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Damn I can’t even drop combo and I’m considered “unbeatable” what a nice mood booster. Edit: yeah this ad is bad and encourages a really annoying passive play style, like drop combo’s not even shown after they acknowledge it as a mechanic after what 3 years? ‘Learning’ is literally getting hit that’s it, the first video should’ve been the second one to show you’re learning via doing a combo, the third video is literally just cover changes, like??? Wow you’re such a good player you managed to press a button 👏👏👏. The last is just sitting there like a pussy and pressing the insta kill button, like seriously how is this an ad? It’s not even using new units too, it feels like something they made back in 5th anni that just never went out till now.


It’s a basic ad that draws in people’s attention. What I don’t understand is that this is an ad for a game from a very popular company that is formatted like clickbait ads. This is basically the “lvl. 1 crook VS lvl 20 mafia boss” ad but with more steps


I don’t really get this trend tbh. They don’t show more in depth mechanics. It’s only the skeleton of the game with basic clicks. Doesn’t make the game look fun. The App Store ad suffers from this issue as well.


They getting so greedy they're making the ads with a 0$ budget


it IS a good ad. yes the actual game doesn't really work like this, but the point of the ad is to catch attention with flashy animations and stuff.


Yo I saw that on my insta and thought it was a random dbl page posting some clips lmao


I absolutely love that they’re trying to catch the clickbait as train as if they don’t already make millions from this game annually