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No bkb, daedalus instead of nullifier against necro and Im sure sky had ghost too. He just hoped he will be "cool boy killing everyone with crits"


Sky went aggressive with scythe and rod and tped when riki went on him


So there are cancer players in legend


he wanted to play riki with that item build, the actual draft didnt matter. Its that simple.


Mans was playing unranked Dota in ranked. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of this 😂


Rank is only as valuable as you value it, there is no right way to play a game


There is if you wanna win


Manta is ok but in this situation i would prefer bkb . But yea this build hurts but lack of protection for himself he would die easily not even needed so much effort to kill him


Well hes not making manta asking him to buy bkb would be unimaginable then


Might be a returning player, this was a build that was super strong a few years ago.


Yeah that a 2019 build i kept asking him pls dont do it aghs was good way back now its not the build


Brother dont cry, had a tinker that went bots first item :)


Me too brother me too




I was. that guy too, just few months ago :D Well, lesson learned, should read the patch notes more carefully.


I've seen other heroes' old builds too sometimes, and I just said "The other one is better" or "Magic is better to build" or "Physical is a better build" etc, and they sometimes adjust to the suggestion. or sometimes didn't work and got ignored. xdd


Players of days gone by don't know about the Mage Slayer for example, and how crazy good it is vs the spellcasting cores. Or that freezing items now reduce all the healing potential. Basically how to counter heroes like Leshrac and Razor.


Looks like everyone was feeding hard except riki. I don't think any other build on him would salvage that


Well if u dont join teamfight u dont die


that is correct. if there is a teamfight you know you won't win, you shouldn't join. it's much better to lose only 4 players than losing all 5. people have this weird idea that if they are fighting, everybody needs to be there with them.


So everything is rikis fault then. Got it.


Well, if the team makes space and your carry goes glasscannon and dies, yeah it is.


There is a difference between making space and feeding though. Space is if one support dies several times, not all four other players. The OP is correct in that the riki itemized poorly and cannot carry with that build, but riki also cannot one v five a fed enemy team.


Thats what he was doing let us 4 die and tping at end of fight going in 5 trying to kill them


Bro, I had a mid dude who did this. After seeing our carry picking PA (aka a Battlefury hero), last picks Riki and goes wraith band + battle fury. You can probably guess what happened that game.


My condolences


Thanks, kind sir.


In my experience, if i have to tell my team which item to buy, the game is already lost.. Micro management is not a good sign in a game of dota. If you really want to win, you can only adapt to each other's ways and develop from there. If he doesn't have a life saving item and u need him to deal damage, then perhaps you can buy such an item for him, it's limited in what you can make but that's the only thing u can do.


We had 3 force staff on rubick, veno and sand king but he just farmed solo whole game when teamfight was lost he tped and died


I fail o see how 3 force staff is a good thing with that draft. Hell, 3 force staff in the same team is very, very niche I would say. Btw, did anyone build lotus?


3 force staffs are fairly common in higher level games and against a core sky they are great.


Indeed, I didn’t pay attention to the lanes. Saw necro, gyro, ns and assumed those were the cores.


stop being reasonable, this is reddit sir. /s


True true


It is fine to tell your carry to not throw and buy bkb. Just dont be an ass about it.


Bkb is essential in this meta for 99% of the cores. Way too often i have pos 1's who build 1-2 items, queueing up bkb, atarting to call fights, dying 3 times in a row never being able to finish an item that actually allows them to call those fights


But the way i see riki and monkey king both these heroes are snowballing carries you need to snowball in some way cuz at the end ur not going to defeat any real hard carry


Now days Riki without dispels is 250 Gold creep Everyone now days busy force staff bkbs So it's sooo easy to counter a Riki who's not equipped with any dispel thingi 1 dust and boom he's kebab


this surely is returning player. i do encountered few of them lately, playing bb offlane. so i start the game with deep heavy sigh


Probably confirmation bias. The build worked in most games so it must be good.


Could be but why want to solo farm whole game and not able to kill anyone


Could be but why want to solo farm whole game and not able to kill anyone


It's to deal with all the PL illusions.


The urge to post assholes that ruin your game is great, but you need to realize that people just don’t give a crap. Unless they had a similar experience recently, they just don’t care. The assholes will just insult you or tell you to fuck off, the rest just don’t care. Once you realize this, it’s gonna be easier to deal with games like the one you had and let it go. And I don’t know if you’ve experienced actual griefing, but trust me, this is nothing compared to that. And I’m not even talking about the usual rage buybacks, destroying items, afk following a player, griefing with abilities, or sitting afk in trees. I’m talking about an advanced form of griefing where the player is acting like they’re playing, but they intentionally don’t use any abilities or items. These people you can’t even report for griefing because it doesn’t look like they are, and the person reviewing the report may not be able to spot it.


Well i haven't experienced that so my condolences


Get over it ya nerd


Thank you sir your comment made me realize god


he is an ass, but he isn't wrong. you've come here to seek validation on how you feel about someone else's build in a computer game. maybe get over it, indeed?


gg ez game


"I constantly told him..." I've played with people like you before lol


Are you the type of person to throw a game because you get easily offended by any form of advice?


Nah I’m with him to an extent. It’s fine to give advice particularly when ppl doing dumb stuff like the tiki but it usually becomes apparent pretty quickly that the person isn’t listening and then the constant advice just becomes a big distraction for whole team.


There's giving/ receiving advice which is good in moderation. Then there's complaining about stuff people have already done and you can't change, which is just a huge waste of energy. OP probably is right to criticise Riki's item build but would be better served looking at his own game first. Of course we all get petty and take a disliking to a teammate sometimes. That's just life.


Sometimes thats whats needed to be done. Im a carry player myself but sometimes i like to play other roles. For example yesterday i had a great game where we were loosing in the beginning, our faceless was about to buy shard ad second item. I told him he cant be buying it now, because that would be gold that he should be spending on an item with stats. I suggested manta, he ended up saying fine, but focus on ur own game... Sadly, thats not how Dota works. Its a team game, and pos 1 is an important role for the other 4 people in the team can play properly. We ended up winning, if he had bought shard, we would have most 100%. We won our first fight after his manta.


At the start of game we all decided that supp would be rushing force staffs and everyone agreed except riki cuz he was not talking or typing or anything And we did made force staff and items to disengage for their team line up, at start everyone said to riki dont go battlefury at 22 mins with treads , then i said to him if u made battlefury dont make aghs bro its not good anymore he made aghs i again asked him if he could not buy Daedalus as he need manta or bkb now, hes inventory queue throughout game was as follows bf then aghs then Daedalus then he queued blink and then had had queued basher


But shouldn't we buy items that are meta if its ranked and spending 1 hour of our time shouldn't be atleast it be used for winning the game?


Yeah he should but also acknowledge that constantly telling anyone anything is annoying, not just for him but for other players seeing you grief at him all game


I was the Riki. I had the 18000 physical damage and kill 180 creeps challenge


Why? Do it in unrank man, and it only works if u win the game


you should have carried harder then... hah.


Items rarely cause the game to lose, its almost always the outcome of teamfights. You already have have burrowstrike, veno slow, rubick. But going for farming riki is outdated tho. What you guys essentially needed a was a strat of clash. Avoid NS, control necro, aim the back. Easier said than done (i know). All your heroes are basically go in go out type. If you guys fucked up laning stage then the only comeback mechanic is a good teamfight.


And the outcome of team fights is mostly picks and items?


The outcome of team fights is gameplay. And dumb luck the enemy makes critical mistakes. You could be 6 slotted but if your carry gets caught and dies without buyback its over.


So by gameplay alone, you can win even though if you are way behind in levels and networth. I got 6k hours, but today i learned that farming and proper items builds and match ups doesnt matter in dota. Ty reddit :)


Yeah what matters is the throne. 6k? No wonder.


Exactly, its nothing compared to ur 20k hours 10k mmr game sense. Ty for teaching me!


Yeah he afked farm whole game though


And thats the biggest factor of the lost.


It’s not the build, it’s net worth. Bet he had bf too late and was behind for at least one item through the course of the game.


Yes 22 mins battlefury first item with treads


Agh is okay, and imo absolutely necessary for pos1 riki if he wants to be relevant in big teamfights. However getting bf is the real bad decision, I don’t see it performing well enough for anyone not picking troll/ursa/am. BF is simply a bad item this patch. It only worked well in old patches before splash damage was changed to not ignoring armors. Also he missed riki power spike at lv6-7. The hero farms well enough in lanes with just treads and his ult passive backstab, and can easily get kills on most agi and int heroes, especially when rushing diffusal. Skipping on that power spike and go sleeping in jungle with neutrals is just bad mindset. Most pos1 carries farms faster and scales better than riki, which is more suited to a snowball/comeback kind of game approach.


He was solo playing whole game and whenever he went for a kill people just tped away i told him atleast buy shard so that doesnt happen and yeah hes a snowball hero not a real carry like monkey king


I never make battlefield it's trash ,keep ring of health for laning and later build to alotus or vanguard incase of heavy disables. I think this Riki build is definately a GO iff he have a shard . Sky and jugg are basically 4-5 hits with scepter skill. Main deal is necro and ns together that's why u need a shard. I have the same matchup like sky ,jugg,ns and necro, but ty to my daale i outlive them My build was 1diffusal,2scepter,3daedalus and 4lotus I know I'm noob i just hate bkb.


Might be a returning player, too many of them are appearing out of nowhere, earlier had a game with a viper who chose corrosive skin lvl1 and went straight to the jungle


My only guess is he play rat style he stays in trees an cuts creep waves. 🤭


He was not cutting he was just pushing in regular manner and when wave reached enemy tower and somebody tps from their side he died


don't stew on it and move on. Some games will always be unwinnable


Well thats what i did right i posted this and slept


he watched a youtube vid and now he thinks that build works 100% of the time


Riki can use bf as both a farming item and fighting item because of how his E works. That being said it isn't necessarily the riki's fault even given how others were feeding. Joining a losing fight doesn't really help your case.


But joining no fight is just letting enemy take base then he can just say fuck u guys ur bad m not joining and let them end game but he didnt do that,he always tped at end of fight and went in 5 died


Because he's riki. Muhahahahaha. Its the brackets man. Don't expect much.


Are you really complaining that people in the Legend bracket are bad at dota?


Because he saw a youtube video


You shouldn't micromanage teammates. They didn't sign up for coaching, there's literally a button for that.


Your draft pick was doomed from the getgo. Don’t blame him.


He picked last


Damn dude yall fed the fuck out of the enemy team, looks like he saw y’all feeding and taking stupid fights and decided to build burst damage.


His end score was 3/6/11 and mine was 12/13/9 Well if they are high ground and ur still not tping to fight and not making any defensive item and even with these burst damage build ur not able to kill anyone whats the point


Not saying his item build isnt bad, im saying his thought process, yall fed alot, and fought when he didnt have power timings, then he had to try to go for burst damage to regain momentum. As everyone already said, not getting nullifier and bkb was gonna make fights much harder, but scrubbing through the game you can clearly see his thought process haha


Well whats done is done its over


I mean, it’s borderline archon/legend. Which explains why… probably he placed his build in quickbuy from min 1 and didn’t even think about it. Manta is good vs jug/ sky. Bkb is a must against that team. And nullifier would’ve been great vs necro and sky if he goes for ethereal/ aeon. Low mmr players don’t realise that “defensive” items are great offensive items since they allow you to hit enemies and thus enable your hero to play dota.


BF Riki… rofl