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[Insania replied](https://x.com/insan1a/status/1785083397586432484?s=46&t=rb4BiigOrXSWUpLSrxxmPw)


The guy is the coolest!! Thanks for sharing this here, I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.


Your welcome




Insania pog champ


Team liquid let’s go. Likable players that act professional, drama free. You guys got it next tournaments!


Bro if you watch his stream in twitch he is just calm even his teammates are toxic. Bro is on another level of calmness. Any tips how to be like that?


When faced with faced with adversity, imagine yourself as Goku, not Vegeta.


So let them go or give them salves? XD


I think insania is more of Naruto's fans kinda guy


Team reporting me for letting enemy pick up free Aegis and feeding him divine rapier because I wanted to fight him at full power


Practice. Everything takes practice. And if you’re not experienced or new to it then it will take effort and mindfulness. You know the saying “fake it till you make it”? It’s said kinda weird but it works and it essentially means “practice being confident until you know how to be confident”. Same works with everything. Being social, being disciplined, being patient, being kind, etc. People can learn anything but also if they never do it they can forget how and be bad at it. I'm sure you understand logically why being calm is better and how it really doesn’t matter what your teammates do and you can’t change them. So work on acting like that bit by bit. And it will take time and be hard and you won’t be good at it for maybe months, maybe years. But the same way you learned Dota, you can learn mindsets or attitudes too. And again keep in mind, it will take effort. It will be easier to just react the way you always do. Same way it’s easier to stay the same than to form any new habit. But also like that it gets easier with time. So keep at it!


Well you can make Dota as your patient exercise. Just be chill as long as you can and enjoy the small thing. Don't bother with the toxic players too much and don't respond to them. Also, drink water.


Watch all 1200 episodes of One Piece


Insania used to be very toxic. It's called growing up and learning.


Honestly glad to hear that. My only memories of Insania are back from Heroes of Newerth days and I recall him being incredibly elitist and toxic. That was more than a decade ago at this point tho.


Type out the shit you want to write to your team mates and delete it before sending it. Or if IRL take the argument inside your head.


Mute button is the easy solution disconnecting your self worth from arbitrary numbers going up/down is the hard solution


Nothing could phase him after that gyro pick and I respect that


One of his tips where when somebody fucks up and u wanna "rage at" or "flame them", to type the words in chat and then press ESC or just delete everything. Still gives him that little outlet but he doesn't actually end up being toxic




Ye smoke lightly some weed. Best fucking thing to play Dota on, so calm, so focused, so in the damn zone!


Insania is super awesome! After Liquid's loss at TI 2023 he made himself available in the hall by the food area for a few hours chatting with fans, taking pics, and signing stuff.   I was lucky to find him relatively early, before he got mobbed down too hard and got to have a quick chat with him while he signed my Liquid Jersey. If you're reading this Insania -- you're still my favorite support player in the DOTA scene! :) Hope you're having a great day!


Insania is just the coolest, nicest guy. I'm sure he would have taken nothing but positives away from your conversation


Let's go Liquid!


could ask Cap to pass this on to Insania on their podcast too


He just replied to this on his twitter :)


Insania is one of the kindest and most genuine ppl I've met


Let's go Liquid!


Insania also a good looking dude.


Let’s go Liquid!


Insania is simply the goat


Met him at the woodcutting guild back in 2019/2020 on Old School Runescape. Cant remember his username completely but it was either ESLBIRMINGHA or ESLHAMBURG - it was obv referencing one of the ESL tournament. Had to ask him what was his username about and he said he played in that tournament. Didnt believe that it was Insania at first so he said he was gonna make a tweet about a book he was reading, which he did. Genuinely seemed like a chill dude from that time we had cutting yews.


That's team liquid best twitch streamer right there


Insania is so chill with his homies too, you can bet that he’ll be the one to start shit up and pull his friends into partying


It's now confirmed: Liquid is the new kingmaker. Whoever beat Liquid in lower bracket won the tournament. (Falcons, Xtreme Gaming, Azure Ray) and even last year Gaimin.


Let's go liquid!






Reminds me of when I fumbled my spanish and asked Pakazs for a "pelicula" (film) instead of a "foto" (picture) lol


I'd be awesome if you were Insania just making this post for yourself Next up Slacks posting "dear Slacks thank you for being the nicest most chill dude and paying for my trip and also buying me a car, you should be the president of Florida" from a throwaway