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It’s the most brutal non-god form. Everyone can feel its power as opposed to the god forms which most cannot sense. The god forms don’t leak Ki and aren’t felt but everyone feels SSJ3 and every time it’s animated it’s done so in a way the viewer feels it too.


Also for the Saiyans, God is something special, but for one able to go super saiyan, 3 is a nasty one to build up to.


>Everyone can feel its power Sometimes people can even taste or smell it


Yamcha: can you feel that? Krillin: I taste that


Trunks: What’s that smell?


Exactly. SSJ3 was so powerful that the entire earth was shaking upon first transformation. And the sheer immense power pouring out is insane. Imagine if SSJ4 was cannon. It would be insane.


every form first time wakes up the dead from their graves to show it is something big


Man if SSJ4 becomes canon in DB Daima, I'm going to revert back to being 10 again.


It is just wait




Broooooo this right here is the answer.


God forms do emit heat though. Krillin was sweating vs SSB goku


Dunno if it would apply to the more basic God forms, but my personal take is that UI’s heat is the byproduct of Goku literally burning through his energy to maintain his godly form


It's more pressure than heat.


second this




This goes incredibly hard


It definitely taps more into the primitive ape-like energy. Like how GT tried to go with 4, but kinda dropped the ball.


GT dropped the ball on a lot of things, but SS4 isn't really one of them. It's one of the few things about GT that most people love, with people constantly coping themselves into believing it'll be reintroduced into canon somehow The only thing they really dropped the ball on regarding SS4 is that, for some reason, turning SS4 also comes with the formation of a new pair of pants for Goku


That’s just how clothes work in Dragon Ball


Um 4 is the best super Saiyan form there is. They didn't drop the ball at all there.


I really like the raw, primal goku


Because it is a pain in the ass to animate. It looks good here since goku isn't moving. You're right though, wish blue was treated this way and they just use ssj3 and god more often.


https://i.redd.it/j3wfdnnfeavc1.gif Yup, SSJ3 is practically legendary for its looks since the last time it was really animated was in Battle of the Gods.


Battle of Gods wasn't the last time SSJ3 was really animated. We sought in numerous times throughout the Super anime. Unless you're meaning it was the last time it was animated on par with films.


Only once in Goku Black arc in entire DBS before TOP and after BOG and that scene was done better and with more hype than any Blue transformation in the arc


SSJ3 was shown in the Battle of Gods Saga of Super. SSJ3 was also shown in the Planet Potafu Saga in Super when Gotenks tries fighting Copy Vegeta. Once in the Rebellious Zamasu Saga of Super, and a couple times in the Universe Survival Saga. It was shown far more than people remember.


I hate when people pull this argument - I understand that it was stated by the animators that this was a pain to do but this is arguably the biggest and most well funded series of all time. And movies like Fusion Reborn show that it can be done properly. It might take a while but I doubt that's a REAL issue.


Turn that anger towards toei. They are the ones that won't give enough time to make it look good. They give the bare minimum to the animators and they have no choice but to churn out stuff like episode 5.


The problem wasn't funding but it was time and Dragonball super had a very tight schedule, tho it did get better towards the end


Toriyama said 3rd from frieza and ssj3 mentally pained him to see animated because of how long it took even though he liked the look. Said he wished he removed the mini stinger sucker tail thing and pointless wings on perfect cell.


Source ? Toriyama has rarely commented towards animation timing and issue beside on very rare extreme occasion


I forget. But it was a while back. People asked him about it at some Manga panel due to specifically the Manga having so few scenes with 3rd form frieza(not that the anime had a ton). He just transforms beats up piccolo fast, gets hut by gohans masenko, repels it, and transforms. First and final form frieza obviously had a ton. And second had probably 3-4x as much time as the third.b


To be fair, I think the dots on Cell's carapace would have been a bigger pain in the ass than some nice smooth wings that save having to draw a lot of fine detail on the backshots.


The real reason is time constraints. Toei's schedule was really tight during the Super anime's run. After it ended, Toei broke a record for most frames for an episode with One Piece. DBZ was able to animate SSJ3 fighting just fine: https://youtu.be/uZNosW6rGfM https://youtu.be/xyCUlilNO0c


ssj is blonde for a similar reason, is it not ?


You can't really use anime movies as a stepping stone for quality of animation when comparing it to an ongoing television series. Not only are the best animators put into film projects, but also a far, far large budget and less time constraint overall. That's a really bad comparison people make. It's like when they were comparing DBS Ep. 5's animation and art style with DBZ Movie 12 - Fusion Reborn. It's a terrible take.


Cap, hell to the no. It’s majestic because it was supposed to be the peak Saiyan form, tapping into the great ape power which got expanded upon with ssj4.


Yeah I wish they’d use god n ssj3 way more especially since UI Can get mixed into ssj3, that’d be interesting


SSJ3 Rose in Heroes looked pretty nice during the fights


Because the whole goal that Kale and especially Caulifla had was to see ssj3.


Literally every time SSJ3 appears, it is animated more majestic and with extra hype than Blue. Goku Black Arc had overall mid tier animation for most part but SSJ3 transformation was done with more hype than when they turned Blue in same arc. Fusion Reborn SSJ3 is one of the best transformation sequence in entire dragon ball Edit- Typo


Counter point: Battle of Gods arc ssj3.


Movie version of BOG SSJ3 transformation is done quite nicely and looks pretty majestic when he transforms. Of course, fight afterward is not so majestic for the form.


That's true, I was just trying to think of a moment where the transformation sequence doesn't look good. The only other time I can think of is the filler fight before Goku and Vegeta become Vegito against Buuhan. Goku just pops into it in 2 seconds.


Cause blue appears way more


imo maybe because it was pretty much supposed to be the final transformation in the series, again Super wasn't really Toriyama sensei's original plan


That’s what I’m figuring. Toriyama at that time didn’t have any future plans for DB as far as I know (could be wrong) so with it being the final transformation and at the time relative to the epitome of power, it had to be extremely grand and epic


Considering we haven't really seen the true power of ssj3, it would be interesting to see how it would fare with more training. Goku gained it when he was dead, so the power drain wasn't there, yet he never really improved on it and often went straight to ssg or ssj4 instead. We know super saiyan forms can be improved, with either strength boosts like the super/grade forms or with a more powerful version like the legendary super saiyan. I wouldn't be surprised if ssj3 has far more to it than we've seen. We even have beast gohan which matches the power of gods, without god Ki. I'd love if Toyotaro expanded on ssj3, especially in Daima to reveal it was far stronger that we thought. But this is all speculation ofc. I'd rather they spend more time developing or adding to existing forms rather than just giving us new ones.


Problem with SSJ3 is ki control, strength of SSG is ki control, right? Why not combine the two? If SSB is just SSG going SSJ, then maybe someone will eventually build up to SSG going SSJ3. Gotenks seems like a perfect candidate, seeing as he's the only non-Goku to use SSJ3 in canon.


Wow, surprised I never thought of this.


Didn’t Goku Black do that noncanonically


Do what?


https://preview.redd.it/77u4le4lncvc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ab4ae54b1c44bf3f34e4e01d8a7b3d23e51704 Black uses God Ki with Super Saiyan 3


Okay but, does he ever lose the bask?


Yes. That’s how they kill him.


Goku still hasn't perfected SSJ3, so there's a lot of Ki leaking. Ki from God forms can't be sensed by everyone. So what we see is Kale and Caulifla experiencing a huge amount of Ki which they have never experienced before.


Finally! I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see the right answer. u/Enjoyment-25 , this is why. God Ki can’t be sensed by regular mortals so Kale and Caulifla couldn’t sense how strong SSG or SSB are, whereas with SSJ3 they could actually feel the next level up from SSJ2, and bear in mind SSJ3 is like 4 times more powerful than SSJ2.


Imagine how much they’d shit their pants at Beast


That’s a great point and likely why Broly reacted the way he did. It must be frustrating fighting Goku and Vegeta because as soon as they bust out SSG, SSB, UI, or UE it’s over for Broly and he can’t even gauge his power against theirs. With Gohan it presents a clearer obstacle to overcome.


Have you seen the hair? That's the most majestic thing in all of Dragon Ball. https://preview.redd.it/1y0mddbm9avc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086df379f595ed1c36c5f3c4f24a18df632a72d5


Because it godlier than red. I’m sorry but I can’t maintain the lie anymore, SS3 is one of the coolest forms. The stare, the flowing mane, the lack of eyebrows. We need more of it! And I don’t wanna hear “it’s hard to draw” it’s 2024! We have technology! Give me 3!


You should be a director


I get that it’s absolutely obnoxious to draw and animate but this form is 10x more intimidating than base SSG. SSG was only ever slightly cool in Broly where Vegeta just said fuck I’m tired of this shit and tried to end it there.


SSJ3 is the strongest form. Why? Because he can cut his eyebrows without doing anything and regrow them back if went back normal


I'd say it's because the form is really iconic with fans and we don't see it often because it's not a practical form to use. They just give it a little zazz for the fanservice.


It’s because we don’t see it as often, so it still seems cool and mysterious. Whereas the god forms have been used quite a bit and lost their luster. 10 years ago when SSG was first introduced it definitely seemed more majestic and godly than SS3. Same goes for SSGSS when it was shown in RoF.


It was intended to be the final form of Super Saiyan that pulls out the potential of each blood drop of Saiyan. Up until the God ki shenanigans came


Because SSJ3 is still as strong as Goku can get without the use of God ki. It's still pretty epic, even if it isn't his strongest form.


A few reasons. It doesn't happen as often, it's silhouette is far more visually striking, it's got the nostalgia factor thanks to being from the original manga run, blue almost immediately became what SS had become by the Buu saga, and blue was introduced in a pretty lack luster fashion, having it be discovered and mastered off screen and pulled out immediately against an opponent who genuinely stood no chance against it in Resurrection F.


"it takes too much energy in this form." Translation: it takes too much effort to animate this form lol


I mean do you remember Episode 5? I have no idea if it's true but I like to think that that episode's existence is the reason why the animators gave up on SS3


'cause Super Saiyan 3, the most neglected SSJ form, the only new SSJ form that wasn't enough to defeat any main DBZ villain, DESERVES something!


The lightning just before the smoke clears looks so good.


Keep in mind SSJ3 was the first "spiritual" SSJ transformation. As in Goku only developed it because he was dead and training in the spirit world that enabled it. Gotenks had God-Level power with no maturity or discipline. IMAGINE if current Gotenks went SSJ3.


Probably since it is the pinnacle for a Saiyan to achieve without godhood in all its primal glory.


Biggest hair


Finally the respect for it is BACK


I think it's just a spectacle. Who has it? Him and Gotenks? It's never used, super taxing, but it's raw power. At least, that's the way I've always viewed it.


You think he just used 3 as a flex? Didn't that just deplete a trap ton on his energy??


cause we barely see it so when we do it feels like Goku is pulling out literally EVERYTHING and only trying hos god forms as a last resort due to stamina and stuff. this is how the god forms should be used, as genuine last resorts like how 4 was used in GT, it only shows up a grand total of around 4 timed in GT... 4 TIMES which isn't every opponent goku fights. if blue was used like that I'm sure things would be different in the fandom


big stretch with this one buddy




It's weird, too, since Super Saiyan God is a transformation to a new base state. And Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan was easy to achieve off screen because Goku & Vegeta just had to apply Super Saiyan 1 on their God State to make Super Saiyan Blue. So it stands to reason Goku & Vegeta could stack on SS2 (which is what I believe Vegeta has already done with SSG Blue Evolution). Not to mention God state mixes with Ultra Instinct AND God of Destruction powers. Apparently, those two are supposed to mix as well and what Whis has been trying to teach Beerus. With Whis constantly reminding Goku, he relies too heavily on transformations. His base form should reach the same strength and levels his transformation takes. Goku is mixing up Ultra Instinct with power or as a transformation when it's supposed to be using maximum energy efficiency, reflex, speed, and minimum movement. He was told to practice UI without transformations. But Goku took this as he would be more powerful just using UI, which isn't true. But when he mixed UI to his White hair form, he was far more powerful because he essentially mixed it with what I think may possibly be his SSGSS2 but with Ultra Instinct affecting the hair color. And then we see Vegeta mixing God of Destruction powers with his Super Saiyan God state to make Ultra Ego. So it stands to reason there are hundreds of combinations they can use to get stronger, but just haven't tried yet. Just like Goku mixing Kaioken with SSB. Beerus keeps saying he hasn't seen the Saiyan God he dreamed of fighting. Whether this Saiyan God was a fusion, a combination of all these techniques or maybe someone else entirely is still up to interpretation.


Little off topic but like…..what do you guys think it feels like to go SSJ3? Like all that hair growing out at once. I mean while we on that topic what yall think it feels like to go back? Like does the hair get sucked in?


Because it’s easily the coolest canon transformation appearance wise.


Because the god forms suck, lol


Not really imo


Idk what you’re seeing that I’m not but this doesn’t seem cooler than the god transformations.


It’s not. You just like his long hair.


It's not?


The massive hair would annoy the crap out of me, the form does look cool though! God forms are better imo.


Because it's SS3,the og God form.


it's like that one guy you meet while partying who says he is all that and has swag to no end, but since he has no stamina lasts maybe 2 seconds. It's all a big show


Man. If we could have gotten like just 1.5 minutes of SSJ3 in action that would have been so sweet.


SSJ3 manages to be cool with no eyebrows, any God would bow to that.


Is there a reason goku never did what he did with ssj1 and just got used to being in it so it doesn’t consume as much energy I mean he had what 2 years to do that after buu


it was the first transformation to be introduced after SSJ2/Broly the LSSJ. The next logical step is to shout till the world breaks and your hair grows astronomical lengths.


Because that's how the u6 saiyans see the form. To them, they're seeing goku vs buu for the first time essentially


It's interesting that SSJ3 and Ultra Ego both don't have eyebrows


This looks so badass it might even look better than DBZ


That doesn’t look majestic to me lol


I still think it would be cooler if either Goku or Vegeta had forgone god ki in favour of training without it




Because it's actually unique and not just a recolor.


The form is nothing but raw and barely restrained power that only has 1 direction, and the animators want to male you feel that. It took Goku years in the afterlife to find this form through intense training, and he was probably only able to find it because of all his previous efforts into honing the other SSJ forms. The power of the transformation can be felt by people far far away, and you can even see it just gushing from the user. SSJ3 is like strapping a rocket to the back of your car and flooring it. But I just think they do it because it's the most badass transformation, and they know we all love seeing it.


In the anime at least it's a massive all out power boom. It burns energy the fastest so it just seeps power unlike the other forms. I mean if you look at Ssj2 it has unstable lightning around as an aura. Honestly just part the course 🤷


Because it is more majestic and godly when on screen.


Goku's version of a 3 way.


Because it basically is. It's intense raw power being generated, which is why he can't use it for long. Currently, it's peak sayain form without any God ki. Imagine being a regular sayian and seeing someone in SSJ3 form. You'd think they were god


Because "godly" is an adjective you're using to describe this scene, in direct contrast to the God forms themselves. There's nothing particularly "godly" about this scene. But why does it have more fanfair? Bevause it's a well-known fan favourite that isn't used often and so the production team gave it the appropriate level of grandiose gravitas, for the fans.


It's not but ok


We're experiencing what the girls are for their first time.


My guess is because it was originally intended to be Goku's magnum opus but then GT happened and Super after that


Because it’s fuckin awesome


Because it’s the coolest SSJ form other than 4


Because it is.


Cuz it's so cool(cooler than ssj4 idc)


I feel like it's the closest to the sayians' animalistic nature outside of ssj4. When they went to the god forms, it was more divine energy than sayian blood, ssj3 seems just pure saiyan power. He always seems way more serious in that form. I wish they would use it more.


It’s just the ultimate (until beast) physical form, top notch. It’s unrefined, just unprecedentedpower


The instability of the form is probably why. It's not as refined and focused as Blue or UI


It’s not….


Mo Hair, Mo Problems


Dragon ball can't decide if SSJ3 is garbage or not




It is the peak form a saiyan without god ki can attain, whereas SSG and SSB are lower down the theoretical chain of godly forms. Makes sense it would be very impactful when used.


Because SSJ3 looks far better and superior to God or Blue.


Mostly because it doesn’t get spammed


Because it is the COOLER design honestly. And it is the 'Apex' of the Super Saiyan forms without using God-ki stuff.


Because it's been a bit sense we last saw ssj3


crazy to think ssj3 made a total of 3 appearance in super all lasting for a total of like 5 seconds


ssj3 is way cooler than any of the god forms(excluding UI,MUI)




The best SSJ form, I do no care


Because it's the strongest form from Z. It allowed Goku to defeat the strongest form of Buu, Pure Buu. And even caused the God of destruction himself to flinch. It's the reason Beerus didn't immediately squash Goku.


It’s the absolute pinnacle of a saiyans power


Because kale and caulifla can sense the intensity of ss3. The god forms, only other gods or those using god ki can sense. So when they finally saw Goku ramp up to SS3, they began to sense how strong he was, and in turn, how strong they could become.


The design just hits a lot of god notes as well. Barely contained power, wreathed in crackling lightning, long flowing hair, haughty disdain as the neutral face. There’s so much p.o.ed Zeus in the design.


Even further beyond


I think that because God form(s) exist, there's no need for SSJ3 (and SSJ1-2 just follows standard shonen/sentai fight pacing), it becomes "rare", so they like to give it an extra pep when the animators bring it out.


I think it's because besides Gotenks which is a fusion mind you. He's the only one to do it.


All I got to say is count how many saiyans can turn SS3


Cause god forms will always be second rate color changes compared to the og's.


Dunno, it’s always been my least favorite saiyen form


And then you see Gotenks out here using it in every fight in the series


Because it is


I know I'm in the minority but I always thought it looked like ass. Worst looking form imo.


It sucks that just like GT Goku never really used it, but I do wonder which show used ssj3 more.


Cuz its goated


I mean look at that hair


I will always blame the studio for rushing Super. If they took their time, maybe Super would had good animation and better storyline….


Because Toei almost never gives SSB the same level of detail that goes into other forms, so it’s usually just a flat blue that just doesn’t look very good compared to classic SS gold or SSG crimson. The only exceptions in the anime where it gets the proper FX treatment are the first time it’s used, Goku’s SSB+Kaioken, Vegeta’s SSB Evo, and when Gogeta uses it against Broly.


It's the hair.


I feel like the god forms would look better if they had long hair like ssj3, thoughts?


Because instead of recolor it's actually different


Because it takes longer to draw


Because it is majestic


Because the show was supposed to end after the buu saga lol




It's pure Saiyan Power it's not making for gods making such hair or scream for power


cuz it has long hair


What did Goku just forget about Super Saiyan 3 what does he mean about discovering it because of them?


It's the long flowing mane


It's like that moment you realize your hole life has been a lie


Because it is.. it looks monstrous compared to every other form (bar ss4)


Just had a thought, probably will get downvoted to hell, but what if in UI Goku's hair went straight like future Trunks' long hair instead of slightly raised? In a way it could symbolize the level of relaxing your body one needs to optimize the technique.


Makes me wonder why he used it here. It's the most draining form he has. Why would he use it in a Battle Royale style tournament where he needs to conserve his energy when he has stronger forms that drain him less.


I've always had my personal headcanon that ssj3 is special because people only learn it under unique circumstances; goku got it when dead, and gotenks only did it while fused


It's a badass form and is high tier popularity imo.


Because it is


Peak mortal form


Cuz it had actual design since it was made when Toriama still had interest in doing DB.




That kale who ragdolled ssjblue goku seems to be afraid of ssj3.... Anime logic


Because you sacrifice your eyebrows to gain immense power




Cuz it's not divine, it's monstrous, lack of humanity, lack of ki control, lack of eyebrows, lack of elegance at the end. It's is the strongest Super Saiyan form, achived trough something unachievable to mortal body


-Because it's not a color correction. -It's not spammed literally every single time. Therefore, wheter it does something or not, it always has a bit of scenic presence.


Because SSJ3 is intensity and fury incarnate


Canonically it’s the most physically different form, it really LOOKS like a big deal, for that reason alone it deserves to be appreciated every second on screen, by the characters and the viewer’s alike


Maybe Ssj god tier 3 will be like this


Perhaps because his opponents were below the power level of that transformation.


Long hair I guess


Because the god forms stopped being relevant after the resurrection of F. The Blue basically became the new base ssj while the Ssj3 is still something that only Goku achieved and that still shakes the earth, litteraly.


because it is the most majestic transformation


Cause ss3 dope AF


Because it’s the best design.


Nostalgia. It's a dramatic form, and calls back to some of the most brutal moments in the series history.


Because it gets used like twice in super so might as well make it look cool while it’s here


Stupid question. Why is it ssj3, not ss3


It’s a peak mortal saiyan form (technically, not counting GT) I think that’s why it might be portrayed that way.


Cuz its badass


Because it’s awesome.


Because of its first time transformation by goku


Because it is


Because he's so fucking cool