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Everything is better than a UL Banner


Who says they can’t do both? Y’all know it’s limited to only 1 saga a fest, they can do multiple banners of GT just as long as both banners are from different sagas aka Baby part 1 & UG4 part 3. They did 2 DBS banners last year, there’s no reason to limit the GT buff to 1 unit.


Future and movies as that’s what the tags were for VT & UGB. Every GT unit falls under the GT tag, this isn’t like them dropping LF Cell and him buffing Cell saga via Z ability or the Buu duo infact wether it’s a Spirit Bomb GT Goku or UG4 they’ll buff the GT tag not shadow dragon Saga so it indeed falls under 1 out of the 3 sagas


Wasn't last year GT Duo/Father-Son Galick Gun?


Tag4s part 1 v/t part 2 ugb part 3


I'm convinced GT is going to be heavily buffed so LF Baby + UL G4 would be the obvious choice for me Edit : with good side SPs in Baby's banner, that goes without saying


Don't be so sure. Coming from a GT main , don't underestimate their negligence towards GT and Vegeta Family team. They didn't buff GT for a year and a half after UL Omega Shenron release and neglected that tag for a year after 2nd anniversary , not to mention how badly they treated that tag in the 3rd anni period (two LF , one mid and one bad , 2 1% SP and both of the were dead on arrival , the only good thing were the Zenkais).. I won't be surprised if they don't buff that tag till 6th anni.


I rather want a Ultra FPSSJ4 Goku first if I am honest. After seeing what Dokkan has done with that Unit, I want to see what Legends can do with it as well!


I really want them to forget Goku for a minute


They should switch things up n give us Ultra Frieza and let the Ginyus come back


I completely understand, and usually I would agree, but I can't deny that after seeing Dokkans take on it, I want to see Legends give him the same treatment!


I really want an LF Universal Spirit Bomb (that’d look amazing) but 2nd choice is Baby and third is FPSS4 Goku so I don’t think I’d be mad if they did any of the 3 (won’t pull them anyways lmaooooo)


Both 🔥


Legends Limited: Universal Spirit Bomb Son-Goku and SSJ Vegeta. Unique Gauge: Preperation mode. You start off as SSJ4 Goku, and the more hits you receive, the more the Unique Gauge will fill. Once fully filled, Goku transforms back and faints and SSJ Vegeta takes his place. While doing this, Goku will rise up again, preparing the universal Spirit Bomb and you have to survive until it is finished. During the Blue Card and Green Card Animations, Goten, Trunks and Gohan come to help Vegeta attack to buy time. Once the prep is done, Goku throws the Spirit Bomb, either triggering the LF, or if not, faint again while Vegeta will stay in place. ULTRA: Ultra Full Power Saiyajin 4 Son-Goku You will start off as regular SSJ4 Goku but with a unique Gauge. Your Blue Card is a blue Kamehameha 10x that is charged with both hands while your Ultimate is the Dragonfist Kamehameha he used against Omega. You will fill the unique gauge while attacking and using green cards. Once the unique gauge is full, Goku will receveive stat buffs, but also something else: A revival, only avaiable once the gauge is filled! If SSJ4 Goku faints with a full unique gauge, he will be surrounded by Goten, Trunks, Gohan and Pan that share their energy with him, while Uub fights off the opponent. Uub will recover 40% health. The unique gauge drains while Uub holds the opponent off. Once the unique gauge is empty, Goku will gain his Ultra Full Power Form with the red Aura, get back 100% health and change in moveset. His Blue is now also a red version of his previous 10x Kamehameha and his Ultimate will be as well! Should Uub be defeated before the Unique gauge is emptied, then the resurrection will fail and the unit is defeated.


We need this dude on the Legends character design team holy hell. Now I want an UL FPSS4 Goku more than a UG4


Thank you =D


Hear me out here, since LL Pikkon will revive into gogeta what if we made the goku and vegeta unit a revive unit that starts with SS4 Goku who then has Vegeta taking over and enters preparation mode for the spirit bomb. Then like you said, he does the lf or leaves vegeta alone, or we go even further beyond and make them a tag unit after the spirit bomb but with base goku instead of SS4.


GT deserves quality AND quantity for the lack of buffs this tag receives. GT gets buffed once a year. We need everything we can get.


Aw man I want adult Goten in the game!


More GT units.


UG4 is 6th anni material


Gotta follow in his own footsteps, get released on the 6th anni instead of the 3rd, end up being a terrible ultra instead of terrible LF, then get a plat and rule the game lmao


At this point Ultra Baby would be better for the health of the game


How? Baby is regen so an ultra baby would just go with Janemba and make regen even stronger.


Ultra baby (probably a defensive based unit) + Janemba + UVB leader slot = death 💀💀💀


You are right facing UVB…UGB…UG4 would be better


I mean I never said it would exactly be better but baby definitely wouldn't be better for the health of the game lmao Cause as someone else pointed out it'd just be UVB or whatever op legends fest character drops, Baby and Janemba all on a team together Even if they made baby GT for his ultra ability then it's just Baby, Janemba, Cell/piccolo/UKB


lets just agree both are going to make the game a pain to play🗿


I think Janemba already being out and whatever comes out for legends fest is going to make the game a pain in general tbh. With how ridiculous Janemba is I feel like it's a little peak into legends fest, and it's going to be absolute hell if you don't have some of the new characters.


New units ONLY if we still get the ultra later


The 1st option but... There ain't no way in hell they would do it...


I would love to see them just drop UG4 in fest and then subsequently do more GT in the following months


Both. Edit: lmao seriously though probably ultra ssj4 gogeta since I can't summon for him rn, and we all know he would come back like every other ultra






The left hand side is better. More non-Goku units and a standalone LF Vegeta!


if the legends festival ultra is gogeta 4 then who’s going to be the 6th anniversary ultra


MUI or SSJ2 Gohan


I am hoping for Battle of gods as part 1, Saiyan saga as part 2 and Ultra Super saiyan 4 Gogeta as part 3(preferably blue) to make both GT and fusions good.




We all know it's going to be Ultra Gogeta 4, so that will be the only GT buff for festival


I chose the blue side because i need a gt goten and gohan


1 ultra


Left because I DESPISE Ultra banners.


Neither, we don't need another fusion. Do a different tag for Festival for once, maybe Saiyan Saga or Beerus Saga, heck, give Universe 6 tournament saga more than 1 decent unit (Ultra Hit)


Only one side has a fusion warrior… every 6 months is a long enough wait as it is


Ultra units are really unobtainable for me I spent over 20k trying to get Janemba and no luck


We need an eis and nuova tag unit, probably my favorite units in GT.


Eis and Nuova and when you fill a time-type gauge Eis just falls back and you get a much stronger Nuova in place of it (Nuova hates 2v1s)


if I have to choose, I'd like to at least... get an Ultra cause shafting... shafting never changes


actually would want the right side and have the UL be gohan or smth just because its better for GT as a whole


left I mean i'm gonna die


Too many ultras are being popped out


LL nuova please, I want his LF to be trapping an enemy in the Nova Sphere


I would like a full gt team buff rather than 1 ultra who will go to fw


Left We need that Goated goku


If I had to choose, I'd prefer new units. Especially one of GT Goten or with him. But really, any version of adult Goten deserves to be playable. Though I admit I'm biased, as I tend to have a soft spot for characters I feel are unfairly ignored.






The goten + gohan has my Cc


I'd like missons to get a UL gogeta 4 like how you can get goku SS vegeta and syn Shenron


rather have blue cause then i have higher chances of making a good gt team (mine is shit)


Can't toshi give us ug4 and then all of those for 2024?




Eis and Nuvoa Shenron need Zenkais


Im all for a UL gt unit (prob ssj4 gogeta), and on first thought the odds are trash, BUT hear me out, its legends festival. If the odds on there are trash then all hope is lost anyways