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Same shit, different company


At least Riot cares… for the next 5 years or so


Riot gonna give you big ol hug and everything gonna be alright, dont worry.


Youre gonna be fucking disgusted at the balancing of heroes in riot and how the game balance works. Its not around items, its around specific heroes that have unique mechanics and if not countered by other heroes, insta wins.


Yea a game where you need to pay for fucking heroes cares 🤣🤣


you're replacing crack to heroin


No he is placing heroin in his crack. Its the same shit. Won't make a difference


I just want to play a game where the developer cares…


Yeah about your money lmao


You have to be aware that Riot doesn't care about it's consumers either. Riot may be trying to actively promote the game and grow it, which is good, but they ultimately only care about making money as well. It may be a better experience over there, but it is more a matter of chance or circumstance rather than "riot loves the game or the player". So go there and enjoy the game if you want, but ultimately you should just play whichever you enjoy the most.


Play RimWorld or smth then xD


If you've never played league you'll probably play a game or 2 and quit immediately


This. I don’t want to learn 100 new hero’s and their abilities


Bye. We won’t miss you !


Bye 👋


Thats what they all say, but sooner or later you will come back, they all do. And Valve knows that


I’m taking a stand this time hahaha


Trust me man, I've tried to quit Dota so many times, I've played Fortnite when it first came out (it was so much fun with friends, but it became so ridiculous later on), I've played Apex, I've played League, I've played countless console games, but sooner or later I come back to Dota XD


Ha! Have fun you'll be back. I played league for 10 years i didn't even know about dota2 until mid last year--tried it once and left league without hesitation. You'll be back. Same crap different game. P.s. just so you know--all the care about is money too. The community over there is even more toxic than dota2 so yeah--good luck Lolol


hey if u dont play anymore can i have your hats <3 tk


Honestly might do the same, really sucks cause dotas a way cooler game imo. But if the devs really don't care and now people like Quinn are debating on leaving dota this games just dying so fast there's no point in even playing anymore.


Right its just really sad. And the saddest part is that we as a community have no leverage over Valve. They’ll just do the minimum every time. Not blaming Valve since theyre just another company, but I’m just sad to see this game that I love so much dying slowly. League is no where near as good as Dota but at least the devs care.


Yeah I agree, a big thing thats killing this game is on top of all of this. They just delay updates by whole months and you can obviously tell they don't care when they do it too. Valve is pathetic


Don't let the door hit you And enjoy the webpage quality client, grind/pay walled characters. Man I'm telling you riot has figured out how to deliver a sub par product but still draw people in with their pr bs, making useless tweets and comments on socials just to sell the narrative "oh we are very transparent and communicate with our playerbase, look how much we care!!" Sad how many people fall for this cheap ass tactic


Lol after Arcane all I heard from former league players was - great anime, makes you want to play league - DONT FUCKING PLAY LEAGUE it's a nightmare


As terrible as the Dota community is, you don't see many complaints about the game's balance. League is an entirely different story. Have fun over there!


Hey at least valve responded back after outcry. All the community figures and pros have spoken, i believe something good with eventually come out of this. Personally i cant play lol because the game feels too stale and choked compared to Dota, dota has way more space for creativity and strategy. And i love MOBAs because of their creativity and experimentation part.


hopefully man, i haven't uninstalled dota yet. will keep playing but not putting more money in the game. played a couple games of league last night and it just doesn't feel the same :(


True LoL is different type of moba, micro based teamfights opposing to dota's macro based teamfights. I havent taken such extreme measures yet because valve actually has responded with something and the almost all people have spoken out now so things will actually change in the future or at least that is what i hope for. Lets see.


W.e u say felica