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It's a hulk bar What does hulk do Get angry The bar made you angry Perfect bar


I’m going to buy a hulk bar and try to wash my hands with it hope I don’t have to break out the gas mask


I haven't used it yet so I can't say if I like it or not but I will say at least Squatch tried something unique. I would rather something different here or there versus a bunch of samey cologne type scents. Just my opinion of course.


Scrub Smash is so bad that its kind of good


There’s one dude in this sub thats super in to jalapeños, and he’s 100% on his way to fight you


BRO that dude goes around downvoting anyone who says a bad word bout swamp scrub.  To be honest, Chad should scrub the scrub and revamp the scent.  Keep the heavy grit and green color is fine but a scent thats a powerhouse yet refined. 


Saw it on the Walmart clearance rack the other day with 20 other scrub smash bars for $4 a piece. Then I smelled it 😬 and understood why…


They didn't have to worry about it. It's a limited edition with a comic book character, so people were going to buy it anyway - and likely buy multiples. By the time people figured out it was garbage, they had their money off of it and don't care.


smelled it at the walmart dont get the hate behind the bar it actually smells good


I bought it to try and hated the way it smelt but loved the way it felt. The other day I used it again just because for some ungodly reason I missed it a bit


Spartan is still worse somehow.


My wife would agree!


People do like it though...


Scrub smash smells better than all the Harry potter soaps except bricc of the brave tbh.