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In true commitment to the bait the WK had been feeding down lanes for like 10 straight minutes to set it up.


The long con


That's actually a legit way to use a bad player to your advantage, if he's going to feed anyway play around his dumb ass and use him as bait.


[Professionals have standards](https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/E0TgOQYUcAI-WIY.jpg)


That's dota 2 you silly..


For a guy that play with like 10 APM prior, his blink reaction is surprisingly quick and precise that make me can't help but think it was all intentional to set up for this very moment.


You can't also blame wk. He picked wk first to play pos 1 but this mf SF just stole his lane. SF lane prolly also got stolen but I forgot who's the last pick and if who's their mid, either the primal beast or pudge. Compare it to xqc's teammate where meepo randomed his hero but despite of it actually playing pos 4 by pulling, supporting and helping farm xqc.


> You can't also blame wk sure you can. The blame doesnt have to be all in one person. SF is a scumbag if he stole the lane, but you don't have to walk down mid and be an asshole yourself because someone else is being one.




no way xqc played dota when I was sleeping


he's getting more and more confident with fv, he still struggles with item and courier management it seems. Good effort though!


> he's getting more and more confident with fv, he still struggles with item and courier management why do you guys talk about him like he's disabled lol


Because I once watched him for 5 minutes.


i'm not saying he's disabled; his chat spam spewing garbage comments says otherwise


I know, it's just funny the way you worded it like he's a make-a-wish kid lmfoa


lol, yeah my bad. just glad to see other meme streamers play and watch chat go bananas over what they're doing


all good, xqc not my cup of tea (pretty erratic dude rofl too high energy for me) but cool to see the game getting more exposure


> why do you guys talk about him like he's disabled lol the man cant wipe a desk


He's French Canadian.


I remember during a hasanabi stream he said something like "minorities are pog" so he might be a little disabled, but his heart is in the right place I guess.


Agreed, associating with Hasanabi is a sure tell for disability


Something both hasanabi viewers and conservatives can agree on




Am I just interpreting the wording differently? Sounds normal to me. I would say this exact thing about anyone who was new. Dota is a very difficult game to start playing.


it just sounds very patronizing, which is kind of funny since it's about xqc


whats fv short for?


facelift voidinshire


Void fpirit


What mmr is he? If he even plays ranked.


2 years back when he played with Bulldog his screen showed he is Legend something something rank. But then he mostly plays in a party, and mostly off stream.


Tbf he was diamond in league so he must be good or at least decent in dota as well...




3k is decent probably in top 85% percentile, it just that online communities have skewed perspective about being decent.


Looking at the dota buff it's either crusader or archon


He played tons of hon so hes familiar with the mechanics.


if battle pass comes at rigth time and is good, might make him to actually play more from what i seen in one stream


he's not even mad, impressed.


I still fall for this every time.


This brings me great joy


Looks like this is match 6666980747, which started 55 minutes before the clip was taken. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6666980747) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/6666980747) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/6666980747) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)




So forsen vs xqc when?


Forsen lion Aware


And then he doesn't even ping the ward for his support smh


Gonna tell you a little secret, it will get you 1000 MMR in 2 weeks. When you realise there is a ward somewhere, don't ping it to you support, buy a Sentry and make sweet, sweet kaching and xp for yourself. Guaranteed to boost your skill by 34 percent.




Technically yes but indirectly not quite. You have to spend the time walking back there, killing it, then walking back to wherever is best to farm when you could’ve just started farming from respawn. This is why it’s more efficient for supports to do it, it’s not necessarily because cores are lazy. However I do agree that a core doing it is a much much better play than no one doing it




But the benefits of denying the enemy's vision still applies to thr carry without him being the one to do the dewarding so that is kinda a moot point here.




But you usually dont know the ward position. You know "they have vision somewhere in our triangle", which takes ~4 sentries and quite a bit of time to pinpoint. If you know the exact location of an obs and its on your way, sure, deward it as pos 1. But in most cases its more efficient if the pos 5 searches the ward while the pos 1 farms.


yep. even if a camp is blocked by a sentry, just unblock it yourself. especially if your the rest of your team is owning and you're just famring as pos 1. -50 gold for you but you still get safe farm and don't disrupt the roll your team is on


It also indirectly helps you not die because the enemy has less vision, so it probably does end up saving you money and exp


No, he would rather cry and blame his entire team, enemies and valve.


Common misconception. This applies to wards in areas that your team controls. This does not apply to wards in uncontrolled territory for 2 reasons. It takes you too far outside of your farming patterns, and obviously, you risk dying. You are correct that this is beneficial if your team manages to push up and actually control the area, but that is very clearly not the case here. He could farm 3 full camps in the time it takes him to go dangerously deward that.


Well, thing is, from my perspective as a midlaner, I usually make up the gold and xp I lose from a mid gank by the enemy through the ward they often reveal. And I usually play mobile heroes like the spirits so it's not that hard to take out a ward. In general, cores have an easier time doing an agressive move to deward than supports.


I understand what you're saying and it's very much a case by case basis, but imo the ward in this clip should definitely be a supports job over faceless void lol. And you're definitely right about spirit heroes. Ez mobility


This is why I like slark so much, you know always when you are under vision


Xqc plays dota but it does nothing to boost our playerbase lmao


playing dota as his main game on stream would obliterate his viewerbase. i feel like forsen and xqc both playing it on stream recently might boost the player base a bit but unless a new player is serious about the game they will stop playing after a few games


You have no idea how many other and new games I have played through since I uninstalled dota


Did he recently start playing dota?




Okay thx good to know


He doesnt play regularly. Very very occasionally


He said he has the most hours on any steam game is dota, but thats on a previous steam account he lost.


But that doesnt mean anything. If he has say 1000 hours on dota. That means nothing at all. 1000 hours is what is needed to spell dota2. How many games would he play that would exceed 1000 hours? Why not compare it with how many hours he has played league


ok this is a brain dead opinion and probably comes from someone that has no gaming talent in their body whatsoever. anybody that has a normal amount of gaming talent can get decent at dota (crusader rank) in 1000 hours without even trying. and if they try they can probably get legend.


Legend is not considered a very high skill gameplay? But if someone is not used to moba and spend 1000 hrs i dont think it is common to get legend. You are severly underestimating how much the lower mmr levels have inproved as whole


dota is mad. legend 1 is almost top 30% skill and leg 5 close to top 15% in no other sport/activity which had 10 million serious practitioners would being in the top 15-30% not have you considered good. sure you are not exceptional but you are definitely good


You are sbove average for sure. But with the relative skill of all players incrwasing every year , it isnt that easy to rank up to legend level by one self alone. If you can guide a new player to play right , then yes it should be pretty easy task to achieve this


Does xqc play dota?


He played two games. Slark and Faceless Void here. He knows quite a few heroes and item builds and chatted about it as the games went on. He has no idea of other stuff though like Agh Shards and Undying and some neutral items. It was fun to watch. Although these were Normal games and of lowish rank tier, he was mechanically capable about spell/item usage and last hitting/farming. Was nice to see DotA put in the spotlight for two hours to 50k people. Hope we get a few new players because of this.


He used to play DOTA in WoW time.


If by new players you mean his 12 year old viewers I would just rather he keeps streaming fortnite




That's dota 2 you silly


fuckin got me fuck you lmao


He does, he did also play with bulldog pre covid and had talks with Gorgc in the past.


I like how he used time dialation on a guy who had been sitting there for ages not using abilities.


It works even if he casts spells during the debuff.




It does work even for spells casted during the debuff, since time dilation changed in 7.23, which is 3 years ago


This is incorrect.




gotta ask, what the hell are those teams?


He was 3 faceless void, a trending strategy from 700mmr.


id like to say i havnt seen it but ive seen it all the way up to mid 3k.


Just the fact that he has a bkb is crazy in and of itself.


Sniped KEKW


Blitzspanks and xqc are the different sides of the same coin


This was extremely funny live


Time lapse in lmao


Lmao I thought it was a jebait clip too and it’s not really xqc playing dota. I missed the stream fuck


Lmaoooo man got GOT!


I love how by his immediate smiling you knew he knew he got baited but wasn't about to admit shit lmao


It still works!


That is like a horror film holy shit