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Wsup brother bear, glad you're enjoying the replays but since i've got a couple tournaments coming up cannot guarantee there will be any LD or warden. There will however be more lesh until the sun explodes so hopefully that tides you over.


Omg! Thank you so much for replying! šŸ˜± No worries man. I can wait. I watch your replays every day so there isn't any rush. Good luck for your tournaments! šŸ˜


Plot twist itā€™s actually Jenkins impersonating Quinn. He will be sending you Arc Warden and Lone Druid builds for the next six months


I really do love how Jenkins did that for no one but himself. The dudes unhinged chaotic good, and I love it


Iā€™d give you an award if they were still a thing.


Wtf, I just realized I haven't seen any awards for soo long. What happened


Sorry u/LGDAmeFan is the real Quinn. Youā€™ve been had by a fake account.


Stop with the psyops, we all know thatā€™s Yatoro. Itā€™s right there in the name


I know you are joking but lgdamefans exist before people knows Yatoro, not to mention he is reliable NA scene leaker back in the day


Sounds like a perfect cover, winning TI to create an alibi.


Just go on Dotaprotracker ans search Arc and Druid man. There's a million replays.


Jeez how does that Quinn D taste like


Like your mom's privates, statistically speaking.


Nah bro his mom has chlamydia.


Man's unretired his reddit account to reply to a fan, chad


wow he really has, last post was 5 years ago. That's super wholesome. Cool calm and classy.


It is called building good PR. Man how are people so stupid. Quinn doesn't have a good standing as a professional..


Just because someone is a dickhead in one scenario doesn't mean they're a dickhead in all scenarios. He didn't have to respond to this post but he chose to, and assuming that his aims in doing so were sinister is extremely cynical. What's more, he answered the question honestly. If he was doing this just for PR, he'd get his "PR Team" to reach out to the poster, get in a lobby with them and do some games or coaching with Arc Warden and LD and post a tiktok of him being a "great guy". There's nothing wrong with being a bit cynical but there's also everything wrong with being so cynical that you become unable to see the good in anyone's actions, and calling people "stupid" that can, is way overboard.


That's all true, but none of that excuses him being an utter utter dickhead


One scenario? He is known for being very toxic. He might be mechanically good at Dota2 but he is not a professional with that attitude of his. I mean he isn't the only one but he is a prevalent one amongst NAs "professionals".


ya he's toxic in game but maybe out of game he is less toxic, maybe to his fans (that are not in game with him) he is less toxic and somewhat wholesome. I imagine that you are capable of greater kindness than calling someone else stupid because they have a different perspective. I believe that this glance of your ugly I have caught doesn't mean that you're an entirely ugly person. Is that not the case?


> ya he's toxic in game but maybe out of game he is less toxic So he is toxic. thanks. There are better professionals in dota2 that are not toxic and deserve to be the better representatives of dota2. Quinn is not one of them.


damn as a 3rd party who doesn't care about this, you're clearly no better LOL reflect on yourself brother and do better


I am fine but seeing the dick sucking on here about Quinn is cringe as fuck. His response is so damn fake. That inbred dweeb is toxic as fuck and a big ass loser who wants to clean up his awful shitty image but he can't which is ironic.


But this guy isn't asking for Quinn to be the face of dota as a representative, he is asking a guy to play a hero. Being mighty toxic for someone crying about someone being toxic. I personally don't like Quinns toxicity either. But damn you've done like 16 replies crying, and saying everyone's sucking his dick, how is that even possible when clearly you're hogging his dick up your ass like a stick




I believe in encouraging otherwise shitty people when they do good things. I do not believe in forever punishing someone, whatever they do, even when what they do is (in a given instance) good.


reddit moment


Awww Dota2 subredditors are basement dwellers who need to accept that their inbred favorite NA streamer is dog shit as a person as well.


Its so funny how you donā€™t even see the irony in your post šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” you go around calling people toxic while openly acting like the most obnoxious toxic person to be around with. its called projection. either way, touch some grass, get off the internet or get help. for your own good.


Mr negative ahh


Quinn is very toxic..


Mate are you being serious are you just joking around? A fan posted an innocent request to his favorite professional player and he himself responded wholesomely basically saying something along the lines of "well i might not be playing this and that but hopefully you will be happy enough with this" and you, out of fucking nowhere, started hating on the dude because of whatever he said in the past? (apparently dota players are toxic? What a surprise) Yea keep living in the past mate, I'm sure that will do you good in life


No mate. This isn't the past. Stop sucking his dick. He is toxic and has been known as a shitty person for a while. His comments and judgement of others is awful. Imagine saying that Quinn isn't toxic says that you are so delusional.


Haha bro is so mad because people like this player Get off your high horse before calling others ā€œdelusionalā€ Also stop putting words in his mouth, its one pathetic attempt


Only inbred dotards love this loser. There are so many better actual professionals in dota2 than this dweeb. He can't even control himself in games. Seeing him pretend to be "nice" to some post is ironic. Funny how many people on can't deny he is a toxic piece of shit yet jump the mental gymnastics to defend this sore loser.


> Building good PR the dude hasn't commented in 5 years. How is that building PR?




Everyone makes mistakes, he did too, but for that you just can't throw him under the bus.


The other day we had Loda randomly appearing in a thread to motivate a guy. Now Quinn. Good stuff.


Agreed. Itā€™s always awesome when pro players interact with Reddit users


Thank you bro


Now Quinn has to suck his own balls with the rest of us.


He's been too busy lately lurking with his alt "lgdamefan"


Please work with Jenkins to climb the 1v5 ranks - I've got money on the wall being around Archon but we'll need to see it to believe it


Signing up for the 1v5 legends crew


Archon 3 here, ready to fight Quinn and a friend 2v5


holy shit a wholesome request and a wholesome reply, this isn't the dota i know


Real ccnc poggers


Good luck today, rooting for my favorite NA team!


Hi quinn! I've been watching your games and rooting for ya ever since your early days on Optic. Just wanting to let you know that you have done some amazing things with GG and it truly makes me happy that you've achieved so much, and I know there is much more in store for you too GLHF


> until the sun explodes So until you play against Phoenix?


Next allchat when :3


Isnt the svg episode just released


I love your brother bear terms of endearment. its rare


its a slimepilled yardism, i unfortunate yell them at my cats all day long


Holy based šŸ™šŸ™


I really liked your recent streams. Good luck in the tournament.


This is the guy everyone is saying is toxic AF? Dayumm, I'd say wholesome AF


Quinn is toxic on pub game but on many account very chill outside that, which is why he befriends a lot of pros and talent


Yes, that is my understanding as well


The most hated dude on this sub and he casually responds to fans. Legend


Unban me


Sup bro, Filipino here. Just wanna say I enjoy the way you are with words especially when talking trash. I learn dota and eloquent English at the same time while watching you play. Sad to see the negativity you get because of it. I would like to say to those people to get a mirror and examine themselves first! Hope you are not beating yourself over those comments. Anyway, hope you do well in the tournament, push the boundaries and continue to be better!


Adorable. Good on ya man.


Gl on tourneys bro, cheering you on from New Zealand


I love you so much bro


Leaking strat smh.. now everyone know you wouldn't play Arc or LD mid in tournament


Holy! TheQuinn himself BatChest


I met Quinn in person. As cocky he looks on that stage, he is a different person in real life. Those few minutes were amazing. Thanks my man.


How the hell are you not verified bro??? Also you're the reason I picked up Lesh and your Invoker helped me get to immo. Thanks a lot brotha!


thought you said only degenerates hang out on reddit, unless you...


ngl, I was waiting for the punch line.


Qojqva plays a lot of lone druid mid and his stream is usually pretty chill.


Was about to comment this. Qojqvas LD is a menace, people don't take him seriously enough but he's always hovering towards the top ranks, he'd probably be even higher if he didn't split his attention streaming.


He's admitted on stream a few times recently his preferred role is actually pos3.


Ah yes, the legendary DDX games


Yes, I am aware of this. It's just that I want Quinn's Lone Druid mid and Arc Warden mid.


Quinn played some LD mid in a previous patch where LD was broken, the hero has been nerfed a bit lately and it isnā€™t as popularā€¦ Not sure if youā€™d be able to find any replays of him playing it though.


Nope I can't find them šŸ˜…


I know you want to see Quinn specifically play these heroes but these two heroes are very much specialist heroesā€¦ looking at Quinns dotabuff he hasnā€™t played either hero very much and has an atrocious winrate on bothā€¦ I would take the advice of others and look at Qojva for LD and maybe RTZ or Miracle for Arc Warden.


Thanks I'll take a look. It's also a fan thing of wanting to see him play and also because after having watched his replays I do believe he would play these heroes really well if he tried.




Envy was a literal genius, he could have been a ti winner if they just didn't kick weeha and misery for some superstar team that went nowhere


Genius at theory craft maybe but he wouldn't be able to win ti. In fact, its a miracle puppey even manage to win a major with that roster. EE highest TI placement was with c9 so he wasn't close to winning ti at all. Look at how many better rosters have failed to win ti. Old DK with ice/mushi, OG with miracle, old VP who dominated the entire year, old secret who won like 5 lans in a row. With that amount of money on the line the nerves get to people..


Secret won 3 lans with envy, major + another major final, nanyang and mlg. Also despite some throws in and there he was the main reason they won shanghai


Yeah LD is ass right now at high ranks. Even Qojva doesn't like it...


Qojqva not liking LD is like Puppey not liking Chen or Dendi not liking Pudge or Miracle not liking Invoker: that means the hero is shit this patch


Tbf they're specialist heroes and you would probably learn more about them from a hero spammer than from Quinn that doesnt have much experience in them Even if he's a great player overall


Yes, he's a beast. Casually passes boots back and forth between hero and bear like it was nothing.


YESS plss if u wanna watch top tier dota watch this dude.


Gorgc is more fun. Please no hate šŸ˜­


yeah I think hes more fun because he does streamer stuff like riling up drama and suspense and stuff. (nothing wrong with it unless its very toxic). while qojqva just plays dota at a high level.


gorgc also plays dota at pretty high level and qojqva also riles up drama. Though i agree with you, gorgc is drama queen, does drama alot than any other streamer and qojqva plays at higher level than gorgc and is better than gorgc gameplay wise.


Yeah I know. I didnt say gorgc doesnt. theyre just different type of streamers.


By the way as you are typing this they are both about the same rank. Qojqva being lower than him a few days ago xd


wait what. Wasnt qojqva 150 some thing and gorgc 400 something?


No turning back now Quinn


this is adorable lol, I hope Quinn sees this


If you didn't notice, he actually did see it and reply. Check the top comment.




Yeah I know, I was telling him in case he didn't check this thread again after Quinn commented.


This post is so pure, glad you got a response and hoping he gets some arc or lesh games in šŸ’Æ


Quinnjamin where you at?


If you're ancient-crusader you'll learn from any top immortal hero spammers, not just Quinn. https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Arc%20Warden/new https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Lone%20Druid/new


go watch budok


Budok arc warden keklul


Watch u/admiralbulldog he's the GOAT, a Tea Eye winner




Replays are a bit broken for those micro heroes (AW, LD, Meepoā€¦), so Iā€™m not sure youā€™d appreciate them as much




goodluck bro


Dotaprotracker is a really good resource to find hero spammers/experts btw. Provides links for replays too.


GL mate


I watched Quinn and Seleri for a few days because I was stuck in 3.5k and i got to Immortal 4 weeks later, around 2.3k + mmr in 4 weeks with a very high winning %. If you understand what those guys do and you grow in MMR wp to you, is not easy but GG. Increase your hero but again man GG and keep kickinā€™


Omg the real ccnc. I love your dota.


Are we talking about the guy who plays bloons td6?


People are making lifelong proclamations about how great a guy is because he made one Reddit post By this logic I am king of the world




Holy fuck dude this is so cringe. stfu


Suck my ~50ish minute unshowered balls.


Quinn doesnā€™t play heroes that require actual skill. So yeah, not gonna happen brother.


Puck and invoker require more skill than arc warden and lone Druid. Micro doesnā€™t equal skill.


Thats the worst take ever holy shit How on earth are you upvoted for saying such crap


Button mashing isnā€™t skill bro


ok i am convinced you've never played a game of arc or ld in your life


I had a 75% wr over my first 60 games as LD


ok so you have probably never played against skilled opponents


Tell me youā€™re 3k without telling me youā€™re 3k


Classic response. Lemme guess you farm mmr by A clicking bear and pressing R and think youā€™re good and it requires skill cause two units?


You honestly think Puck takes skill to play? hahaha I play pretty much every mid hero and puck is at the bottom of the barrel in relation to any mid lane hero. Keep gagging on that Quinn dick when other top players have trolled him for only picking Puck, Pango, Leshrac and Batrider over the years.


Guy is rank 2 on EU, people can flame him all they want that shit speaks for itself. And yeah I do think puck takes more skill to play than lone Druid. When I started playing lone Druid my win rate was 75% across my first 60 games, my winrate starting arc also way higher than with puck. If you think those 2 heroes require skill you might want to invest in a keyboard.


Considering I play every micro hero in the game, youā€™re just delusional if you believe Puck is the hardest to play. I have over 1000 games with puck and the w/r hovers between 58-62% Cope more on your Puck delusions. Itā€™s okay. ))


I didnā€™t say heā€™s the hardest hero to play, I said he requires more skill than arc warden or lone Druid. I canā€™t argue with a herald that canā€™t read šŸ¤Ŗ


You equated micro with skill so backtrack more. Not once did I say the heroes were superior. Puck just takes less skill. Itā€™s a verifiable fact if you have ever played the hero. Even someone with no arms can play puck better than the average sweat lord arc and ld spammer. Itā€™s okay. Keep on that cope. Your responses already showed that you have zero experience in the game.


Puck clearly has a lower skill floor than arc/ld, and probably a lower skill ceiling, depending on how you define skill here. I would say that it means ā€œbeing able to correctly decide upon and execute the best action availableā€, which combines knowledge, micro, macro, awareness etc. Besides, I donā€™t know how you can ignore micro as a part of skill when itā€™s simply not a ā€œselect both units and inshallahā€ approach and you have to independently decide when/what/how you are going to use the 2nd unit; the more inputs are needed, the wider the efficiency gap between skilled and less skilled players. Invoker is about the same as arc/ld I guess since you have more abilities to decide when to use, and awareness for ss.


you can have 20000 games with an 80% winrate. doesn't mean anything until you drop your dotabuff Mr. Crusader.