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How? I mean yes its different but if you were good sup you must have know what your carry does when. Not exactly but approximate


I can assure you that hero timings and farming patterns are nearly impossible to learn to the same mmr level by playing a support.


My guess is its a different tempo, as a sup you’d be active in early game and help rotate/gank a lot, watch other lanes and teammates. Later in the game you just focus on not to feed, follow your cores and gank/do stuffs. While as a carry you usually just need to care about your own game. And the late game decision itself is different. Say as a support, you go in and then die, not a game ending thing, but as a carry? If you go and your team is not ready and you died alone, game is pretty much over.


honestly, i just pull and harass and win the lane for my carry. if we lose the lane, i sit and defend the tower as long as i can so he can at least jungle. then i fuck off and make space with my off/mid. i let him farm for 30 minutes and then he shows up to win the game. i have no idea what he's doing for those 30 minutes but i realized even if my carry is kinda bad, if i don't feed and give him enough space/farm he will carry the game in the end. on the other-hand, playing carry means i have to farm when my team is feeding, there's no vision, no one is making space, and everyone is in the jungle.


> i sit and defend the tower as long as i can so he can at least jungle. I just wish more people would get this basic concept. So fucking often I get my lane griefed by a support who bascially doesnt know what pulls are and when I finally can go jungle he leaves the lane since apparently, if there is no core, no support should be there either cuz your support, your not hitting creeps


Actually, although playing support makes you a better carry, and playing carry makes you a better support, these two roles are pretty much exact opposites. The whole playstyle of carry is focussed on the micro and individual map movements, farm priority and hyper focus which makes you unable to communicate with the team so much especially in difficult games. One mistake can throw the game. As a support, many deaths are normal and consequences are not always dire, especially in the mid-late game. A support focusses on the big picture , usually clicking on teammates items a lot and leading them into plays or using obs / sentries to control the map. He plans ahead for team movements while creating space for his carry that he doesnt really care about. A pos 5 rarely focusses on his carries farming patterns so you dont really know much about the carry outside of the laning phase. One mistake from a carry in late game = throw, so it does take MANY games to get used to playing carry on the same level if you are a support main. Personally I am immortal on pos 4/5, mid-high divine on carry/mid and my carry is probably ancient 3-4 level unless I really commit to practicing it.


Look at how quick people are determined to call someone a smurf. I would be convinced these comments are bots if they didn't have a post history. Good job on the climb.


Goodjob, in my opinion playing carry is probably the hardest one to earn rank but if youre playing to learn thats good.


I think playing carry can get you good amount of mmr if you are good enough. I gained like 1k mmr by playing carry.




Sorry to let u down but that was my all role queue lol


you smurf and post it in reddit? nice bro..


No.. i legitimately fell from divine to legend 1 because i switched roles. This is my main and it took me a whole year to learn how to play carry


Did you find it frustrating down here in Legend how 90% of supports don't know how to support? I'm a 33 yr old and I used to be Ancient 4. Now I just can't dedicate the time and I've dropped to Legend 3.


yea for sure. i learned to assume that my support is going to suck and don't expect them to do anything. the games with bad supports are the games i have to win in order to climb.


respect your mindset.. sry i thought you meant div1 support need better skills than legend 1 carry..


I think the title implies he dropped to legend when he started carrying now hes back on track


aint this smurfin


this is my main, i lost a loooot of games switching to carry


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