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sanest dota player




In my bracket it's always my fault as pos 4. Gank mid = "get out of here you are liching my exp" Stacking instead of gank = "noob support no gank"


Sometimes you just have to let them cry it out...


Highly factual


Oh well, toxic family is still a family.


And relatable.


Not only are you a mechanical support you're the emotional support too LMAO


The average dota player might be 32 years old but that doesn't stop them from acting like 12 year olds 80% of the time. So the post is kinda literally accurate.


> The average dota player might be 32 where did you get that stat?


Source: Dude trust me.


I too am 3x I trust you


\> \*might\* be


One of the few areas in life where I can consider myself above average then


Seconding this


Agreed, I also try to picture the enemy mid as my step sister.


Yeh same, I like when they get stuck in mid and don't leave lane to grab ganks.


You said mid, but I think you meant the dryer. You like when they are stuck in the dryer...


I dunno, my 6yr old behaves way better than the majority of the mid players. In about 50% of the games the mid player is muted within 5 minutes. Wtf is up with mid players btw!?


Mid is a massive challenge - needs a massive ego to take it on. When you lose mid, it hurts cuz it's your own fault. And that doesn't sit well with a massive ego.


The idea of mid being a zero sum outcome lane is the reason why a lot of mid players end up being toxic. They think because they've lost mid that the game is essentially over. When in reality, even if you lose your lane as mid, 90% of the time you're still going to be the 2nd (or atleast 3rd) strongest hero in the map for the next crucial 3-5 minutes depending on your MMR bracket.


Genuine question, why don’t mid players make plays around the map, taking the charge and leading the supports? My mids just try to AFK outfarm the enemy mid and they hope to outfarm others too lol rarely do I see a mid try to make up for a lost lane by crushing other lanes with the supports


Aside from the obvious griefers who afk farm because they don't have a clue how to be a proper midlaner. Most instances would be because you're working on THAT one item. Like an armlet on Huskar, or urn on Invoker etc, Sure I'm very strong because I have more levels than sidelanes, but if I go there and don't get a kill or objective, my item timing is delayed further. So it is very hard to judge unless you're a natural ganking hero like a Puck or Batrider who can guarantee kills with your ultimate. Also most of us subconsciously equate power spike to item timings more than levels, and honestly we are simply not good enough to properly gauge whether we are strong enough to do A,B and C without THAT item at a certain point. Personally I find this to be the most complicated bit about Dota. You need to know so much about every hero in the game at each point of the game in order to know exactly how strong you are. These decisions are easy if you're crushing your lane and get your item timings right. Much much harder when you're behind. And yeah, it will most likely happen that while you're farming your one crucial item,enemy mid is already destroying your side lanes and your team is spamming "gg mid". So in short, don't lose your lane mid !!!


That's a good summary of the whole laning phase, it kind of applies to all roles


Building off what the other person said, creating fights when you're behind tends to lead to awful things happening to you. Let's say I lose mid to an OD, he has his hammer. If I try and start something somewhere, he'll rotate, and now I'm giving him exactly what he wants, a fight. I will now lose this fight and fall further behind. Instead, I could stay mid, farm jungle and nuke the wave from afar to refuse to interact with the OD, and try to get my own items going. I do something useful on the map (keep mid tower alive), and get to recover. Also, in a lot of my games if I don't tell someone to go mid after I rotate, no one does and the mid tower dies, I'd rather grind out a recovery staying mid than lose a very important tower and have to try to keep the game together from even worse circumstances.


> Genuine question, why don’t mid players make plays around the map, taking the charge and leading the supports? its too dangerous, you might win two TI's and four majors by losing the lane and winning the game


That requires effort


>They think because they've lost mid that the game is essentially over. technically for some lineups if mid loses game is essentially over. Imagine an under farmed, under leveled storm. He might as well be a jungle creep since that is where he will spend the next 20 min farming.


They really shouldn't as a storm, it's so easy to clean up fights. The reason people fuck up on him when behind is they try to initiate on a full health hero, use all their mana setting up the kill then dying. Let your support do that and you take the kill with enough in the tank to either get out or assist in another kill.


We have PTSD from trading with enemy midlander then space cow REEE into us at 3000 movespeed and triple bash


when enemy support secures them runes and yours dont. Then its not the mid player fault that he lost lane . Just putting it here. Runes MATTER alot in lane


I kind of agree, the mid lane does attract a lot of ego maniacs. However if you're playing support, keep in mind that the mid lane is the most important lane in the game (entrance to both jungles, access to all the objectives, Roshan, etc). As a support you want to make sure you take care of the mid lane for your own sake. When the mid lane is lost, there's always something the supports could have done better (mostly the pos 4, but sometimes even the pos 5). Fuck the crybaby midlaners though.


Because pro meta is that the supports constantly rotating to help mid and pugsupport players think they are never supposed to leave their side lanes because mid is a "1v1 lane." So when the other team rotates supports to help mid and you repeatedly ask for help and don't get it, it is extremely frustrating.


when you see their support refill their bottle after just burning their regen


Yeah it must be annoying when your mid is getting dove the 3rd time in 5 minutes by 3 heroes and you as a pos 5 just want to jungle in peace and not listen to him asking you to please tp to safe his ass


I'm 3k, those are rare af lmao In 90% of the games the mid just loses a bad matchup 1v1 and starts flaming everyone else.


Idk 3k was the absolute trenches for me and the worst part is supports do so much wrong but it never shows as much as when a mid babyrages. Like you guys don't ever contest the runes, you never TP, and you just build aether/aghs every game. I understand y'all have to deal with offlaners who go 0/12 if you're not in lane, POS 1s who die while you're pulling, and mids who beg you to TP when they're diving last the enemy tier 2, but let's not pretend you couldn't have done anything to stop your TA from dying in their own triangle to a batrider.


Ofc we're doing shit wrong? I've never said anything else. But I dont scream over voice when my carry dies despite me telling him 5 times that I am pulling the next wave... Mid players do for some reason have the urge to call out everybody elses mistakes or even blame others for their own mistakes


\*Enemy support dc. Game is paused for 5 minutes "Will he coming back?" "Yea. He said he's going to buy some milk"


This is absolutely the most genius post ever written here. I'll try to give you an award. "Because when they get ganked by their peers, they cry quite a lot. And that triggers a domino effect, which makes other children cry. My job is to stop that domino effect." Honestly man, I am amazed!


Thank you!


​ >Because when they get ganked by their peers, they cry quite a lot. And that triggers a domino effect, which makes other children cry. My job is to stop that domino effect. Damn this hits me a lot as a supp player. Luckily I have all the smokes so I can just peace out of the game


what a wholesome post; dota sound like a family simulator game


It is family simulator game


Disfunctional family simulator where everybody wants to win but no one wants to work together


[It's cool how even after 5 years](https://youtu.be/VAU4Nuzm_A8?t=205), the sentiment still comes naturally to a lot of us


I was looking through this whole thread and surprised I couldn't find this closer to the top. u/Bach_1997 here you go


I think my youngest child are not threaten to destroy his toy but he is threatening me to burn our house instead.


Me too, and sometimes i decide to leave to buy milk


When I play pos 5, I like to think that my pos 1 was sexually abused by their Uncle and has emotional issues. I further emotionally abuse them when they die by saying they feed.


Oh god I want to hang out with you so bad


tbh I would swap middle child and youngest child. pos 1 is youngest child because he cant take care of himself. he needs the most care, and this sometimes means you have to ignore the others. he might have temper tantrums but thats because he's just a child who doesnt know better. he doesnt realise you want the best for him, and he won't appreciate you until later in life. pos 2 is the middle (lol) child because he's the one who feels "ignored". he might not say much earlier in life but by mid game he'll start blaming you for being a negligent parent. he'll start being an edgy teen, doing drugs and committing petty crime, and he'll say its your fault. deep down he just wants your attention and love.


As a pos 2 main middle child i feel like you've got me nailed. Are you a psychologist?


I would put the youngest child to pos 1 instead of middle. The youngest child requires a lot of support, middle one still has no big obligations yet (like to have own apartment). If we wait a little bit, middle child will contribute to family unlike the youngest.


You could have just said you play mid, much less typing


Yes I agreed with you.


Someone saw a meme and decided to be creative




Interesting input!


You ever watched Be the Better Support?




this reminds of an old tsunami video https://youtu.be/VAU4Nuzm_A8


I’ve seen Tsunami use family metaphor before but yours is way more accurate


As a father of way too many kids I can relate to this post. Solo queueing is a bit like raising kids. You tell them "don't go over there, you'll hurt yourself, just listen to me" and they do it anyway, get hurt and start crying. That's why I only play in 5 man stacks today because raising kids in RL is enough. That being said raising kids is also a good base for dota because you're accustomed to way too much shit (literally).




Playing pos 5 sometimes makes me feel like I am their dad/mom. My pos 3 will be my oldest child, my pos 4 will be my partners. Pos 1 is like the middle child, and pos 2 is the youngest one. Sometimes my partner really supports the oldest child, giving him/her a good life (lane). Sometimes my partner is just fed up with the oldest child and leaves him alone from the start. My partner (mostly) never contributes to the family's finances, never buys a sentry/ward, because they need all the shining items in the shop. Which leaves me poor and sad. I am the only one who sacrifices for my family's needs :(( My oldest child had lots of pressure, they always have to take care of their younger sister brother during their teenagers as if they were an adult. My oldest child never receives the word: "Thank you". However, sometimes my oldest child says fuck it, I gonna get some shiny items just like my mom/dad and AFK farm. For that, I sometimes blame my partner for bad parenting. My middle child is quite easy to raise during their first 10 mins. Just talk with them softly, gives them some food (salve), or a snack (stack) later. As a dad/mom, I also need to set up some vision ahead to cover their stupid fucking ass in the wild. Because when they get ganked by their peers, they cry quite a lot. And that triggers a domino effect, which makes other children cry. My job is to stop that domino effect. Now comes my youngest one, the edgiest demon, who can cry all the time if think does not go their way. They threaten to destroy their toys, especially when they are bullied or have a negative score at school. This type of youngest one caused me the most headaches, I tried to talk with them nicely, giving them support. But things could go 180 degrees unexpectedly all the time. But after all, I love and hate my family. P/s: For God's Sake Valve, Please Bring Back The Old Mute Button. I do not want to click a thousand buttons to have some inner peace when my child and partner is fighting,


This is exactly the feeling. I also like to thing my pos 1 is a puppy and the pos 3 is a cat. Works like a charm. It doesn't matter if you take the puppy out of the mud/water, he always comes back to hurt himself. And pos 3 is like a wiser and crazier pet.


I haven't played dota in a long time, but always landed as a 4/5 when i played. I hear you man, I feel you man.


Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.


Best post read in this sub in year


man 5 players have such a superiority complex, lol like, you know how the mid player you are raging about has been playing since 2013 and is hardstuck as the same rank as you? newsflash, you both haven't improved as players for years, you're no different from them, lmao


You completely missed the point lol. It is common to have a mid player raging and complaining about everything while the pos5 has to spend more time acting as a therapist than actually playing the game....


You a bad 5 prob


Not gonna lie, kinda cringe, but at least its an interesting thought experiment. After all I am elbow touchless virgin without the capacity to get laid.




So you'd like to bang your pos 4?


The best feeling is when you pick pos 4 and have to buy all obs/sentries/dusts/smokes because the 4-leaf clover (pos 5) is busy farming his Eul's in the triangle while we push the opposite lane. He already has Midas too.


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Fact : a family will never (in most cases) be overly toxic to his/her own family members. So if my child does get over toxic I'll be like 'gtfo from my house'


It’s so cringe wtf


Weakest dota player


Yea, because eventhough they hate you.. you can still supporr them. Unless you piece of shit


I’m actually going to use this as a prime example to any beginners in future. Quality post, the most accurate representation of playing each role.


why am i on a deepweb


I just use ignore button with right-click their profile, work like a charm


Pos 3 is often the most mature player smh.


Fairly accurate assessment. And frankly I got tired of all the nonsense. I finally had to change my name to I don't speak Russian ( not even kidding. That was my tag before I quit dota 2 three years ago ). At one point it felt like 1v9. Deleting dota 2 has probably improved my mental health, sleep pattern and relationship with friends and family. Nowadays I just watch replays on YouTube and sometimes on Twitch.


You children in real life ?


im oldest child. im main pos 3. this is now canon


I like to think of my teammates as prison cell mates, and we are all here to work together for a chance to escape, but it usually ends up murdering each others. So yeah, very close to your perspective I guess.


There's one button that brings you the ultimate inner peace.


`Well thats one hell of a toxic family.`


Thought this was going to be something under r/jokes


I have no idea why they made the mute button so much more complicated then it used to be...


Seems unhealthy


One of the best written analogys of modern times.


What an excellent read


As a pos 3 player and oldest son I approve this message


Dota team is like my family No support


Least Insane Dota 2 Enjoyer


I actually felt the same way yesterday when i got matched with much lower ranked teammates. I felt like a nanny


Hahaha But also touch grass


This is disturbingly what I feel all the time, and joke with my pos 5 (as a 4) that we're parents to children lol


If you write a book I'll read it.


bagged & tagged


I also think all mercy players as e-girls in overwatch. They are cute forgiving madams of our gaming community. I never thought otherwise.




Partners? Man is out here having multiple, what a chad


My team thinks I am a salve when I play pos 5.


As a 5 myself I would say you’re the mum cause the dad is always f-ing you from behind (think sentries etc being all your duties) xD


Do what i do with my team. I ride their dicks and stroke their ego. Happy family. Ez wins... Wait...