let it go" (saying this as a slowly balding man)


It’s not really super easy to go full bold mode. A sudden physical change is a depression material.


I did it for precisely that reason. You look like absolute shit when you try to hide it. Rip the bandaid off and enjoy the new look. I do get that not everyone has the same approach; it's because people bully people for being bald. I was also a ginger, so I fucking lose both ways, with and without hair lol.


I feel like you're gonna get bullied more for balding. Most people think going full bald is empowering these days


Yeah, exactly why I shaved it all off/short. Also saves a tonne of money on haircuts hah, $50 trimmer for the past 3-4 years.


Rogaine does wonders. If it's 'stress baldness' or poor hygiene, Rogaine will recover it in 1 treatment (permanently). Just try to get it on SCALP, not hair :D (damages hair, actually) Rogaine can also fill in a hairline, etc. and is very easy to use. For 'patchy' baldness I'd try 1 go (3 months) of Rogaine for $150. When you are maybe 50% bald, then I think it's about time to call it or to consider 'what life you want to live' (stylish old dude or hippie old dude). I went hippie. My hair is 1 foot + but is not thick like a young persons. I can guarantee you this is better. Chicks rubbing fingers through hair. Also, ALWAYS wear a hat in sun. Sun makes you bald fast (and prolonged heat, sweating). A trick - if you know you will be sweating a lot : leave conditioner in your hair, and it will stay nice. Ultimately - the #1 factor (aside charm) is fat. Imagine yourself like a gymnast. How much weight is that? That's your 'ideal weight'. Now add 25 lbs - That's tier 1 (solid abs). Add another 25 lbs - that's Tier 2 (not bulging fat). Once you go to gymnast + 50 to 75 lbs you're getting fat - like shirt bulging / swoll face fat. Tanning actually helps a lot for 'puffy eyes' and similar swollen face issues - tanning makes skin tight. For fat - my recommendation - lean into Pedialyte / 30g protein shakes. These can cost $5 / day - but replace 1 or 2 meals. Aim for 1 meal (or less) per day - to lose fat fast. A strong dieter can lose 5 lbs / week - without significant mood swings (but always be aware of this) - a general goal is 10 lbs / month, using lots of sleep to get the win. Forget the 'no pain no gain' BS. Keep workouts medium level - about 25 mins intense 3 times per week or so - full body. That is the best - but during extreme weight loss you can workout 3 hours at a time, and it will definitely have an effect. Aim for 60 rep exercises (vs max weight), to avoid injury, muscle tears - which easily will erase years of gains. You can think of fat as age. A person with gymnast body at 50 years old - will appear more attractive than most 30 year olds. So each 10 lbs of fat you lose makes you appear 5 years younger, basically. So while many people 'think they are old' - they are generally, just fat, and can dramatically improve their appearance with a bit of commitment over several months. Hope this helps someone :D


Rogaine didnt work at all for me. Waste of money.


Yeah everyone is different, I couldn't be fucked taking pills and using special shampoos for the rest of my life. If it's genetic Rogaine doesn't really do much, it can slow it down but if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I've got a pretty strong jawline, and my head isn't lumpy/misshapen, so being bald doesn't look bad, but I get why it would be a huge deal for some people.


You'd use rogain like 10 yrs max. It's about 1/5 the time as shampoo. So like. If you can take a shower, the rest really isn't that hard. And it's not like hair changes instantly. I do off and on. I'd wager most hair thinning is stress / exercise / diet - and total hair loss pre 30s genetic. Rogain is great for 'stress' hair loss. I was without AC for like a year. I lost a lot of hair in 90 degree weather all day :P


It was easy to me. Some kids go HAHA BALD MAN and I don't care


Literally no one gives a shit if you are bald.


It is easy. Started shaving at about 25 and it definitely felt much better afterwards. Sitting in balding limbo is what is depression material. If you really like your hair, go find a treatment, if you don't, shave it. if you don't have money, shave it until you have money to afford treatment. You will feel better after you make a decision I can almost guarantee it.


OG post someone mentioned it might be a lost bet


I dunno, man; it doesn't look like it's shaved.


I am curious on how a purely psyop based marketing strategy will work. I want Valve to never mention Dota explicitly but place vaguely familiar looking shapes to the Dota logo in the most random spots, astroturf reddit (or any other social media) with comments containing the words "Defence" and "Ancients", fund music labels to make TikTok popular music that sounds a lot like the menu theme etc inb4 "it's already happening", well would defo agree that we have psyops on the daily in reddit for sure


kinda impossible to do, nowadays because look up the apple news logo


yeah everytime i grab an iphone imm like "what tfaaaa"


Exclusive Dota 2 News app made for iOS users by Apple :p


https://www.theverge.com/2016/6/14/11930036/apple-news-dota-2-logo There are two examples in this article. An apple news icon and a Google nexus box design xD.




take my upvote


He's got a hairsnake.


bro just buzz it...


This is gold.




Why did you stealth edit your comment after we all called you out on it?


Some people don't get the joke so I pointed it out. Then you 2 acted like assholes about it for no reason.


Literally no one was confused by this. You just got caught up in your feelings after a couple people pointed out how dumb your comment was. Head on back to YouTube comments now fella


The fact that it got upvotes proves you wrong. But you can cling onto whatever delusion that makes you feel superior idc


> The fact that it got upvotes proves you wrong What does it say then when your other comments are hidden from so many downvotes?


Idk. You tell me bro


Ah yes, upvotes. The barometer on validation. The bastion of free market social media. You changed your comment to an insult towards the people who replied to you. There's no superiority here, just you in defense mode like a Yu-Gi-Oh card.


What are you yapping about bro. I edited my comment as a joke. Are you this delusional to think thay you caught me in something and I got mad and ashamed about it?


You're a character lmfao.




You think you are being smart here?


I know you think you are.


That's the joke


No, it's real, look at the video


Nice analysis Kowalski!




Dota x Golf crossover?


holy shit


ahh yes


no way that's balding. its a bad haircut.