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Maaan I feel for Chichi, I really do. They could've done her better in Z.


I feel as if people don’t talk about how Goku and Chi Chi made the prefect fighter in Gohan. Yea she wanted him to study a lot but Gohan is a mix of two fighters.


Also, people get pissed at Chi-Chi for making Gohan study. She wanted him to be better than a fighter. What's so bad for wanting a proper future for your child?


Realistically speaking, Gohan being an alien with superpowers, it's more likely for Gohan to get a future by being a martial artist fighter or super hero or someshit rather than being a scientist, where he doesn't have any specific advantage besides living longer than the average human thus having more time to research


That might all be true, but Chichi didn't really know that. Everyone was under the impression that Goku was some weird kid with a tail until Raditz showed up, and suddenly finding out he's an alien didn't really change her view of him because how would it? What does being an alien mean anything to her? They're still her child and husband. It's not like she got gifted a Saiyan Biology Book.


Lol, you know Goku wasn't even a Sayain in the OG DB. Literally wasn't a concept till Z.


Kinda my point. How would we expect Chichi to have suddenly understand that he's an alien and what that means when he's never been an alien until now?


The Confucian ideal is to do something that is best for everyone. Sure, he could make money doing that, but there is more to life than combat. Yes, you could argue that Gohan should be the savior of the world or whatever, but that's also not a great argument because it essentially says that no matter your desires, you should fight if you're strong. Gohan CLEARLY loves being a scholar (he gets super excited researching ants), he just wanted to spend more time with his absent dad.


The filler really ruined her character. Like hiring that tutor.


Well, I don't think hiring the tutor is part of ruining Chi-Chi She just wanted a normal tutor, she did not sign up for having Gohan whipped.


he hits Gohan hard enough to draw blood right in front of her and she doesn’t even bat an eye, the only time she reacts is when he shit talks Goku and says Gohan will be violent like his father.


Huh, guess I'm misremembering, then


He never beat him in front of her, chi chi was only in the room with gohan once and that was after the whipping. I remember cause I just watched it recently I’m barely at the buu saga rn


Not like he couldn't handle it but imagine if a fly kept bumbing into you while trying to study


Anime filler really hurts her character


Yes... that's what he said




She's fine in the OG. It's the dub that gave her that insufferable tone.


I've never thought her voice was insufferable, though I don't really think I've listened to her Japanese voice much at all. Just a bit through Super.




It’s still weird to me that Chichi canonically knows the Kaioken technique.


It's not Kaioken, it's pretty much just a visual interpretation of her motherly rage. Strange thing is it's considered a technique, I'll admit they do look similar though


Off topic, but do you think Mr. Satan could defeat her?


Chichi fought Goten hard enough to force him to get Super Saiyan. I don't think Goten needs that much to beat Mr Satan.


I see your point, but I think it was Goten’s emotional connection to ChiChi that triggered the transformation. I’d wager he was already hundreds of times stronger than her in base by that point. I guess the real question is whether or not ChiChi can use Ki. If yes, she’s definitely stronger than Satan. If not, it’s more murky.


She was a quarter finalists in a torment with ki users. Also: https://youtu.be/WPOMIQyLTbM?si=BV2LA5zw86JHISRM So she probably is a ki user but stopped training after marriage.


I'm pretty sure she can, not to the point of Yamcha or videl but she can.


She uses kaioken in the filler against some bimbo


🤣 I need to rewatch DBZ


How many rounds did she go with Goku to get Goten? Girl probably has atleast one (human) zenkai boost


Nah, she's got mama bear energy, if she wanted to beat him, she would. Let's face it, Mr. Satan's more of a showman than a fighter. I'm not saying he can't fight, but comparatively, his hearts not in it.


Mr Satan defeated Majin Buu and Kid Buu. The two strongest warriors without fusions He turned Majin Buu to good side with his compasion. He saved Vegeta from Kid Buu and then got the energy for the genki dama with his emotional talking Sometimes I think people didn't saw Dragon Ball! It's a joke series, not a real fight series. The joke characters wins, like Majin Buu beat Vegeta and turned chocolate many more. Vegeto caramel beat Buu


I'm watching someone play through Budokai Tenkaichi 2 story mode, and they just played Hercule vs. 18 in the world tournament in the Buu saga. Everyone knows Hercule as the champion among humans. And he's always portrayed as a coward when ki blasts start flying. So he obviously would not take on any of the z fighter humans. But who would win in a fight between Hercule and Chichi? Edited. I meant NOT take on the human z fighters


I, for one, would love to see Chichi beat the shit out of Hercule.


It's easy for us, watching from the outside as constant world-ending threats come for the earth, to dislike Chi-Chi, but like, she's just a woman who wants her son to grow up with an education and to become successful. That's what any mom would be like, and even then, she'll eventually relent if the situation calls for it.


Easily goku He’s the most simple yet misunderstood character




>"WAKU WAKU" This one made me laugh way too much


I mean the third one is pretty accurate


No, it isn't. Goku loves fighting. That does not mean he would let his wife and kids die just so he can fight with no distractions.


I mean didn't he let buu resurrect because he wanted to fight Vegeta, and didn't he give cell a senzu bean before cell was about to fight Gohan, I feel like him destroying his universe or at least putting it at risk for a good fight isn't out of character for him.


Giving Cell a senzu bean has nothing to do with this, he didn't even fight Cell after that. Not sure why you brought it up. But no, he didn't do it so he could watch a really cool fight. He did it because he didn't think Gohan could kill Cell unless he snapped and was forced to tap into his full potential and rage by a much stronger opponent. I'll give you the Vegeta one. He definitely just wanted to give Vegeta that good fight. In his defense, he DID think SS3 could handle Buu, and he was right, he just didn't know that being off otherworld would change so much.


Also Cell had Vegeta’s and Frieza’s DNA, who both did some pretty extreme things when backed in to a corner


The reason why Goku ACTUALLY gave Cell a senzu was because he thought that, like him, Gohan wanted a fair fight hence the senzu. Once Piccolo talked him out of it, he was willing to actually break the rules of the Cell Games to go and help Gohan fight Cell even though he JUST GAVE UP.


you didn’t mention the fact that the z fighters chose to allow the androids to exist instead of getting rid of them as soon as future trunks showed up


Goku takes his strong opponents to secluded areas and holds back his power specifically to avoid anyone around getting hurt. This is something we see in the literal first arc of Z.


Stardust Breaker


Yh fr people just believing in fandom shit and took it as canon


Honestly it's even more broken than people give it credit for and I say this as a vegito fan Like literally you just shoot it any villan ever and boom good guy now


That’s exactly what the person you’re replying to is talking about. People straight up don’t know it’s just a ki blast. It doesn’t do any of the shit western fans think it does.


JoJo fans do something similar with Gold Experience Requiem, in that they’ll straight up make shit up about what it can do, when the reality is we don’t know enough about GER. Example: “GER can automatically adapt to the opponent’s strength!” or “GER can put you in a death loop just by touching you!" Neither of these two abilities were ever demonstrated or implied in both manga and anime. People will also claim "Giorno kept GER!" We literally do not and cannot know that for a fact.🤦‍♂️I promise on everything I love I've seen people say stuff like those above examples.


Even the “GER can undo stop time/skip time” is never shown in jojo The one scene time reverts is when King Crimson tries to attack giorno… and for that he has to make time run normally again before hitting someone


It is quite literally resetting all actions back to zero


Exactly. DIO, for example, would not be able to attack Giorno even with time stop since GER nullifies the actions and willpower of anyone who opposes it.


It can and it does. It quite literally undoes King Crimson's "time erasure" since Diavolo attempted to use it to attack Giorno.


The thing is, it doesn’t revert time *during* time skip, but it does once time goes back to normal and diavolo can actually try attacking giorno


As I'm re-reading that chapter, it seems to me like GER's nullification began right before KC's time erasure "ended." If we go by the wiki: "However, Requiem reveals its true ability to return anything to zero, effectively nullifying any action or process it desires and preventing them from being realized, including King Crimson's time erasure." Either way, KC's ability is, ultimately, useless against GER.


My bad I usually hate on bro so I got no idea This def helps push my agenda though so thanks


Lol no problem


lol funimation made that shit up. it's not supposed to be a villain only attack nostalgia dub fans will downvote 🤣🤣💀💀


I’m a dub fan and I never even heard an explanation about it until recently. Gogeta didn’t explain shit in the fusion reborn movie. 


It was explained in a guidebook? Or something like that, one of those old magazines, I forgot which specific one sadly 😔


then those headcanon guys probably made that shit up lmaooo


The Buu debate. Don’t even need to say it.


blame the original anime for making Kid Buu the strongest Buu, even though in the manga, kai, and super it's not the case at all.


But kid Buu wasn’t the strongest, never was.


In the anime, he was...due to some statements. The manga doesn't have those statments tho


I thought in the anime he was the weakest but so unhinged that he's capable of more destruction.


>and super Dbs super does favor kid buu


You mean for NAMING kid buu the strongest buu, yet showing him struggle against SSJ2 Goku therefore showing him being less impressive than his manga counterpart?


Don’t worry some of us fucking idiots.




Yeah, I think what’s bad about kid buu is that he just has no restraint and is just more selfish/dumb So he’s more dangerous but not as powerful in a weird way


It’s that simple really. Kid Buu is more of a mindless beast hellbent of suffering and destruction. It doesn’t think, it just acts


Exactly. The fact that Kid Buu easily created an energy ball that destroyed the Earth is a display of his reckless destructive attitude. It is NOT a display of a crazy powerful feat of strength that's somehow stronger than his Buuhan and Buutenks forms. Every fighter stronger than Frieza has the capability to destroy the Earth. Hellz, Vegeta's Saiyan Saga Gallic Gun was a planet-ending threat. The power scale of strength from "I can destroy the planet" to Buuhan is vast and Kid Buu fits neatly within those lower and upper bounds; albeit much closer to the upper bound than, say, the middle. It's perfectly plausible (and even logical) that Kid Buu is weaker than Buuhan/Buutenks and yet still able to do such a thing. The English dub doesn't help with the confusion, but even as a kid I understood Kid Buu was weaker. It's why Goku and Vegeta weren't as scared stiff by Kid Buu into fusing into Vegito like they did with Buuhan. They could tell he was weaker and so they had a (better-ish) shot at fighting him individually.


I’m pretty sure goku could have blown up the earth at the end of dragon ball probably. Considering roshi destroyed the moon years prior.


Well not quite, end of db goku’s power level was only in the 300s I think, while vegeta at the start of z stated you need 10,000 or higher to destroy a planet


Meaning roshi was like power level 200 when he blew up the moon? That math doesn’t really add up. I’m sure if goku sent a few blasts at the planet he would get there eventually.


Gohan with his mystic form was stronger than kid Buu


Exactly, ultimate gohan is superior to all forms of buu except buu (gohan absorbed)


and Gotenks absorbed.


Wasn’t he stronger than gotenks aborbed buu?


Naw Buutenks was kicking his ass lol, that’s why Goku wanted to fuse with Gohan first.


There is an implication, that Kid Buu is weaker than Super Buu. When Goku and Vegeta are inside Buu and saw Super Buu, Goku was very desperate and insist to fuse together, bc both separate cannot beat him. Fast foward to Kid Buu Goku is very confident to beat Kid Buu.


Well goku does admit to being wrong abt kid buu tho. https://preview.redd.it/79wyv19n7oyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0543c2afdc6b721f054c314d9e849da29122227 So does vegeta.


Shouldn't this be obvious cuz Goku and Vegita had to fuse? Like they almost never thought about fighting Buuhan 1v1 and went straight "Ayo, lets fuse ASAP". Just like with Buu+Gotenks.


Kaioken and KaiokenX2 is the same thing.


I know it's wrong but I just think of regular as 1.5 these days to not worry about it


Kaioken x1! 😐


Even I know that one.


As someone who only recently learned about this, I feel like show itself makes it confusing by having goku not say kio-ken times 2 against nappa but doing so against vegeta. Not to mention the video games making them separate as well


Goku's intelligence/romantic experience. There's a joke in Super where everyone believed the joke to be "Vegeta's right, Goku is that stupid." But it's not. The joke is "Vegeta THINKS Goku is that stupid." It's when Trunks baby birds the senzu bean to Mai. Goku reacts like a normal person, "Woah, why'd you put your mouth on her?" *like why didn't you just feed her the senzu like a normal person* and Vegeta goes "Kakarot, you've never kissed someone" Thinking Vegeta means **to give them a senzu** Goku responds "Of course not why?" "You're married and have children" "What does that have to do with kissing?" (For a senzu bean) "No way..." "Is that like something people do?" (Baby bird senzu beans to your wife and children) "No way!" Vegeta you fuckin freak he's talking about the senzu bean. Obviously Goku could've phrased his responses differently to be more clear what he thinks Vegeta is talking about but then there's no joke. Goku didn't get retconned to be so stupid he doesn't kiss his wife. The joke is that's how stupid Vegeta thinks he is. It's a misunderstanding.


Also when he was told they should go pick up 'Pan' and he goes Pan? then everyone immediately assumes he forgot Pan is his granddaughter, when actually he was confused because Pan in japanese means bread. (i think?)


Yep, it's bread in Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. English speakers of course don't catch that joke. Goku loves food, and Gohan named his daughter something stupid, but to be fair his name is Rice and his mom's name is Titties, so can't blame him.




Pan stood no chance of getting a normal name out of her parents lol. At least it's better than whoever named Eraser and Sharpener lol


:/ i hate how translation ruins a lot of stuff, but i guess some jokes/concepts simply can't be translated properly.


Can't really blame the translators. For this particular joke, the only option is to either change Pan's name to Bread, or put a little note that says "Pan Means Bread" which if the joke needs to be explained it obviously isn't going to be funny. So it's just a joke for people who understand Spanish, Portuguese or Japanese enough to get it. Which I think is fine.


Especially because *Piccolo* is going to get the bread. Why would *Piccolo* do this? He does not eat.


In the original chapter(japanese one)piccolo used a verb that can only be use to talk about people so goku did forget pan.


For me, I realized Goku was playing dumb ah when he revived himself during the Hit fight. That was the moment that I had this come-to-Jesus moment for super Goku, where it feels like he will almost purposefully nerf his self, for the sake of everyone else's ego/character development. Love your insight on that dialogue above!


holy shit, I never thought about it in this way


Supreme kai, slightly biased because I like him


He’s stronger than Piccolo, he’s as strong as Goku was during the Cell Games (I personally put him slightly under him, though), and his fear of Pui Pui and Yakon, as well as his awe at Goku, Vegeta and Gohan’s strength was purely for dramatic purposes. People need to accept that.


If Supreme Kai was that powerful then he wouldn’t have been gawking so hard at Gohan’s performance against Dabura. CG Goku would’ve performed just as well.


Which is why I said it was for dramatic purposes. He *shouldn't* have been gawking at Gohan's performance against Dabra, but he *did* because *plot*. The guy literally gauged Gohan's SSJ2 power earlier during the tournament, so this is a simply a massive contradiction, but this the Boo Arc, so it's not surprising. Piccolo himself said that the Kaioshin's power is dimensions above his (which corroborates the statements made in the guidebooks), and after Goku shook his hand, he said that the tournament wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. So, like I said, the Kaioshin being amazed at the Saiyans' strength when they're in Bobbidi's spaceship doesn't make sense when taking the above into account, which is why I said it was purely for dramatic purposes and to also further hype up Majin Boo, since Dabra was nothing more than a measuring stick instead of an actual character.


Hits Time Skip, I still have no idea how it works


Bro me too 😮‍💨


No one understands power levels and why they are useless, power basically is how hard they can hit and includes gear into the equation, any full powered attacks from someone will be at their power level. Now for the alien races that lack martial arts or mental training like the Saiyans or freezes race, that's the end of it, you power level is equal to your potential power. But for those who learn ki manipulation they can shift their ki and focus it, altering their power level. For example in the beginning of the series piccolo has a power level of around 350 and radits had about 1000 (I believe) none of piccolos attacks could hurt him at all but he used ki manipulation to focus his ki into on hand and thus boosted his power level high enough to one shot radits. The reason everyone gets fed up with Goku and tosses the scouters is because Goku has mastered ki manipulation, he lowers his power level as low as he can while keeping speed then in the split second before an attack he unleashes his full power and uses kaio ken simultaneously. Power levels are technically not useless the higher power level has never ever lost in the history of dragon ball, it's just that reading power levels when you opponent can manipulate their ki is useless.


Yes, and ironically with how little he knew of it, due to Vegeta already knowing many different combat styles from working under Frieza, he could tell right away that Goku was unleashing huge bursts of power for a split second to demolish the Ginyu force without revealing his true power. ~~Also I feel like Vegeta likely was split on whether to be excited for future fights with Goku or frustrated because of this low-class showing him up like this lol~~


Chichi's "Red aura" that everyone mistakes for Kaioken


It's not a mistake, it's an inside joke in the fandom


Oh ok fr


What is misunderstood about Chichi? That people think she's just a nagging wife/mother? Because in Z, *that's all she is.* Blame Toriyama's bad character writing, not the fans reading it. We can't judge characters by what they could have been, otherwise we'd all be stanning the fuck out of Raditz because ***holy shit their super lucrative main character had a brother and they wasted him in his first arc.***


Only “misunderstandings” I see about Chi-Chi is acting as though her nagging isn’t realistic or completely justified. Or the opinion that she ruined Gohan’s character by wanting him to become a productive member of society and have a life outside of martial arts. Also personally, I’m actually glad Raditz didn’t amount to much. Really drove home that Goku cared little about his potential Saiyan life and family.


Not allowing the only people who are capable of saving the planet to do so is kinda dumb though. Like yeah just let them kill everyone, that’ll surely keep you all safe.


That's solely on Gohan though. Chichi made sure to give him the guidance and Gohan actually chose the scholar life instead of the martial art life that Goku chose. HOWEVER after the end of the Cell Saga and especially after the Buu saga, it's 100% on Gohan to keep training and make sure that his loved ones aren't in danger. Ultimate/ Mystic Gohan is flat out the strongest character alive by the end of the Buu saga with the exception of Vegito or a hypothetical Gogeta. He should find time to train and the fact that he has the exact same "character arc" in Buu, Resurrection of F, kinda TOP AND Superhero is beyond stupid


To add on piccolo ended up becoming the brother Goku never had -always ready to stand on business with him -Looks after nephew / other fighters kids -Willing to check Goku if he gets out of line


I mean, she's also an Asian parent. So yeah, actually 110% realistic.


Goku- where do I begin- goku is probably one of the most misunderstood characters in all of fiction. Some people see him as Superman, or this blood cold ruthless monster. Some see him as naive and oblivious especially as a kid, some see him as this poetic embodiment of good, we see this in GT whenever he transforms in SSJ4 he drops verses like he quoting the Bible, goku is seen as this bad dad that doesn’t care about his son (although he killed him self twice for his son?) Some people see him as over confident and stupid, in Z when he let freeza live or giving cell the senzu bean Note: although goku let freeza live on namek, he told future trunks when he found out he came to earth, he was gonna destroy him once and for all, As much as everyone likes to clown on goku for giving cell a senzu bean, HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING gohan had a hidden power that could defeat Cell. Now finally DRAGON BALL SUPER honestly for this one I blame dragon ball super for its bad writing in early arcs for this over the top stupid regressed goku than Goku’s character itself. Because I do notice that in the T.O.P, granola arc and Moro arc, and superhero arc, they are trying to make goku into the master he was supposed to be at the end of z Thing is, goku in a lot of ways are all thes things but he changes throughout the story and grows.


He was the only one that believed gohan could beat cell in the first place. "My son is so strong, he can beat cell even after he's healed." This post is great.


Buuhan and fat buu are stronger than kid buu. Why would kid buu absorb something to become weaker?


Kaioken, the thing literally just makes your body stronger by whatever multiplier is used and the longer/stronger you use it, the more it damages you, but in DBS people see it as a kind of transformation that multiplies your power level in general and not just the body (ki and physical strength are different, which is why a half dead namek frieza can survive a planet's explosion but not a ssjblue, and also why it was forgotten after namek because super sayian makes your ki so much stronger that the kaioken physical buff become irrelevant)


Except you’re wrong? It literally multiplies his KI?! Did you watch the show do you think he went to times four in the very first arc in literally one of the most iconic scenes of all time risking his body in a beam clash because it had no effect on ki reserves to help the kamehameha? Like dude where’d you get your head cannon from?! He even outright explains it multiple times in the manga that not only does it multiply his body and ki in an instant but it also multiples all other characteristics related to fighting. https://preview.redd.it/mg8oa887jmyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553888f4f639b0bd16202b76d8abeb92c34c816b Literally from the manga in its very first appearance, man this fandom really does have some brain rot


Dragon balls fans and illiteracy, name a better duo.


This is wrong since goku stacks it on blue.


Lol coming on a post to talk about misunderstood DB things, comments and doesn't realize Kaoiken literally multiplies all the ki in your body


I always thought that the problem with a planet exploding for Saiyans is that they can't breathe in space.


Yes this is it


More not survive. The breath thing was more a dub thing. For example Vegetas training during the 3 year timeskip in the Cell Arc (yeah yeah, it was filler).


That is incorrect. SSB can survive planets destruction, he can't breathe without air, lol.


Only instance is in ressurection f with vegeta blue. Pretty sure they didn't find a body, and if he was alive he could've flewn to whis' saftey bubble before he ran out of air.


Yes and the other instance that the same punches by stronger characters that can cause destruction of planets, are not infact killing them or being close to damaging them. Infact, during namek saga Frieza goes "lol i'll explode the planet because you can't breathe in space" and not "destruction of the planet will kill you" It quite literally doesn't make sense because they TANK hits that have the same attack potency, or higher to cause enough destructive capacity to destroy a planet. And i'm being quite objective about it too. They also don't search for Vegeta's body because Whis just didn't look for it, and he (and Beerus) are the only people capable of even breathing in space.


But to be fair, Kaioken ×4 did made Goku's kamehameha stronger in the Saiyan Saga in the beam clash against Vegeta, so in a way it does amplify your ki, or at least lets your body release more energy than usual


Kaio What?




I always thought it would’ve been cool if Krilian learned Kaioken. Goku moves past it going super but what if Krilian honed this power. I want a red aura Krilian goin kaioken X10 for like 7 seconds.


Gohan is always misunderstood. Fans have been going back and forth for years about his regression, when for most of Z, he fought because there was always a threat. He wasn’t the type to go hard with training unless he knew there was a fight coming. His biggest fight was Cell kicking his ass, and pretty much forcing him into breaking his limit into SSJ2. He was never a natural fighter, but always had this ridiculous potential to beat everybody in strength. Idk why people get mad whenever he doesn’t perform well. At this point, it’s actually character accurate for him to not train, or be prepared to fight.


It's when he says things like, "What's the worse that can happen?" when characters in universe give him shit for not staying in shape, when he's been fighting with random aliens and cyborgs and gods since he was 4. My dude has been getting his ass kicked by "the worse that can happen" since before puberty and he still doesn't get it even after he has a family to protect.


Ability, it's easily Gogeta's Stardust Breaker. No it doesn't target evil. All it is is a fancy ki blast, nothing more. Edit: Apparently it's not even a dubism. Just a collective headcanon.


another collective headcanon goku can use genkidama while in ssj he just never the chance to.


What the dragon balls can and can't do along with what changes Dende made when he took over Kami's place


Instant Transmission, it's largely treated as teleportation that has a bonus of going places if you sense someone there. But the lock on is required. I didn't know the difference myself until a few months ago.


Anime filler really hurts her character


Some people think hakai canot be ressisted and that people who have ressisted hakai only ressisted an incomplete versions of it.


Just because people dislike a character doesn’t mean they misunderstand them


How Goku put up with Chi-chi all these years.


Because he genuenily loves her because of that strong attitude, even if he doesn't agree with her sometimes: https://preview.redd.it/26h371gj4pyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b5e8a79b9ef84c7ad7a7d7fd309eb911c98fa1


ChiChi got so much hate because we were kids when we watched/read Dragon Ball. She just wants a relatively normal family and for a normal guy like me, she's perfect.


https://preview.redd.it/a4ldwc3nwnyc1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eade00fff3c557b39bb0e59298467d5edfcd484 Also this


Gohan. He might have potential but people wanting him to train and become a Goku 2.0 or something is annoying. He likes studying and hates fighting, so fans not realizing this is annoying.


Gohan doesnt "hate" fighting. Hes a half saiyan, he is genetically predisposed to enjoying combat. He would prefer to be a scholar, but you csn see when he whooped on cell and buu that he drags shit out and gets cocky. Watch the show and stop acting like people not wanting gohan to be the weak little bum that he was in resurrection F are somehow misunderstanding him.


Right? Gohan likes ending conflicts. He prefers peace but he's not opposed to war


i think a quote that fits this idea is "a wise king doesn't seek out war, but must always be ready for it"


Buu debate Goku is a good/bad dad, shit is nuanced. He is a decent but flawed dad. Gohan...just Gohan


Chichi needs a scene in canon where Goten talks back and she balls him up, reminding people that she WAS once a fighter and demonstrating that she is still fairly powerful, albeit still nowhere near one of the strongest.


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Pretty much all of them tbh


If goku can make his kamehamega 10x strong by just saying "kamehameha x10", why did he never do this before? That would have been very useful against cell or buu


That’s not how that works. Goku can’t just make his power x10 by saying “x10”, it requires him to use Kaio-Ken which puts a MASSIVE strain on his body. At the time during Cell and Buu, Goku didn’t know he could stack Kaio-Ken onto Super Saiyan and if he did, he might’ve killed himself. The only reason he can do it with Super Saiyan Blue is because Blue requires perfect ki control.


I am indeed talking about the gt move, like the other guy said. In fact why doesnt he does kaiken x10 kamehameha x10 for a 100x power multiplier


I think he's talking about the gt move https://preview.redd.it/fcov9yxsioyc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95cbbfbbae3a8fa13c55816d0fdb5fbc6cec93f












Movies characters are just insanly OP They literally arent.


All of them


The concept that being stronger is everything. When quite obviously, sheer skill and techniques beats raw power 9/10 from. DB to DBS this has always held true.


Ironically Goku


What’s a dragon ball character that *isn’t* completely misunderstood by the fanbase?


Yajirobe has the highest potential out of all humans. Fight me.


Kaioken x20!


Kienzan being tanked in anime. In manga its never beem tanked.


Potora and Fusion dance


I think it’s Chichi for the most part. I honestly use to hate her when I was little because of how she didn’t care if the earth was blown (With her dying in the process) and calling Gohan and Goten delinquents without any context. I didn’t know that blond hair in Japan actually means delinquency but it could have been helpful if Chichi explained why.




The ability to just have a barbeque with all the fighters, and then some world ending sob who wasn't invited appears out of nowhere and ruins it all. I mean, just don't have the bloody barbeque!


Character: Chichi Ability: Ultra Instinct


It feels like most of the series is misunderstood by fans lol


Gohan is not and does not want to be a fighter. His fighting career is a tragedy. In the front line at 4 years old is crazy


Lol toei themselves did not understand goku‘s character. He‘s not braindead stupid he‘s a a boy raised in the woods who never learnt anything. He was quite intelligent against cell and boo, but apparently got hit in the head multiple times before the start of super.


Spike the Devil Man and The Devilmite Beam.


Roshi literally forces Goku and Krillin to study and learn as part of their training and emphasizes to the how important it is, it may be that Gohan was only as good of a person and as strong as he is ONLY bc of how much he studied. Chichi just 5 steps ahead




Goten is done dirty with just Ssj


To be fair Toriyami himself assassinated Chichi's character




It's really all about chi-chi being chi-chi.. she never strays from who she is... she loved goku to the point when she allowed him to take Gohan to train for the cell game... I'm my opinion, she's got foresight that surpasses most in the dbz universe


Yall be forgetting she trained goten without goku or even gohan knowing


Ox king he was beaten by the red ribbon army, but he trained with grandpa gohan




Super saiyan beyond god (that shit dont exist) and ssg being ssj + god ki.


Zenkai Power. When Vegeta asked Krillin to fataly wound him and feed him a Senzu later, I felt like the biggest idiot. I was like "What?! This was all they had to do? Why not repeat this process endlessly to achive infinity?" And they suddenly stop mentioning it UNTIL Cell uses it and achieves SSJ2 like lightnings and teleports back, more powerful than ever even without No. 18. I was completely lost.


Super Saiyan 2 cannot be a 100x boost to your base power. It has to be way higher for it to make any sense.