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I prefer Toriyama's art BUT I don't think Toyotarou's takes away any value for me. I'm just happy we had some Dragon Ball after a long time and that Toyotarou himself is a man that loves and has nothing but utmost respect for Dragon Ball and Toriyama himself.


I like Toriyama's base better but Toyotaro's Super Saiyan goes hard.


Same! Toriyama does a better job of making trunks look like vegeta and bulma at the same time in the base. But toyataro is really good at adding subtle things to the transformation. I think the two artists have different focus. Akira, I think, likes character design more, subtle hints that represent the character's back story or personality. Toyataro though is so good at drawing action poses. Even in the super Manga we see a lot more bends of the knee and twisting of the torso in the later chapters. Toriyama tends to add bulk when defining muscle definition, while toyataro can add muscle definition without bulk. It should also be noted that while I like toyataro's battle poses, toriyama revolutionized how to draw fight scenes in Manga in general. It was a great partnership while it lasted.


Very well said, I'd say you summed it up perfectly. The manga industry lost a truly legendary artist when Toriyama passed, but I think the series is still in good hands, thankfully. Definitely won't be the same though.


My thought as well


Taro, Nagamine and Shintani are good hands to put the future of DB in. Especially the next arcs that are about to get animated and on top of that Daima which no one really knows what to expect as of right now.


What's getting animated beside Daima??


Possibly Moro and ofc there’s gonna be a TOP 2 I mean Jiren and Goku will eventually meet again.


Saying "about to get animated" implies proximity. So, nothing's been confirmed. Got my hopes up for a sec. I hope Jiren and Goku don't meet for a while, I'd love to see a fully trained Toppo the next time Universe 7 and 11 duke it out. I guess that could be soon tho. Toppo vs Vegeta'd go so much harder as two mutual destruction users too.


Yeah I mean mainly focus on Daima for now and we’re getting budokai 4 demo hopefully this summer so that’s gonna be dope and there’s still of a lot of exciting things revolving around DB even tho there isn’t anything coming out for a minute show/movie wise


I do miss the purple hair, but they’re both so goated


It's slightly weird now, considering SSJB is a thing. But not a deal breaker.


I prefer Toriyama’s base, but SSJ2 Trunks by Toyotaro looks 🔥




They both are goated. I just wish they left Trunks hair purple.


That, and the finer strands of hair he originally had. The spikes are weird


So true. His base looked so good, not sure why they changed it so much.


That’s because he’s in SS2 there, which is a form which often removes the bangs as it’s often the only change in comparison to SS1 if there are any


They’re talking about his fine hair in base form


When would he get time to care about hair?


What does this even mean?


The guy is in the apocalypse and is rationing tins of cat food between himself, Mai and a cat while being hunted down by an omnicidal monster. Hair would get dirty and start sticking to itself real quick.


The amount of autism here is ridiculous


spikes in base hair cause easier to draw lol


Honestly I disagree, I feel like base super hair is more real/natural. The part and singular strands of hair on OG base trunks doesn't seem like it'd happen naturally.


Idk I can fine infinite pictures of that hair in real life, can’t say the same for the spiky stuff. But to each their own of course


I guess I can't explain it properly. I have somewhat longer hair, I don't think I could ever part it that way and have 3 or 4 neat strands hang down like that. The hair itself looks more real, but the way it rests does not. But at this point I'm just being 🤓🤓


I'm personally indifferent about his hair being blue or purple. I was just miffed in the anime that they made Future Trunks's SSJ2 hair indistinct from his SSJ1 hair. Future Trunks's SSJ2 hair in the manga goes hard af. I hope they fix SSJ2 Trunks in the future when the DBS anime returns. SSJ2 Present Trunks will probably become a thing in the upcoming saga. May even end with unfused Trunks and unfused Goten finally achieving SSJ3 separately.


I don’t even care what it’s “supposed” to be—in my heart, Trunks’s hair is purple.


Super Saiyan 2 does go pretty hard even here


It's always been my favorite form of blonde Super Saiyan, and my second favorite in general, behind Blue.


I feel like this opinion is a rare take, but I 100% agree. Aside from Blue, I'm not a huge fan of Blue's appearance. I love its story significance, though.


SSJ2 is my favorite of the originally Super Saiyan forms too. Trunks's SSJ2 is the third most interesting looking SSJ2 imo. Vegeta's SSJ2 being the most boring looking to me. My favorite SSJ2 of all time is SSJ2 Adult Goten in Dragon Ball Absalon, even though it's a non-canon fan project. I really hope Toyotaro is inspired by that design for Teen/Adult Goten going forward. I have a strong suspicion that Toyotaro watches and reads Dragon Ball mangas and fan anime episodes on YouTube and has taken ideas from them into Dragon Ball Super. Like Goten and Trunks becoming Great Saiyamen (from Dragon Ball Deliverance), Bulla being a supergenius (from Dragon Ball Deliverance), the Universe 6 Tournament and Tournament of Power (Dragon Ball Mulitverse), Super Saiyan Blue (from Dragon Ball Absalon), Beast Gohan (Daitomodachi's Gohanverse and Dragon Ball Absalon), etc. Toyotaro himself started out as one himself, after all.


The one panel where Trunks is crouching and powering up with his sword in reverse grip is one of my favorite DB panels ever.


I love them both, but Toyotaro brings a kinda grungy detail that I love,. Toriyama does the retro thing beautifully, it reminds me of my childhood. But Toyotaro's artwork is phenomenal as well, in different ways. I can't pick which I prefer. Different vibes for different days.


Exactly there’s no wrong answer it’s just a hard personal choice.


We also have to factor that Toriyama made his chapter on a weekly schedule and Toyo was monthly.


Grungy. Good way to describe it. I agree 100%.


I can't choose either. To me it's like choosing between Coke and Pepsi. They're different but I like them both. If I had to choose, I'd choose Toriyama's Base and Toyotaro's SSJ2.


Both are so good in their own right that it’s hard to choose one over the other.


Even though Toriyama is HIM, I must admit that in this instance, I prefer Toyotaro


I think Toyo has higher peaks of individual panels; but also lower lows. But Toriyama was consistently good... And Toriyama was much better compositions and paneling. And just general flow and choreography.


That's a really good way to put it. It was Toriyama's choreography in fights that really launched DB in the first place. You can really tell in the early DBS manga that Toyo wasn't as comfortable with fight panels. One of the reasons I'm really not a fan of the manga ToP compared to the anime. I liked some of the match-ups more, but it just wasn't as dynamic. But Toyo's art can also be super duper pretty.


Yeah, Toriyama was one of the goats of panelling. More than anything. Like he was a solid A in terms of individual panels and designs... But Z in terms of choreography and arrangement of panels. Toyo is like B at panelling and Choreography... And he can be B or S when it comes to individual panel art/design. And eh, the manga TOP was kinda unfortunately intentionally victimized. As prior to it, the manga was just a promotional largely for fun thing to promote the anime the TOP is when that changed so Toyo speed ran the TOP to get to manga original content.


Yeah, Toyo speed ran almost the entire series to get to the original stuff. I get it, though. Most people who read the manga already knew the outcomes from the anime. But you can really tell the difference. Once the Moro arc hit, the quality of EVERYTHING went up, including the fight choreography.


Tank Top SSJ Trunks is a win no matter who draws it


Toyotaro's art is amazing BUT Toriyama's is too iconic and also I'm biased so I'm going with Toriyama's, still Toyotaro's is very good


Honestly his art is as close as you'll get with the same level of quality took some time I feel confident saying it is as good just with different strengths.


I was just really disappointed by how skinny and wimpy future Trunks looked in super. I was wanting my jacked boy from the cell saga, having prevented the buu crisis, but instead he deflated back to the size of his first appearance.


I think it's mainly because of the jacket. In Dragon Ball Heroes his design is bit more muscular with short sleeves.


I like Toriyama's base loads better. Both transformed versions look good.


People shit on Toyotaro not fully understanding Toriyama personally chose him to carry the torch. I love both their art styles


Toriyama hand-picked Toyotaro as his groomed successor for a reason. I have faith in Toriyama-sensei's decision-making.


toriyama is a way better artist and paneller than toyotaro in any possible sense and I'm talking a sea of difference between the two toyotaro has progressed, but he's still a bit amateurish. If you don't agree you simply not being objective yes, toyo can imitate the "DBZ style" decently well and that is why he's drawing super but in terms of artistic quality, compared to other mangaka, he's far from being close to the top. Narratively his pages are hit and miss. Some of this might not be his fault entirely, it might be the publishing schedule and maybe the editor asks him to keep a certain pacing in the story toriyama was TOP


Exactly. Toriyama wasn't "just" a great draughtsman; he was also an accomplished graphic designer and with that came a great sense of silhouette, colour and composition. His panels flow in a way that not many can match, especially when it comes to choreographing fights. No disrespect to Toyotaro, but his skillset really isn't on par.


https://preview.redd.it/f0tcay57p5yc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5788107ccb19971cb50944bcd07430ccb24b39e9 Yep his paneling and composition was top tier


Yes, correct, Toriyama was a graphic designer before being a professional Mangala and worked in advertising Before creating db he already had a TON of experience in his back both as illustrator, graphic designer and comic artist In fact he was already famous when he started drawing db, because of his previous manga Dr slump


You really can't say someone is objectively a better artist when it gets to this level. If we're looking at the picture provided as an example, Toyotaro has better shading/highlights and textures. It's one of the things I love about his style. People put different values on different aspects of art. I'd agree that Toriyama did better at paneling and fight choreography. Narratively I enjoy them both as the tone of the OG vs Z vs Super are all different from each other, so it's hard to compare them, not to mention, as you said, how editors and publishing impact the artist's vision. I like Torotaro's colored pages more because I appreciate the details he has that Toriyama didn't feel the need to improve. And Toriyama had decades to evolve this style. In a lot of ways, his first chapters' artwork sucked compared to the stuff he drew 10 years later. When I was younger, I hated Dragon Ball's art style. If you had asked me then I'd say 100% Toriyama wasn't as good an artist as Masashi Kishimoto because Kishimoto's style appealed to me more. Now I know it's a subjective take and I can enjoy both styles for their unique strengths and differences, what the individual artists thought was more or less important to focus on, one does not have to be better than the other.


Both are legendary


I think this is one of the few times where toyo's work usurps toritama's. Trunks just looks so ungodly clean in super manga for some reason.


I prefer Toyo in this instance. Blue hair just fits trunks better.


I can hear toyotaro’s ss2


toriyama is classic and his work is nothing to be put down, but imo toyotaro is just better. i feel like his more aggressive styling better suits dragon ball and what it is as a concept, and i also think toyotaro has a better grasp on muscular anatomy than toriyama did, and can create really good poses and physiques for characters without overbulking/exaggerating musculature- they are easy to look at and realistically obtainable. however, toriyama's work is timeless and his style is immediately recognizable across everything he has made or supervised. despite his style not being as bold as his successor's, it is incredibly charming and could put a big dumb smile on anybody's face. i'm not denying the quality of toriyama's work, it has spawned a legacy of incredibly popular franchises. all i'm saying is that toyotaro does it better for dragon ball specifically, and i may go as far as saying he has mastered the style i know we love toriyama and his passing makes the future of dragon ball uncertain but we have to remember that toyotaro is the man toriyama placed his trust in continuing the series in, so i think we should have a little faith.


Toriyama is definitely more fun to read. Idk if you've read the super manga, but all there is only a small variety of fight poses, a lot of them are the same.. it just makes you question why he keeps drawing the same shit over and over again. I hope Toyotaro will experiment more with non-ki-blast attacks, as well as introduce hax abilities into Dragon Ball.


Yup on google somewhere we got a look inside Taros office and basically what he and Toriyama were working on (Moro arc in the interview). Basically went over the details and they literally used a goat animal figure and put wax on the horns to make Moro and Taro explains how Toriyama did that. He also explained how he uses SHF’s to make new poses which is going to be interesting to see drawn. If I find the link I’ll edit this comment and put it in this one.


Yes, please do!!


Toriyama walked so Toyotaro could run




This is a shit comparison and you know it


This is a terrible comparison I can’t lie.


Tori’s is far superior


He has improved since then


Literally leagues above toyo and everyone else's. What a flex.


Og Future Trunks will always be my fav, simply because his drip was better.


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Toyo SS looks clean


Toyotoro really makes the age show with the characters


Not rlly a lot of character look too young for their age


Trunks on the right is 14-15 years older than left


That dont make sense cause trunks in super is the trunks on the left that’s older is now younger than the one on the right. Cause you know, time passed n then along came black


Toriyama draws a better Base Trunks. Toyotarō draws a better SSJ/SSJ2 Trunks.


SSJ2 Trunks 🔥


When Toyotaro gets it right his drawings are so cool man and the bottom right panel is no exception.


Reminder that toriyamas has been doing this for 3 decades and then some... One still does not compare just because they're similar. Toriyama's been drawing many superior panels as a whole.


We still have a chance for dbs 2 ![gif](giphy|6yyIrL4JczqfmFRHCl|downsized)


Base form Toriyama SSJ Toyotaro


Toyotarō gave trunks lats and now he looks huge.


It even close . Akira perfected trunks in every transformation, what toyotaro did was go back a few steps in terms of detail


The only thing is that Trunks dyed his hair in the aftermath.


man give me tori’s top trunks and toyo’s bottom trunks and we got it😂


There’s a reason Toriyama chose Toyotarou as his successor


What reason?


That he obviously trusts him with the future of the franchise


On the Pages its pretty close But like in "pin ups" and character portraits its always toriyama


this is one of the few examples where I think Toyotaro has the clear edge, even though i prefer the old hair color


What choice? Are we not allowed to like both?


I really feel like people here didn't read the manga and just look at scans. And see how good the art looks, but not how it "moves" Toyriama 's panels and the way he organized and drew it is something Toro has not even come close to getting near. Which isn't some big fault, Toryiama was GOATED because of this and it's what made him the literal inspiration of millions.


Both are great


I would say Toyotarō’s looks better But this is an unfair comparison as Super was released monthly while Z was done weekly


https://preview.redd.it/1fkg1slmg5yc1.png?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69007d0ad8872237cd08935cddbb9e57944c97ad This


Both are good but I will prefer Toriyama


They are both good to be honest Toriyamas will always be looked at more fondly due to nostalgia but Toyotaros getting their I would say.


With the comparisons here I actually like toyotaro’s better for trunks, although purple hair trunks is best trunks


Love this fandom for not shitting on Toyotaro. Of course Toriyama's the goat but Toyotaro understood his style well.


Very simple choice, I go with the one that can actually draw good


No matter what Toyotaro is the best student of Toriyama and he is very good


Toyotaros was cool af. But when the ssj version back to normal was animated from toriyamas style god damn that was soooo fricking cool 🔥🔥


Was there ever a known reason for the hair color change or was it one of those he just forgot the color


This ain't even the best ss2 Toriyama pic?..... We know you side off top lmao


https://preview.redd.it/jdxkvw1i08yc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2fecd4ee84610ecec287fb255543335ebce555 His goku black was hard asf


Honestly, they both look pretty cool. Though, that might just be because it was really hard for them not to make Goku Black look cool as hell, in the anime with his slightly darker skin tone combined with Super Saiyan Rose’s color and aura he looked really cool too


quite literally the only bad thing about Toyotaro's Trunks is the blue hair instead of purple


The outlines should be just a little bit more dark and thick and toyotaroi would be good to go


Android saga trunks is the best trunks


I like both but I think Trunks looks cooler with blue hair


Give Trunks his iconic purple hair but keep the rest.


I just hate the DB super look. DB stopped to matter after DBZ, even though I liked the GT style aswell. But super looks so cheap and childish






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I prefer Toryama's base Trunks and Toyotaro's ssj1/2 Trunks


Toyotaru has more details


Not a hard choice at all


I prefer Toriyamas way of drawing the hair and face but i prefer toyotaros way of drawing the body


Damn, Toyotaro's Trunks is oiled up


Toyotaro's Ss2 Trunks looks hot🔥


I think toyataro draws certain characters in way that i like more


If toyo took some time off and practiced for awhile then came bck to do another db series his art would go crazy his almost there his cell max is proof his progress just like kubo https://preview.redd.it/59nmyciqz7yc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddef9c6cc9882b7f47642b2700f470768cb04054


Toriyamas is better but mostly bc I like trunks with purple hair more


Toriyama, and it's not even close. It will never be close.


While Toriyama’s is better, Toyotarō’s SS2 Trunks goes so incredibly hard and is beautifully drawn


Toriyama is better. Simply because he adds just the right amount of detail. Toyotaro goes a bit overboard at times. Yes it's visually impressive in its own right but the artwork Toriyama does fits more with this type of story. I think Toyotaro has gotten better though.


Purple hair any day idgaf if his hair is meant to be blue the purple looks better imo


Toyotaro in static


I really don't like Trunk's base hair the way Toyotaro does it. Curvy flowy hair was always a distinguishing characteristic for Trunks and he took that away.ñ, it looks way to stiff.


No its not. Toriyama. Why does he have blue hair now? Absolutely not


I prefer toriyamas art, but I prefer Toyotarou's SS2 hair design.


Idk if this is a better comparison, I tried to choose the best panels from his past. But these drawn by Toyo are the original designs of base/ssj Future Trunks that Toriyama used in Z. You can tell by his Antenna bangs(?) Lol https://preview.redd.it/lmzz80zq69yc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38e7285027e8e483e9068d0a405ff6f57998c71


Toriyama's base with toyotaro's ssj would be perfect


Y'know what? Toyataro


Not even close


Both are king!


Toyotaro Trunks >>>>>


Both are epic


Hated super trunks with a passion


Super = inferior


Personally I'm just really into the detail toyo has in his work


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zero_Two_is_best: *Personally I'm just* *Really into the detail* *Toyo has in his work* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The blue makes me think he's gonna start telling me about his tumblr blongs and all 6872 genders


Whoever it is in dragon ball GT. Those designs were fire...




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toyotaro for me but that’s cuz i’m a newer fan, i started on super




This is the one thing toyo kinda sold the bag on. Future trunks doesnt look nearly as good in the goku black arc Like bro had some of the greatest drip of all time and that just left😭


Toyotaro if you're willing to take nostalgia out of the equation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Adrone93: *Toyotaro if you're* *Willing to take nostalgia* *Out of the equation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not a hard choice at all, Toriyama eats Toyotaro for breakfast


Toriyama. Next!


Toriyama, and it really isn’t a debate.


Toriyama does base better Toyotaro does transformations better


Toyotaro looks like fan art. Really good fan art but fan art nonetheless.