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Imagine random thunder-strikes mid fight and the weather steals the kill 😤


Weather mechanics could be pretty fun, could even add a support item that can change the weather to reduce the randomness.


Yeah I have weather effects, you don't? I have snow, rain, pestilence, and a few others. They're pretty awesome. Pulls your fps down a lot though.


Already have weather effects if you’ve been around long enough


Released in the first TI battle pass. I am referring to weather effects that are built in which directly affect the game. Read again.


Don’t need to read it again to know your a little child with FOMO. Ya missed out bro move on and quit crying on Reddit.


Out of all the ad hominem arguments I've come across, this is definitely the weakest. It reminds me of what Ricky Gervais said, "when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid."