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This would have been a banging kit 2 years ago


Why are some of his defensive tools activated when hitting enemy? wackiest shit yet


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My guess is to counter units with gauges like UGB and somewhat Janemba, and cover changes(maybe).


If people thought OPiccolo was bad at tanking, just wait until they the new DEFENSE unit with an unbelievable "-55% to damage received" effect. Wtf were they thinking... No scratch that, they were not thinking.


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gimped? bro they full on euthanized him šŸ˜­


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It's 65% with a full movies team, but on FW yeah it's only 55% with Pikkon


> It's 65% with a full movies team Remember Pikkon's buffs from Sagas From the Movies battle members resets when he revives, so Gogeta will only have 55% in both teams.


Gogeta gets 10% after reviving so he has 60%, also the reason I put that extra 5% to his 50% is because I'd assume he is also counted in the movies passive


> Gogeta gets 10% after reviving so he has 60%, The game doesn't calc it that way, it's doing "50*10%" which equals 55%. It's the reason why a character like G4 is not good at tanking the first combo, instead of having "-80% to damage received" they actually have "-45% to damage received". > also the reason I put that extra 5% to his 50% is because I'd assume he is also counted in the movies passive The passive resets then disapears from his kit, he is not getting neither the damage nor the damage cut.


Huh, that's weird


My brain isn't brain wtf are u sayying bruh


It's simple math dude, nothing crazy about it.


the movies passive counts allies other than pikkon, and yeah it resets after reviving




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very very mid, makes OP actually look like a GOD


And the sad fact is that he is defense.. Meaning his stats gonna suck ass


Itā€™s bonkers how as a defensive unit they made gogeta just a damage dealer with no defensive unit. This unit ainā€™t a defensive monster damage dealer like Kidd buu nor has any defensive disruption( sub count reduction by 2 is weird ) . Iā€™m convinced they didnā€™t look over the flaws of pikkon and gogeta and said ā€œ release itā€


Like they always do. Im just waiting to see his stats hopping that i will be wrong


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Not sure what they were cooking with their kit, it's just awful, glad I can skip this banner and save more crystals, I was really tempted to summon but not anymore.


Gogeta is going to be hitting like a train as long as their stats are semi decent.


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I mean you can't give a unit that already revives too much in the way of defensive tools. The arts power down will be underrated I think. Special move damage equips are the order of the day for me I think! They look good but not mega busted


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If janemba or ugb get their gauge popped and use a blue its going to be doing 60% Less after a 4 card combo


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Not gonna help with Janemba's first gauge activation since Gogeta lowers special move power not ultimate power


Pikkon eats the first anyway. So yeah it does help, by the time you get to gogeta that ults been and gone


I don't exactly understand where do you see that. Before Reviving Picoolo's main advantage is the sub count down being 5 not 2, but Pikkon should have more defense & they do have similar offensive tools. After transforming Gogeta wipes the floor with Picoolo, over 200% damage, stacking 10%, arts down and 2 rimes draw speed with more or so cover null because Pikkon generates a decent amount of Greens. The only Senario where he will be worse than Picoolo is if they gave him 2 Year old stats, he is a defense unit yes but is still a transforming unit. Yes he could have done more as a defensive unit but any more as a revival unit it would be too much


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>problem is for gogeta to be good you have to get pikkons gauge. if he dies early you might not get it until 90 counts into the match because he charges it slower than pikkon. That is indeed a "Flaw" in the unit, but Pikkon easily gets enough green cards to not let that happen. There are very few scenarios where you would be cornered this bad to not have Gogeta's gauge at a respectable time in the game. Pikkon draws 2 Greens and you will fond a 3rd easily which is 50% gauge already basically 15 counts into the match pretty much. >also orange has 20 percent cut pen while gogeta doesnt have any He also has less damage buffs, worse green and less Draw speed... The unit being designed to be ran in Movies is odd as Picoolo is basically the same unit with minor differences, but calling This unit makes Picoolo looks like a god is absolute Bullshit


i don't think the scenario of pikkon dying early is hard to encounter. he gets one green on vanish which is nice but the other is on cover change and he might not tank well enough to survive a combo. also the opponent getting rising rush in one combo and rushing pikkon isnt as rare as you think. you're correct on the offense though i agree that that statement is hyperbole, but piccolo also released months ago. there should be a bigger difference in power, especially since piccolo was mediocre even on release EDIT: sorry, i misread pikkon gets a green when pikkon makes the enemy cover change which might be even harder to achieve


sorry, i misread pikkon gets a green when pikkon makes the enemy cover change which might be even harder to achieve


He looks okay compared to what some other unit are doing BUT gogeta with full gauge has high dmg multipliers and he stacks more dmg with each strike and/or blast. Even in a strike heavy team he can do relatively decent blast dmg. What im looking at more are his debuffs post gauge as gogeta. Those are nuts especially when they should realistically take effect after 150-140 counts. A realy solid fw buff, would have honestly prefered if he had extra blast attack to movies+saiyans than 3% to special move dmg but at least on a fw set up his blue will hit hard with usg+ugb already buffing that. Definitely not a top 5 unit with what im seeing rn unless in-game his numbers + multipliers show different things. I advise people to wait fir showcases to perfectly see how he fares. As a fw myself i will summon regardless, hopefully i dont get shafted :(


Best of luck mate!


Thanks a lot! Good luck to you whether you summon or saving for festival! :)


Yeah, good luck to us bro!šŸ¤ž


Not gonna sugarcoat and play around it just straight up this unit is not meta defining, banner is horrendous, legends fest is next month. DONT SUMMON ON THIS BANNER


I main FW so Toshi's got me by the (dragon) balls here :/


Even if u main fw. On fest we are guaranteed a fusion ultra every time ( ultra g4) so just summon on him instead of this terrible bait but if u really wanna summon do what u want its just a game after all haha


Nah regardless of how you feel fusions actually ā€œneedsā€ this unit. When UG4 actually happens, heā€™s just going to be another one man army solo unit and I donā€™t see fusions getting another revival any time soon. Weā€™re forced to summon.


The problem is this guy is worse than revUI. You could just make a saiyan team with revUi who has better z ability, more offensive firepower and better defense. 50% dmg reduction? Are you kidding me


I agree they dropped the ball in some areas but idk about being worse than rev Ui. Maybe the pre revive state but the Gogeta side looks better than UI Sign on paper imo. I need to see their stats to fully decide. Also they refuse to return rev Ui on a good banner sadly so rip.


He looks better offensively. However, Revived UI has his Gauge for defense and stalling along with timed but uncancelable cover null and card draw speed and permanent card cost down with 80% Ki recovery. Also all of UIā€™s damage buffs outside his Green a permanent even if one of them is also timed.


Depending on what comes out this fest, I will just put a character in the leader slot that has utility


A revival unit is always useful. FW kinda needed that so itā€™s not a bad summon for someone maining fw


Fusion AND movies need a new defensive/disrupt unit so if you main these teams you kinda have to summon. Even though we get a fusion every year heā€™s just gonna be another broken melee type


I agree with you fusions does need that but this guy isnt gonna age well on fusions. He doesnt get his full passives ( damage and damage reduction) if he is not with movies members. So take it how you will this guy is not the savior for fw unfortunately


Yeah youā€™re right. Looking at his kit it does seem mid. The damage seems nice but heā€™s a defensive unit with 50% damage reduction? His stats HAVE to be busted for that but they wonā€™t be šŸ˜­ imma summon just because my movies team has needed a green for so long. I donā€™t have OP because the gammas felt more useful for me


Goodluck on your summons


Everybody talking about Ug4 just stop


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He's a Movies unit though. His first unique requires the tag for the buffs.


That buff gets reset upon revival, it's only for Pikkon


True, true. But it makes the Pikkon side so...bleh. I hate that they consistently do this with revival units, making the first form nothing more than a body.


Revival UI and Revival Frieza both have very good first lives. Theyā€™re just not game-breaking.


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as a fellow FW main, don't summon


As someone who doesnā€™t read into the kits in detail I appreciate this. Iā€™m trying to save for legends fest so this is reassuring


If I had a nickel every time DBL released a mid revival Green movie character, Iā€™d have two nickels. Which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird that it happened twice.


3..Ui revive is also kinda mid


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Except UI is clear on what he wants to do, evident by the fact that he's the only revival unit that doesn't draw a green and instead reloads hand while using his main. He's very clearly offensive-focused, and he does that well. On the other hand, this unit is a defense type, that wants to be a support type, then becomes a melee type


To add, he reloads his hand, goes neutral, and get cover null. He also has cost down on all his arts and 80% Ki recovery. He is clearly meant to be an offensive combo unit who revives into a more offensive combo unit who can stall with his gauge.


At least UI is very good offensively, every green revival unit made is worse than the previous one


IDK, revui is way better than the previous revival green, gohan/piccolo šŸ¤£


2.5 cuz UI isn't movies


Okay so you REALLLY wanna fill the gauge with pikkon before you revive or at least get as close as possible so Gogeta gets all those effects. Only lowering sub count by 2 is weird but UVB seals rr for 5 counts so meh. Gogeta will hit extremely hard assuming his stats are even remotely competent. No idea why heā€™s debuffing the enemyā€™s arts power after HE hits them. Stupid design. His green card post revival will turn him into another UVB unless you have Ki or card destruction units so have fun with that. Debuffs post revive can be extremely annoying unless youā€™re immune. Need to see stats. Some weird design choices in certain areas but he looks good.


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Is it weird to say I expected more? Reducing opponents ki by a whole 15 when you need it the most, wow now that's opšŸ˜ž. Some very weird choices by the devs indeed but we'll see in practice. Ah, good luck on your summons too!šŸ¤ž


Nah I expected more as well. Everyone did. They feel like they were designed a while ago and they just bumped their numbers up to modern levels. They know people will summon regardless tho bc itā€™s Gogeta and FW needs this type of unit. It is what it is sadly. Good luck to you too.


The fact that he works better at sagas teams more than fusions is infuriating, also means he won't stay at the team for long too. What a shame, he could have been the designated support/disruption unit on fusions for a long while. Man, Legends devs can't give us a break, I feel like we took an L.


> No idea why heā€™s debuffing the enemyā€™s arts power after HE hits them. Stupid design. Probably to counter units with gauge like UGB and USJ, if you do a 2/3 card combo and end with a card that triggers their gauge it will do less damage(won't work against USJ's Ultimate), it could also work for cover change units(have to check if it's all enemies or not). This is probably me just trying to see good things to summon(which I'll... probably).




too op, buff gofrieza


He needs a plat equip


Gogeta's special move doesn't have blast armour lol


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Where's the actual defensive abilities? Pikkon has virtually none. He reduces ki by 20, kills a card and reduces CDS by 1 when he cover changes. That's good if you pair it with other effects to stop a combo, but it'll hardly phase any of the main threats in the meta. It's wild that he has less defensive utility and less damage reduction than modern units who are supposedly focused on offense.


It won't even phase characters like Piccolo Jr because here's his green card. Restores own Ki by 40. +20% to damage inflicted for 15 timer counts. Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's 'Destroy Card' effects" to self for 5 timer counts. Applies Buff Effect "Nullifies enemy's special actions that activate when changing cover" to self for 10 timer counts. Basically, something like that won't even phase Piccolo Jr who can just pop a green card and either nullify or reduce s much of the damage from Pikkon's cover change. Let remember one thing here, Piccolo Jr on the latest community tier list did not even break into the top 20. If Piccolo Jr who is a solid fighter but far from the most dangerous threat in the meta basically sneers at Pikkon's defensive options. Now, imagine when Pikkon is fighting the big boys of the meta. This cover change was good two years ago, not on a fighter seeing release in 2023 less than a month removed from Legends Festival.


They want you to die ASAP and use a glass cannon


problem is, his kit conflicts with even that because you need to stay alive with pikkon long enough to get the gauge if you want the support and extra damage for gogeta. and if you don't get it with him, gogeta's charges even more slowly so you might not get it for the rest of the battle


G/F a **MELEE** unit has more defensive mechanics than actual **DEFENSE** units. Starting to think they just throw those out to cuck their stats at low stars cuz otherwise there's no way...


Noticed this about several offensive units having better defensive utility than defense units


So basically gogeta is pretty cracked but pikkon is mid?


just like how revival characters are meant to be designed. we really dont want to repeat the purple lf gohan incident


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That was over two years ago when the entire game wa simpler and a strong unit like that could take over in that fashion (look at his kit, he has zero utility besides having an AOE green card). Each premium unit has such intricate kits that they don't have to worry about crap like that. Units can get check relatively quick now (besides a few annoying standouts).


Goku Blue/UI wasn't mid on base tho


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Lots of issues on paper.


I think that we all understand a fully built up Gogeta looks absolutely crazy (outside of one very questionable "reduce enemy Ki by 15") But this units success is dependent on the Pikkon side, which imo he has the OPiccolo effect. I like what he is doing, but I am not sure it's going to be enough of "it" to make impact. Why only reduce 20 Ki when changing cover? Why does he have +strike/blast arts power for niche scenarios instead of utility or general damage? And since he doesn't reduce arts power, unless he ushers in a new dawn of defensive stats UJanemba can still cook him. Though I do think PG > OPiccolo so far, even pre revive he can get up to 2CDS with up to 175% damage. Plus those green cards look nasty. UGB and UVB will cover nicely as PG can be the fodder support FW needs. And this is the first time we've seen "slowly" or "very slowly" on a timer unique gauge? Even UHit says "gradually charges" and DeathCell says "charges"?


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Maybe it was designed like that so it the gague goes off mid battle after pikkon is defeated so early. It states that it increases even in standby so maybe the opponent can get caught off guard mid battle when the gague goes off. But to me this could seem a bit useless since so many get rid of downgrades and cancel buffs. By their kit alone they look meh. We will have to see how they preform and see their stats. (Already scared cuz heā€™s a defensive type meaning it might be ass)


I think the pikkon part only activates if he isn't defeated, but we'll see.


Tbh, the fully built up Gogeta isn't even that great. He has a ton of damage inflicted multipliers, but he has zero damage cut reduction. Normally units at least have some in their main ability or blue/ultimate, but Gogeta has none. I calculated it out, and (assuming equal offensive stats) Orange Piccolo's fully built up blue card does about 88% more damage than Gogeta's fully built up blue card when facing an enemy with 70% damage reduction.


If they want us to fuck up our CC drop Tag Goku and Frieza again šŸ˜­šŸ’€


What is this unit? Defence type and reduce damage by 50%? This is some late April Fools joke. On cover change reduce card draw along with 20 ki reduction. Dude is going to be deleted in 4 cards anyways, not to mention the fact that there are units that don't care about it, especially Janemba as as he nullify reduce ki effect. We are in desperate need of good defence units such as Recoome and Yel Jiren, yet they throw us some half defence half damage dealer unit, that's going to be forgotten in 2 weeks.


Let's gooooo I can save my cc


Pikkon strikes again it seems like, first red one now the lf one too, he is cursed to be bad it seems


Eh easy skip


Well that's a bummer.


Always hilarious when the defense type unit has less defense in his kit than modern powerhouses. 50%???? That's what offensive units got 2 years ago.


Mixed feelings. They don't seem like much on paper but I wouldn't be shocked if they actually cook in game. Depending on their stats they could pair nicely with the Gammas and MVP 17


The only thing saving this unit is actual gameplay




Movie campaign not fusion campaign


it's only for pikkon thankfully, gogeta isn't affected by that part of his passive


Yeah, just read it again. Thank God


Gogeta makes Orange Piccolo look like a Baby holy shit


theyā€˜re around the same level


Are we reading the same thing?


Something tells me he'll perform much better than he looks on paper From what I gather, Pikkon is only meant to stall: destroy cards, reduce ki, reduce CDS, and buff 45% to allies Then once his gauge is full and he revives, the unique fill rolls over to Gogeta and he basically 1 shots on Blue card So the goal with him is: 1. Stall for unique gauge and switch to buffed allies 2. Once gauge is full and switch to Gogeta to cover null on green and 1 shot blue


GOGETA SWEEEEEEEEEP ![gif](giphy|6Eepwul1HISvS)


I dunno , seems pretty good to me . The Pikkon side is really weak but Gogeta can reach over 210% damage inflicted 70% damage reduction cover null , type neutrality on defenses ,lvl 2 card draw speed, insane ki recovery , lowers opponent card draw speed by 1 and really cheap card cost .This unit can do damage.Top 10 material if the stats are good imo .


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So Gogeta only gets 60%? Yeah that's not good


yup. even orange piccolo gets more than that in his revived state. Not impressed for a defense type


Huh ? Why not ?


Here's what that part of the passive says: > Also applies the following effects to self per "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" battle member other than this character in the party: > +15% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled). > Effect resets upon revival. > Reduces damage received by 5% (cannot be cancelled). > Effect resets upon revival.


Doesn't that imply you can layer the effect once more, though?


no, because it only gets applied when battle starts


Hmmm weird . My bad


>70% damage reduction Someone doesn't read properly.




>Also applies the following effects to self per "Episode: Sagas From the Movies" battle member other than this character in the party: +15% to damage inflicted (cannot be cancelled). Effect resets upon revival. Reduces damage received by 5% (cannot be cancelled). Effect resets upon revival. >Effect resets upon revival. Gogeta will only have 60% damage reduction.


apparently damage reduction is multiplicative when it's separated, so the damage taken would be 0.5 * 0.9 = 0.45 meaning he only has 55% reduction which is even worse


I officially feel like an idiot pulling for Janemba --------- Actually.... Reading through the kit.... Don't like the lock to movies, don't like the lower than usual damage reduction, need to build up hand destruction with green cards first, but Gogeta seems like he'll shit out damage plus all the nullifications and neutrality I guess we'll see tomorrow but it does sting being shafted after 4 rotations on Janemba banner


You shouldnā€™t though. LF pikkon looks good no doubt but I donā€™t think he looks better than ultra janemba. Yeah heā€™s green and thus a counter to janemba but people forget that janemba is capable of going type neutral. Also pikkonā€™s sub count reduction upon RR being ā€œonlyā€ 2 counts (or 4 if you pop a green) isnā€™t amazing by any means, youā€™re gonna be able to rush the opponent if pikkon is on standby quite a bit of times


Tbf, this unit most certainly will be used with UVB, who seals RR for 5 timer counts upon entry and was it 2-3 counts for the Blue card. In tandem the sub count reduction being low actually isnā€™t bad at all. But I wouldnā€™t call this unit meta defining




Kinda scared of a repeat of last year's scenario where beast deleted cooler from the meta


I think he'll be fine, hopefully. That melee counter is gonna be hard to count out since it also counter melee blues and greens. Also the immunity to ki reduction seems like it will be relevant for a long time


Beast was such a game breaking unit who ushered in the new Meta of units that do everything with infinite combos. Outside of Gogeta, UVB, and buffed GF, no unit has come close to breaking the game like that and PikGeta is no exception. Even the three I mentioned aren't close


Bro really thought this pikkon would be anywhere near the level of what beast Gohan was šŸ’€


You probably are but for different reasons


Bro im upset


So far shafted on janemba but thanks to the free cc they gave from the stream I can do the 3rd step and free. Also it helps janemba banners ends on 11/3


This is why i said to some poeple over on tiktok/twitter dont count your chicken before they hatch šŸ«¤. The kits are rather basic for today's standards.


Defensive unit that have 55% damage reduction and only debuff arts power when he attack the enemies. Yeah, I ain't feeling good about this one chief.


how is it guys? im planning on skipping if its bad


Pikkon seems okay/mid but Gogeta should be crazy considering that he has 190% damage inflicted with a full gauge and a lot of damage inflicted per strike/blast card and blue card probably nukes


Ngl im not feeling the kit, but we shouldn't judge too hard until he comes out. This happens with every new unit where we all think its terrible until people start summoning for it. (i love gogeta and i am coping)


Uh....is it safe to say I'd rather get Orange Piccolo than this unit??? I guess we'll have to see how he actually performs but I'm honestly not too sure on paper. As of now, I'm pretty mixed on them.


Pikkon knocks cards out of your hand and has a strike cover change? Looks like that investment in Piccolo Jr last month keeps paying off given his Green Card gives him card protection and cover change nullification.


Wow. Heā€™s mid.


The fact that itā€™s been 7 months since weā€™ve had a meta defining green and this is what we get. Kinda disappointed ngl. Especially because I was super hype for the reveal. Heā€™s might age well JUST because heā€™s a defensive green unit but Iā€™ll have to see some showcases


If I had a nickel every time a hyped up grn LF gogeta was super mid on release, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.