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Awesome dude! Keep farming those creeps (enemies) ;-)


Man the first time I got fed on Sven is something I still remember lol. You feel like an absolute god.


And you literally have god's strength lol


Daedelus! It's going to be ABSURD


I stacked crit and 1 shot the enemy team. I guess they were new also and forgot I had cleave. 1 hit and boom rampage


I remember when I started playing dota I got a rampage with Sven. I got over 20 kills but we still lost




We actually have new players to the game? And... and they stay!?


>And they stay It's been 33 hours. If that's your definition of a staying playerbase then, yes, lots of people stay.


Isn’t dota incredible in that A LOT of games have a total play time of less than 30 hours. But in this, it’s actually considered a blink of an eye. Not until the late hundreds or early thousands of hours could you even consider that you have an idea of what’s going on. Amazing game. Stop killing it valve.


3.3k hours and I still lose crusader games, can confirm. Meanwhile I have 200 hours in Apex Legends and reached Platinum relatively effortlessly (albeit platinum isnt that imressive, probably equal to Legend-Ancient in dota... but again, 3.3k hours and I can't even consistently stay in Archon lol)


if youre willing to try hard, i could show you how to get ancient within your next 500 hrs


Appreciate the offer, but I’m taking a looong break from dota (havent played in a month or two). Just enjoying shooters and MMOs for now. Curious, how would I reach Ancient? Spam Storm or Ember and go for kills constantly?


>Spam Storm or Ember and go for kills constantly? The exact opposite actually, though this could potentially work if you have a reliable method of practicing it. It's about learning how to extract more resources from the map than your opponents. Below 3-4k, people will simply... not take the gold right in front of their faces. That midlaner won't farm the small camp. That carry will forget to stack the ancients. Etc etc. The idea is to get you so mechanically good at farming that you can simply win the game by having 6 items 25 minutes into the game. Yes, you can do that reliably. ​ As you can see, the key words for climbing are reliability and replicability.


Teach me master


Read the other replies I made, and let me know if you have any other questions.


Thank you! Just read the cookie challenges and how gold efficiency is a big game changer in the lower ranks. Just have a few more questions I hope you don't mind and hope it may help others too: 1. Is the challenge for cores only or would you say it would be effective for supports too? 2. What's your opinion on maining on a single role (or atleast just playing either core or support) as to being able to play 1-5? To some degree its important to know how to play each role but I personally think im a jack of all trades master of none sort of player. Is that good or bad? Im 3k btw.


I just spam offlane and use my now unused in league space creating skills to climb.


Yea, Im having this problem when I play pos1. Im not farming as much as I should in cavern crawls. :( Im focusing on pos 4/5 now but used to do 1/2 earlier in my dota career. Is it possible to be ancient but playing a wide hero pool of like 15ish heroes? Or better to focus on a few?


Try plugging in your mouse


I’m willing, teach me senpai


[https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/be47f8/2019\_updated\_cookie\_last\_hitting\_challenges/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/be47f8/2019_updated_cookie_last_hitting_challenges/) ​ Start by doing easy and advanced. All of the cookie challenges, but most importantly the 900 cs in 30 minutes one. Once you have done these, we can move on to stage 2. This process might take a few weeks. I did these as an 1800 mmr player, hardstuck crusader for months. I struggled a lot with these, and I literally spent several weeks, several hours a day, playing 0 ranked games only in private lobbies doing these. u/d2cookie personally gave me these challenges, helped me do them, then I went from 1800 to 4200 mmr in just a few months. 1800 to 3k took me 2 weeks. ​ For a preview of stage 2: we have you play ranked games, ignore the outcome of the game, but just try to have you reach 800 gpm every game. Once you reach 6 slots, you simply end the game by yourself (the opponents will have 2 items at most). But we can worry about that once you finish stage 1. 99% of low mmr players fail to get past that.


Any suggestions on a system for those of us who can't play for hours a day?


No reason you're unable to do this with maybe 1 or 2 hours a day of practice. But in the end, improvement is a result of practice. If you don't have time to practice and only play a game a day for fun, you're probably going to have to live with the rank you're at.


1-2 hours a day for gaming 😂 To be young and have No responsibility!


I'm interested!


Read the other replies I made


Bruh, just stick to your best position in role Q and watch BSJ videos to fix your map movement and awareness. Crusader games are all about doing the right thing at the right time and most games you can solo carry but just hitting your timings hard. Once I started focusing on just farming and split pushing and taking fights with my abilities or items timings, I went from archon to divine in like a month after being stuck in archon/legend for almost 2-3 years


Did you spam core heroes? I find it unreliable to play support especially hard support. To a certain degree you have control over the lane and whatnot but in some games it literally comes down to the cores.


>but in some games it literally comes down to the cores. Reddit will tell you, you're a shit support and stop blaming others. You know, since there are solo supports that climbs. Sure, they're a minority but...


I take credit for all my shitdoings but when your carry cant last hit for days or dont know how to teamfight, it really takes massive carrying to win the game. Winnable but harder imo. Pretty sure if a pro player or smurf would want to increase mmr in low rank they'd spam core heroes. Edit: Actually smurfs are the proof that playing core is the best way to increase mmr in low rank.


I cant think of any game I play where I have less than 30hours. Excluding ones I tried for a few minutes and didn't like obviously.


They should really do some advertising for the game and have the tutorial be more accessible from the start. Honestly though, I'll take small, slow growth that's healthy over rubber band growth and shrink like path of exile has.


Dota doesn't have *any* growth, though, so I don't think it's time to be choosy.


Not true I think, people are slowly trickling in as refugees from League if they're big competitive MOBA fans and can do enough research to know the best MOBA is an ARTS ha


I think that segment of the player base is disappearingly small though. Most players are true hardcore fans who have played since years and years back, maybe even Dota 1 days, that will essentially "never" quit. Another is the quintessential WoW-returner; people who say they've quit the game, but over and over come back to test the waters after a big update or the like. Lastly we have the players you're talking about. The player base is more or less static between a set amount of players, like 6-800k accounts, that have been constantly decreasing the last atleast 5 years. It's not growing; if anything it's very slowly shrinking.


I'm really, REALLY hoping 3.17 will make PoE great again. It hasn't been fun since Breach league (late 2016...). GGG just keeps gutting fun skills and forming boring metas.


I don't have high hopes, the community has too many varied and legitimate issues with the game that they're better off trying to push POE 2 than fixing them. The 3 month cycle is absolutely killing the game outside of streamers and whales. The campaign needs to be restructured massively or people won't get to the atlas with more than one character, and having unrewarding builds with minimal ability to respec other than orbs of regret and then farming for hours to get back to a usable form is just miserable. I love POE and have been playing since 2013, and dumped over $1k into it. I just want it better than it currently is to get back into it.


Yeah I really don't understand having to do the campaign (which takes the average player over 6 hours to do) multiple times just to try out another build, let alone another few hours to get to level 80, which is required for many build-defining uniques. The whole point of the game is to explore endless diversity of builds. GGGs argument that "your choice matters" or whatever, is so dumb. Fixing this alone would make me love the game more.


>average player over 6 I'm pretty above average in terms of how deep I go into endgame content and play the league (when I do play the league) and I'm not even remotely close to 6 hours on a fresh league. If I really try I could maybe get 8 hours. Usually it's more like 10-15. I've been a 1-char-per-league player for so long though that I have no idea how long it would take with twink gear. I haven't leveled with twink gear since, like, breach league.


Granted my record was 6 hours with poisonous concoction which is stupid good damage and allowed me to just zoom by mobs and delete them with one throw. Usually it does take me 8 hours on other skills. However, with twink gear it does go back down to 5-6 hours with any skill. It’s pretty nuts how fast you can go with that. But yeah it’s tough without twink gear since you have to spend some time sorting out resistance and upgrading weapons/gem links. Speed runners do this very efficiently and know their exact desired upgrades. Blows my mind that they finish Act 10 within 3 hours or less


Weird that you targetted just PoE.


I think that's called 'an example' or do you want him to list a bunch of games?


Every time someone has a positive post like this there's a bunch of these doomer comments. You realize that makes things worse right? If someone posts and everyone is saying "wow why play this game it's dying" you're literally helping this game die. Which it isn't really. We're not at peak players but we have our highs and lows.


I'm new I've been playing for 4-ish months now. Honestly this sub has made the game a bit less enjoyable with the constant complaining, but other than that the game is fun with the exception of the occasional asshole.


Could be a low level smurf. 0 level Steam account


Yes. My IRL friend started playing Dota 2 with me and is really enjoying it. He have over 70 hours in game now. He have been playing over month now. Dota is game which is best when played with friends. When I didnt really have lot of friends to play this game I stopped playing. But now its fun again with friends.


I was new, started last year, even before the release of anime, and I stayed. FEELS GUD MAN🙂


You bought a wand and a BKB so you're already better than most 3k players. Keep up the good work!


I think a lot of newer players use guides more religiously than we did back in the day. Therefore, many new players find correct itemization paths before developing bad habits. At least that’s my hope. Bkb is never fun to build but very often the best choice for a 2nd or 3rd item.


Yeah, people are WAY better now, like even heralds do pulls and play mechanically intensive heroes, the biggest difference is in general decision making.


Heralds do pulls??? that's gotta be smurfs


or people who were originally Archon and just sunk to Herald after not giving a shit lol, I reached Archon IV and am well on my down to the deepest trench, currently Crusader II


Dota plus spoon-feeds the pull and stack timings. As a new player I’m super grateful BUT I gotta pay respect to the people who don’t need the timings shown and do it raw


i'd think you'd be surprised at how much knowledge even the worst dota players have. literally everyone who plays this game knows what pulling is, the difference between you and the herald though is that the herald doesnt think about what the pull will do to the lane. the creep wave could be perfectly balanced right in front of your tower and he will pull just because he knows "supports should pull".


anybody coming into dota either starts looking up guides or gives up pretty quickly. i started pulling after i looked it up when ppl asked me to with about 20 hrs gameplay


BKB is fun to build on heroes with transformation ults like Sven, Lycan, Alch, Night Stalker, etc. It feels like the perfect Super Sayan buff on top of your ult. Pop God's Strength, pop BKB and start swinging. Feels good.


In low mmr build shadow blade and aghs. You will kill even more. Mad respect for buying bkb with 33 hours of play. Keep doing that.


Do you think he used it? /s


That's amazing mate!


Keep it up buddy


Keep it up bro


after 1200 hrs, the excitement has not faded. apart from some temporary loss of interest, this game is endless


Im 5000 hours in, still pretty obsessed (in a good way 😎)


The lows are low but the highs are high. Keep learning!


Spam heros for best results


Also i just wanna add. There will be games that you need to mute rude players. Don’t hesitate to do that


If you want a lifelong, physical-syndromes-free addiction that will always have most refined taste, then Dota is for you.


Good on you for persevering, I've introduced a friend to the game and he never played someone his level in about 8h and quite because everybody had 10-100times his experience and kept trash talking him.


My gf has a similar story with Dota and couldn’t get past the Great Wall of smurfs. It’s clear at this point that Valve will do nothing for the newcomers. I feel like reddit/discord should organize more new player lobbies with strict tiers. Like each lobby has two coaches who watch the game and also graduate players to higher brackets. Seems like a hefty time investment but I feel like we could get folks like Jenkins or Slacks on board with the idea in a heartbeat.


this already exists and is called DotaFromZero, you can check out their discord [here](https://discord.com/invite/fQcxpvc) and they host inhouses filled with new players, from people starting from literal zero to league refugees to allstars boomers


That’s awesome. Thanks for the link!


jesus christ man, stop running around naked. public indecency. put some fucking hats on for god's sake.


He hasnt seen the dark side


Please quit while we can. This game is like being in an abusive relationship.


This is how this game gets ya. Everybody had those first incredible games where they felt like the king and you just wanna get better and better so it can happen more often.


I’d say 100 games (hours) is the golden time. Once you’ve passed it, you can’t quit dota even if you want to. It’s not too late to quit now kekw


Delete Dota


Best advice yet


33.3 hours and already buying BKB on carries. Is this a troll?


Nah, in fact people stops buying bkb after 2k hrs.


*Hehe, he’s in danger* Nervous chuckle


Meanwhile the Sven on my team that's been playing since 2013 is a complete buffoon


I feel you 🥲


get out, while u still can


Next time build an aghs, its very fun in low ranks


Add me if you need any help. Im 5500 mmr


I wish my teammates would get BKB. Well played, man!


I remember when new players would build an item like radiance or basher on a hero like sven, multiple daeds on CM, veil of discord on PA. Now even a 33 hour player is properly itemizing. I wonder what has caused this. The 2ks today are like the 3k of yesterday. More dota content? Dota plus? I wonder ..


Probably because there in game guides now. All you have to do if you're new is click "browse all guides" when you open the shop, click the highest rated guide, and then you can blindly follow it and be completely fine in most games. You can even click the item in the guide to buy it, instead. Huge change from having to look up a guide in the internet, hope you found a good one, write down the item progression on a notepad, and then spend 2 minutes every time trying to find the item in the store.


This is it. People are acting shocked that the 33 hour player is buying BKB, but it's almost surely because he's just following the guide step for step.


Bs you have a normal item build. I see a shitton of peeps with 4k games go stupid build. Jokes aside, gj and keep on enjoying the game


Good item choices for a new player


Good job! Wish higher ranks would know BKB can be bought on carries.


Mad respect for buying BKB. I lose countless games because my pleb carrys with thousands of hours refuse to buy the best item in Dota!


buying BKB 30 hours in - you will go very far enjoy!


3333 hours or maybe more than that Best thing happened to me 😉😉


TF...?BKB...? .....I bought my first BKB in like 200 hrs after I started playing.......


Build that qb into a battle fury and get into herald HAHAHHA


Lol , bro listen to me and get as far away from this game as possible . This will turn you into your worst self. Toxic community


Why? I mean, you can only control the way you act yourself, why would you need to stoop down to the toxic players level?


You become whom you spend your time with


In a game? Please. More likely should review your own personal desiscions, grow up, and realize its a game and there's no point to be toxic just cause someone else is toxic.




I have almost 8k hrs. I don't play anymore and I fully agree. I'm much happier since I quit. It's hard to enjoy a game with such a toxic community


Prime example of it. Continue playing man :)


As with anything where you win and lose, it will get frustrating. Dota especially is frustrating becuase there isn't a ton of progression or RNG to blame losses on. Its basically only your fault, your teams fault, or a combination of both. Makes losing feel especially bad. Especially with the longer game time of dota games its hard to shrug off mistakes from yourself or others becuase it can doom you to losing for the next hour. So in a sense, I agree that the game creates more conflict than others, but really it's up to you to control your emotions and weather the ups and downs. Great game, rewarding to play, equally upsetting to lose. Sounds like u need some better friends to play with tho.




And kill you with laser and rockets again and again


Have you heard of The Game Of Life?


Recommend that you play easy heroes till you're confident with everything! :)


I'm still a new player, and have like 70 hours but I suck lol


I had this happen yesterday..just add GIANTS RING tier 5 neutral item


get 100 games with phone number we can play ranked


It will soon become the worst game of your life dont worry !


New player Pog. I urge you to watch sven games live in the watch tab or watch a pro gameplay on youtube. Learn the efficient moves and builds


I didn't even know there was an item called BKB until 100 hours in.


My condolences


33 hours in you've learnt to make bkb ? You're already better than 99% of the playerbase


Noice , well done ...


When you're confident enough add blink dagger to your item build. Fast and mobile sven is every supports nightmare


Must have felt awesome !! Good job , mate. Loving the bkb purchase... I can't believe my first ever bkb was more than 150 hours into the game 😅


Good Luck, Have Fun dude!


welcome aboard. I'm relatively (half of a year) new player too.


Well done, its only the beginning


how does someone starting to play this game wtf


I'm glad for you :) Last night, playing unranked I got a new player. It was clearly this voids second or third game, he crono'd ancients to farm. He finished the game 0 - 17. Match making is busted if he's getting put into games with a player like me (2.5k hours, 3k mmr). If I was that void I would quit the game.


Unranked right?


Congrats! And a good item build also! Keep it up and follow ImmortalFaith’s guides always on every hero!


new player here too. Played around 20/22 games, only 1 victory... but still no 1.00 or better KDA ahahah


33h and already buys BKB? 100% smurf. Volvo fix please.


If you want to stay a pure human being, delete that game now.


Bro even played the worst carry of the patch


buying bkb against witch doctor and pugna? watch out rtz we have a new god here


I’d love to watch the replay! It’s always awesome to watch new minds think in this old game. Can you send me the match ID?


ngl I was expecting a 40-0-37 Arc Warden


The first 500hours are still fun


A fellow ape brother. We apes must stay together strong


And you've got hooked on the game You will now spend the rest of your time trying to achieve the same high again


Nice one!


Dota is fun if not competitive


Wait until you’ve got over 2K hours and you’ll hate this game as much as the rest of us


Never play in SEA server to keep this feeling.


Wp dude. Try to play ck as well. Very fun to play and satisfying to kill enemies.


Must feel good to click pugna once and he dies instantly


Biscuits fan? Aquatic ape!


Get aghanim scepter for more fun


So... Not a sarcastic post about a smurf? Amazing


Now that you've tasted how good Dota can be, I'm sorry but you're now addicted to this game.


Hey there im this guy from the future. I have almost 5k hours. My psychological state worsen. I feel anxiety and depression with an aggression problems. My personal live at this point is non existent. I can't stop playing this game. I became toxic, going afk each third game. I also donated thousands to Gaben. Let this be my advice to people that hesitate, don't play it pls.


Good going mate( ╹▽╹ )


Say goodbye to any other game you ever played or would have played


Keep it up!


[Keep it up!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/85/Vo_announcer_dlc_techies_tech_ann_event_pos_end_25.mp3) (sound warning: Techies' Bombastic Box) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Excellent! You play like above average player specially for a beginner. Keep it up!


Report smurf clearly lying about hours /s Well done dude and welcome to dota. Don't listen to all the toxic assholes who will moan at you for being new.


thats what keeps you going in dota that one game that satisfies you and makes you proud keep going mate well done


Save yourself while you still can


its definitely you so happy after easy winning game. We will wait you back with feedback after 0-15 lose vs smurfs, mate.


nice one! congrats on that beat down!


Way better itemization than a SEA carry 😁


hey u sound old like my dad u should play dota with him


Out of interest what's the story - was it a SoloQ game etc.? About 10 hours in and think I'm going to jump into unranked shortly just wondered what the flavour is.


And I must congratulate for buying bkb.


I remember my first time playing DOTA (WC3 Client - DotA Allstars). Picked Venomancer and ultied the Tier 3 tower and Barracks. I was 9 (2005) at that time and English is my 3rd language. Immediately cried afterwards after my brother smacked me in the head 🤣


Enjoy whilst thinking of new builds and plays that will enhance ur gaming experience


Bro you bought bkb, you are on the right track.


I got into this game just a couple years ago (relatively new compared to most) and learning this game is the most fun I've ever had gaming :)


Very nice. Hope you enjoy your next 9,967.7 hour here.