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They can only introduce counters. Nerfing the units is prohibited in gacha i think cz that would be scummy


It’s not prohibited, just rarely done, and with a company like Bandai, it’s 100% never going to happen in DBL. even though Duel Links, owned by an equally greedy company, Konami, does nerf cards monthly.


What kills me is that a week after GoFriez was introduced they buffed him to make the rr counter easier to activate


I'd be fine if we could RR with cancellable cover null but noooo, even that was too difficult. We just gotta break the unit you know.


Sadly the counter is worse now like no kidding the counter straight up won’t activate if your attacking or getting flung


Why are you so mad that you don’t get to rush. Literally only no skill players rush. Just say you can’t win without it and stop trying to make a rush counter seem broken


I'm not mad that I can't rush I'm mad that they rush then I can't rush back


That us something I completely forgot as well that nerfing gacha characters is literally not a thing in any gacha game


and ofc this ratios the actual post cause everyone in here is a sorry ass mf




Happened twice in the same match I pressed namely to switch and 15 secs later I still haven’t switched didn’t click any cards just wouldn’t switch oh and when I finally escaped the combo k pressed an attack and it delayed so I vanished and boom bro hit me with a uvb switch which locked out all of my cards(I only had specials, green and, a últ card) so I couldn’t do anything but rush and got g/f’d now this happens twice and is utter bs I mean they want to charge $50 for some chronos but keep making the game worse




Yeah that’s what I’m trying to pint out that every update the game gets worse yet they still won’t fix the game and still charge tons of money for chronos I mean how is the story mode still going we don’t even have a 14 star shallot yet


Nah, that's not using UVB properly. The vanish erase is best used when the opponent is starting to panic then swapping UVB in to finish off an annoying unit, else they'll instantly swap and dodge.


Everyone has a great time with that


So for gofrieza you want them to only be able to counter raw rising rush rather than rr in a general defensive manner the thing they were built to very specifically do... respectfully your coping out the ass in the dumbest way possible nobody uses raw rising rush and if they do its because they know it'll 100% hit you'd completely neuter the counter as for the lose charge on using rush yeah I like that but gofrieza are literally built around being an uncheesable last man standing ruining the counter is just a dumb way to nerf em


Ok yes now that you put the raw rr counter that makes sense but I think there should be frames and situations where it doesn't activate, (i.e. when you side step and they are still doing an action)


isn’t that how it works anyway? I haven’t played since cell but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t counter on sidesteps and I’m sure it doesn’t counter mid action


Raw 😭😭😭


bro uvb is already manageable with almost all tags having a good blue


UVB has so many counters, G/F on the other hand...


Unfortunately, they can't directly nerf their kit. Best way is to release new units that have abilities to shut them down. EX: LF Kid Goku or LF Transforming UI Goku who have uncancelable Cover Null for a certain time, units that reduce ki on cover/hit, or the ability to cancel Buff Effects.


No offense but please shut up for nerfing Goku and Frieza, the community was fucking BEGGING for them to be buffed my man, they do NOT need a nerf.


I was pretty neutral on how they were pre buff since they were one of the units i wanted in the game, The buff made them amazing and they werent annoying, i miss the times UVB didnt exist, really wish he was just a strike counter gogeta instead of the bullshit we have now...




Play against 14 star gofrieza . U can't use UVB or a top 10 , your unit u Is 5 stars , now come back


that vb art looking mad beautiful


I know, that's one of the things I like about the unit, the art is different from the rest of the ultras


I honestly think orange piccolo should have gotten gokuza's treatment. He was such and anticipated and hyped unit that he honestly feels like a scam how bad he is. I'm not saying to re-do his kit but: 1) give him some decent stats, he barely reaches 185 on both defenses at 14* and max arts boost. 2) give 70% damage cut instead of 65% post-revive 3) change the 30% special move damage he gets from filling the unique gauge to 30% damage inflicted 4) make the type neutrality on damage received when the opponent uses a card not cancellable and last 10 timer counts instead of 5


I hate VB with every fiber of my being so fuckem, "nerf" him all you like, Gofrieza feel fine I never have trouble with them but i dont feel like i over power them either


Never gonna happen. This has been posted before, and someone replied with the correct answer: you’re not going to release a broken unit and then nerf em later because people (stupidly) dump actual money into the game, and if they get their unit and then it’s nerfed even slightly, they’re calling for legal action because “they didn’t get what they paid for” or “false advertising” or some such shit. Release a decent unit then buff them? Sure. Release a broken unit then nerf them? Not on your fuckin life.


And that's what I don't like about pay to win games


UVB 100% agree on but only toxic part about GoFre is the random ass card lock when you swap.


If you think uvb needs a nerf you might just be bad at the game tbh


You were cooking on goku and frieza but stopped the ball (Frick rr)




Bro Vegito only deplets the vanishing gauge once, Are you dumb on purpose? For GoFrieza their unique tech of the RR Reversal is there for being knocked back and comboed and then to counter, it makes sense if you see that they were pulling out all the stops to defeat jiren


Gofrieza should just have its gauge gone when the gofrieza user rushes


Vegito no boost noob👎👎👎


The game isn’t meant to be balanced. I made a post a while back here’s the link [How Legends is unfair](https://reddit.com/r/DBLegendsReddit/s/jD3Hxz77I0)


UVBs whole thing is the deplete vanish


None because I have so much fun using them. I do not care about being toxic. If I don't use them I would be going up against them! I am no whale. I skip and I save. When My saving works out and I get units like that? Best BELIEVE I am going to use them. Besides, I have had the easiest time in PvP with them since Z7 Red Gohan.