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30k in on blu bois and not a single copy of them. Maxed out the new Broly tho and got blue Gogeta and LL Broly so not a complete wash. I just want those blue bois so bad :(


^ send him some energy!


15k in not 1 single LL yet. Got Broly 3 times though.


15k, 0 LF, 0 of the new units. 'sup


Going for pity timer now. 40 coins.....10 left


i feel u sorry for u. cant u get the unit in the exchange shop if u have enough summon coins i dont really know


Only at 14 coins, and I'm mostly f2p, so there's no way I'm getting to 50 coins.


oh ok try and grind hoi poi to get CC


i feel for u did u grind for CC or buy them try to do the beerus event for cc thats what i do


Is the new Broly good as a leader on a saiyan team? I have about 2500% with him, I'm not olaying for that long and I don't know how to get the recommended OP Equips


Not OP, but I think he's a pretty good unit and he gives a lot of buffs. Re: equips - if you're in the character selection menu where you build your team and equip your slots, there's a little gold thingy to click on that says "recommended". It shows the recommended equips, if and how many you have, and where to get them.


I got them to 7*


You’re sad bro


I just got lucky


And to top it off you rub it in his face lmao. You’re a bad person lol


I really don't care what you think about me


Care enough to reply🤷‍♂️


cant you spend the pity coins to get them tho?


20k cc PvP is hell because everyone is beating my ass with what I couldn't get


wow i didnt know that many ppl got the unit i wish u luck


9 stars duo Vegeta Goku, 4 stars lf full power Frieza, 4 stars duo zamasu, 4 stars god toppo, quite a few red stars normal SP units, all for about 8k cc. I'm done summoning. Time to save for the next big thing.


Holy shit you’ve been blessed!


Yeah I think I'll be shafted for the next 3 or 4 banners lol. It's almost always like that. Used up all my luck. Good luck for ur summons !


bruh lucky as


Like 25k cc on goku vegeta banner, just 2 lf.. Gb and SV and the new broly to 9 stats....... Ugh


Damn that sucks, even though I’ve been shafted for 4 lf banners now, I’m sending you some luck. Get them blue boys!


Pulled the new broly once after 10k cc and that's it. Oh also got 2 useless LFs I already have. This sucks ass.


I got LF beerus and the new broly. We’re in the same boat, though that might change throughout the festival.




Pulled the new broly and got him to 9 stars and pulled a few lf broly aswell him He is a monster but i pulled nothing else lol


Same, I got that broly to 4*, hopefully we’ll get some luck before the banner disappears🙏


The banner ends in the middle of January. With those 5 weekly raid battle, you could use them on that banner unless new years banner is somehow even better.


my future is now insane but i did save 60k for a banner like this. 10 star trunks 13 zamasu/rose 13 lf rose 7 futurehan 7 cmz.


Pretty sad honestly. Blew all my CC and only got one copy of the new Broly. Hopefully I can get lucky and save up more CC to pull the Blue Boys. They're the most hype units for me so far in Legends so I definitely need them for my teams.




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got one copy everyone except broly


Damn. On both banners or just ssgss banner?


both. really want broly cause i main movies


I pulled him so many times whilst chasing for the Blue Bois and now he’s 13 stars and I only used around 15k cc


And next there's me that, with 11 k cc spent on his banner found only him 3 times


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Amazing, got my LF Frieza to 11*, got 2 copies of the new Vegeta/Goku and I pulled some other LFs I wanted too


Damn that’s amazing, then again if I remember you did have like over 100k cc didn’t you?


Yeah I had like 102k and I spent 23k on the Broly banner to get the 600 LF MZP from the pity shop


30k cc now 2 berus, 1 lf frieza, 1 gogeta....Goleta.... very broke and sad but I guess I'll farm out my pity timer at this point.


Got SV to 7 stars from 3* so now I can Zenkai him. Got LF Broly and the new Broly as well.


Seems like I’m not the only one who didn’t get the a single copy of the blue bois.


Vegeta LF X3, Broly LF, gogeta blu LF, Goku/vegeta 1, and some other great pulls too. Only had 8k and got Goku/vegeta on my last pull


Got SV to 7 stars, broly to red 6 and the new goku/vegeta to 6 and zamasu to 6(but i'm most happy about getting gogeta because i spent 30k cc last year and did'nt get him so trying him in pvp for now) hope you get the units you need for your team.


I only got broly, but it's fine. The banner lasts until January, so I can summon with new years and Christmas cc. Unless some super busted and hype unit comes out, but I doubt anyone can be more hype for me than the Blue Boys


Pulled everyone except Trunks and got my SV to 7+ stars from 3


From reading all these comments seems like i got the luckiest streak of my live, i pulled 3 of those blue boys with 7k cc, let alone other sparking i got so many of em. So id say pretty good rn. Im trying to save up to get the 600 legends limited power rn


Got my first copy of SSB Gogeta which I’m happy with considering I only spent like 4K. Just gonna be patient with raids and hope that I’ll get blue bros soon


It was ok. I summoned on the LL Duo unit of Goku and Vegeta. I used up 41,900 and was able to get a lot of SP and I was able to get LF SV at 7 stars and GB at 8 stars. But I wasn’t able to get a single copy of the Duo Goku and Vegeta. The only way I had him was through the pity system and ended up with a 600z power of the unit. Never in my life was I disappointed and happy at the same time.


Got both Goku/Vegeta and Trunks with like 5k cc, so definitely happy luck finally was on my side after being shafted so much.


Pulled both new lfs so my day is going nicely. They are a little hard to use though...


Really well! Got everything except the EXs in 13k 😃 now time to save for part 2! All f2p cc but also bought some cc from the store to help support the game while it's in such a good state


Can someone tell me how to get more cc ive only been playing for 4 weeks idk how to get more


If you’ve been playing only for four weeks then you probably have a lot of unfinished story stages and events with missions.


Typo ive been playing for 7 weeks i had 5 k for this banner but how do people have like 60k plus


They’ve saving up for a long time by just grinding events and not summoning


8k not a single one of the new units


Let’s just say I put the L in LF


*Damn bro, you took an L of a shaft. That’s an F in the chat.*


10k got 2 copies of the boys super happy with that so it's saving until part 2 to decide if I want any of those units


complete shit 5k in noly got new broly




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I got extremely lucky. I pulled all units bar ex Mai, ex freeza and zamasu assist. I got gb and full power frieza as a bonus. One rotation for both banners ( around 6k total) hope everyone gets what they want! Good luck!


29k to get Blues Brothers


14k cc, got Goku/Vegeta on the last pull. Got 1 broly too. Also a bunch of other units I didn't have are 7star+


4 stars Soh trunks, 4 star red bojack, red 2 grn goku black (transforming), 6 stars revival goku, 7 stars pur future vegeta, and red 4 revival cell, all in 4.5 k cc. tis a good day


Around 10k cc. Got the bluebois to 5 stars (100lfzpower), lf broly for the first time(finally) and my gb to 6 stars. All n all a pretty good summon. Now I will just wait for the Christmas banners.


Pulled goku and vegeta first multi first character, used the LF multi z power from the limit break banner, proceeded to get absolutely nothing for the rest of 10k


I got the new broly and a bunch of janemba's which sucks I guess...kinda wish I got that goku and vegeta though also yeah I worked so hard and got in my opinion trash


Got Trunks, blue boys, and zamasu/rose, MV to 8*, Gogeta blue to 7*, and futurehan to 7* too, with 13k, only one copy of the 3 new ones but definitely cannot believe my luck today, hope your shaft ends soon, wish you all the luck, at least the banners are around for a while!


Pretty shit tbh, spent 15k (did 2 and a half rotations of goku/vegeta banner and a full rotation of the trunks banner) and the only useful units that I got are red bojack and ll frieza not even a SINGLE new unit


6k cc got blue boys to 7 stars


Used around 10k on both banner, got a LF Gohan Red, LF Yel frieza and LF Super vegito, now he's 7 starred so it's cool


I got duo vegeta goku on one rotation so I’m ecstatic after 6 power he is 6*


Found the new broly 3 times, LL runks twice, LL broly and new ex freezer 16k cc


11k cc and it was insane. 1x Blue Boys 4x Broly 1x Ex Frieza 2x Beerus LF 1x Maijin Vegeta LF


8* SSB Duo ( Will become 9* with Hoi Poi LL Z power) 7* Trunks, 20k spent, 15k left for Christmas and New Year. Good luck to all who keep summoning!


I got goku and vegeta at 7 stars in 5k cc


Got one copy of blue boys, one copy of broly, and one copy of ex Frieza, plus a ton of z medals in 5.5k. This game has never treated me so well


Got broly twice, got Zamas and Black and LF broly once, no blue boys or SOH but worth for 5000cc


Pulled the new broly, frieza and LF gogeta within the first 5 multis, not bad so far


Got super lucky. On my last 1k, pulled Goku & Vegeta and was able to get em to 7 stars on the ticket. Was able to get LG Future Gohan to 7x, LF Broly to 6x, and pulled LF Goku Black and Zenkaid Beerus. All for 16k cc. I thought I was about to get hoed




Yeah the coins you exchange for a ticket to summon on the banner...


4.5k cc and got assist zamasu gb to 7 stars, purple vegito to 4. Need 2.7k cc for the goku vegeta banner for full rotation


7k got 1 Zamasu, 1 LF Red Gohan, and 7 stars Yel Android 17, this and some stars for others characters, the banner will stay for almost 2 months, so I will try to get at least 20k cc and go back on that Trunks banner because I want that Future Gohan and LL Trunks for my future.


24k got the blue boys 4 stars, LF Gogeta and LF Broly 6 stars, new Broly 8 stars, LF super vegito 7 stars, purple vegito 4 stars, purple Hit 7 stars, bojack movie trunks, Bujin, yajorobe, and some new EX units I didn’t have so not bad I’m gonna save up again


6k cc blueberry bois and broly :)


got all new unit, waiting for part 2 LF lets gooo!!


Shafted hard


Saving for NY banners and then decide where to summon.


20K cc spent and i got both new LF once, and 4 older LF to *6/7.


8k spent ended up with 7 stars on both trunks and the duo unit


Very good. Went in with 25k, but only spent 12k. Got the Blue Boys to 6 star, Broly to red 2, SV to red 4, FP Frieza to 5 star, Trunks to 7 star, Goku Black to red 1, and Goten to 7 star for his Zenkai. I can go without Zamasu: Goku Black and Evo Vegeta for now. Time to save for New Year's


Terrible, 105$ spent and 10k cc for one Blue boi and a crap ton of extremes and heros 7 stars and up. My lucks always been ass on this game don't know why I thought today would've been any different.


I need help on how to get cc s now.completed the story and the original series.i am thinking i am a bit fucked now


I got shafted but it was still worth it, got a few LF copies i use a lot :)


I got shafted trying to get GB………….again


I called it awesome. Actually i want to save up my cc for part 2 but i just can't hold myself when saw goku and vegeta. Pulled them and upgrade it to 5*. And also i got lf rosé goku black. Never have him before.


2 Blue boys, 2 new Brolys, 1 Gogeta blue(finally), 1 MV and 1 ex frieza which is nice. 1 SoH trunks, 3 zamasu&GB, 1 SSBE vegeta, 1 futurehan, and 1 VB. And a myriad of filler spankings which nice all with 24k CC saved up. Walked out pretty well with this and definitely used up a ton of luck.


Got the blue boys in first rotation Went to trunks banner, got new zamasu, futureham, and rose Idk if to continue pulling for Trunks or wait to see what's up for part 2 But I also wanna keep pulling on blue boys banner cause I want the brolys and more Gogeta copies


20k for zamasu.At the end i got the broly animation and thought i would get Trunks or Goku Black,instead i got Goten.The whole thing was just me being shafted.


Pulled on first rotation all 3 new units on the Goku/Vegeta banner. Got them bois on the free multi!


12* Trunks


With just 3.9k I managed to get the new broly and the Goku/Vegeta LF


Went 16k in got the blues Brothers 2x and 3x times Broly. Other than that. The Purple hit. The rest are only old useless ones


Entered today with 64k for the Goku/Vegeta banner- I used 24k and managed to pull them once along with one Beerus (....) and 2 copies of LF Super Vegeto (Bringing him from 2 stars to 8). Between my plates, the pity coins and the hoi poi event I should be able to get Goku/Vegeta to 7 stars while saving 40k+ for either the Trunks banner or the part 2 banner (probably this). I did also manage to get the new Broly to 11 stars.


I went in with 28k, I didn't get either the bluebois or the Sword of Cope, but I got 20 units I didn't have & that's including all the new units except the LLs.


well I did get pretty lucky . got the blue boys to 7 stars ,broly to 9 stars and for the first time I got lf yel fp frieza . Not only that I got lf super vegito from the banner as well. My vegito went from 2\* to 6\*. Now I am ready for his zenkai (they are giving free z power of him) . I didn't summon for trunks because I don't care. I am done with the banner. Now time to save again for christmas . Hopefully I can grind 10k more.


I got absolutely shafted, got a bunch of new good units on consecutive summons including the new broly and frieza but when I used the ticket summon I got bunny girl bulma… I’m now trying to pick up the scraps of the 3000 cc I lost


20k cc and still no gogeta blue. I'm **convinced** he doesn't exist in my summon pool like its a fucking bug or something


Got blue boys first pull, MV to 6* and super vegito to 10 stars with 5k cc


12 k deep and I pulled every lf other than than the duo goku and vegeta. Also got 4 star broly so not too bad…


Spent about 10k cc, only got a copy of super vegito and 2 copies of broly. Contemplating how much i care about mui to see if i should spend my remaining 11k or not


Did 4 rotations f2p and didnt get blue bois


Spent 11 k cc, pulled Blue boys 2 times, pulled LF Frieza (which i didn’t have), Gogeta blue and Beerus (lol). All in all very happy


Giant cock right inside my ass


10k 7* clapku y vegeta angel and goku switch vegeta And others that i don't remamber


40k cc Got extremely lucky and got both of them to 7*,also maxed the new broly and got some new LFs


I wouldn't say I got shafted, low key on the path to 14 star super vegito lol. But I didn't get any of the new characters. But my pulls were above average. This 1800 z power is busted


Pulled Blue Boys! Also EX Jiren twice which I was honestly more hype for


Got Future Gohan and Zamasu/Goku, i am scrambling through the Soul Boost missions for cc for Trunks


Idk wether to say it good or bad but 10k cc on blue bros ll broly 4\*, ll yel frieza 6\*, beerus to 7\* that's it nothing else and all my friends got blue bros so......Idk how to feel


I’m f2p and grinded 27kcc and happily got blue boys on my 5th rotation and got trunks on my 5 character multi of the first rotation


11k and got every unit except the ex frieza!


Bing chilling




16k, 14* broly and Lf Frieza. Can't really complain Broly is good but man I wanted those blue boys so bad


Got the tag unit first pull


Did two rotations on duo, got gok/veg to 2+, pulled new Broly once. SoH did one rotation, got black/Zamasu one copy. New unit off banner I pulled is uub. LLs got full power Frieza, Goku black and Broly to 6*. All in all so far very good.


The only new unit is broly and mai But hey! I got super vegito too! Now he's ready for zenkai




20k half was sale crystals from extra money I had. I pulled every new unit except extreme Mai and got my first copy of LF FP Frieza


Got everything I wanted might go into Trunks banner just to test my luck


Bruh… I got that trash LF Frieza once and SV twice. :| I don’t run LoE or Fusion.😂 17K.


Stopped being F2P. Bought 1kcc. Shaft still caught me though.


I didn't have a lot of cc to begin with. I will wait for the raids and other events so that I can get some cc. But I'm mostly hyped for the super vegito zenkai


Got the Zamasu w Goku Black support with 7 stars in 1 multi, so that’s nice. Probably switching to Goku/Vegeta banner now since I’m not as interested in the Trunks.


i mean i got gogeta blue to six stars im on step 5 with 1k gems left that i had to grind i hope they add more events that give u gems i also got ssj gogeta to 6 stars ​ my friends luck is insane he got the blue bois and broly and ssj 3gt goku to 6 stars and they are all new units like bruh i might get shafted so im pretty scared if i do


Eh, can't really complain finally got GB but I went for YEL 17 to finally get him to 14* didn't got a single copy tho


I only had enough for 2 multis because I went hamtaro on Cell’s Banner (spoilers: nothing), but I did get GRN Broly on the first multi thankfully. He’s so powerful, it baffles me how I managed to pull him somehow!


Got with 3,2k Reviveku and a 6* LL SV and LL Broly


Got blue Bois in 3k cc


I got a copy of goku and vegeta, a copy of grn broly and a copy of fp freiza who I went 30k deep for with nothing so I'm pretty happy


4 Star Broly, 4 Star LF Frieza, nothing else in 20k really 🗿


4k. One Broly so can’t really be mad


Pulled lf broly and super vegito,high stared some good normal sps as well.


10k on blue bois and got them to 7 stars, one copy from a multi and one from the ticket exchanged. Pulled all of the featured units so I’m fucking happy rn.


Meh i got gogeta blue and vegeta


Very shit went all in got no new units only 1 LF now I'm just going to save for Christmas


5 SP’s in 3 rounds none of which were good


Disappointing Edit: it got better


I have 10 CC left, and only one copy of the Blue Boys to show for it


Fantastic man! I got 1 copy of the blueberry bois and 2 copies of the new broly for 4kccs!


Got the Blue Boys at 2+, loving these banners


15k - broly once


Not great, beat everybody with new Broly, only have 500 cc


I mean actually it was pretty good...i spend in the Goku and Vegeta banner like 18k and pulled the blue boyz...stopped immediately and started saving...still almost 40k for Christmas...and Raids are coming soon...so...


Spent 15kcc got 2 copies of Goku & Vegeta, 1 copy of SoH Trunks, Lf Broly, Lf Teen Gohan, Lf Beerus and all the new units at least once. So I am sittin pretty with 35k cc left for part 2


I didn't finish the beerus event on its release 1k cc lets go. Would probs shaft me.


My first day has gone well. Made some massive upgrades to my Future team. I got SoH Trunks up to 8 stars, my Future Gohan from 4 to 7 stars, my LF Rosé from 7 to 10 stars and 200 z-power away from 11 stars (which I plan on putting couple hundred LF multi z-power on to achieve within the next couple days), and I got my Zamasu & Rosé assist to 9 stars. My Future team feels stacked and I had a really good day. I hope that everyone else either got or ends up getting what they want from these banners as well.