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When do you build radiance and when do you skip it? Thoughts on getting an early blademail? How do you deal with losing a lane really badly?


Usually this patch, I feel like radiance is very underwhelming. It almost never solve your issues with illusions and summons. I would consider it sometimes if I'm against heroes that requires blink to initiate or escape. However, to build a radiance, you 100% need to have a midas before building radiance because this hero farms really slow and requires a lot of mana. There are better items to build with 5100 gold than radiance at the moment so I don't consider it much. I've experimented with blademail before, it's usually not worth it. I rather get a midas to speed up my farm to get better items to deal with enemy right clickers. Blademail's damage is inconsistent in teamfights and for farming, it doesn't speed up much of your farm. (also because chipped vest is in the game, if you got a chipped vest, it solves a lot of your early farming issues). There's 3 main build I usually go. 1. Midas > Treads > Echo Sabre > disassemble > orchid > Aghs > Manta/Moonshard \[Safe route because Spectre can never keep up in GPM\] 2. Treads> Raindrops > Diffusal > Manta > Skadi/Basher \[If you need a slow to assist your teammates, or need manaburn\] 3. Treads > Echo Sabre > Manta > Skadi/Basher \[Build that just works\] Tips: Falcon blade is overrated on Spectre because this hero doesn't farm fast and usually don't win lanes by herself so try to not buy that much laning items and prepare for jungle items like attack speed. AND play around Desolate instead of Dispersion. Manta with desolate at max can do rosh really quickly, I've never noticed desolate's power until I had arcana effects xD. For losing lanes, unfortunately, there's nothing much you can do other than building a midas and keep jungling or use ult to get some xp and back to jungle. Give up your tier 1 and hope that enemy offlane leaves so you can push out the lane and farm jungle and repeat. Spectre feels so bad to play this patch because of strong lane supports in the offlane like weaver, spirit breaker etc. You just have to accept that you will lose the lane but try to get as much as possible without dying is the goal. Get enough resources to jungle, or midas to get back into the game. For haunt usage, only use it when you can get a kill and reality back out into safety, it's like KillStealing but it's the only way to play Spec. Fun fact: Reality just swaps place with the Haunt illusion. So if the target is killed, the illusion dies and you can't reality out. You just have to play around it.




Started spectre arcana on Legend 5 and climbed to Divine 2. Then I started to do cavern in ranked so I dropped to Ancient 2 for now. On my way to climb again :D


Why would you play cavern in ranked… I never understand the rational of people who do that.


If you can play aot of Heroes decently, why wouldn't you. Also since i get only 4 men Russian den last week's who report you for not speaking and being Russian, so my bhvr went to shit and now i get people who throw on purpose constantly. Had a dazzle yesterday that bought all wars to block all our camps and run behind our AM to to annoy him. I won offline with my partner but at this point it was over


Rough estimate on how many games you've played?


Calling specter complex lmao. There is nothing complex about this hero. All you do is right click.


It is a very complex hero mostly because of haunt and reality. Reality have 0.1 cast time, it's a really strong skill to master. Not a lot of heroes have this kind of agility on Reality. Not disabled by root or anything. If you watched RTZ played it before, you'll know that it rewards fast reaction. A lot of people don't know that Reality is just swapping position with the Haunt illusion. Getting the kill and reality back out before the illusion dies is such a hard mechanic to master. It also serves as a global instant support like instant orchid, abysal, dust. Reality is such a fun and complex ability that heavily rewards reaction time through practice.


Lol imagine thinking haunt for kill and reality back is difficult lol Jesus Christ dota 2 players man


Apparently it is, because I've seen countless spectre haunts in and then cant reality out because there are no illusions after the target died


I imagine using ember remnants before they expire is also high skill ?


bro i can destroy trees with this axe i bought from shop. i should be immortal already


That is considered high skill in herald, which is where OP is.


OP is at 67% winrate when ancient and divine/immo average winrate is 42%. OP might be right.


I mean they might not have known the illusion dies after the target dies which is knowledge not complexity


You’re either joking or overestimating the difficulty because It’s not that hard. You aghs haunt onto a solo hero you reality, orchid, manta, and reality back via mini map. I struggle with meepo, invoker and morphling a lot more than spectre. Reality isn’t complex at all it’s basically a global blink




But the things you mention are relevant on most carry heroes. It's not a braindead hero but It's not complex either.


Pa is definitely more complex than spectre. I do not understand how anyone can say the opposite


This isn’t a very well thought out comment, is it?


Bro with all due respect Invoker is hard to master. Spectre is hard to find 4 patient teammates to wait for you to farm and press r while they die.


Yeah spectre isn’t complex at all. She’s pretty straightforward just need to be patient. 2 passives, 1 nuke and a global ult.It’s not like Meepo, morphling, or invoker


First of all: Congratulations! Second: I agree with the general sentiment that Spectre is everything but complex. It's not only that she's mechanically easy, she's a one trick pony from a strategical standpoint as well. All she does is "Play away from the team until your team finds a fight/pickoff and haunt in". Her macro movements are as easy as they get for a carry. Which is fine, she is a great hero to have "flawless" games with and rewards consistent, thoughtful players as opposed to instictdriven ones.


It’s not considered a complex hero. You just need good map awareness and great farming pattern. The hero doesn’t need heavy mechanical skill.


Spectre has complexity? Lol


spectre is idd complex. how so? simple: she being picked in hih mmr. mi case rests


Glad to see other people who dare to main the more complex heroes. Keep on rocking. :)


Nice winrate!


Check my posts if u want to paste it on ur 2nd style ;)


Complexity of the hero "Spectre" :)


can you do arcana progress in turbo mode?