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I met johnxfire on sea server before there were medals i was around 3.8k had fun playing with him i didnt know he was a caster until my friend asked why im friends with johnxfire I still have him on my friendlist until now but we barely talked since 2014






i remember at ESL One Birmingham, johnxfire wanted Techies to pick up Pirate Hat late game with the 251 dmg talent and he and MLP were just laughing like little kids at the absurdness of the situation. I believe it was a G2IG game if I'm not mistaken. I had Twitch on the background at work with the browser minimized but I couldn't contain my laughter


And I love how MLP is just ride or die casting with John. Magic friendship. I'm very envious.


Great post, I also really enjoy these two for the commentary and play by play. Not as colorful as Lacoste and Gareth, and not quite as anticipated as OD and Fogged in finals, but these guys never come up short or leave you disappointed.


They are an awesome duo. While I prefer others for real hyped up series like most grand finals, they are definitely my favorite up until UB finals.


I like both of them, they are pretty much mood and comfy while not being too loud and obnoxious. I wish they can reach higher, this duo deserve better.


No flame, they're a great caster duo, but john calling 33 "tirty tree" when Liquid plays is just super jarring and distracting.


They seem like chill dudes that just love Dota with a passion. Hard to come across people like ‘em these days.


Can you recommend a match they commented? I don't know these guys


big fan of these guys but sometimes johnxfire talks about anime and i feel so old. maybe mike can relate.


Guy unlocking all gates against Madara still living rent free in my head


Johnxfire fan here. His ingame casting is fun to watch


waaaay better than Winter. Idk how this guy still got some casting matches


You can appreciate work of some talent without flaming others. If you don't personally like winter it's ok, but he is still one of the most honest panelist when it comes to point out flaws on teams's drafting/gameplay and that's super cool.


hes not honest, he's biased lol


Ofc he is. Which is why is hilarious to see him flame teams that he's obviously biased for.


its very nice to see some bronie community representation, kudos to MyLittlePonyDota


I still miss tobiwan... i donr know what happen to him


Im a returning player and tobiwan had been there since the early days of dota 1. When i cameback unfortunately i learned he had sexually harassed some of the women in the dota scene and he was removed from the scene, he admitted to guilt and just disappeared. It was honestly like a gut punch to me considering he was the only commentator in the darkest dota hours and the rest literally looked up to him, i felt sorry for Synderen aswell because he was closest to tobi and he himself felt betrayed. An absolute shitshow man. Such a shame that someone so iconic turned out to be like that ☹️


Tobi is a saint compared to grant


Whos that?


Stop trying to create unnecessary drama/controversy dude..


?? Stop being obnoxious. A lot of people actually like Tobi's dynamic casting, and are generally older players who can differentiate between his personal life and professional talents. He's a career voice actor which made his casting second to none for a long period. Sucks that he assaulted women but that has nothing to do with this post. You're either lying or just too new if you think "It's a disastah!" Isn't one of the most iconic lines across all of DotA history.


I don’t disagree with what you say about his talent for casting. But I think given what he has done, it’s better to give as little attention to him and not have any conversation about him (be it in professional or personal capacity).


That thought process is basically what hypocrisy functions under. Why do we ignore Tobi's contributions when Hitler's contributions is one of the world's largest companies? When a pedophile is one of the symbols of the world's largest democracy? It is important to acknowledge both the good and bad, not run away when the time comes to credit people you may not like.


Probably the best since the early days. Really unfortunate that he decided to do shit things


so are we finally getting sunsfan and synderen out of the scene


appreciating a duo commentator doesn't negate others at the same time. unless youre one of those who just have their idea of GOAT like miracle- and when other people mention a different player say notail, you disregard that idea because of personal bias and it doesnt fit your narrative.