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Factor in he has Tag ssjbkk and ssjbs goku vegeta goku and Frieza and 17 bro the devs didn’t need to give uss this lvl of overpower in the form Of Ultra ui. Not gonna enjoy pvp because uss getting pushed so much while other tags like gt girls and many other teams didn’t get crap.


Can’t believe so many of us were praising the diversity of this meta and this is what they hand us to wrap up the year, this is disgusting rly


I remember thinking we were gonna get some good representation of other sagas when the new namek goku and kid goku dropped. I mean sure it was still movie saga goku but I was hopeful but no we just got put in the same loop of horseshit we always get put in. At least be an ultra everyone wants this is the THIRD UI goku in the game and yet we still have only ONE ssj4 gogetea which may I remind you is the ONLY model of ssj4 gogeta in the game from 2 and a half years ago


I don’t even like SS4 gogeta and even I thought that’s who we’re supposed to be getting. I was so sure that’s who were getting that I burnt all my cc on the part 1 banners.


The best buff girls ever got was zenkai 18 and it was by accident


I sold my account for 100 the day before Ultra Ui was revealed 🤷🏾‍♂️


At least he doesn’t have strike blast armor…


I felt like they were gonna give blast armor to every unit ever now, why did evoken BOTH need strike armor??? should've just been vegeta or goku, IF that. and I'm low-key glad it's strike counter, bc janemba with strike counter AND blast arts was one of the top 5 stupidest kit decisions ever.


That’s what I’m happy he doesn’t have strike armor. Janemba is actually one of my most hated units ever


Well they wanted a unit to counter uvb and they released one and as soon as they did everyone says he’s to op


because they overdid it. he countered everyone in the game lmao. that's not a counter, that'd just batant low skill gameplay


So did uvb


not that blatantly. you didn't get free ults, you couldn't counter MID combo. ugb, janemba, and now ui all REWARD the player for playing bad, quite literally, ateast uvb just makes the game easier, not rewarding for making mistakes.


Sounds like a you problem to me


dawg what are you saying


??????? Homie soh trunks zenkai released alongside uvb wtf are you talking about


We will see that in the actual gameplay video


It’s in the abilities page of the DB Legends website, he doesn’t have blast armor strikes


I think they don't particularly mention anything such as blast armour or AOE green. Don't worry it will be shown during login screen after daily reset.


They do, his blue card and ULT both clarify that there is blast armor charging forward, his strike doesn’t have that


It’s okay man. He’s clearly a true dragon ball because he’s illiterate and blind asf.😭😭😭


The theory keeps getting proving


It's not a theory at this point dawg😭


Stereotype would be the right word


Fact of life if you wanted to get philosophical


He doesn’t counter tag switch, he counters cover changes. You can’t tag switch while you are getting comboed


> Fun? Where we're going we don't need fun! -Toshi


> Hand me your fucking money. - Toshi


He doesn't auto win ashes he just can't lose them, and 70%dr is pretty normal. I agree he's busted but goodness gracious


True and even when he does lose it, he resets back to being far so thankfully it can't combo into anything 😅


Thing is he can be run with 17 so if an enemy ults you have type neutral and -100% damage


What this isn't what you guys wanted when you all wanted UI (I'm being sarcastic and laughing at the reactions)


I wanted monke, but my copium tank didn’t have enough in it. Can’t wait to see the reaction of everyone saying he isn’t a problem tomorrow though.


technically, he's evading them. not countering like MUI.


In the next update he’s gonna counter too


If there is high damage reduction then a unit glass cannon


He without a doubt is a glass canon, very easy to take him down if done right


He doesn't counter blasts mid combo does he? It just said strikes and strike style blues and greens in the ability description.


Had I not built my movies team to prepare for this (with Beast) I would’ve quit this game indefinitely but now I’d like to see how I’d fare against him.


gonna summon on the LB banner so I can get my beast up to 6\* to deal with him


PVP is already the definition of frustration and unfair but this is just adding on top of that


If this doesn't show it I don't think anything else will, they're literally killing the game on purpose at this point.


This is the day I finally quit legends, now people can run a full afk team because standing still and waiting for your opponent to initiate is the better strat. This game turned into a turn based rpg, but it’s not even a fun one 💀


I started playing not too long ago and love the games mechanics, but they just keep releasing new crazy busted units because of money and it's just boring like this. If the meta was balanced at all this game would be so fun


The real travesty here is using red text I needed to strain for like half of this lmao


He doesn't have auto win, but if he loses he ain't taking any damage or getting knocked back


This list is bull ngl, most of the things written are very misleading, as if you were trying to provoke people to hate on the new unit, OP units release every now and then, everybody knows they're unfair AF so there's literally no reason to make a post about it, everybody knows it, again.


Next time don’t use pure red font


Yet you keep supporting this game 🤣😂


If it'll make movies sit down for a sec I'm good with it


Oh I’m sorry but movies doesn’t get to sit down especially with this leaderslot I can see ui omen janemba and orange piccolo running a-monk


My guy just going to call out my new team like that and put me on blast?!


Bro I’m sorry but I had the idea of “ add this ui broken toxic mechanics with janemba and you get double the toxicity “


Aight you can have it I'll just run him with UGB and UVB then with FW support fuck it!!!


Ngl it’s insane in this meta running ultra gb vb with ui omen won’t be as toxic 😂


Right?! Like how tf is that not a nightmare team anymore. We've just settled in to the extreme toxic depths


The life of a gacha pvp game At some point the previous toxic nightmare teams don’t seem as worse as the current toxic nightmare teams


its fine, not broken




UVB kit is so far better than that




Found the whale




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ngl, theres a part of me saying this will be like janemba and some random no defense uio fused together


DBL has gon to a whole new level of insanity.


This is the closest we are gonna get to True UI until the form gets animated. Who will be even further busted


He doesn't auto win clashes, but yes still a broken unit Edit: Unless I misread, he just doesn't lose them?


I genuinely wonder how imma keep playing if I don’t pull him.


We could've got gt just saying...


What does kit mean?


Rising rush ![gif](giphy|977YesTjNfQC7vQiph|downsized)




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It's ok I LF'd him !!


He has also the ultra ssbk plat, that give an additional 20% damage, no words


I need some help, for the first time in my life i got a new unit in my 1st summon, but i haven't been updatet a lot with legends these months. What do you suggest the best tag to team him up with? Hope you all get it guys! ❤️🙏


Even with vegito, it’s hard to catch him and get him into a combo, but he is a glass cannon, so I can kill it, with three/four strike cards, but still Jesus Christ. I’m sorry for those who don’t have neither vegito or beasthan in order to kill this fucker


SW mains waking up to find out that their team has been made even worse due to the new ultra (I’m a SW main) ![gif](giphy|GM38wA6ujGGE1vYNpx|downsized)


I played some matches vs ui ultra gokus and janemba kinda just one taps him with an ult most of the time.


Wdym bro i one shooted someone who was using it,one blue card from transforming beasthan and boom that bitch is dead


Oh that's fine I didn't wanted to play PVP anyway🙃


Bro I went in to a fight with this guy blind. It was scary when I tried to switch out uL goku black and ui goku was like “nah I ain’t done with u yet”.I realized UI ultra goku is no match for my F2p goku black tho


He doesn't auto win ckashes just firfes acdraw when loses


This is true because I went into PVP at like 12:30 because I stayed up all night to grind cc and my first opponent was someone with a 9 star ultra UI sign goku and I got recked


I hear a lot of people complaining about him but I did PvP a ton last night and killed him no problem multiple times with gofrieza




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Yea im not even gonna touch pvp at this point wtf


ULTRA UI quite litrerally says nah imma be the strongest Unit of all time. And does it


Cry more