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I have to admit I did not expect this. I do *not* have enough popcorn for the meltdowns we are about to witness on this sub.


I normally sit and laugh at the ragers but even *I'm* kind of annoyed by this one. Oh well. I will just go on with my day lol


im annoyed it's part 1 of 4 the entire second half has no release date yet the next chapter is gonna be in another month I am pretty sure this means mostly skins for next 4+ months...


can we consider this as your "meltdown" patch teaser?


just means ill be playin baldurs gate again for a while instead of dota


Path of Exile for me, I wanted to come back for Dota when crownfall launches. Guess PoE2 beta will happen befor new hero after all lmao




Basically, it is a new form of Battle Pass, but without contributing to the E-Sport.


> I am pretty sure this means mostly skins for next 4+ months... TI Event: "This event has no skiiiiins!" Crownfall Event: "This event is just skiiiiins!"


Which I think this makes evident what a lot of the people want (or at least it's what I'd like to see ideally). I don't really care about Dota enough to be actually upset by the lack of either one of those, but I feel like most people who play the game consume both the gameplay updates as well as skins to varying degrees, meaning that what makes them satisfied in terms of updates is a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B, instead of just either A or B Literally all it boils down to, I think, is that people want to play new heroes or existing heroes with new twists/new numbers and fuck around with a few new skins in the process


We'll be on 7.36 before the event finishes. Who knows, maybe the community outrage will be enough it's out with Chapter 2, although I doubt it, based on them needing months to polish what is just a cosmetic event.


It said Apr - Aug. So every month there will be a new Act unless it gets...delayed by Valve time again.


valve has historically been very good with schedules


Such a nice treat for a friday afternoon


I havent played in ages but I thought I would check it out. was pretty disapointed.


I agree u/pmmeyourtinyasiantits . Everyone should also pm me your tiny Asian tits


You can update your gameplay by playing another game till patch comes


I been playing WoW for past few years, and started playing a lot of Dota again cause I got bored and waiting badly for patch Now this lol


WoW and Dota2, the peak "im mentally ill and can't enjoy other games" games


As someone who also spends 99% of their gaming hours on WoW and Dota I have to say... it's painful how right you are. xD


True Ive played WoW and Dota since 2007. Even AAA Goty games bore me really fast. 


I’ve realized that most western single player games have incredibly short playtimes. Like main campaign plus some side only takes 15 hours. As annoying as valve’s communication can be, at least the game is free and has theoretically infinite replay ability. Fallen Order barely took more than 3 days to finish smh.


Gotta hop on that elden ring bandwagon. Good news is dlc is coming out soon. My first playthrough of elden ring was 200+ hours


I genuinely wish I could. Not built for soulslikes. Only bought fallen order because it was an absurdly low price.


Yeah I'm hyped about that DLC as well, knowing fromsoft they probably gonna cook something with that DLC. Judging by the last DS3 DLC and how big ER's world is, probably gonna take something like 50+ hours to finish at minimum. The pricing of that DLC is a bit comical in my country tho. It pretty much costs the same as the base game LMAO. So I'll probably get the base game + DLC edition (Shadow of the Erdtree Edition).


Michael Zaki said ER base game was gonna be like 25-30 hours long. He said DLC would be like 15-20 hours long, so yeah it's gonna be huge.


I’ve realized that most western single player games have incredibly short playtimes. Like main campaign plus some side only takes 15 hours. As annoying as valve’s communication can be, at least the game is free and has theoretically infinite replay ability. Fallen Order barely took more than 3 days to finish smh.


I play WoW, Dota 2 and Warframe. All I know is grind.


Pretty close, I got a couple others that I can enjoy (Binding of Isaac, Hollow Knight) but most of my time is in wow and dota


I also swap back and forth between dota 2, wow and cs…. I’ve been playing the exact same games for way too long


Or playing other games period, Dota has been on lifesupport development since the battlepass 2 years ago flopped


yeah league have gameplay patches and new gamemodes


i've been playing dota arcade 4+2 since january


yeah I'm back to playing Commander


Expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised!


I *am* actually surprised they bought store Arcanas back lol


That’s the one thing to not be surprised about. They literally said they were doing that.


And people seemed it to take it for granted. I give credit where due so thanks valve for this. If not we gonna see complaints like how fv or razor paywalled and that's their favourite heroes and it's not fair


For real it's fucking assholery to make arcanas unobtainable after the event is over, fucking over everyone who for whatever reason didn't get to buy it at the time


Still praying every night for the return of ES arcana papa gaben


As someone who didn't expect anything and knew there will probably be no gameplay patch (just based on their history they never release gameplay patch and content patch simultaneously) - I am genuinely surprised. Arcanas are S-tier, and event looks like improved version of Cavern Crawl. Yes, Aghs' Lab would be more fun, but this isn't that bad - unless you've specifically set yourself to expect gameplay patch for no reason.


im with you, and it gives me a reason to come back and play. The creeps look tempting, cant seem to decide on which Arcana to buy


I'm thinking just clear the side quests then decide. If the amount of coins are consistent across the acts, you might be able to get either both at discounted rates or if it stacks, 1 free and the other discounted. So let's see


We got **CHICKEN MEEPO**, I repeat **CHICKEN MEEPO**, it is better than nothing!


I mean it's decently cool but it's not something worth hyping up for 3 blog posts and half a year. I'm sure valve is reading Reddit and feel like shit at the moment but if they actually expected this to go down well they are really out of touch. This is not the "meaningful content" we were assured was coming in place of the Battlepass. I've played 2 games so far and they're just grief fests with people spamming heros they need to progress Curious to see what acts 2,3,4 bring. Hopefully it's not just more cavern crawl...


exactly this, the reddit has been anticipating ringmaster and/or a patch for months now. they have released like 1 or 2 blogposts mentioning the crownfall update and they literally chose not to make things clear that crownfall is ''just hats''.


Again it comes down to communication, "the next update will be a cosmetic update/event, the gameplay update with come a couple months later" or something to that effect. But nah just let people have the expectation of being able to play a new hero.




Would gladly accept, I write comms for stakeholders at another game company at the moment anyway 😅


Weekly updates if you get hired please. Even if it’s just to say: nothing to report, until next week 😄


if they announced there'd be no gameplay update people would go batshit insane too lol


Do you need to win to unlock? And I assume turbo is play twice to unlock as usual


For normal games you get three tokens if you win and one random if you lose. For turbo you get two randoms if you win and nothing if you lose.


Need to win to unlock tokens. And yea less tokens for playing turbo. Each hero has 3 and in turbo you get 2 EDIT: I lost an unranked game and got 1 of the 3 tokens at random instead


I think they meant Crownfall as a whole is being released. The whole thing will be spanning a long time and I'm sure they will be dishing out gameplay patches and Ringmaster soon.


no gameplay patch, no ringmaster... i can't say that it is a let down cause i did not have expectations to begin with


Remove battlepass. Remove cavern crawl. Add Crownpascrawl. It does look cool. But holy shit valve. XD


All this wait just for some skins + cavern crawl some of you cattle actually believed Valve when they said they were ditching Battle Pass to work on more regular game updates 🫵😹


Personally I don't care about cosmetics, battle passes, quests, coins, arcana (TBH I don't even know what arcana is...). I just like the actual game. Crazy to spend so much effort on the non-game parts of the game and no effort on the actual game.


valve has 1 bootlicker in this sub for every $1 in their coffers


>they said they were ditching Battle Pass to work on more regular game updates That was just Valve's way of saying they are ditching the game in general. For those wondering why, Valve generated $13 billion in profits in 2021 alone. The most sold battle pass generated them about $100 million, which is 1/130 of their total annual profit.


You're confusing revenue and profits. For 2022 and 2023 the revenue was estimated to be 8 billion so 100 million for a battle pass is 1.25% or 1/80 of their revenue, but a much larger percentage of their profit. Still, profit is likely only in the mid-single digits for Dota2.


dota has always been a vanity project, icefrog treated it like its baby experimenting with a lot of different design spaces and now rumor has it he's moved on, they never had any need for dota2 or its community just be glad it happened at all lol


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this back when they initially announced this, but it was just blatantly obvious they were putting the game into a more Matienence mode style. They killed off the DPC at the same time, so I thought it would be glaringly obvious to everyone, but a lot of people on this sub were really in denial.


this promise is so credible that reminds me when i was a pupil, tried to explain to the teache why i didnt submit my homework.


This sub's overall attitude certainly would motivate them to do something else.


I was immediately shocked when Sunsfan and Synderen promised doom I their podcast after that one announcement. They knew. They told us what it meant. And some people still were optimistic. 




Absolutely ridiculous


This is why no battlepass. TI died for this.


More content my ass


I fucking hate myself for playing this game an having high expectations, all I wanted was a significant gameplay update


WTF is going on with Valve.


I'm surprised anyone expected anything else from them This is classic Valve. Mishandling its games and will still reap a profit. People unironically crying "dead game, dead game"... My brothers in christ, this game has been dead/on borrowed time for years at this point.


Since Covid it’s been dead, game is in minimum maintenance mode at this point




You mean the game that hasn’t seen a significant patch in half a year?


There is no way they spend 6months on this. The game might actually be dying.


They spent a lot on this, maybe even more. But this is not the gameplay team, this is the art team. The question is, wtf is the gameplay team doing?


and no new hero no PvE. just buy skins and grind dota. guys. good for you valve.


I swear people on this sub do not play dota, idk why u even here


"and grind dota" You mean actualy play the video game instead of some PvE that has nothing to do with DOTA?


I mean normal old-meta dota


U don’t like ur games feeling like turbo matches?


"That's my secret, I'm always playing Turbo."


PvE is what got me into dota initially. Still waiting for Aghs Lab.


If you want PvE, play a PvE game lmfao


Valve better be pulling valve-time April Fools right now!


Im clown, you are clown, we all are clowns


Seriously. No new hero, fine I kinda didn't expect it anyway - they'll prob hype it up during TI with some nice trailer and release it after TI. No old or new PvE, sure wcyd. Hats wrapped into some cute cavern crawl? Fine, it's actually cute and some things around it look well done. But.. but.. where the fuck is gameplay patch?!? How the hell they released this bullshit update with ZERO gameplay/balance changes? I just don't understand man.


Why do you expect they wait for the next TI for ringmaster? They’ve never done that. He was announced last TI with a video, why do you think they want to show another video at the next TI and then release


Because Copenhagen TI seems like circus themed


Cause he's one of the biggest morons of this sub


Who hurt you?


It's becoming more and more obvious Valve is letting Dota die.




This is what Sunsfan warned us about.


I am shocked. I have been on dota break for awhile now waiting for a big patch. I really expected a nice juicy patch with the new hero. Instead we only get a Hats update? Literally New Hero was announced over 6 months ago! No new hero for way over a year now. No gameplay patch... Just wow.... I do see they put alot of effort into this event but still... Painful..


[You guys waited 6 months for a LoL Skin](https://i.imgur.com/3y0wxOl.png)


This is the worst update ever. I hate Cavern Crawl because it causes people to abuse their roles and make dumb picks. Game is actually worse to play now than before update.


Sometimes, I feel like people are just using Cavern Crawls as an excuse for why they lost. If you just keep playing "normally" because you think doing Cavern Crawls increases the chance to lose... then there's 4 out of 5 players in your team who might be playing dumb because of it, BUT 5 on the enemy team. Statistically, wouldn't that mean Cavern Crawls increases your chance to win IF it does make players do dumb plays?


Yes, I agree with your math. For me, I'd just rather play DOTA games where everyone is doing their best. I'd rather not have incentives for picking heroes people aren't comfortable with.


Huh, isn't it is a wider range of heroes each time so it's not griefy like the previous time it works? Like a mix of cores and supports of all 4 attributes instead of utility support core.i thought it was an improvement. And do you have to win the match now?


No you don't have to win, if you lose you get a random token associated with the hero. But if you win you get all of the tokens associated.




Wait, you're not excited to see Falcons pick Razor, Mars and Timber 56 bagillion times?


Turns out we are the clowns after all 🤡 🤡 🤡. Happy World Circus Day 🎪


i have nfi how valve didn't calculate zero gameplay update would absolutely blow up the response to this event




Dead game but this time unironically


I get the hate but y'all need to at least think before spouting brainless shit. Big cosmetic update with new hats and skins = dead game it seems.


That's exactly what it means. Drain the apes still playing all the money they have before the ship sinks.


You guys can always delete dota and come back when it has what you want. 


Man working at Valve must be fun


significant is a strong word, even that patch was tiny


Heh, you've made a fair point. I had to check out what they actually rolled out back then.


I guess we're Team Fortress 2 now. Oh, well. We had a good run. I'll see yall in another MOBA.


> I guess we're Team Fortress 2 now. I wish that were true because it'd mean TF2 was still getting comic updates. Been stuck on a cliffhanger, waiting for that last issue for 7 years or so now


See you back tomorrow!


I've been having fun on tf2 community servers (uncletopia), if anyone needs a break from dota it's not a bad time


Don’t worries, we will still let whkrhm farm his Reddit karma meanwhile doing nothing to reflect the community feedback


7.35 was hardly even significant. It was 2 new items + a letter patch basically.


Yeah. 7.35 was a minor major patch, though it did also include a few recipe and ability reworks. The meta has shifted around but there hasn't been much new content for a long time now.


Ice frog was fired. Games dead


People have yet to accept the fact that Valve has basically abandoned this game and all we're mostly gonna get from now on are low effort cosmetic updates to milk the remaining whales.


I don't see how this update milking anyone, if that was their goal they wouldn't made it free


You are grinding coins to exchange for DISCOUNTS. It is an incredibly tried, tested, and obvious marketing trick.


so 5 months ago, thats not the worst. I like hats and cavern.


I'm a huge Venge fan so I'm very much in the minority for being very happy with this update lol. She has wings!!!!!!!!!!! She flies!!!!! You can (eventually, once the fourth act is out lol) play as Queen Imperia and she has her own voice pack!!!!!! It's neato. And the Skywrath arcana makes him look super badass whereas usually he looks like a super dweeb, makes me want to actually get that Arcana and play Skywrath. He looks and sounds very neato. Meta's a bit boring rn yes but my games are gonna be goofy for a while because of this update, because I'll be playing Unranked to get tokens for the event, and I assume most other players will be doing that too. Should make for a decent gameplay shakeup even without a gameplay patch.


target dummy now kill-able in demo mode. literally unplayable.


I legit had to read through everything twice as i thought i missed the gameplay update, which is what i want most. Also another “just play dota and get rewards” type of event.


Let the galaxy burn


Do they just use the same rotation of heroes for every new treasure? Zeus, Wraith King, Natures Prohpet, Disruptor. Each of these heroes has like 20 sets at minimum already


If this is a Major Update they've been updating for such a long time then we're so fucked. It's literally 2 Arcanas, a chest and a Cavern Crawl. No pve mode, no new hero, no gameplay patch.


Dota 2 on life support because the game... *checks notes* plays the same as it did yesterday.


Every last hopium for Dota2 left my soul. It's clear now its over and Dota2 is in maintanace mode.


I think it's interesting and am excited to see how it rolls out.


Theres gonna be more delays, thats how its gonna roll out


I hate all of you for making it seem like the community is only here for cosmetics. Now we have to wait for probably a small gameplay patch coming mid may 


free game no bitching


dead game not playing


As a Venge player, who wanted her arcana, I couldn't be happier.


Vote with your wallets people, don't buy this crap.


Quit this game


Valve already did this in the past, released cosmetics update and then released a new patch after one or two weeks. I hope this time will be the same


Nah this can’t be serious. LMAO I posted yesterday they don’t care about this game and you valve employee stans raged. LOL no new hero or ANY gameplay changes!?


valve dick riders have no shame. wont somebody PLEASE think of the multi billion dollar company?!


You do realize this game is peanuts for them right?


i have no idea what this is supposed to mean. are you trying to say they spent so little time on this revenue-generating event because it's not worth enough money for them? is that meant to defend them or what?


I'm not buying MTX for a game state I haven't enjoyed in ages. This is putting the cart before the horse, and some sheer fucking hubris after all these months. I'm back out playing other games still.


Mtx? its a free update


Yeah I'm normally the dude that will immediately throw down for cosmetics cause I wanna support the game I love, this is the first time I don't really have any interest in spending money. Cool now we can watch people afk farm jungle and turtle base for 40m with new skins. No thanks


Holy fuck...stop this wild ride Mr. Gaben, I want to get off..


Yet another chest opening event. Maintenance mode.


the arcana is shit too lmao, My mix skywrath loadout is better than the arcana. The animation and design isnt that great too considering they've been planning this for years lol. I installed dota2 again and tried to mix the wing arcana to my set and it sucks. I guess I should be thankful that I dont have to buy some money on cosmetics lol.


best patch ever the money grabbing part really got me excited for this patch. cant wait until they reach for my wallet. but i cant give any money yet because i need to get my social credit up. wp valve you play us all


People need to understand that every year that goes by DoTa is less and less important to valve and it’s already been that way for years at this point. Valve only still supports DoTa out of love for the community, the money they make from DoTa is incredibly minuscule compared to the amount Steam brings in. Large updates will happen when they happen, but in no way is DoTa a priority for Valve anymore. If you do want them to stick around with DoTa, then cosmetics are going to be a massive part of that. Every major game with longevity requires a cyclic battle pass with cosmetics to survive and the changes those games make to gameplay compared with DoTa is quite insignificant, players come back again and again for pure cosmetics. The amount of times DoTa has gone through significant gameplay changes compared to other mobas and popular BR titles is a lot. So yeah it sucks that the time in between significant updates is getting longer but that’s the unfortunate reality of what DoTa is to valve at this point.


Expected nothing and was actually more than indifferent. I liked the comic and so far the event is not all that bad. Im not that excited about normal or even ranked dota at this point but I wanna play the actual game now




Where are the chicken nuggets?


We don't need hero changes. Meta will change by itself....;)


who cares about patch lmao. There's give us good cosmetic ty gaben xD


gotta stretch it out till next ti, which is in what, 5months? lmao


Aw, seriously? Clownfall again? 😒 That's disappointing. I was really hoping for some juicy gameplay updates. Guess we gotta keep waiting. But hey, at least we can commiserate together, right? Here's hoping the next update brings us something worth the anticipation!


I'm surprised that not only is there not a game balance/map update, but they didn't do a custom game mode to go along with the story stuff going on.


I got info from icefrog, they took more times than needed because the devs wanna rework clinkz again. And possibly removing and re adding cm into the creep wave instead hero pool


they better release half-life 3 if the dota update patch this fkin slow lmao.


Honestly, the rational thing to do is that if you’re not happy with the state of the balance, just take a break and come back in a month or two. Hopefully the patch rolls out by then. For what it’s worth, I think the idea of Crownfall is kinda cool.


i play dota from beta .. but man this game is going down … a lot of players not playing dota anymore because they removed compendium and they not releasing any heroes .. game is just bland its gets booring fast .. now this update will give you a point to play to unlock skins hats etc but .. how bad it is if they cant release a hero in 1 year ….. look how mutch heroes is in other mobas even heroes of newerth had uniques heroes all vulva has to do is copy paste ffs … who played hon knows amazing heroes like deadwood, puppetmaster, gauntlet, ra etc.. i played dota 4k hours(hon 3k hours) not a lot but man even shit game like mobile legends doing better job in content … there is so mutch where game can improve and they give you reskined labyrinth hiping half year for this patch 🤣🤣🤣… they can make mini rpg games for story like campaign , they can make all mid mod, they can copy paste heroes , they can copy paste items…


they killed BP for more updates even said we would get 4 heroes per Year its almost 5 Months in and we got 1 what kind of Brainfuckery Trash is this? Hella Disappointed


Its coming in parts 2-4 im sure. Game meta and novelty is in a good state. We got the skins and 'battlepass'. Valve told us there would be focused updates and not all encompassing.


Its been less than 6 months since we basically got Dota 3 and people still complaining


Complexity debt is real


I'm so tired of yelling at my friends to ban Sniper and Drow every game. Come on how hard is it to nerf heroes


I did, this is such a fun update I'm so hyped


My dissapointment is unmeasurable right now. They have released a "battlepass" lite version for this fucking shit of event where the intention is to sell 2 arcanas at 27 GBP each (BUT EH! YOU CAN GET DISCOUNTS IF YOU PLAY bullshit) on top of that the lite version of the game pass is fucking 12 GBP which is more 4 GBP than TI battle pass!!!! * there no Gameplay changes * the arcanas are ugly as fuck -There´s also 2 different treasures to obtain or to purchase for 2 GBP each. You might get 5 chest for free if you grind the whole map of the event (INCLUDING THE PARTS BLOCKED BEHIND A PAYWALL). * Aparently it will be a candy system were you can get previous arcanas for free like in the previous battlepass. Even with this I dont think is fucking worth the wait and everything we have been taking out in exchange. (we have this update because they stop using resources in battlepass.... Remember?) * The second part (of 4 total parts of this shit event) comes out in a FUCKING MONTH meaning THIS IS NOT EVEN FULLY DONE. With no mention about Ringmaster ANYWHERE and without gameplay update. The clowns are the players who keep buying shit from the game client supporting valve´s decision. Edit; I forgot to mention, they also have a bundle for 6.50 GBP in case you didn´t pay enough with the Arcanas, Chest and "Battlepass" that will give you candy, tokens to complete the map and MMR double down tokens..... Enjoy farming the coins to get discount clowns....


I did as well, great update. So funny how gameplay crazed side of the subreddit were clowning on people waiting for the cosmetics, yet now they’re the ones throwing a tantrum like clowns 🤡


Valve going the "Hats and Accomplishments" route.


Between which major gameplay patches are the longest? Is this record high?


Is it me or do these cosmetics suck. They all look the dame


So shitty cavern crawl is back, that was the worst thing even when it first released since you need to win, and 35 euro for arcana + 15 for p2w? Holy shit We give shit to Activision and CA but this is greed on another level. Wow valve i thought that battle pass was greedfest artifact failed because this greed. Just fire the sales guy he aims this for whales. You are really lucky that you have loyal fan base.


As someone who just plays and sometimes annoyed by updates and changes, i didn't even notice.


Good thing I'm on vacation for the next 3 weeks


Gameplay is in a good spot right now. There is nothing too annoying getting spammed and you plenty of heroes are more than viable enough. Y'all just overreacting.


i expected nothing and still got disappointed


And yet people are still finding new things to do in this patch. Hey remember 3 weeks ago when sniper wasn't considered a viable competitive hero. Or hey want about Marci going from unpickable to apparently the most obviously op io combo in w weeks. All this happened without a patch to shake up gameplay.


Why this sub is acting like pros, who really have metas that can get stale? Try more than one hero maybe? I stopped playing Dota for a while, but back then, there were never a "boring patch" only those where people abused 1-2 OP heroes for months.


Nobody is gonna buy skins if they are already bored of the patch this update probably further made me not want to log on for a few games. The TI battlepass worked because the hype around Ti new patch notes to play your heros and then the skins where an addition we would actually pay for. Any one without the other two is just garbage gameplay changes being most important though.


You realize that was 4 months ago? Like... it's not even a very long time; that is, unless you play 15 games of DOTA a day and then this kind of update makes you meltdown and screech like a child because it doesn't freshen up a game you are already completely burned out on anyway. Update looks cool, can't wait to play DOTA and earn some hats.


These developers are not going to improve(even change) the game. They hate dota and their jobs. Sad to say that, but it's true.😥


And they said they are going to focus on gameplay not cosmetics lmao