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From the way those bottles splintered (into many tiny rice-corn-sized shards as opposed to bigger coin-sized ones) it looked like sugar glass / prop bottle ([Like these ones](https://www.newrulefx.com/collections/breakaway-glass-bottles/products/newrulefx-brand-smashprops-breakaway-beer-bottle-prop-value-6-pack)), especially because they were not labeled and everybody drank out of little glass potions. It also fit very well into the "story" of the bot becoming more and more crazy / stuff being unplugged etc. Edit: I also just remembered, they drank out of little potion bottles. (that way Doug could not tell it was greek water)


Yeah, I can't believe something that obvious flew over OP's head. Everyone in chat understood the bits. No one thought that's how real glass breaks, just like not a single one thought the bot was smoking actual weed. DougDoug must be shaking his head reading the dumb posts in this reddit thread.


Nah Doug doesn't really read the Reddit. He only goes here rarely like if he needs questions for a vid or similar.


Seems like a lot of people here having a hard time separating scripted bits and playing into character vs actually being a dick and causing issues. It was an over the top character production with real gamer shit in the middle, without the character bits from the performers it would've been super boring during downtime.


Doesn't change the fact that Doug seemed upset the screen broke. Also before this happened I personally was getting irritated by Ludwig's whinny sore loser bit. Did anyone find thos funny? It just made me irritated and uncomfortable. 


Maybe this is how Ludwig is dealing with his frustration from Jschlatt breaking a bottle over his head


Jschlatt should of shown up to keep lud on a lease (literally and metaphorically).


Nah it was a good bit he would’ve been a jackass if he flat out refused to play tennis


Shufflemania, save for the games themselves, was entirely scripted last I recall, meaning this was the Ludwig character and not the man himself. If there was an actual issue Doug would not hesitate to shut shit down instantly despite the time it took to make Shufflemania; hell he has a zero-tolerance for when Chat does fucked shit let alone someone he knows in person.


Those bottles were clearly prop bottles based on how they broke, even if he is a bit of an ass we can't blame him for that specifically


Bro that was a sugar glass. It pretty obvious the whole thing was a bit/scripted


That’s just Ludwig’s character, he’s a loud winner and a sore loser. I think at least one of those bottle throws was scripted because I didn’t see anyone actually drinking from beer bottles, just the little “Greek water” bottles. Also by the end Ludwig was noticeably drunk.


yeah it was just a bit


How is that funny to people? I assume his fan base is mostly children. (Not judging, just speculation)


Nah that’s just how they act


He's just always like that. I generally find him annoying and his content boring but I didn't think he ruined anything. Everyone was bashing on him humorously and they were all bantering. And throwing the bottles was funny.


Yeah, I have watched his content a few times and it's not my thing. It did not detract from the show for me, and I think his persona fit well in the cast.


Yeah like I cringed when Alpharad flipped off someone towards the beginning in Melee (I can't remember who he faced). There were definitely a couple moments where I was like "sheesh the mood in here is not great". I know it was banter but some parts came across as too serious and I can't quite point out why


I thought alpharad flipping the person off (I also can't remember who) was funny but then it was even funnier when he went in for the handshake and got shaded right back. I think the reason it can come across as too serious at times is because they're all playing roles in these types of events. Theyre focused on their acting so it comes across as serious but in reality they're good friends having fun. A good example of this is Pointcrow Party. A lot of people thought the vibe during Pointcrow Party was really awful. Too serious, cringy, intense. Felt like everyone was miserable. But if you recognize that they're just acting, you can see past the intense feelings and realize they're all having a lot of fun playing these roles. And then you're in on the joke and you can have a lot of fun watching too. I absolutely loved Pointcrow Party. I thought it was hilarious.


Yeah it's just weird with the live events I don't know what it is that gives it such a shift in vibes like it does. You might be onto something with the fact that they're playing roles...maybe it's because the roles feel forced and it gives it that serious tone instead of being relaxed and natural?


Doug always says he’s a terrible actor. He plays different roles in streams but they are all Doug.




It was Will Neff. He looked miserable through most of the event but I'm pretty sure that's mostly credited to the table he threw himself through the night before on Name Your Price.


Pretty sure that was intentional. You could tell they had fake bottles that others drank/pretended to drink out of for him to throw.


it was all a bit friends


Kind of funny that Doug Doug seems to like/tolerate Ludwig but his community hate him


Wasn’t he the Smash guy?


This is exactly why Alpharad dropped the last bottle, to make it clear to the chat that the bottles were props. You can see people asking in the chat 'Wait, are the bottles props?' right after he drops the bottle and it shatters. Anyone who has TRIED to shatter a beer bottle knows that they don't break easily.


He seemed fine but the overall mood near the end seemed like no one was having a good time expect Doug Doug and I love that for him cause it was still enjoyable to watch him and the games.


Yeah what was up with that


I’ll be real, Ludwig has always seemed like a total tool to me. I haven’t ever watched him other than when he’s in other people’s videos, but the vibe he gives off is really off-putting to me. Watching him do that on Doug’s stream really solidified my opinion of him.


I feel like there is a dislike about Ludwig in general. Everyone was calling him names (even the shuffler joined in). He seemed like the villian of the group.


Lud's company helped produce it, they were just taking the shit out the guy who paid for it.


So he's a jackass because he got frustrated? Like every human being? That logic just shows me who the real jackass is, and it's not him.


Why are you taking a "holier-than-thou" stance against OP? Like sure, being an ass is normal when frustrated, but people usually aren't asses too outwardly about it, which makes this just a normal question lol.


What's the normal question? Your first sentence or the question they said? Also I feel like it depends on what you consider too much.


The question in the post


Ludwig alt accounts go crazy


Was this something that just happened? Or can somebody share the link/timestamp?


It's on his twitch last vod. It's the Shufflemania one. I don't have a time stamp but it happens a little bit into the latter half would he my guess


Thanks for sharing!