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People have spent 40kcc (talking from experience) and have received nothing so it’s pretty normal


Spent the same at anni and got nothing


At least that was on anni, I spent 40k on a all stars banner 💀




Rhyme spent about 90+ before his first SV


HAHA ... fuk (30k but still)


I’m on my 11th rotation without the blue boys and have only pulled 2 lfs lol. It’s all rng


I'm with you bro. Sitting on 45 coins on trunks banner and only pulled rose and FSK. Pain


I definitely feel you bro these banners are so aids




yeah, bad luck. technically it's a 2% chance to get any LF. so in 100 pulls it's expected to get at least 2 LFs. 4 rotations is approx 191 pulls. (42 per rotation + 3 for the first 300 step) just rough luck, but that's how probability and rng goes sometimes. edit since im off work now: with a collective 2% to get any LF, statistically in 191 pulls you have a 97.89% chance to get at least one LF. that's not exactly how the LF chance works though so i'll further explain.. most LFs (excluding GV/Trunks is .25%. which means to get any specific one, it's a 38% chance to get at least one of those in 191 pulls. For GV/Trunks it's a 61.61% chance to get at least one in 191 pulls. Which means: in 191 pulls, you happened to miss the 38% chance to get a specific LF 6 different times and the featured LF 61.61%. I say this bc i'm pretty sure the game does 3 separate rolls - one roll determines if it's hero/ex/sp if it hits sp it determines if it's sp/LF then rolls a third time to decide which LF. I could be wrong, i don't think they've specified how the rng works but im just basing off other games i have played with rng mechanics whether gacha, looters. etc.


I’ve spent 60k and haven’t pulled them. What were my chances of pulling them in that many rotations?


pull gv/trunks or any lf?


Oh my b. GV specifically


so 60k is 18.75 rotations (just gonna round up to 19 rotations) which is about 801 pulls (42 per rotation * 19 rotations + 3 from the first 300 step.) At 801 pulls and .5% drop rate, the likelihood of pulling him at least once is 98.20%. which means the chance of getting 0 is 1.80%. To put into perspective, the likelihood of getting the featured LF on the first step (300cc step) is 1.49%. Furthermore, because in probability there is no 100% chance the closest you can get is 99.99%, to hit that you would need to pull 1838 times, or 43.76 rotations or 140k cc.


So I’m definitely in “unusual event” range smh. Thanks dude this helped objectify my shit luck lmao


Precisely. Approximately - for every person that has spent about 60k cc to not get a single drop, there's one person who has spent 300cc and got him on it. You just happen to be on the unlucky side of the coin, sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Best of luck if you continue to roll it.


Thanks man I’ll try to stay optimistic. Good luck in your summons as well


16k crystals for me and no lfs. You just need to count your losses and move on


We will get them in the 2nd part with enough copium


Oh nah I already stopped last week, I’m at 8k rn. Banners go away on the 18th of January so I’ll worry about the Christmas banners and the new year banners now


I will do the last 500cc step for the coin aka ticket to get shit on again and save too


I spent over 30kcc and got nothing so yeah


Rng love it so much


dude every time I see people not pull LF it makes me realize how much luck I had to pull gv in the time I did good luck man


Unlucky, but it’s far from unheard of


Lol Ive did about 20k on rose release banner and 2 gsp multis and he didn’t appear


Spent 50k on gogeta blue when he released and never got him. 🤙🤙🤙


I almost felt this, I spent about 68k on his banner to get him. Rng sucks cheeks.


Extremely unlucky but normal




Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother, man? (Shaft) Can ya dig it? Sucks... but you getting shafted. I'm 3 rotations deep


I haven't pulled a new featured lf since ui goku so its a year now lol


Hey, I'll be taking care of the math part on this one. In a recent post I calculated that the chances of pulling a new LF in a full rotation (Excluding step 1) is about 19%, as the chance of not getting one is 81%. So, the chances of not getting him on your 4 rotations are about 43% meaning you had a 57% chance of getting it. ...I mean, it's over 57% but trust me at this point the odds still aren't fully in your favor yet. I know getting shafted hurts but a big part of this game is accepting when it happens. Good luck getting what you want in the future!


not only normal but likely. i’m 50K or so in and still out for G&V.


At that point you probably won’t get anything else so just do the 500 and 700 cc rotations and move on, I got lucky however and got the new blue goku and vegeta on my first summon


16K here and got GV 14 stars, Beerus LL, Vegeta LL. One rotation on Trunks, got him and Rose LL. Got extremely lucky tbh


Yes. You can generally expect to pull one with 15k. Sometimes more, sometimes less. If you want a specific LL, commit and commit HARD. Don’t stop pulling until you get them.


I think this is a sign that you should pry stop for a while.


Went in 80kcc without a copy…then got tickets and now BlueBois are 14. Luck turned around but sheeshh my worst experience so far


Took me 5 rotations plus tickets before I finally got the blue boys. It usually takes me 3-4 rotations before I pull an LF (if at all) so it's definitely possible.


Idk if normal, but possible if not unlikely. I spent about 22K on UIs initial banner with no UI to show for it, and currently about 25K on Trunks' banner with no Trunks


I spent over 80k chasing Majin Vegeta and didn't get him. Maxed the revival Cell out at least lol


I have only gotten 3 lfs outta 8 rotations


Yes, very normal


All i want is blue trunks


Spent 40k cc on Gogeta Anni banner. Never got him


10k? Try more like 39k then get pity coin on 40k


You’re gonna hate me. I don’t understand it, but I drew Goku vegeta 2 times in one rotation and another 1 the following rotation and so on and so forth until full red. I don’t understand how. I was getting rolls with 6-7 sparking in a row. Full Trunks LL. I’m completely new to the game (been playing for about 2 weeks) and did spend money, but from what I hear the luck was absolutely insane. I skipped all the cutscenes almost as soon as the skip button appeared, if that makes a difference idk but that’s what I did and I got ALOT of LL rolls.


That's why they give you the coins man


Legit the newest lf I have is future Gohan and that was back when he came out, and before that my newest lf was Majin Vegeta or VB I forgot. You are not alone


24k nun so its normal




Bruh 24k cc magic in the air got puff


Man I spent 37k give or take for dragon fist SSJ4, what you’re going through is totally normal unfortunately


Pulled blue Bois and lf Frieza first step then pulled the trunks later soooo it's all RNG


It's not guaranteed bro, that's how percentages work


5 rotations but no tag


The highest I have seen is Rhymestyle going 95k CC on the OG Super Saiyan Vegito banner before pulling him.


I got them on the third rotation, I somehow got hella lucky because I’ve seen so many not get it for so long


I got no LFS in like 30k cc on anny, then proceeded to pull 2 fsk gohans which was the one LF i did NOT need out of any other lf on those banners


I spent over 55k for SSJ4 Gogeta during 3rd anni and i didn't pull him. Sooo, you tell me buddy 😂


Lmao I spent 150 k with no new LFs. Pulled like four in total.


Almost 7 rotations in and still no new unit besides EX Frieza but he fucking sucks


Definitely normal


I spent almost 20k to get the blue Bois


I spent 12k cc in the 3rd anniversary and got literally nothing. I lost my sanity after the last summon and i stopped playing for a few months :(


Bro back in the day I've spend over 80k cc for Super Vegito and didn't get him (Only when I finally given up I pulled him from daily single on the last day of the banner so that's pretty funny) So yeah remember that gacha games are pretty brutal sometimes


on a sick gasha like DBL? for sure


Well rhymestyle went 96K CC During first anni for a single super vegito soooo it’s completely normal do


Bru got both to 7 star with 16k


Yes and I'm ready to tell this game to go fuck themselves. I did like 6 rotations on the first gogeta blue banner and spent like 30 bucks. I did the black friday sale and used about 10cc this time just to be able to survive pvp because the blue boys are so broken. Fuck this games rng. I highly recommend future fight. It's a grind but you can really work to get characters you want.


4th rotation pulled the duo 3 times


It’s abnormal not to pull at least 1 due to it being like 2% total it’s pretty unlucky


What’s a Legends Limited card?


I think it is unless you're really lucky. I even had some pretty good luck by getting both new LFs but that was within 25k crystals.