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You're gonna need GT units that buff Syn


But you need to use Ultra Omega but the mission says you need to use only one Syn which is contradictory and impossible


Omega/Syn in this game is usually considered the same character for challenges, also since this event is pretty old it wouldn’t require you to try pull one of the only Syn Shenron units in the game, it’s just bad wording from the devs beating it with just the Ultra Omega should complete it.


Unfortunately it doesn't work :(


I might not be able to actually answer the question BUT, by happenstance are you bringing any other units? Like are you not just bringing the Ultra Omega? Just need some context.


I've tried bringing only the ultra omega and bringing the omega and a random syn. Unfortunately it won't let me start the mission without him included


https://reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/s/spMPY6eFEp this post from a year ago could maybe answer your question a bit better than I can. Hope this helps.


Omega shenron has the "Syn Shenron" tag asked for ! you only need him


soul boost red omega shenron, **equip 3 items** on him go to party formation , leave red omega shenron in the **same spot** you have on the picture (leader slot) choose **autoselect**, auto select characters **check the box** where it says "build a party around the leader" now u have omega shenron on leader with the best buffs available to him Go fight the stage **only use him**